
Westview through the eyes of a Witch

Agatha used to be a mother figure to Wanda, but because of the Hydra tests she forgot all about it. When the older witch finds out about the hex, she tries to figure out how Wanda could forget all about her. Wandavision through Agatha's eyes.

Maerlynn_Romanova · TV
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4 Chs

Filmed before a live studio audience

I'm waiting inside of my borrowed home, keeping an eye on Wanda's. When I see a man leave her house I can't help but wonder who he is and why he lives with her. I see this as my perfect opportunity to go bother her in the hope of gaining some information. With my magic I create a pretty houseplant with a bow around it, this seems like a good housewarming gift a neighbor would give. I smooth my clothes and walk over to house 2800. 3 knocks announce my presence. 2 more tell her I really want her to open that door. Another 3 because it's taking too long. 5 more just for good measure. And that's when Wanda opens up, and looks at me with no recognition. Even though it's what I expected, it still hurts. "Oh!" I say, taking a step inside even though she didn't invite me in. "Hello dear! I'm Agnes, your neighbor to the right. My right, not yours." The sentence I have been practicing. She looks at me with a kind but confusing smile. "Forgive me for not stopping by sooner to welcome you to the block. My mother-in-law was in town, so I wasn't." She always liked humor so I hope that this will get her to open up. When she laughs with my joke I know it works, and I press the plant into her arms. I know the role I want to play: Agnes, the nose neighbor. I take a couple of steps into the living room. "So, what's your name? Where are you from? And most importantly: how's your bridge game hun?" We actually used to play this game together when she was younger, normally it would be too hard for children but Wanda always was extremely intelligent. She closes the door and follows me inside. "I'm Wanda." She says and holds out her hand. "Wanda… Charmed." I take her hand and give it a soft shake. When I see that she's not going to continue the conversation, I do. "Golly, you settled in fast!" I say as I look around. "Did you use a moving company?" Of course I know that she didn't, she probably did all of this by magic. Or maybe she just created the house the same way I did 14 years ago, including furniture and everything. Wanda walks towards the table and puts the plant on it. "I sure did. Those boxes don't move themselves." She lets out an awkward chuckle and I laugh along.

My mind goes back to the man leaving this house not so long ago, so I decide that this is the direction I'm going to go next. "So what's a single gal like you doing rattling around this big house?" I move towards the couch as Wanda replies. "Oh no, I'm not single." A wave of her hands accompanies her words. "Oh, I don't see a ring?" She looks at her hand, as if she just realizes this now. I sit down on. "Well, I assure you I'm married. To a man. A human one, and tall." She points her finger towards me and of course I immediately make the conclusion that this means that the man leaving a while ago is everything but human. "As a matter of fact, he'll be home tonight for a special occasion. Just the two of us." Good, good, this gives me something to go on with. "Oh, is it somebody's birthday?" Confused she shakes her head. "Not a birthday." I act as if I'm thinking. "Well, today isn't a holiday, is it?" She makes some waving motions with her hands, something that she always used to do when she was unsure about something. "No, it's not a holiday." I push a little further. "An anniversary then?" I can see in Wanda her eyes that she's going to go with it. "Ye… yes!" Excited she claps her hands together. "Yes! It's our anniversary!" It's obvious that Wanda doesn't know what's so special about tonight but that an anniversary sounds good to her. Maybe it is, or maybe it's something completely different. Since she doesn't know, neither will I. I give her an excited smile and hold my hands out to her, which causes her to join me on the sofa. "Oh, how marvelous! How many years?" For a second she's lost for words, but she quickly recovers. "Well, it feels like we've always been together." I nod with a serious expression. "Lucky gal. The only way Ralph would remember our anniversary is if there was a beer named June 2nd." Wanda chuckles hearing my statement. Of course I'm not married, never have been and never will be. I decided to go with the name Ralph since it was what the owner of the house I was inhabiting was named. June 2nd just seemed like a nice little Easter egg, since that's when the Salem witch trials started, which is where I come from.

"So, what do you have planned?" I need to find a way to remain close to her, and a neighbor offering help seems like a good start. "How do you mean?" Her voice is friendly but unknowing. She isn't confused, she just really doesn't know how anniversaries are celebrated. "For your special night! A young thing like you doesn't have to do much, but it's still fun to set the scene." Was I seriously telling my foster daughter with memory loss about how to seduce her non-human husband? Dear god, what has my live become. She blinks her eyes, clearly thinking about what I had just said. "Say, I was just reading a crackerjack magazine article called 'How to treat your husband to keep your husband'-" I stand up and walk around the area. "-and let me tell you, what Ralph could really use is 'How to goose your wife so you don't lose your wife'." I laugh and Wanda gives me this amused look. "Hang on, I'll go grab it and we can start planning!" I walk towards the door, ready to leave the house. "Oh, this is gonna be a gas!"

I enter the home I am using and sit down on the sofa, Senor Scratchy immediately joining me. Without thinking about it I pet him and a content purr leaves his body. "She might not be married, but it's clear that she's in love." I whisper out loud, talking to nobody in particular. "But if she's happily together with someone, why would she create this hex in which inside everything is picture perfect…" I think for a while, and the only conclusion I can make so far is that outside of this magical prison things are not as perfect as they are in here. I know the world is doing pretty okay at the moment so that's not it. I'm sure that Pietro's death must be hard on her, but somehow I don't see her creating all of this just because of that. There has to be more, more heartache, more pain. And realizing that makes me sad. Okay so yes I wanted to harvest her powers for my own when she was a child, but I never wanted to see her unhappy. Especially after spending years with her as my foster daughter, I had started loving her. I never wanted to, but I did. And knowing that the ones you love have been through pain is never a nice thing. I sigh and give Senor Scratchy a kiss on his head. Time to create this so called magazine and see what else we can figure out. Oh, and spend time with her. Because even though the circumstances are not how I wanted them to be if I would ever was to find her again, I want to spend as much time together as possible. I want to know this woman she has grown into.

I'm sitting on Wanda's couch once more, the magazine in hand while she is taking notes. "And you don't have a song? Nothing special you played at your wedding?" She shakes her head dismissively. "No, nothing special." I make a wave with my hand. "Oh, I'll just loan you some records then." She smiles and looks at her list, avoiding eye contact. So, no wedding, not married. That's the conclusion I make seeing her behavior. "So, we've got music covered, décor, wardrobe…" With each point she nods. "Oh! What about seduction techniques?" I don't like asking her about it but it's what a nose neighbor would do, so I have to. I give her a playful smile to come across more believable. For a moment she stares in front of her, as if she's thinking about something. "Oh, I have those." I chuckle but realize that this is clearly a sensitive subject. "Of course you do." I put my attention back to the magazine but her voice draws my attention back to her. "Just out of curiosity, what does it say?" I groan inside my head, she has to ask. "That you should stumble when you walk into a room so he can catch you." I make an excited expression with my face. "It's romantic." No it's not. "Any other tricks?" She asks. Clearly this doesn't do it for her and I'm glad she didn't sink that low. "You could point out that the death rate of single men is twice that of married men?" The magazine doesn't say that, I do. I mean that's funny, right? "Now that's romantic." She replies with a smile and I laugh along. This is when the phone goes, so she gets up to answer it. I take a sip of the glass with water she gave me, which I had magically turned into vodka. I mean, a girl needs her booze.

"Vision residence." I know this name. Vision is an android made by Tony Stark many years ago, but 5 years ago he was killed by Thanos. He has to be the guy she's in love with, but how is this possible when he's dead? When the other side of the line says something an honest smile crosses her face. "Vision, sweetheart." So I'm right, it is him she's in love with. I need to look further into this when I'm alone. "Don't worry, dear. I have everything under control!" He must be asking about tonight. A confusion expression takes place on her features. "Nervous? Whatever for?" She listens to his reply and then a blush creeps over her cheeks. "Vis, after all this time…" Okay, so even though they are clearly not married, they have been together for a while. Good to know. I can see a concerned look appear and immediately my heart clenches, I don't like seeing her like that. "Well, it's just one night. There's no need to get dramatic." Is he seriously putting pressure on her right now, when this is supposed to be a nice evening for her? I clench my teeth together. She listens to his reply and then unknowingly shakes her boobs a bit… Urgh. "And I think the best course of action is to impress the husband." She looks at me for confirmation, and when she gives me a thumbs up I return the action. With an "Until tonight" she finishes the phone call. I get up from the couch and when she looks at me questionably I say: "I think it's time for me to leave you to it doll! Ralph is probably waiting for me to bring him a new load of beer." When she walks towards me and gives me a polite hug I close my eyes. For a moment it's like she is 14 again, but the moment passes way too soon. "See you later then Agnes!" I smile at her and leave the house.

I'm sitting on my bed, reading on a laptop that I had summoned by my magic. I'm looking up the past of Vision, and am quite surprised when I read that he was Wanda's boyfriend before he died. Before I can read any more the phone goes and for a moment I just stare at it, before relaizing that it can be Wanda. So I pick up. "Agnes speaking." "Agnes? It's Wanda, your neighbor." "Oh hi there doll! What can I do for you?" I reply in the energetic voice I use with her. "So it turns out that tonight isn't our anniversary, but my husband's boss is coming over to have a conversation about him maybe getting a promotion. He is expecting a home cooked meal, but I've only got chocolate covered strawberries and I already ate most of them myself…" I let out an amused laugh. "Don't worry dearie, neighbor Agnes is here for the rescue! I'll be there in 5!" "Thank you Agnes! Oh, and please use the back door!" I hang up and sigh. Not their anniversary, and since she didn't even know it herself this means that there is no anniversary. Even though she's in love with Vision, something is off. And I mean beside the fact that he's supposed to be dead. I get up and give Senor Scratchy a pet before I leave my house and walk over to hers.

I'm standing in front of the back door, and with a wave of my hand a bag with food appears, together with a cooking pot and a couple of smaller bags. Before I can knock on the door Wanda opens it and I walk inside with as much grace as I can muster. "Oh, Agnes! You're a life-saver!" "Oh, what kind of housewife would I be if I didn't have a gourmet meal for four just lying about the place?" This is a clear hint to her that I fact I didn't, but she doesn't get it. It's quite clear to me that's she's completely stressed out right now. I basically throw everything on the island and laugh. She tries to grab the stuff but she's quite clumsy. "Well, not that Ralph ever wants to eat anything but baked beans which explains a lot about his personal appeal, mind you." I want to know how Wanda's powers react to stress, so knowing that Vision's boss and wife are sitting on the other side of the door, I drop the cooking pot. It makes a lot of noise as it hits the floor. "Oh my!" I call out, but no magic appears. Damn, she has quite some control over it.

Vision his voice calls out from the living room: "But I'm sure she's absolutely fine in there!" Wanda her eyes widen a bit and I know this is one of the sings she's in stress. "Oh, thank you Agnes. I think I've got it covered from here." It's clear she wants me out of the house. Her hands cover my waist in an attempt to lead me to the door and I lean into the embrace. "Oh, are you sure dear?" "Hmm." Her reply is. "Many hands make light work. And many mouths make good gossip." It's one of the things she had said to me when she was 16, she said it's why she liked volunteering at the homeless shelter. "You're so naughty!" She says while laughing and I join her. She doesn't get it. As she's pushing me to the door I go off track and walk to the oven, just trying to stall a little longer. "Oh, shall I just pre-heat the oven then, dear?" She drags me away from it. "That won't be necessary." With a turn I'm facing the door, it's obvious she really wants me to go. It shouldn't hurt me but it does. "Oh, all right then!" Once more I take a step away from the door and see frustration cross Wanda's face. "Well, I know you're in a pinch so this menu can be done in a snap." I snap my finger for emphasis. Another wave of frustration crosses her face but still her powers are under control, even though I just mentioned the horrible thing Thanos had done. I point towards a bunch of the stuff that's lying on the island. "Lobster Thermidor with mini-minced meat turnovers to start." Wanda trots up to me and takes a hold of my waist once more. "Chicken à la King with twice-cooked new potatoes for your second course-" I point towards another bunch of material while Wanda guides me around the island. "-and Steak Diane and mint jellies for your main." I slap my hands together in a there-you-go motion. I turn around and point my finger towards her, acting all surprised. "Oh! Do you set your own jellies, dear?" I can see that Wanda is completely lost so she just goes for a "Yes!" as reply. "Good girl." I say, it's how I also used to compliment her when she was younger. As she leads me to the back door again I point towards the island once more. "Recipe cards are on the counter there. Bon appétit!" With an elegant hand motion I finally leave the kitchen and she closes the door behind me.

However, I'm sure she doesn't expect me to stick around and keep an eye on her through the window. A simple disguise spell is all it takes to just be capable of standing there unnoticed. Of course this menu could not be done in a snap, she would barely have enough time to make one course and her guests were already getting hungry. I choose this food on purpose, forcing her to use her magic to be capable of getting it ready on time. I can see her standing in the middle of the kitchen and with a wave of her hand all of the cabinets open and the stuff she needs comes flying out. It's not an impressive use of her magic, but it's still interesting. For the next 2 and a half minutes nothing exciting happens, except for the lobsters flying out of the window. I can see the things are not going according to plan and I decide to push it just a little further. I knock on her front door with a pineapple in my hand. I had made a small cape appear to keep me warm, it clearly gave off witchy vibes but as Wanda and Vision both open the door she obviously doesn't get the hint. "Oh, you didn't open the back door!" Yes I can be a real bitch sometimes. I present Wanda the pineapple. "For you upside-down cake." Wanda accepts the fruit and basically throws the door in my face. I look at Vision with a surprised face. Fake of course, but I'm a good actor. "Oh! Hi, I…" Before I can finish my sentence the door is closed and I can't help but chuckle. Wanda really likes being in control.

I put the disguise spell back in place and keep watching the chaotic events unfold. While the 2 humans are with their back towards the witch, she creates a complete dinner with just the snap of her finger and it comes floating in. I smile when I see it's an English breakfast. The twins used to have this friendly discussion a lot when they were younger: she found it a perfect option for dinner while Pietro was convinced it should only be used as breakfast, hence the name. It makes sense that since she was in control of everything, she would opt for this. All 4 of them go to sit on the table and everything goes fine until Mrs. Hart starts asking questions. "So, where did you 2 move from? What brought you here? How long have you been married and why don't you have children yet?" My ears peak when I hear these questions, because I've been asking myself the exact same ones. But Wanda and Vision just look at each other, completely lost. They don't know.

While Mrs. Hart lets it go, Mr. Hart demands answers. It is obvious that this is making Wanda uncomfortable, and when the man starts choking it gets really interesting. Wanda stares at him, completely in shock. Is she doing this with her powers because of the endless stream of questions? If so, why doesn't she end it? Because it looks like she wants to. A couple of seconds pass and eventually she gives Vision permission to save the man's life. His hand goes through the throat of the guy and takes out a big seed of something. Weird. I know that nothing which he has eaten could host a seed that big, so it had to be put there by magic. I make a mental note of the fact that even though Wanda probably created this event, she was clearly not capable of ending it by herself. Vision was the one to save the day. Immediately Mr. and Mrs. Hart act as if nothing has happened, and after sharing a couple of words the man gives Vision a hand and leaves the house. I decide that it's time for me to go as well. Maybe I can get some more information if I stick around a little while longer, but Wanda is clearly upset and she in need of Vision's comfort. She deserves it, and I shouldn't be here when he gives it to her. I leave their property and walk back to my own, deep in thoughts. This is more complicated than I first thought.