
Wench of Nirn

Alex, now Alexa, wakes up in the woods of Skyrim as a buxom Nord woman, feeling totally lost and powerless. Struggling with her new identity and strange surroundings, she’s vulnerable and at the mercy of the harsh world around her. Why was she transported to Skyrim? Why are people calling her a Wench? Is she the Last Dragonborn? With access to Skyrim's System, Alexa must find her way from being completely helpless, facing dangers and inner doubts, to gradually gaining strength and confidence. Warning: Alexa is in a sexualized version of Skyrim and is taken advantage of a lot. Do not read if you're squemish with noncon/enslavement while she is still weak.

Evoxius · Video Games
Not enough ratings
28 Chs

Wild Daedra

Alexa appeared outside Honningbrew Meadery, the pitch-black night cloaking her. Without missing a beat, she used her Vampire's Sight. Her eyes flashed crimson for a split second before the world exploded into vivid detail. The clarity startled her - it wasn't the hazy, game-like vision she'd half-expected. Every blade of grass, every pebble on the road stood out in sharp relief, as if bathed in midday sun.

A grin spread across her face as she realized her new frost immunity was working perfectly. Despite being utterly naked, the night air felt as gentle as a lover's caress. Still, blending in seemed wise. With a mere thought, she manipulated her inventory, donning her last set of skimpy crimson leather armor. It hugged her curves like a second skin, leaving precious little to the imagination.

"Shit," she muttered, realizing she was down to her last set. "Gonna need to... acquire some new armor soon."

The burn of thirst clawed at her throat, but she was loath to waste her precious Potions of Blood. No, she'd need to find a more... organic solution. Her enhanced eyes scanned the landscape, picking out Whiterun's enormous silhouette in the far distance, along with many smaller cottages dotting the landscape nearby. Guards holding burning torches patrolled far off, though from her perspective they looked a bit silly.

Feeling playful, Alexa spun in place, arm outstretched. When she stopped, her finger pointed towards one of the nearby cottages. She smirked mischievously as she decided to test out her new abilities.

"Let's see what this baby can do," she whispered, using Nightwalk.

Mist poured from her body, surging towards the cottage like a hungry ghost. She felt it hit the 100-foot limit and focused, instantly teleporting to its location. Another burst of mist, and suddenly she was right at the cottage door, the scent of woodsmoke and fresh hay filling her nostrils.

"Oh, I am gonna have fun with this," Alexa chuckled, already imagining the possibilities. Crossing rivers, bypassing obstacles, dodging traps - hell, even repositioning after an assassination without leaving a trace.

But playtime was over. She crouched by the door, frowning at the lock. With only six lockpicks left, she couldn't afford to be careless. Slowly, oh so slowly, she worked the mechanism. The first pick snapped with a tiny clink that made her wince.

"Fuck," she hissed. Three more picks later, she finally heard that satisfying click. "About damn time."

Lockpicking increased to 10

Alexa eased the door open just enough to slip inside, leaving it slightly ajar for a quick getaway. Creeping towards the bed in the corner, she saw her target - a middle-aged man, sleeping soundly. For a heartbeat, she was tempted to drain him dry, to feel that rush of power from Kiss of Death. But no. She wouldn't become a monster like Anders.

"Just a little sip," she murmured, leaning in close. Her small fangs sank into his neck with surprising ease. Rich, coppery blood flooded her mouth, sliding down her throat. The man grunted softly in his sleep but didn't stir.

After a few seconds, Alexa pulled back, licking a stray droplet from her lips. She felt... sated. Whole. The slowly growing thirst was gone, replaced by a pleasant warmth.

Vampirism increased to 2

"Sweet dreams, buddy," she whispered, mist surging from her body and out of the door. "You might feel a bit under the weather tomorrow, but trust me - it could've been way worse." She vanished, reappearing outside the cottage.

"Now that's what I call an exit," she chuckled, easing the door shut behind her.

She gave a low whistle, and suddenly her chestnut stallion appeared out of literal thin air. Alexa cocked an eyebrow, still not quite used to the oddities of her new life. She patted his flank as she swung into the saddle. She grasped the reins, giving them a gentle tug as she nudged the horse into a steady trot eastward.

The newly-turned vampire glanced back towards the direction of Falkreath Hold, a shiver running down her spine that had nothing to do with the night air. No, she wouldn't be lingering there for now - too many painful memories, too many vampires. And Whiterun was out too; the last thing she needed was an awkward run-in with Yvariel, Eira and Lena.

She wasn't sure how to face them, since they had been… nice to her? But, Yvariel had enslaved her, broken her mind with her cock, and clearly took such a fancy to her initially because of her body, and then because of her inventory. If she didn't have those two things, they wouldn't have been so kind… But regardless of why, they had still been the first people to really take care of her and teach her…

In short, she felt conflicted and wasn't going to linger around the area for now.

East it was then. New horizons, new opportunities... and hopefully, fewer complications.

The horse's hooves beat a steady click-clack on the stone road, and Alexa's mind wandered to her magical abilities. She reached into her inventory, using the Spell Tome: Fury twice. The book appeared in her hands, and the pages began to turn of their own accord, flipping rapidly until they stopped about two-thirds of the way through. Red motes of light danced off the parchment, swirling around her before sinking into her skin. She could feel the knowledge seeping into her mind, fragments of understanding condensing.

Not quite enough to cast the spell yet, but close. One more session tomorrow and she'd have a potent new tool at her disposal. Alexa allowed herself a small smile as the book vanished back into her inventory and she took hold of the reins again.

After riding for a long hour, Alexa was starting to get bored. She opened her Skills panel again, scrolling through the different constellations. While she couldn't see any future perks until unlocking the prerequisites, one constellation caught her eye - Prostitution.

Because she had the Fertility Control perk, she could see the next tier. Three perks that required 20 skill levels in Prostitution, which at 76, she easily met.

Alluring Whisper (0/2) - Whisper to seduce. 15/30% base success chance, increased by Speech skill.

Skilled Tongue (0/2) - 10/25% chance to instantly make a partner climax when performing oral sex.

Womb of Vigor (0/2) - Being creampied grants 15/30% increased Stamina regeneration for 24 hours.

"Figures they'd have such perks for a constellation called 'Prostitution'," she chuckled, shaking her head. Still, she appraised each one carefully.

Alluring Whisper seemed useful for seducing targets, much like those wenches back at Embershard Mine whose eyes glowed a hot-pink as they temporarily mind-controlled her. Skilled Tongue hinted at pleasuring others for...benefits? And Womb of Vigor was pure sluttiness - stamina boosts for getting creampied.

Three possible paths emerged: seduction and mind control; pleasuring others for unknown rewards; or getting fucked for personal power-ups. An intriguing combination, she had to admit. Seduce new allies, then fuck them for mutual gain? It played perfectly into her vampiric needs too. Regular feedings were a must, and if she could have seduced servants following her around...

Her eyes flicked to Vampire's Seduction. Once per day, sure, but it only worked on weaklings. Alluring Whisper and the path of perks it led to could probably ensnare a much larger range of targets. Alexa licked her lips unconsciously. Now that was a combo worth pursuing.

Shaking her head, she dismissed the perk window. So many choices, so little time. One-Handed, Sneak, Destruction - she craved them all. But perk points were limited. Plenty of time to min-max later. For now, exploration beckoned.

Giving her horse free rein, Alexa dismounted and took stock of her new surroundings. Gone were the dense forests of Falkreath - here, the land opened up into vast golden tundra dotted with scraggly pines and rocky outcroppings.

"Different vibe. I can work with this," she grinned, mist already swirling at her feet.

The vaporous tendrils flowed over the nearest hill before Alexa vanished, reappearing on the other side. The change of locale was still disorienting, but she was getting the hang of it.

A familiar, melodic humming reached her ears. Alexa's eyes widened - she knew that sound. Following the chimes, she spotted a small nirnroot glowing white beside a babbling creek.

"Well, aren't you a pretty little thing?" she whispered, plucking the plant. As she studied its softly pulsing form, the humming deepened to a series of gentle chimes that sent tingles down her spine.

So absorbed was Alexa in the nirnroot's hypnotic tune that she never heard the fireball coming. One second she was admiring the plant, the next a blazing sphere of flames slammed squarely into her chest. Her eyes flew open as searing agony pierced through her body. The nirnroot tumbled from her grasp as she stumbled back, clutching at her smoldering leather jerkin.

Light Armor increased to 16

"You bitch!" Alexa snarled through gritted teeth. The night air crackled with tension as Alexa's eyes darted around, searching for her attackers. A flicker of movement caught her attention - small, demonic figures emerging from the shadows. Scamps. Five of them, eyes glowing with malevolent glee.

Whoosh! Another fireball hurtled towards her from a scamp's clawed hand. Alexa dove, rolling across the damp grass. The acrid stench of singed leather filled her nostrils as she sprang to her feet. Her chest still throbbed from the earlier hit.

Heart pounding, she held out two hands to cast Oakflesh and Conjure Familiar. Blue light shimmered over her skin as a purple orb gathered in her other hand, and her familiar appeared out of an oval portal. The spectral beast growled, hackles raised as it positioned itself between Alexa and the cackling scamps.

Alteration increased to 9

Conjuration increased to 10

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Five more fireballs streaked through the air. Alexa's familiar took the brunt of the assault, its ethereal form dissipating under the attack. But it had bought her precious seconds.

Alexa sprinted forward, orichalcum sword materializing in her grip. The blade sang as it cleaved through the air, meeting flesh with a wet squelch. Hot blood gushed over her hand as she yanked the sword free from the scamp's chest.

Her other hand touched the upright corpse to trigger From Ancient Soil. Blue energy pulsed through the dead scamp as it twitched, reanimated.

Conjuration increased to 11


A lesser ward barely deflected another incoming fireball. The heat seared her palms, but Alexa gritted her teeth, pressing forward. Two swift slashes silenced another attacker, blood spraying onto the barren ground.

Restoration increased to 12

One-Handed increased to 34

But fatigue was setting in. Her reactions slowed, muscles burning with exertion. A misstep, a moment's hesitation -


Fire slammed into her chest once more. The world spun as Alexa hit the ground hard, breath driven from her lungs. Gasping, she struggled to her feet…

Only to be impaled from behind. A spiked tail burst through her gut, lifting her skyward. Agony exploded through every nerve as she was slammed back down. Blood bubbled in her throat, and she gurgled in pain.

Light Armor increased to 17

Light Armor increased to 18

Light Armor increased to 19

Looming above was a nightmare made flesh. An upright dinosaur-like beast, all scales and talons, with a vicious beak lined with razor-sharp teeth. Its eyes gleamed with primal hunger - a clannfear. Its rotten breath washed over her face as its claws tore into her wounds. Its beak crunched through her neck.

Next to her, through dimming vision, Alexa watched her reanimated scamp locked in mortal combat with one of its former allies. Dead claws raked across leathery hide. The living scamp shrieked as its throat was torn out and it collapsed to the ground.

Conjuration increased to 12

But the victory was short-lived. The clannfear's spiked tail whipped around, impaling the reanimated scamp. With a final, rattling gasp, it crumbled to ash.

Darkness closed in. Alexa's last thought was of bitter regret as consciousness slipped away forever.



Fortitude jolted Alexa back to consciousness with a ragged gasp. Every nerve ending blazed with agony as her torn flesh knit itself together with sickening squelches. Before the haze of pain could clear, razor-sharp talons dug into her sides, pinning her face-down in the dirt.

"Get...off me..." Alexa grunted through gritted teeth. But the daedra just screeched in her ear, its ridged cock already prodding at her entrance.

"No! St-aaagghh!" Her protest turned into a scream as the unusual ridged shaft speared into her pussy, tearing through her cervix in one go. White-hot pain lanced up her core.

The clannfear rutted against her harshly, its scaly hide scraping her back raw. Alexa bit her tongue until vampiric blood filled her mouth, determined not to give it the satisfaction of hearing her cries.

Light Armor increased to 20

Time blurred as the daedra carelessly used her body as a bloody fuckhole. Alexa's mind drifted, disassociating from the agony. She focused on the tiny pebbles and blades of grass beneath her cheek, counting them over and over in an attempt to cling to reality.

After what felt like tens of minutes of being pounded into the dirty ground by the clannfear's thick cock, its movements became more frenzied. With a high-pitched roar, it hilted itself fully inside her, its ridged shaft pulsing as daedric seed filled her bleeding womb. Again and again its leathery balls contracted, pumping her full of its cum until her belly swelled greatly.

Just as the clannfear seemed to be finishing, movement in her peripheral vision snapped Alexa back to the waking nightmare. Another clannfear charged towards them, its razor-sharp beak snapping hungrily

"Greshluu gor haalvut!" the first clannfear screeched, not pausing its frenzied rutting as the newcomer closed in.

With a sudden jerk, Alexa was wrenched upright as the clannfear rose to meet the newcomer, its thick cock still hilted inside her. It charged forward, using her impaled body as a human shield against the other beast's talons.

The two daedra collided in a tangle of slashing talons and whipping tails. Alexa gurgled in shock as sharp claws raked across her exposed flesh, opening up deep, weeping furrows.

"Kr'nsahgrhun!" the second clannfear roared, its spiky tail punching through Alexa's stomach. It flung her to the ground, and she grunted as she rolled across the muddy ground.

Alexa gurgled in shock as the second clannfear's massive, ridged shaft immediately invaded her ravaged depths. While it began fucking her, instantly spraying her insides with its seed, its tail whipped around to batter the first daedra away.

Back and forth her body was passed between the two dueling clannfears. Each time she hit the ground, another ridged cock hilted itself in her cum-drenched bloodied womb as fangs and talons slashed all around her.

Light Armor increased to 21

By the time Alexa's mutilated form finally landed in a crumpled heap, her swollen belly made it seem like she was nine months pregnant, daedric fluids audibly sloshing within her womb.

The crimson liquid seeped out, spreading rapidly across the ground in an ever-widening puddle. Her trembling fingers clutched at the gaping wound, but the flow wouldn't cease. She tried to summon her vampiric power, to ignite the Blood Cauldron that should have mended her flesh, but nothing stirred within her still body. No rush of energy, no warmth of regeneration.

Light violet eyes opened wide as she immediately cast Healing instead. Golden light enveloped her body, slowly knitting her wounds. The moment she felt strong enough, Alexa used Nightwalk. Mist poured from her body, surging a hundred feet away before she teleported to its location. She repeated this ten more times, putting as much distance between herself and the battling daedra as possible.

Restoration increased to 12

Finally, Alexa collapsed against a tree. "Fucking... daedra," she swore, cursing herself for letting her guard down.

Restoration increased to 13

Restoration increased to 14

Once she had calmed down and fully healed herself, Alexa checked her abilities panel. Her shoulders tensed up as she saw Blood Cauldron had been replaced by something called Blood Revel. Similarly, Fortitude was now Wassail.

Blood Revel: (At will) In combat, gain 25% bonus attack damage and spell effectiveness for 120 seconds or until combat ends, but activate Wassail.

Wassail: The Beast awakens below 25% Health in combat, draining Health, Magicka and Stamina during combat and reducing them by 10 points until you feed.

"Shit," Alexa muttered, realizing her vampiric powers changed based on how recently she'd fed. She retrieved a precious Potion of Blood from her inventory with shaky hands, and downed it in one gulp.

The tasty liquid slid down her throat, and Alexa felt her thirst slowly die down. She checked her abilities again, relieved to see Blood Cauldron and Fortitude back in place.

Alexa leaned back against the tree, letting out a shaky breath. "Note to self," she mumbled, "always keep a snack on hand."


Alexa's sky-blue eyes sparkled as she finally spotted a town in the distance. For a moment, she was struck by the realization that villages must be scattered all across this version of Skyrim, even though she had yet to find any cities aside from Whiterun and Falkreath. This seemed to be the first major town she had come across - the villages like Riverwood and Oakwood seemed small in comparison.

It was currently around 3 or 4 AM, if she had kept proper track of time. She didn't have long before sunlight would start impeding her health, magicka and stamina regeneration. Best to stay in town for most of the day - she had no desire to get caught outside with no way to recover her strength outside of her limited supply of potions.

For now, her gaze was fixed on the large gate that served as the entrance to the town. A lone guard stood vigil, a flickering torch in his hand. An idea formed in Alexa's mind and she patted her chestnut stallion's neck, giving the reins a soft tug to urge him forward.

She had to stifle a giggle when she realized the guard absolutely could not see her in the pitch blackness. It seemed Vampire's Sight was incredibly useful at night, even more than she had initially suspected. If she used her bow from afar, she could snipe down her enemies while they couldn't even see her at all.

Her horse's hooves soon gave her away, the rhythmic clops startling the guard out of his daze, calling out into what Alexa knew was complete darkness for him.

"Who goes there? Identify yourself!"

"Just a traveler," Alexa called back in a pleasant tone.

The guard's voice took on a suspicious edge. "What business do you have coming at such a late hour?"

Alexa drew close enough for the torch's glow to illuminate her figure. The guard's eyes instantly dropped to her massive cleavage, straining against the skimpy leather armor.

"I was ambushed by some wild daedra on the road - a few scamps and a clannfear if you can believe it. Managed to kill the scamps, but that clannfear was persistent. Had to ride hard to escape into the tundra...and well, got myself turned around something fierce in the process. By the time I arrived, it was already so late."

The guard nodded slowly, looking at her tits as if they were her eyes. "Aye, I can understand that. But orders are orders - I can't open those gates until first light, I'm afraid. You're welcome to wait here if you'd like."

"Of course, I completely understand," Alexa replied with an innocent flutter of her long lashes. She dismounted gracefully, leading her chestnut stallion to lean against the wall.

Bending over with her back arched, Alexa purposefully presented her bubble butt towards the guard. She swayed her hips hypnotically from side to side as she pretended to rummage through the saddlebags. The guard licked his lips hungrily, unable to tear his eyes away from the delicious swell of her ass straining against the thin leather.

"Say..." he murmured, moving in close until Alexa could feel his hot breath on her neck. "You wouldn't be open to a little...private payment, would you? Guarding this gate gets dreadfully boring some nights. And a beautiful wench like you..."

Alexa turned slowly, making sure to sway her hips enticingly. "Why, good ser..." she purred. "Whatever did you have in mind?"

The guard swallowed hard. "Well, uh, for starters..." He gestured vaguely at her cleavage. "You could show me that wench token I've heard so much about."

Alexa's full red lips curved into a knowing smile. With exaggerated slowness, she reached down between her massive breasts and fished out a golden disc on a chain - her Wench Token. She dangled it teasingly in front of the guard's face before tucking it back into her cleavage.

The guard licked his lips hungrily. "Sweet Mother, you're a sight," he rasped, drinking in Alexa's curves. "Alright, here's the deal - wrap those perfect tits around my cock and give me the best boobjob you can muster. Do that, and I'll make sure you slip inside before dawn."

"With pleasure," she purred, already unlacing the front of her leather jerkin. It fell open, her massive breasts spilling forth, jiggling enticingly.

"Fuck..." the guard breathed as Alexa cupped the creamy orbs, squeezing them together to create a tantalizing valley of soft flesh. He fumbled with his breeches, freeing his rigid cock. It bobbed eagerly mere inches from her cleavage.

Alexa leaned forward, her warm breasts enveloping the guard's shaft. He groaned loudly at the cushiony embrace, hips twitching instinctively.

"Damn, you feel good," he murmured in surprise. "Like you're made of pure warmth."

An impish glint flickered in Alexa's blue eyes as she slid her breasts up and down his shaft in a steady rhythm. Of course she felt warm - she was utterly immune to the cold thanks to Resist Frost and Nordic Heritage. "You like that, hmm?" she cooed, gently fondling his heavy balls. "My hot tits snugly wrapped around your big cock?"

"Oohhh yeah..." he moaned, losing himself to the exquisite friction. Pearls of pre-cum soon beaded at his tip.

Alexa leaned down and flicked her warm tongue over the sensitive head, lapping up the salty essence. Hofri's eyes flew open at the lewd act, a guttural groan escaping his lips.

"Sweet Dibella! Haarn! Get over here!"

The other guard poked his head around the corner, eyes widening comically at the sight of Alexa's breasts sliding up and down his friend's dick. "Hofri? What in Oblivion are you doing?"

"Just shut up and open the damn gate a crack!" Hofri growled through gritted teeth. "I'm letting this wench inside for...services rendered."

He grinned lecherously at Alexa, roughly thrusting his hips to bury himself deeper in her cleavage. The vampiress sealed her lips around his tip, swirling her tongue sinfully.

Haarn scowled in disapproval but begrudgingly pulled the gate control, allowing it to creak open just enough for someone to slip through.

"Now get inside before... ohhhh fuck!" Hofri's words dissolved into a deep moan as his cock twitched powerfully. Hot ropes of thick seed erupted from his tip, flooding Alexa's mouth and glazing her breasts.

The vampiress slowly pulled back, letting his softening member slip from her cleavage with a wet pop. She made a show of swallowing every drop before rising smoothly to her feet.

"My hero," Alexa purred, sauntering through the open gate with an exaggerated sway of her hips. She glanced back with a smouldering look. "Come find me at the inn when you're ready for...more."

The two dumbstruck guards watched her disappear around the corner, jaws hanging open. Haarn turned to Hofri with an incredulous look.

"A prostitute? Really?"

Hofri merely smirked as he tucked himself away, utterly spent. "What can I say? That gorgeous wench was impossible to resist." He clapped Haarn on the shoulder with a shameless grin. "Don't worry, I'll be sure to leave you a turn next time!"

Speech increased to 30