
Whaaat?! Why Am I Pikachu In Marvel?!

Pixiu wakes up to find himself in the Marvel Movie Universe, transformed into a cute mouse Pokémon, Pichu. Start an evolution system, starting from Pichu, and start infinite evolution. then…… Thor: "My God, Father, save me, this strange Midgard rat is going to suck me dry!!!" Tuo*: "Oh! Pixiu, how is your body constructed to hold such a huge amount of energy? Can you let me study it and give you ten Ark reactors." Braised Egghead: "My God, how can you suck so much? You can suck up enough electricity to run New York for a day in just one hour!" And the King of God of a certain world: "Asshole, who the hell stole my lightning rod?!" One day Pixiu suddenly looked back, and suddenly found that he had become the most beautiful mouse in the Marvel universe. ____________________ EX Tier novel. Without any editing the story is SUPER readable. Not my novel.

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80 Chs

Becoming A Pichu

"Master, being able to choose Pichu means that your destiny belongs to you. Your name happens to be the same as your current identity. Is this a coincidence? No."

"Besides, the master still has me. With the evolution system, even if you are Pichu, you can become a god mound. As long as you work hard, you will be able to reach the peak of human, uh, rat birth in the future. It will not be a problem."

"Depend on."

Hearing the system's comfort, the corners of Pixiu's mouth twitched, extremely speechless.

Reaching the pinnacle of rat life? That's not a mouse, I want to turn back into a human.

"That's all, that's all, let's be safe when it comes."

After being speechless, Pixiu didn't bother to worry about his identity anymore, it has become a fact anyway.

After all, he has no other ability except to accept that Ability is particularly powerful.

Immediately afterwards, Pixiu looked at his information on the left.

Name: Pixiu (Pichu)

Gender: Neutral

Category: Mouse Pokémon

Rating: 1 star

Attribute: electricity

Height: 0.3M

Weight: 2.0kg

Skills: electric shock, coquettish

Status: Unevolvable (Condition not met)

Looking down one by one, Pixiu couldn't help but rolled his eyes when he saw the skills.

"Being like a baby, I can fuck you, what kind of unlucky cute animal skills."

After complaining, Pixiu didn't bother to look at the effect of the skill, put away the holographic panel, and then went straight to the topic.

"System, tell me quickly, how can I evolve to become stronger, and do you think I can save it, and have the possibility of turning back into a human?"

Marvel universe, this is not a good place, even the movie universe is full of disasters.

So even if you become an electric mouse, strengthening your strength and protecting yourself is the most important thing.

As for whether you can turn back into a human, this is the second most important thing. After all, you are used to being a human, and suddenly you are no longer a human. Pixiu said that he really can't get used to it for a while.

"Master, if you want to evolve, you need to devour a lot of energy and convert it into evolution points."

"Because you are a creature with electrical attributes, the basic energy is locked as electrical energy."

"In addition to electrical energy, other energies that have reached the source level can also be absorbed, but you need to evolve to a certain extent, the owner, otherwise you cannot open the source Energy Absorption module."

"Which kind of energy is the source level?" Pixiu was a little puzzled.

System: "For example, the Infinite Gems in this universe, Infinite Gems belong to the treasure of the rule category, and the energy contained in it belongs to the original level of energy."

"Oh, I see." Pixiu nodded his head in understanding.

"By the way, can I absorb lightning from nature now?"

"Yes, master, but for the time being, I hope that master will not take risks, because your current strength is not enough to resist the strike of a lightning bolt in nature."

Pixiu: "..."

In fact, he really had this idea just now.

Because he thought of the information he had seen on the Internet before.

The average energy of an ordinary lightning bolt is about 5 billion joules, which is about 1400 kilowatt-hours without considering the loss in the transmission and storage process.

And in addition to ordinary lightning, there is also a more powerful super lightning.

Super lightning refers to rare lightning that is more than 100 times more powerful than ordinary lightning.

The electricity generated by ordinary lightning is about 1 billion watts, while the electricity generated by super lightning is at least 100 billion watts, and may even reach trillions and ten trillion watts.

Since the basic energy can only absorb electric energy, it is better to go to a place where lightning is often generated, and find a way to eat a few lightning bolts, and the energy will not just come.

As a result, as soon as this thought arose, it was ruthlessly killed by the system.

This made Pixiu a little depressed, and couldn't help complaining:

"System, why are you such a rubbish, can't you absorb the lightning before it strikes me?"

"Uh, master, the system wants Energy Absorbing, and it needs your body to be in contact with the energy, Master, so that it can absorb it, and the efficiency of Energy Absorbing is also determined by your level, Master." The system seemed aggrieved. , also pushed the pot.


Seeing the system pushing the pot to him, Pixiu couldn't help rubbing his face with both hands.

Chi chi chi.

Immediately, wisps of golden electric arcs danced around the face and small hands.

"System, you are indeed a piece of rubbish. If you don't let me tell you what you are doing, if you turn me into a Thunder Spirit, Thunder Beast, or Thunder Dragon, there will be so many troubles."

Obviously, Pixiu still can't let go of his transformation into Pichu.

As a big man, if he wants to change, he has to become one of those powerful and domineering ones.

In the end, it turned into a cute electric mouse. Although it can discharge and evolve, but such a thing as a force, it fell from the sky into the big pit in one fell swoop.


What else can it do? It is also very desperate.

After all, in front of certain rules, even it can only obey silently, otherwise it is likely to be remade.

These days, as a system, it is getting more and more difficult to mix.

"Okay, okay, tell me quickly, how many evolution points do you need to evolve into Pikachu?"

Seeing that the system is silent, Pixiu can stop.

"Master, to evolve into Pikachu at your level, you need 10,000 evolution points."

"How do you calculate the difference between electrical energy and evolution points?" Pixiu asked the main point.

System: "According to the conversion ratio of 200:1, absorbing 200 kilowatt-hours of electricity can get 1 evolution point."

"I'll go, such a large ratio!"

Hearing the system's words, Pixiu was taken aback.

200 kilowatt-hours of electricity, this is only 1 evolution point, and this evolution point is too difficult to earn.

And to evolve from Pichu to Pikachu, you need 10,000 evolution points.

In this way, 10,000 evolution points are equivalent to 2 million degrees of electricity.

It turns out that I am still a big energy consumer.

Calculated on the basis of 0.5 yuan for 1 kilowatt-hour of electricity, that is 1 million RMB.

This means that there is not so much money after selling him.

Well, the electricity price mentioned above is the electricity price of the Great Heavenly Dynasty. As for the price of the United States, Pixiu does not know.

It's not cheap anyway, and Pixiu can't afford that money.

Pixiu made a trip to the ground like a salty fish, looked at the sky with white clouds, and said silently:

"System, where am I now?"