
Werewolf İn Twilight

Derek White, an ordinary person, finds himself in the twilight world as Bella's twin brother, Derek Swan. When memories of the original Derek awaken, he realizes that the young man was a werewolf and therefore saw himself as a monster and committed suicide. With his own awakening gift and werewolf powers left over from the original Derek, fights and hunts vampires until Cullen family arrive in the town of Forks. When the Cullens come to town, he thinks he can relax and turn his ordinary life, but things don't go as he expected. There is a big difference between the world he is in and the twilight movies he watches. Derek White aka Derek Swan is sure of it when he looks at the five beautiful and seductive figures walking through the refectory. Note: This story is a twilight fanfiction. Except for the original characters in the story, none of them belong to the author. All rights reserved by Stephanie Meyer. Since English is not his first language, the poor author uses Google translate and this is his first attempt at writing.

Lazyauthor46 · Movies
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36 Chs

Chapter 19 : Hesitation

Derek didn't know what to think as he stared at the two women in his strong arms.

But he knew exactly how he felt… Surprise, disbelief, feeling incredibly lucky, joyful exuberantly

Rosalie laughed, feeling that the young man still hadn't recovered from his utter surprise. Her handsome boyfriend was so cute in this state...

The beautiful vampire who couldn't stand his sweetness started kissing him again softly.

Feeling the taste of the sexy blonde in his mouth again, Derek replied with delight.

Emma's voice was heard as the kiss between the two of them grew hotter.

"I think you should leave now..."

The hot woman wasn't bothered by Derek kissing the blonde, on the contrary, it excited her in a strange way.

But while they weren't paying attention, it was getting dark. And staying here any longer could attract some flea bags. The only flea bag Emma liked to see was standing in front of her right now.

Derek and Rosalie shyly parted, but they didn't get far. Their bodies were still in contact...

The brunette woman rolled her eyes at the pleading look in her girlfriend's eyes. She felt just as hot and horny as Rosalie did. So she spoke while licking her lips.

"You can keep eating each other at Derek's house... if I join in too..."

As both the man and woman imagined what she was saying, they almost immediately headed for the maroon pickup truck.

Their hunger and thirst made the brunette woman roll her eyes again. But then she too quickly walked towards the pickup truck.

Feeling the wetness between her legs growing with every step she took, the fiery vampire thought.

'They are not the only ones feeling horny…'


Although the two women and the man were alert, strangely, no one spoke until they arrived at Derek's house.

The young man could not understand what it meant that this strange atmosphere continued.

He had never had two girlfriends before.

And as his temper slowly subsided, he felt like he was using the girls for his own pleasure. And it made him feel inexplicably guilty.

He had many lovers in his previous life.

The young man had a very handsome face as Derek White...

However, he treated the women he desired in this life as if him was novice. Unfortunately, this was not something that was in his hands...

Sex wasn't something he was unfamiliar with, but these feelings were really new to him...

In his old self, he wouldn't regret kissing Rosalie, he wouldn't apologize to Emma, and he wouldn't feel like he was using two hot women when they went to have sex...

It was understandable that Derek felt this way. The young man desired both women, but he had another feeling for them that went beyond this desire: Love, like .... Whatever it is called...

Because of these feelings, he felt that it would be disrespectful to them to have sex with them right away, or rather, it would be disrespectful to this feeling...

The girls sitting in his car right now deserved more than that, according to him... The teenage wolf didn't want them in his life just for sex...

By the time Derek realized these thoughts, they were already in front of his house. But instead of stopping, the young man moved forward.

Realizing that her handsome lover had passed his house, Rosalie spoke up.

"Derek, your house is left behind... God! Have we blown your mind that far? You don't even recognize your own house? "

However, noticing that the young man was advancing instead of turning back and did not answer, the blond vampire asked in surprise.

"Why don't you go back? "

Thinking it would make them curious if Derek didn't give an answer, he said: "I think that's enough excitement for tonight... I feel tired. I'm going to get some sleep after I take you home. "

The young man's calm voice surprised both women.

Neither Rosalie nor Emma could understand his reaction. And they remained silent.

Until a light bulb went off in Emma's mind. Biting her lips, the beautiful woman spoke as she thought.

" Is it because of me ? Do not you want Me ? If so, that's fine... It's my fault for not thinking about it. We never gave you a choice... I'll get off here so you two can continue. "

Hearing her hurt voice, Derek swore inwardly and hit the brakes.

But the dark haired vampire misunderstood that move and thinked he wanted her gone. As she was about to get out of the truck, the young man grabbed her by the wrist and prevented her from leaving.

The young man completely panicked when he saw the hurt expression on her face as he fixed his blue eyes on the brunette woman's face.

Emma strained herself not to cry as she stared at the large hand gripping her wrist. The woman didn't know what had happened to her, but the thought that the young man might not want her made her heart ache and her eyes watered.

When Derek noticed that Emma's golden eyes were watering, he did the only thing that came to mind... And he kissed her.

It wasn't a passionate kiss this time... The young man hugged her and kissed her full lips, pointed chin, small nose, beautiful cheeks softly.

He paused between each kiss and gazed determinedly into her eyes. Until the brunette vampire shyly averts her eyes...

The man spoke hoarsely about her embarrassed state.

"I don't think there will be a man in this world who doesn't want you, Emma... I want you like crazy... I adore you, I love you... I swear! "

Rosalie, who had been waiting silently at his words, hugged her girlfriend and placed a few kisses on her neck.

"I think what Derek said needs correction, darling… I don't think there will be a man or woman who doesn't want you."

She then grabbed her girlfriend's chubby breasts and continued.

"I don't know anyone who could say no to these babies..."

Then she turned her eyes to the young man and gave the order:

"And you… You immediately tell what happened. "

Seeing that Emma was feeling better, the young man decided to be honest.

"We just confirmed our relationship and we're going to have sex right now... I-I feel like I'm using the two of you. "

" What are you talking about ? ' said Rosalie in surprise.

"You are not just a sex object to me... You are more valuable than that. That's why I feel like acting so quickly would be disrespectful to our relationship. "

Emma and Rosalie looked at each other for a moment. And they digested what he said.

The blonde vampire spoke sarcastically, trying to suppress her laughter.

"I could believe what they said... If I didn't remember that you kept your hands and lips on my body every minute we were alone. "

Derek blushed in embarrassment at her stating a simple truth.

Realizing that her boyfriend was embarrassed, the hot blonde pursed her lips. But before she could speak, Emma spoke up.

"You want to prove that you don't want us just for sex... Do you want to prove it to yourself or to us? "

To her question, the young man answered honestly:

"Both myself and you…"

Rosalie frowned, rejecting his answer.

"When you love someone, you love them... Why would you need to prove it? "

Seeing that Derek was silent and not responding, the beautiful woman continued.

"If you want to prove it... Then I'll give you two options: Either you take us home right away and we fuck each other like crazy..."

The inviting tone as she said this sentence blew Derek's mind, but the young man tried to calm himself.

Watching his reaction, both women chuckled immorally.

Then Rosalie said the second option:

"Or you drive us home and you don't have physical contact with Emma or me for a month just to prove you don't want us in your life for sex..."

Derek's face turned somber when he heard what she said...

And when Emma, who was about to protest her girlfriend, couldn't help but laugh to his painful face.

When Rosalie finished her sentence the young man knew he had fallen into the well he had dug himself. Now he could wont touch his two hot girlfriend for one month. And it was all his stupidly fault.

The handsome man took a deep breath and sighed as he tried to suppress the regret growing inside him.

"Should we take the shortcut to the Cullen mansion or take the long way through the woods? "

I'm with you guys in another short and emotional episode... Wait patiently for the next episode because I have a surprise for you.

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