

Jon_Da_Awesome · Fantasy
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Chapter five

"My disciple would you mind finding me a specimen that's going instinct?" God six asks guardian six. "of course, my lord" guardian six nods and teleports away. As he ventures through the solar systems trying to find a species that's going extinct, he notices something strange. He senses the ripple of space was being disturbed, "the balance is starting to lean to one side…but from where?" he questions himself as he searches for the source. He comes across a solar system that had faded coloration. Sensing a great amount of death coming from it. Guardian six goes to the solar system curious to what's happening.

As he enters the solar system, he senses a powerful murderous intent coming from a quickly turning grey planet. Guardian six lands on the planet to investigate as he sees all the plants on the planet have rotten and decayed releasing chemicals that made the air feel thick and heavy. He takes a closer look seeing the plants were corrupted by black goo like vines. "it's like a virus…" he whispers to himself examining it before hearing the sound of a monstrous roar quickly growing closer. He flies higher to avoid being attacked as a nightmarish beast with fangs and claws growing all over it as it tries to leap at him clawing at him but unable to reach. The nightmarish creature was black as night having a black goo substance coming out of its eyes and mouth. "what are you?" he asks observing it as it sprouts out spiked tendrils and tries to attack him with them. The tendrils stretching quickly as he had to teleport away to avoid it. "very aggressive I see, don't worry you poor creature I'll end your misery since you're the only one" he says softly pointing his finger at the beast. The beast growls and snarls, its tendrils violently thrashing around trying to attack him. Suddenly a small burst of energy shoots out of his finger like a bullet hitting the creature in the head killing it. Suddenly multiple creatures come charging from the distance almost all around him charging towards him. Flying nightmarish creatures screech a terrible monstrous screech flying towards him. He quickly teleports away high above the clouds as he sees the whole planet decaying with corrupted creatures. "all life on this planet has become corrupted and destroyed…what could have caused this?" he teleports to another planet seeing the same thing over and over on every planet he teleports to. "half the solar system has been destroyed and corrupted, but how so quickly in just three weeks half a solar system gone. I sensed something earlier but I thought it was nature taking its course but I was wrong." he sees a green planet slowly turning grey as he quickly teleports to it to see why. As he enters the planet, he suddenly sees a humanoid like creature teleporting and flying around murdering and corrupting every living creature in its path as the corrupted creatures end up corrupting others.

Demeon stands on the edge of a cliff watching his corrupted creatures attack and corrupt other creatures smirking at the view. He then senses something watching him as he turns to look up at Guardian six. He smirks at him with an evil smile. Guardian six watches for a moment before teleporting away back to the castle. "My lord I have some bad news" he bows as God six stops what he is doing and turns to look at him. "half of a solar system has been destroyed, completely corrupted" "do what you see fit for the situation I give you permission to do as you must" God six replies going back to his work. Guardian six bows in respect "I will summon our warrior elders to fix this problem" he replies before teleporting away to summon the elders from all over the universe.

Master Abotto arrives at God six's castle with guardian six. Guardian six takes off his red robe as it fades away into particles. Master looks around and sees other elders sitting at a massive table enough to fit hundreds of people around it. "please take a seat Master Abotto I will begin the meeting shortly" guardian six points to a free chair next to the table as he walks to the front of the table. Master abotto goes to take his seat seeing men and women of all ages, some looking as if they were nineteen and some looking as old as a hundred plus. Master Abotto sat at the end of the table next to a woman with beautiful blue hair and eyes, wearing a white gown that outlined her petite figure and man who was well built almost like a body builder with wide shoulders and four arms, he was bald with yellow eyes and tan skin, the woman looked younger than him and the man looked slightly older. Master Abotto greets them with respect as guardian six clears his throat. Guardian six voice echoed in everyone's head "I have summoned you all here today, elders from all over the universe to discuss a serious matter that has occurred. There is a great evil threatening the very existence of all life".

Guardian six announces as the Elders look at each other and whisper. "how bad is the situation?" a man raises his hand speaking telepathically. Master Abotto looks around noticing that all the elders looked very different. Some looking like normal humans and some looking humanoid. Some with multiple eyes, some with multiple arms or a tail. Each guardian with their unique features all gathered in one place. Master Abotto can tell there was hundreds of elders sitting at the table and some standing on the side. "half a solar system has been completely destroyed and corrupted in just three weeks. Which is why I summoned all of you here, you all are our first line of defense to fix the ripple in space and create balance once again". The chatter grows between the elders as they all nod and look at guardian six "we are ready" one of the elder speaks telepathically as guardian six nods. "I will give you some time to prepare before opening a portal to the solar system where you will face the threat" all the elders bow and go prepare grabbing weapons from the castle and warming up. Master Abotto waits patiently, "hey Master Abotto is it?" a man asks walking towards Master. "yes, that's me" he smiles, "you're not going to warm up before the battle?" he questions holding a giant golden axe on his shoulder at least six feet long. The elder stood at least eight feet tall with four arms. Well built at least around fifty years old, "no not really, I'm always ready" Master chuckles as they both laugh. "well let's defeat this threat together so we can all go back home" the man smiled holding out his hand. Master nods shaking his hand "what's your name? Master Abotto asks, "my apologies, I'm the one who sat next to you at the table. The names Hercules" He smiles. "very nice to meet you Hercules" Master replies "I want to introduce you to a friend of mine she sat next to you as well!" Hercules says excitedly as Master follows him. Master sees Hercules slowly approach the blond headed women he sat next to as Hercules then suddenly pokes her sides making her yelp, she then repeatedly punches his shoulder with anger. "don't scare me like that! I swear you're an eight-foot giant yet you can be as sneaky as a mouse!" she says pouting crossing her arms. Hercules laughs before introducing her to Master Abotto, "this is my good friend Crystal" he smiles as Crystal bows smiling at Master. "you are as beautiful as the stars" Master replies bowing as Crystal blushes lightly, "this is Master Abotto, now that we all met each other lets get some food!" Hercules chuckles rubbing his stomach, "is food all you think of?" she replies smiling as the three of them head to grab a snack that was provided at the table.

The elders were finally ready for battle, Guardian six opens a large portal at the entrance of the castle. "May the balance be in your favor" he says as the elders repeat "may the balance be in our favor" they pray before walking into the portal. As Master enters the portal with hundreds of others, he sees the dull grey and black planet. The trees all decayed as ashes fell from the sky. Fire roared in the distance as the sky was black with clouds. The sound of thunder roared down on them. Lightning striking the earth with rage creating more fires, temporarily brightening the dark planet with each flash of lightning. Master marched with the elders like an army as they marched in a black decayed field. They all stop as they see in the distance a massive army of thousands of corrupted nightmarish creatures of all different shapes and sizes. The voice of Guardian six echoed in their heads, "all mage class Elders line up in the back, make sure to provide support for the other Elders boost their stamina and strength. Heal the wounded, Archer class Elders line in front of the mage class. Make sure to cover the Warrior Elders backs, Warrior class line in the very front. Be the shield and sword and push the enemy back. Wait for them to attack first then I leave the rest in your hands". The elders reposition themselves as they wait for the nightmarish creatures to make a move ready to attack. "it was a pleasure meeting you Abotto, after this is over let's go grab a bite to celebrate!" Hercules chuckles with confidence tapping master on the shoulder. "we'll have each other's backs so we will definitely win, but Hercules is making the food" Crystal laughs as Master laughs along. They stand side by side ready to attack, "lets restore the balance" Master Abotto replies. Suddenly they spot Demeon in the distance standing on the edge of a cliff emerging from a portal as he smiles an evil grin. "RELEASE!" Demeon shouts in a demonic tone as the creatures let out a terrible screech and roar. The creatures start to shoot balls of fire and acidic goo from their mouths. "ATTAAACK!!!" a man shouts as all the elders charge screaming as the mage elders cast spells enchanting all the elders before casting spells of lightning and fire at the creatures. Both armies charge as balls of fire and lightning crash to the ground at both sides.

The creatures roaring as both armies collide with great force as thunder roars in the sky. Blood flies along with bodies of the creatures as they clash and fight. Elders using their abilities slaying the creatures with ease. Master easily slaying the beasts slicing them in half "chain lightning!" Master shouts as lightning forms around his sword swinging it at the creatures. The creatures screech as lightning travels through multiple of them killing them as Master charges on. A great ball of fire flies towards Master as he closes his eyes and deflects it with a swing of his sword. Only a small few of the elders fall in battle but the creature's numbers start to decrease more and more as the elders charge on, fire and lightning flying everywhere. Bodies being thrown into the sky as the ground breaks from the intense battle. Master spots Hercules "give me a boost!" Master shouts as Hercules holds out his hands giving Master a boost into the air. Master smirks grabbing his sword with two hands, "meteoric collision!" master shouts as his fire and lightning form around the blade of his sword. Master spins in the air before throwing his sword with great force into the army of creatures as a small crater forms on impact, the area around the sword bursts into an explosion of flames and lightning killing every creature inside of it and around it as Master lands grabbing his sword and continues to attack. The creature's numbers soon drop to non as the elders defeated the creatures with ease only having lost 5 elders in the battle. Demeon laughs maniacally as he opens a portal and teleports in front of the elders emerging from the portal. The elders watch ready to attack him, "congratulations! You all passed my test; you should be able to entertain me for a bit! Before I lay waste to you abominations!" Demeon speaks in a demonic tone smirking with excitement. Before any of the elders could reply Demeon spreads his wings and with a flap of his wings he disappeared into the black clouds.

The elders look up in the sky trying to find him as a flash of lightning reveals him flying above the elders. Demeon chuckles before retracting his wings diving down to the ground. Demeon comes crashing down killing two elders instantly crushing them with the force of impact. Holding their head to the ground with his hands, he slowly stands up as three elders charge at him with spears. "you think these toys are strong enough to even lay a scratch on me? How pathetic~" Demeon smirks as he grabs their spears snapping them in half before using their own spears against them stabbing them in the heart all at once. A powerful elder charges towards Demeon with his great sword and with extreme force swings it over his head down on to him. Demeon catches the sword in his hand stopping it half way, the force of the impact cracked the ground underneath Demeon as he squeezes the great sword slowly. The sword bending as it cracks before breaking in half, Demeon then dashing forward piercing the elder's chest with his bare hand grabbing his heart. Demeon rips out the elder's heart and crushes it slowly looking the elder in his eyes watching his eyes become lifeless. Demeon licks the blood off his hands before noticing a cut across his hand as it quickly heals and he looks at the other elders as they charge toward him. Demeons arms begin to change as they change shape forming into swords as he smirks excitedly and charges at the elders slicing them in half as he kills the elders one by one dropping them like flies. Within seconds Demeon kills more than forty elders as he dodged their attacks with ease killing them with great speed only taking minor damage as the small cuts quickly heal. A mage elder casts a spell, "Devastating lightning!" lightning shoots from her hands hitting Demeon in the back. He shouts in pain as lightning travels all over his body making him flinch in pain before laughing hysterically, he then looks at her smiling "so this is pain?". She quickly casts the spell again as lightning strikes him again in the chest. He was unfazed by it as the lightning traveled through his body as he laughs hysterically before In a blink of an eye he disappears and reappears behind her grabbing her head "your turn~" he says in a demonic tone and electrocutes her head. She screams in pain as her head gets fried instantly and she falls to the ground limp. Master Abotto watches as the army of elders quickly starts reducing in numbers with Demeons slaughter. As the elder's numbers decrease, they were only five elders remaining including Master.

With a blink of an eye Demeon appears in front of them. The elders watch him cautiously with anger, Hercules and Crystal stand next to Abotto "so you five are the last ones, I sense you five are the strongest ones out of all of them so this should be interesting~" Demeon smirks as the first elder walks up to Demeon, the elder was a man about average height and built. He held chain blades in his hands as he stares at Demeon. "imperfect abomination" Demeon speaks grinning at the elder. He quickly slams his fists down on the elder as he dodges his attack and counters with a kick but Demeon grabs his leg and slams him to the ground. The ground cracking underneath him as he coughs up blood before the second elder jumps in and stabs Demeon on the back with his dual blades "eternal flame" the elder speaks as Demeon suddenly bursts into flames letting go of the other elder. They both then chant at the same time words in an unknown language as the flames grew bigger making Demeon fall to the ground. They slowly approach Demeon seeing his unconscious body on the ground burnt, they turn around to look at Abotto and cheer. Abotto smiles in relief before his eyes widen in fear "BEHIND YOU!" he shouts as the two turn around only to get stabbed in the stomach by tendrils. Demeon stands in front of them laughing without a scratch on him as he repeatedly stabs them both with his tendrils as blood sprays everywhere before ripping them in half with ease. He tosses their bodies aside smirking before slowly walking towards Abotto, crystal and Hercules.

"we have to work together to stop him or else he is going to kill us one by one." Abotto says as they nod and spread out. Hercules quickly charges at Demeon as they collide, they both wrestles pushing each other back. Demeon slowly starts to overpower him pushing him back as tendrils start to come out of Demeon's back ready to stab him. "now!" Hercules shouts as Crystal casts a spell "deaths grasp" gold chains suddenly burst out of the ground and wrap around Demeons arms, legs and neck holding him back as he struggles to break free. Hercules steps back as he grabs his axe from his back and leaps high into the air "CATASTROPHIC IMPACT!" he shouts as a yellow aura forms around his axe, a ray of sunshine shines down on him as he dives down with great speed. He holds onto his axe with four hands and performs a front flip before slamming his axe onto Demeons chest as the impact created a thunderous booming sound as if a nuclear bomb went off. Breaking the ground beneath them as the ground turns into dust creating a crater underneath him. The immense force pushing Abotto and Crystal back almost sending them flying as she creates a force field around herself and Abotto. As the dust finally clears, they see Demeon holding his chest as Hercules axe was in the ground. Hercules eyes widen with shock as he looks at Demeon, "how did you dodge my attack?" he asks as Demeon laughs looking at his chest, he had a slash across it as it was slowly healing. "very nice hit~ I actually felt that one, if I wouldn't have broken out of the chains you would have cut me in half, it's going to take me a minute to heal since you grazed me but no problem. You had your chance but now…it's time for this little game to end~"

Demeon speaks as everyone stood in shock and disbelief, "w-what are you?" Hercules asks in fear as Demeon's wound quickly heals before suddenly with great speed he then punches him in the stomach with great force knocking the wind out of him making him cough up blood as Demeon takes his axe and swings it down on him cutting his leg off. Making Hercules scream in pain as he tosses his axe aside. Abotto and Crystal watch in fear unable to move from the shock. Demeon then grabs his arm and slowly rips it off, the sound of flesh and bone ripping as he slowly rips off his four arms off torturing him. Hercules falls to the ground going limp as he dies from blood loss. "y-you bastard!!!" crystal shouts as she shoots a fire ball from her hands before chanting "Elemental Demise!" suddenly the flames engulf Demeon and water engulfs the flames making the water boil as boulders fly at him as the fire turns the boulders into magma and the water turns the magma into obsidian trapping him in a dome made of obsidian. She then forces the air to escape the dome suffocating him in an airless dome. Suddenly tendrils burst from the ground wrapping around her legs and arms as Demeon emerges from the ground beneath her holding her to his chest. Abotto starts to charge, he then quickly stops as she screams in pain. Demeon slowly stretching her limbs out, slowly pulling as she shakes her head in pain "please stop! I don't want to die! Please!" she begs as tears fall down her face. "come any closer and I'll rip her apart limb from limb~" he smirks at Abotto, Abotto clenches his fists "let her go! We will leave and pretend this never happened" "liar~" Demeon replies as he licks her tears. "Let's end this. you all have entertained me and I shall reward you by ending you quickly" Demeon speaks as Crystal whispers some words before suddenly a bolt of lightning strikes Demeon as he lets her go. She quickly runs towards Abotto as he runs to her, Demeon quickly sprints at her catching up to her in seconds and grabs her head before quickly snapping her neck. "Noooo!" Master shouts as he stops running, Demeon looks at Master as Master points his sword at Demeon clenching his fits with rage. "this ends now!" Master says as a white aura starts to form around him. Master chants some words softly as his swords glows a white aura. The aura grows brighter as Master continues to chant. Demeon watches with curiosity before hearing the sudden sound of a blade slashing. In an instant Demeon feels a sharp pain all over his body as his body was covered in a thousand cuts. Master was suddenly behind him

"god speed" he whispers as Demeon falls to his knee "your strong~…." Demeon laughs as he stands up revealing the thousand cuts quickly healing. Masters eyes widen as he gets ready to attack. "looks like I don't have to hold back" master smiles as Demeon grins "you are worthy of my true strength so I'll start to fight you seriously now" he smirks, one of Demeons hands forms into a blade as a black aura form around Demeon, before master could react it was almost as if time had slowed down as Demeon in a blink of an eye was face to face with Master as he barely had time to react to block Demeons attack as Demeon quickly strikes again and again with such great speed and force overpowering master as he played defensively blocking Demeons punches and kicks. But even blocking them he felt great pain as his arms started to quickly bruise and his wrist gets fractured. He continues to attempt to block Demeons brutal assault as the pain from each strike was unbearable almost making him not want to block his attacks anymore. Master feels his arm break with Demeons kick as he if forced to roll away but was not worth the effort as Demeon seems to vanish from thin air with his great speed and appears behind him as Demeon catches him off guard and brutally begins to beat him into the ground as he couldn't block anymore. He could feel his ribs crack and bones break as Demeons strength was overpowering. Demeon only seemed to become fast and stronger. Beating him into the ground before stabbing his arms and legs. Master coughs up some blood and grunts in pain. Blood slowly dripping down his arms and legs. Master barley keeping his balance trying to stand as Demeon grabs him by the throat raising him off the ground holding him up by the throat. Slowly squeezing tighter and tighter, Demeon looks Master in the eyes with his evil grin. Master gasps for air barley able to struggle as memories start to flash in his head. "Jack! Richie! Stop being little trouble makers you two" Master scolded them as they were making a mess in the house chasing each other before hugging them. "my children…" a tear runs down his cheek as Demeons grip only grew tighter slowly crushing his throat. Master sees another flash back of Jack and Richie playing together as children laughing and happy as it warmed his heart seeing them grow and laugh being a family. "I-I'm sorry my son's…please…get…stronger…always…. smile" Demeon watches Masters life slowly start to fade "any last words? I will give you the honor of that for entertaining me" Demeon smiles as Master gasps his last words "I…love you...my son's…forgive me" Demeon then crushes Masters neck before dropping his lifeless body on the ground. Demeon laughs looking up at the black sky having killed all the elders of the universe. "WHAT A THRILL~"

After the battle with the elders against Demeon and his corrupted army, guardian six senses the lives of all the elders quickly fade as he sighs. He teleports back to earth to tell Master Abotto's son's the news. He arrives at the village and knocks on their house door. Jack opens the door seeing him "can I help you?" Jack asks tilting his head. "may I come in? I have some news for you both that is very important" he sighs as Jack opens the door. "Richie! We have a guest!" Jack calls out as Richie walks out of his room. "Who is…it" he stops seeing guardian six, "you two might want to take a seat" guardian six explains to Jack and Richie about what happened to their father as Jack cries in sadness. "that bastard! I'll get revenge for father and defeat that twisted bastard!" Jack shouts in anger crying as Richie tries to hold in his tears clenching his fists. Guardian six laughs "you think your strong enough to get revenge at the state you're at now?" Jack clenches his fist before swinging his fist at guardian six. With little effort he grabs Jacks fist stopping him instantly. "you're lucky I'm not in a bad mood or your enemy Jack. But you must accept the truth that you and your brother are weak at this time. You both need to get stronger and I have just the way to help you both". Guardian six explains as he lets Jacks fist go, Jack and Richie listen to guardian six wanting to get stronger to avenge their father. "I can take you both to an academy. The multiverse academy, where there are beings from all over the universe training to become stronger to learn magic and awaken their true potential. You both have strong potential that must be awakened in order for you to get stronger." Jack and Richie's eyes widen with surprise learning for the first time that there is magic in the world and other beings from other universes. "so, are you a God or something?" Richie asks. Guardian six laughs "I wish but no I am the guardian of this universe, there are six universes in total. Each has its own guardian and God. We are the sixth universe which makes our God the sixth God and me the sixth guardian" he smiled as Jack and Richie were mind blown. "now let's get going, your journey is just beginning. If you truly want to become stronger and bring your father the justice he deserves, then we must go to the Multiverse Academy to start your training". Jack and Richie look at each other excitedly before nodding with serious faces. "let's get stronger so we can bring father justice" Jack says as they both high five. Guardian six smiles as he opens a portal "your journey awaits".