

What if recarnation with a system that allows you to be more powerful by seducing women and satisfies the goddess's boredom? Well, let's find out if Kail will be able to meet the challenges from the goddess or will he die trying

Dawid_Pliszka · Fantasy
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60 Chs

Trenning Recruits

"Corruption It's interesting, I can get pepole easier under my control."

I thought as I lay down to sleep.

I woke up in the morning and sent Gobi and Sara Summon out to the woods looking for groups of monsters, with Summmon's eyes, this process is much easier.

In the second group there are all 5 women and 5 men, Lilia was eager to fight, but the rest were unwilling.

'At this stage I wonder why did they want to be soldiers i feel like they are here for punishment?'

Thanks to the scout summon, finding the monsters was not difficult, only the fight was one big disaster.

If I hadn't helped them, they would be badly hurt after a few fights with goblins and kobolds.

The only Lilia fought well and I saw her use some sword skills.

'I wonder where did she learn them from?' thinking about it, we found another group of monsters.

I told them to fight non-stop, so the evening we got back to the camp, they all ate and went to sleep without taking off their armor.

'At this pace it shouldn't be a problem for everyone to reach level 10. After that, they'll go to someone else to teach them basic milatary skill. 'I thought, while eating.

Lilia approached me.

'When you take me deep into the forest ?!' she said impatiently.

"She still has energy after a day of hunting, I'm impressed," I thought

"I'll take you when the rest of them reach level 10, so at that rate, it's in a week." I said looking at Lily's body.

'I can't wait to enjoy you, that fit body and innocent character. The four girls in the group are not ugly, on the contrary, they are pretty, but far from Lily. ' I thought.

'I will wait, in the meantime may I also go hunting to the forest tomorrow?' she said determined

'if you want so much to go then you can, but just get enough sleep so you don't pass out while you fight.' I said then Lilia happy went straight to her tent.

'Well, it's time to sleep, I can't wait for the rest of the girls to reach level 10 and I can taste them and get exp to level up! I thought with a devilish smile.

Hunting for monsters was monotonous and tiring but after week most were level 10, thanks to my summon, who were looking for monsters.

I order a break for them after a week of hunting, I was quite tired and wanted to relax.

I've never seen such happy people when I told them that I givien them break today.

I was wondering how to get a good releax, but there is only one way to do it.

I ordered the camp to be looked after and then I went deep into the forest where a certain goblin now lives.

It took me an hour of run without a break, but I got to the place, had it not been for the summon it took me a while to find this place.

When I entered this burrow I saw that she had arranged some decorations on the walls and made a basic bed on which she was now sleeping.

'It's the middle of the day and she's asleep, I think she needs to be punished!' I thought then went to bed.

But when I was so close that I could touch her, she woke up and jumped out of bed scared.

She wanted to hit me without looking who I was, but her stick that was trying to hit me stopped a few centimeters from my head.

'Master! You're back! ' she said putting down the stick and then began to apologize.

"I didn't mean to hit you, .... I thought the enemy had sneaked in here!" she said, kneeling down in front of me.

I kneled and then pet her head.

"It's okay you didn't do anything wrong, so you don't have to apologize and I won't punish you." I said and Gobi started to get up with a guilty expression on her face.

"But, I almost kurt you!" she said as if she wanted to be punished

"If you want to be punished so badly, I have an idea." I said then sat down on the bed

'Sit down next to me.' I said then Gobi sat down and started looking at me.

Bed was quite small so when I lay down my legs were in the air, but Gobi's thighs were comfortable enough to pay back for that.

She was in a slight panic for a moment when I put my head on her thighs, but she quickly calmed down.

Gobi was quite small, but her thighs were quite large for the rest of her body, so I felt him lying on a comfortable, plump pillow, plus I had a good view from the bottom of her breasts, which were also quite big, maybe not as big as Sara, but for the height of the gobi they were they are big.

I was lying in silence for a good while, which was really nice after spending a week with a loud bunch of recruits.

I will not be able to use PC for some time so I won't be able to write a chapters, but I did a reserve so there will be new chapters , but until I come back it will only be one chapter a day. :<

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Dawid_Pliszkacreators' thoughts