

What if recarnation with a system that allows you to be more powerful by seducing women and satisfies the goddess's boredom? Well, let's find out if Kail will be able to meet the challenges from the goddess or will he die trying

Dawid_Pliszka · Fantasy
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60 Chs


after taking Glevie from my locker I went to ground training where Alice and Lilia fought each other.

"I'm going to test a Glevie for training a dummy." I went towards the dummies.

"The charm on this gleava is easily triggered, all I need to do is touch the blue crystal after the blade that is hidden under the ornament. It reminds me of a button made of stone." I thought then turned on gravity enchantment and felt immediately that these spears began to weigh at least twice as much.

"It's much better than it was before the STR score, but it's still heavy," I thought as I waved Glevie at the dummy.

I waved horzontally at the dummy and cut it in half without too much resistance.

"Wow, I'm curious how he would manage to trick a man in plate armor!" I thought excitedly.

"Treiner what are you doing?" Lilia asked me after the fight with Alice who was lying on the ground.

"Nothing like that, I got a new Wepon and wanted to test it." I said to Lilia.

"It looks powerful, so do you use it as your main weapon?" she asked looking at my Glev.

"Yes and no, I don't have a skill related to this weapon yet, but I plan to get it." I saw then Lilia looked at me curiously.

'You have no skill in using weapons? So once you get this position, every recruit gets the skill to hand in some weapons! ' she said look at me.

"Well, I have a strong skill, but more suporting than offensive." I said ashamed.

'Suporting you say? is it some kind of magic? like Water magic or maybe something more special like Life magic? ' she said curiously

'not something else but it's a mystery so I can't say anything.' I said .

'It's not fair! Now I'm even more curious! ' she said, jumping up and down.

After talking and testing Glevie, I went to leave Glevie in my locker and hand over the keys to receptionist Saia.

"Tomorrow I will be busy and today Lust curse will not be fully effective today." I said goodbye to Saia and went to Tavern.

But on the way I met Alice waiting for me at the entrance to the barracks.

"You're not training with Lila anymore?" I asked without stopping and Alice started walking beside me.

"Someone came for Lilia and gave her some letter after reading, they said she had to come home to do something important." she said

'Well, I have time for myself. it's still a long way to the evening. 'I said and then it seemed to me that I saw a gleam in Alice's eyes.

"Is there anything you would like to do Master?" she asked with a faint ecstasy in her voice.

"I don't know this city well, so maybe you could show me around it and show interesting places."

"There are some interesting places you might like!" she said and started to lead me.

We walked about an hour and got to the place.

"Alice, exactly where are you taking me?" I asked a little impatiently.

'Secret!' she said with a slight smile.

"We're getting more and more distant from the center of the city and soon we will reach the slums," I thought with curiosity where Alice was leading me.

But after a few minutes we got to ours places.

It was an old building made of planks and did not look like an interesting place.

before I could see what was on the sign above the door, Alice pulled my hand inside

"So what is this place?" I asked looking around inside the building.

which was empty inside.

"Patience!" she said, dragging me into a room with a wardrobe and an old bed.

She went to the closet and opened it and knocked three times inside.

After a while the wardrobe moved and we were greeted by a packed man.

'Alice! You haven't been here for a long time! ' said the man to see his a long lost friend.

'Hi Gary! I was in training in Gnar forest so I was busy! ' she said and the man laughed.

'It must have been hard for you! Anyway, who's behind you? ' Gary said.

"A friend I met during training and I wanted him to relax," she said introducing me, ignoring the fact that I am a Treiner.

'If Alice testifies for you, bring it in!' he said then we walked in and Gary closed the wardrobe behind us.

We went down the stairs for a few minutes and then we reached the next door.

Alice knocked four times and the door opened and there was another man, this time with unfriendly face. He looked at us for a moment and let us inside.

"Get in." he said then we walked in and enter a short corridor.

"Where is Alice taking me ?!" I wondered anxiously.

As we opened the door I heard music and singing that I couldn't hear through the door and we saw quite a lot of people dancing and drunk in the corners.

Bar where the bartender served drinks.

'looks like a club, but why such a security?' I thought

"So what is this place?" I asked Alice who finally answered me.

'It is something like a place for everyone with lots of stuff. From a place to dance and music to a casino and a brothel! ' she said looking around as if looking for someone.

'So an underground city for criminals, they probably also have a black market here where I can buy not legal stuff.

'How Alice knows about this place? '

'My father showed me this place. this is where he works and plays. ' she said.

"Interesting father taking his daughter to places like this." I said slightly jokingly.

'He was planning to sell me here, so when I found out about it, I hit him in the back of the head with a beer jug and ran away. So since then I avoid any contact with him, so I don't stay at home for the night but rent a room in a tavern. ' she said angrily in her voice.

'Was he planning to sell her? I can see I need to talk to him in private one day! ' I thought.

I'm sorry there was nothing yesterday!

I had a stock of chapters and I set them to publish themselves, but they ended yesterday and I forgot about it!


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