

What if recarnation with a system that allows you to be more powerful by seducing women and satisfies the goddess's boredom? Well, let's find out if Kail will be able to meet the challenges from the goddess or will he die trying

Dawid_Pliszka · Fantasy
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60 Chs

Trip To Gnar Forest

After relaxing in Peny Mouth I went downstairs to have breakfast and went straight to the barrack. Once I was there, I went to Rin's office to present my training plan.

"You can even risk their lives if they get up the next month ready for service!" she said pleased that her workload would soon be reduced.

After obtaining the permit, I went to see if the supplies were ready for the trip.

two carts full of food, medicne and camping kits ready and packed.

"Okay, then I'll go over and see if they're ready." I thought and went to their rooms.

They were supposed to be ready for an hour to leave, but I saw that they didn't pack anything, and in addition, most of them were asleep.

"I swear that if I meet the Former Coach, he is poured so hard that maybe it will knock out his stupidity!" I thought then I took a wooden training sword and approached each sleeping person and hit hard enough that they would have a headache by the end of the day.

After the penalty was handed out, I told them to show up.

'The last person to come will carry two people's belongings to Gnar forest!' I said and saw they took it more seriously than I thought.

after the o'clock everybody was ready, and the unfortunate one who came last.

His name was Sen and he came with a hangover after he drank yesterday and overdid it and he can barely walk.

Not wanting to slow down the time to come to Gnar forest, I came up with a different punishment for him.

I have tied him by the legs to one of the carriages and he will be dragged along the ground all the way.

His face was priceless when his friends betrayed him and tied him up for not having to carry their backpacks.

On the way, we covered his mouth because his screams were annoying.

During the march I talked to Lilia to keep time running faster.

After a whole day we were over half way to gnar foest which was slow as hell.

We camped and stayed overnight, and Sen was barely holding on after a day of scrubbing the ground, so he'll be walking tomorrow because I have a feeling he won't be okay when we get to Gnar Forest.

I was tempted to use Lust curse in the morning and have fun with her in the evening but I will hold back until she reaches level 20 and bende had more exp on her.

I woke up in the morning and saw most of the people were awake and were making breakfast, then I joined in and ate with them.

We packed up and moved on, they were more disciplined after yesterday's events.

In the afternoon we got to the entrance to the forest where the road ended and we had to set up a camp and then I took half of the people to kill and got some exp.

I left the other half to defend the camp.

They complained a few that they were tired after a day's walk, but I ignored them and we went out.

I called summoons when no one was looking and sent her scouting to see where the monster are, I have the option to summon Peny but she is only level 8 which will not be useful.

We wandered and killed goblins and Kobolds, which were bigger than goblins and had fur and claws, so they were a bit more dangerous but mostly walked 2 in a group so no problem.

We came back before evening.

As night fell and everyone went to sleep, I looked at my status:

Name: Kail

Exp 2700/1549

Race: Human

Gender: Male

lvl: 15

VIT: 150

STR: 10

Stamina: 1500

DEX: 10

INT: 10

You have 2 atribute point to spend


Lust pheromone Lvl 2

Lust Magic Lvl 4

Fertility Manipulation lvl 1

New Passive Skill

Lust Empowerment lvl 3

Super Stamina lvl 1

You have 2 skill point to Spend

Title: (Beuty Goddes Apostole)

"I forgot that I have points to spend after playing gobi." I thought and gave the attribute points to the Int, which allows me to use the magic that I mainly rely on more effectively.

I should have used the skill on Lust magic and kept one for later.

You want to improve

INT10 -> 12

Lust Magic lvl 4 -> lvl 5

Y / N

I confirmed and saw what new magic I unlocked it is an exhilarating feeling.

Lust magic lvl5

Coruption and Summon eyes

Coruption - A passive effect that turns her mind into a slave for every sex with a woman that will obey every order. The greater the difference in level and INT, the more sex requires. The target feels no change during the Curuption effect

This effect can be turned off and on without any problem.

Summon eyes- Host can see what his summon can see. The distance between summon and host does not matter.

No Cooldown

I decided to remove Armor and magic res from status,

Which was a pain in the ass and of no use to the story.

So INT will match this magic res from now

and the armor will Dependent on what they wears.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Dawid_Pliszkacreators' thoughts