
Chapter Twenty-Six

She had told him that she loved him, and it was all that he could think about while he away. She was all that he could think about. So that the moment he got home he was running to her front door.

He opened it up, a bit put off to finding it open and her Dante leaped out. Barking mad, barking wild, and running off.

“What in the world?” He murmured and walked into her house and called out her , but there was no response. No sound that indicated that she was home, and walking further into the house, aside from the scent of her that stayed with the house, he couldn’t smell her. And then the dog was back to him whining, and that was his first indication that something was completely wrong.

“Take me to her.” He said and the dog was off, and closing her front door behind him, he followed after.

They came to a field of flowers and that was where Dante stopped walking in circles, sniffing the air, and he had never felt so confused in his life.