
Werewolf İn Twilight

Derek White, an ordinary person, finds himself in the twilight world as Bella's twin brother, Derek Swan. When memories of the original Derek awaken, he realizes that the young man was a werewolf and therefore saw himself as a monster and committed suicide. With his own awakening gift and werewolf powers left over from the original Derek, fights and hunts vampires until Cullen family arrive in the town of Forks. When the Cullens come to town, he thinks he can relax and turn his ordinary life, but things don't go as he expected. There is a big difference between the world he is in and the twilight movies he watches. Derek White aka Derek Swan is sure of it when he looks at the five beautiful and seductive figures walking through the refectory. Note: This story is a twilight fanfiction. Except for the original characters in the story, none of them belong to the author. All rights reserved by Stephanie Meyer. Since English is not his first language, the poor author uses Google translate and this is his first attempt at writing.

Lazyauthor46 · Movies
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36 Chs

Chapter 18 : Talking to Emma

The week after Rosalie and Derek spent their night together was uneventful. Of course, if you ignore the fact that two supernatural creatures, whose passion for each other is just beginning, try to kiss and spend time together whenever they can...

Both the vampire and the werewolf were constantly wandering around, unable to take their eyes off each other.

For this reason, they met several times in the warehouse where they were caught for the last time and had a good time together.

However, the young man, who realized that they would be caught if they continued like this, started to behave more calmly at school, trying not to answer the blond woman's hungry gaze.

It was really nice making love with Rosalie. However, not being able to reach the final end was also torture in itself.

So when Rosalie sent a message calling him to the warehouse, this time the young man did not go.

Ignoring the angrily messages the woman was sending , Derek focused on his lesson.

When class was finally over, the blonde vampire had stopped texting as well.

Derek didn't want to ignore her, but somehow he was starting to feel like the third party in Emma and Rosalie's relationship.

It was as if Rosalie was cheating on Emma with herself. In a way, this was true. However, Rosalie had said that she had confessed to Emma that she liked him.

That's why the brunette woman came to make trouble on the night of the Full Moon.

The blonde had said that she would confess to Emma about their relationship as well. And Derek didn't know what to do.

He liked Rosalie. This was true...

And the woman liked him too. That too was clear.

But Rosalie was also in love with Emma. She had been with her for years. So it was impossible to leave her. The blonde vampire wanted to date both of them at the same time.

Derek hadn't seen any barriers to it at first... Sharing his girlfriend with another man would drive him mad with anger and jealousy. But he thought it would be okay to share his girlfriend with a girl.

Unfortunately, things didn't go as expected....

The young man wasn't jealous of Rosalie to Emma...

He was just starting to feel guilty. Against Emma...

He was the first to kiss Rosalie... So, in a way, he seduced the blonde vampire. And the young man thought that if he put himself in the brunette woman's place, he would probably hate himself.

After taking a deep breath, he sent a text to the number he had secretly taken from Rosalie's phone.

"I'm Derek Swan... I want to talk to you. About Rosalie... Let's meet wherever it's convenient for you."

After sending the message, the young man left the classroom and got into his car and drove away from the school. Feeling his stomach getting hungry, he parked his car next to a cafe and stopped.

When Derek opened the door and entered the cafe, he glanced around and walked over to an empty table. As he walked, almost all the attention of the people around was focused on him.

The young man who was about to sit down at the empty table made a face at he smelled of it. He found the owners of the scent when he saw 3 young people who turned around and looked at him, almost snarling.

Derek assumed it belonged to three Quilette tribesmen standing motorcycles parked in front of the cafe.

The glances of both sides caught the attention of the people around, and Derek sat down at the table and asked the waiter who came to take his order.

"Can I have my meal as a package?"

The young man had originally wanted to have his meal here, but now he wanted to take his food and go.

It wasn't the reason he wanted to go for was afraid of Quilette wolves that.. The teenagers number were three. Derek was sure that even if they turned into wolves, he could defeat them without he turned into wolf. However, he did not want to experience another unnecessary conflict.

The waitress answered his question, trying not to look at the handsome man's strong arm muscles.

"Yes sir... You can wait a little while we can deliver your order in package form. What would you like to eat?"

" 3 hamburgers and 2 packets of cheeseburgers... I want a coke too."

When the girl turned and left, the Quilette youths walked past the young man towards the door.

Derek didn't react to them walking past him unnecessarily close. If they wanted to piss him off, they had to do more than that.

The tallest of the Quilette teenagers gave him a cold look before walking out of the cafe.

Derek couldn't help sighing after he heard the engine sound and realized they were gone. Ignoring the waitress who brought her order trying to flirt with him, he too left the cafe.

Even though the waitress was annoyed at his careless departure, when she saw the tip he left on the table, she grinned, slipped the money into her pocket and went to take the next customer's order.

After the young man was out the door, he was walking towards his car when he stopped.

The handsome young man grit his teeth as he stared at the flat tires of his burgundy pickup truck. After taking a lap around the truck, he realized that all the tires were flat and laughed angerously.

He guess he thought wrong. The Quilette punks had managed to piss him off.

The next hour was spent calling the tow truck and getting his car to Joe's repair shop.

When the wheels of the truck were changed, Emma sent the message he was waiting for.

" At 7:00 p.m.... Let's meet in the woods. Don't be late."

Derek glanced at the clock as he drove into the woods. When he realized it was 6:30 pm, he stepped on the gas more and drove towards the location Emma had sent.

The sun was slowly starting to set as the young man reached the position that the brunette vampire had taken.

He didn't need to search Emma. The beautiful woman was leaning against a large tree, her arms folded across her broad chest, watching him.

The beautiful vampire was wearing black pants and a gray T-shirt. With her leather jacket on, she radiated a dangerous and sexy air.

Emma swept her eyes over his strong body as she watched the movements of the handsome young man approaching her.

The young wolf walked slowly under her questioning gaze and stopped when they were two meters apart.

"Hello... " Derek said.

The brunette vampire spoke calmly, shaking her head.

"What do you want to talk about Rosalie?"

Derek hesitantly answered his question.

"Me and Rosalie-"

"You spend time together, and making love " the woman said, saying what he wanted to say.

Seeing Derek staring at her in confusion, she continued.

"Every time I hug my girlfriend, I smell your scent."

The young man was even more surprised to hear her say those words. Emma was strangely calm. Her calmness made the young man speak more honestly.

"I like Rosalie..."

"I know. You want to fuck my girlfriend... And I know you want me too..."

Noticing that Derek was frozen, she continued sarcastically.

"Come on, do you think I don't feel it when your eyes are on me? Not only me but others are also aware of your gaze..."

Derek sighed, but didn't deny what she had said.

The woman continued to speak as he remained silent.

"What I'm really wondering is do you really want us? We're vampires and you're werewolf. Shouldn't you hate us?"

Derek grunted.

"I'm aware of that too. But it's out of my control! Before you came I was perfectly normal and didn't want any vampires sexually."

"I don't think so. I think you want to fuck every hot woman you see..."

The handsome man was about to interrupt her sarcasm when she continued.

"You're really greedy... You want my girlfriend, you want me, I'm sure you want Edyth and the others too."

"It's just instinct... I won't deny that I couldn't help it. But I'm not an animal driven by desire!"

Then he continued his words.

"That's why I wanted to talk to you."

"So what do you want to tell me?"

The blue-eyed man frowned, saying what he wanted to say.

"I shouldn't have approached Rosalie when she was with you. I should have stayed away from her instead of hurting your relationship... I shouldn't have kissed her at all..."

The brunette woman raised an eyebrow at these words.

"Are you apologizing to me.... for seducing my girlfriend?"

"Yes, and I'll stay away from her from now on. I don't know anything about your relationship. But I know she really loves you... And I think it would be best for the three of us to stay away from her."

"I thought you liked Rosalie." said hot woman with a sarcastic tone.

"I've only known her for 3-4 weeks. But you have been with Rosalie for years... I was probably just a new thrill for her. I don't want any unnecessary damage to your relationship because of me."

Emma frowned at young man disdain for his position in the blonde vampire's life.

" Throughout our relationship, Rosalie has always been faithful to me. We have never liked anyone but each other.... You are the only person besides me who can touch her heart and body! "

After saying these words, she added to herself.

' Occasionally Esme, Alice and Hazel. Speaking of which, it's been a long time since we had a party like that...'

The brunette's thoughts drifted towards the erotic, when Derek spoke up.

"What I mean is that I regret what I did and I won't do it again... Finally, I ask your forgiveness."

"I'll forgive you on one condition..."

As the young man saw the Emma approaching after saying this, he closed his eyes, preparing himself for the next blow.

However, the hard punch he expected did not hit him. As Derek opened his eyes with curiosity, Emma's graceful arms wrapped around his neck, and her red lips touched the young man's.

As the handsome man stared in surprise, Emma stood on tiptoe and began kissing him.

Feeling the warm lips of the brunette vampire, everything disappeared in that moment... Regret, guilt, tension...

Only the woman who wrapped her arms around him mattered now.

Derek wraps his hands around the brunette's slender waist as he feels once again what he felt when he first kissed Rosalie. So he enthusiastically responded to her kiss as he pulled the beautiful vampire tightly to him.

The two of them were so engrossed in the volcanic kiss that they parted with a fake coughing sound.

Then came Rosalie's reproachful voice.

"The man who is my boyfriend is cheating on me with the woman who is my girlfriend! How could you two do this to me? Do you know how many pieces my poor heart broke into?"

Emma rested her head on the young man's chest as she answered blondes mocking words.

"I played a drama scene for you here and you're still kidding?"

Naive Derek asked, puzzled, trying to make sense of what had happened.

" What's going on ? "

With a sly fox grin, Rosalie spoke as she walked towards them.

"Emma and I played a little trick on you darling..."

Seeing that the young man was waiting for a clear answer, she continued as she wrapped her arms around both of her lovers.

"I confessed to Emma that we were in love... The only condition for her to accept this was that she was with you too..."

She then placed a short kiss on Derek's parted lips. Rosalie couldn't finish her sentence as the taste of Emma in his mouth made her feel incredibly horny.

Emma ended her girlfriend's sentence. The brunette woman whispered in his ear as she pressed her huge breasts to the young man.

"Congratulations champ! You now have two incredibly sexy vampire girlfriends..."