
Werewolf Monarch

[WSA 2024 Entry] In the depths of a war torn city, Luna has no choice but to do everything she can to survive. However, she would always be a prisoner if she couldn't find a way to escape. One day, after waiting for death to take her, she wakes up to find that she's been saved by a werewolf. Also, Luna's new teacher shows her the world of magic. Luna never suspected such a thing could exist in a world where technology dominated everything. **** Chapters will be realased every two days so I can catch up and have chapters ready to publish in advanced.

LupusDeus · Fantasy
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16 Chs


Early the next morning, Luna, Raven, and Tom head out to recruite more people. More specifically, the group Trey is the leader of.

They house thousands of people. It's easily the most densely populated part of the city, and the largest group of inhabitants. No one has ever dared to challenge them because of their numbers.

They've settled that area since the city was taken over after the war.

Luna knew should would see some familiar faces, none which were very fond of her. But this was their best chance to build an army, the sooner the better.

'It might take a while, but I think we'll have a chance if we can build an army of magic users.'

"Oh, I almost forgot." Raven says as she is being carried in Tom's arms. "We need a name for our group. And I have the perfect one in mind."

Luna doesn't pay much attention to her. Names don't matter. Names don't decide the who wins or loses, they're just an afterthought.

Tom seems to be more interested in the idea. "What did you have in mind?"

"Since we all have my masters blood running through our veins, we should use his last name. Silverfang. We will now be known as the Silverfangs."

"Sounds stupid." Luna speaks her mind without caring about what Raven might do to her after she regains her original body.

Tom speaks first to make sure Raven doesn't say anything too harsh. "I think it's a good name."

"No one asked you." Raven shuts Tom up and turns her attention to Luna. "As for you, after this is over, I'll make you pay for insulting his name."

Luna doesn't want to argue with her. Raven can't do anything to her in that form. If she is responsible for turning Raven into that creature, she has no intention of returning her to her original form. Especially after everything she's done to Raven since then.

They panicked looks they get as they pass by stragglers wondering the streets doesn't affect them at all. Especially Tom who who is particularly used to it.

Luna had never imagined herself being a leader of any sorts. However, these are her people, and no one else has the guts to stand up and take back what's rightfully theirs.

Everyone in city city is broken. Their wills defeated shortly after being imprisoned here. That's what this city is meant to do, break the fighting spirit of those who still wish to fight back.

The United Alliance comprised of the largest militaristic countries on the planet have rules about war. Unless the Zendarians committed genocide, they won't take any action against them.

Zendaria is part of the faction. Fighting the wars of other countries to preserve planetary peace. Thanks to the united power, the last world war was two hundred year ago.

Luna knows that even if they make it out of here alive. They would still need to flee the country. Even then, she doubts they would still be safe.

'I can't worry about that now. Being able to use magic would put us in at a greater advantage. A decent magic user could equal ten fully equipped soldiers.'

Raven squirms in Tom's arms and speaks to him. "I have another idea. Since you're now officially part of the royal bloodline, it's time for you to have a proper werewolf name."

Luna stops in her tracks and looks at Raven.

'Where did all that sterness go? Is she only acting like this because of Tom?'

Tom stops walking so he doesn't walk past Luna. He looks down at Raven and smiles. "Did you have a name in mind?"

Luna raises an eyebrow. "You're serious? You don't mind changing your name?"

"Of course not." Tom gives her a confused glance before returning his face to Raven. "Besides, I don't want to be a werewolf who's stuck with a boring human name."

"That's the spirit!" Raven shouts excitingly as she turns to Luna. "You already have a name fit for a werewolf, so you don't have to change yours."

"I wasn't planning on it." Luna whispers.

Raven thinks for a moment as she tries to come up with a list of names to choose from. She makes sure not to pick the name of someone she knows. She narrows the list down to three, and then one. "How about, Farkas?"

"Yeah, that's fine." Tom quickly answers. "I'm just glad not to be stuck with a boring name."

Luna sighs. 'It's not like he has an ID. He could've picked a different name for himself years ago. Doesn't the Twin Blade gang have nicknames?'

Luna walks away from them trying to get as far away as possible from those two idiots.

'I prefer Raven when she took everything more seriously. How am I the mature one now?'

After walking for another thirty minutes, they arrive at the wall that blocks off access to the fortress in front of them. At least it looks like one compared to the Twin Blade hideout.

The walls are made out of higher quality metal instead of looking like it was thrown together at the last minute.

The walls tand more than ten meters high, the metal sections bolted together.

'I don't miss this place.' Luna says as she looks over her shoulder to see Farkas catching up to her.

Two guards standing on top of the wall almost address the newcomers until they see their appearance. They ready their weapons instead.

"We're here to see Trey." Luna says. But the guards don't move.

'I didn't think this through. They usually don't let newcomers in, especially when we look like this.'

Farkas recognizes one of the guards. "Hey, Steve. Let us in, it me, Tom."

Steve leans over the wall to get a better look at him. "Really? Last time I saw Tom he was human."

Farkas shakes his head trying to find a way to convince him. "Two years ago, we stole liquor from Dave and got drunk on high rise. You talked about how you had a crush on Diana."

"Yeah, I remember a little from that night. You almost fell of the edge of the building because you were trying to show off."

Farkas and Steve ramble on like this for few minutes until Steve admits he doesn't have the authority to allow them inside.

"I will need to speak with my supervisor first."

Luna steps up to speak with him as she sees this as a waste of time. "I need to speak with them."

'They won't let us in unless I can speak to his supervisor and explain everything to him. If I can convince them that we have a fighting chance to get out of here one day, they'll let us in.'

They wait for Steve to contact his supervisor, after about ten minutes, the door leading inside the fortress opens.

Twelve men step outside to greet these. The one walking ahead of everyone, a tall hairless dark skinned man has an imposing aura about him.

'I can't believe he came out here. Is Trey that confident people he thinks he's never met before won't try to attack him?'

Try opens his mouth to speak. "I heard that a wolf like demon took out the Twin Blades."