
Wench of Nirn

Alex, now Alexa, wakes up in the woods of Skyrim as a buxom Nord woman, feeling totally lost and powerless. Struggling with her new identity and strange surroundings, she’s vulnerable and at the mercy of the harsh world around her. Why was she transported to Skyrim? Why are people calling her a Wench? Is she the Last Dragonborn? With access to Skyrim's System, Alexa must find her way from being completely helpless, facing dangers and inner doubts, to gradually gaining strength and confidence. Warning: Alexa is in a sexualized version of Skyrim and is taken advantage of a lot. Do not read if you're squemish with noncon/enslavement while she is still weak.

Evoxius · Video Games
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28 Chs

Kiss of Death

Alexa drifted in and out of consciousness, her mind foggy and disoriented. Chills wracked her body, but it felt like the cold seeped from her very bones rather than the air around her. She tried feebly to move her heavy limbs, but found herself bound and splayed out, utterly immobilized.

Panic bubbled up in her chest as a pale, fanged visage appeared in her blurred vision - Anders, wearing a predatory grin. Flashes of memory assaulted her...the boat, the island, the Lady Stone and the excruciating pain when he sank his teeth into her neck.

She strained her arms against the restraints, and opened her mouth, but before she could find her voice, Anders hilted himself inside her, burying his cock to the hilt. Alexa let out a strangled moan as he bottomed out against her cervix. She felt his shaft pulsing and his balls clench, and a rush of hot seed flooded her womb as he climaxed with a low groan of pleasure.

"Shhhh," Anders hushed, his lips brushing her ear. "You'll be reborn as a vampire soon enough. But first..."

He retrieved a small cup from somewhere out of her line of sight. Alexa clamped her mouth shut defiantly when he pressed it to her lips. Anders pinched her nose until she was forced to open her mouth gasping for air. He seized the moment to pour the liquid down her throat - it burned like copper and ash.

"Good girl," he said, planting a loving kiss on her flushed cheek.

Anders withdrew briefly, only to drive his still-hard cock back inside her wet folds. Alexa felt her eyelids growing unbearably heavy as the foul draught took effect. The last thing she perceived before blackness claimed her was the rhythmic slap of flesh on flesh.


When Alexa next regained consciousness, she was alone. The chains remained, but that was a small issue compared to how...wrong everything felt. Her body ached, particularly between her legs, and she could feel Anders' sticky cum coating her thighs.

But the discomfort she felt was nothing compared to the gnawing hunger that clawed at her insides. This wasn't like any hunger she'd experienced before - it was primal, all-consuming. Her mouth watered at the mere thought of hot, coppery liquid flowing down her throat.

Suddenly, Alexa realized she wasn't breathing. She gasped, desperately trying to fill her lungs, only to find it brought no relief. With growing horror, she understood that she didn't need the air. And with that realization came another, even more terrifying: her heart no longer beat in her chest.

"No," she whispered, her voice cracking. "No, no, no..."

But denial wouldn't change the truth. Alexa had been turned into a vampire.

Hands shaking, she pulled up her Effects panel, desperate for some kind of explanation. What she saw made her jaw drop:

Dominate: Illusion spells cast by a vampire are 10% more powerful and last 15% longer on creatures and people.

Moonlit Waters: A vampire can swim underwater without drowning.

Resist Disease: Your Vampiric blood gives you 100% resistance to disease.

Resist Frost: Your Vampiric blood gives you 50 (Sated) to 20 (Blood Starved)% resistance to Frost.

Resist Poison: Your Vampiric blood gives you 100% resistance to poison.

Still Heart: A vampire is 10% harder to detect by creatures and people while sneaking.

Presence: Your Vampiric charm makes intimidation attempts twice as likely to succeed, and buying items is 5% cheaper.

Kiss of Death: Draining a victim (killing them by feeding) permanently increases Health, Magicka and Stamina by 0.1.

Fortitude: Vampiric blood makes you hard to kill. Upon taking fatal damage, you come back to life once per battle, becoming thirstier.

From Ancient Soil: Once per battle, you may touch a corpse to reanimate it. The corpse crumbles to dust when combat ends.

Weakness to Fire: Your Vampiric blood gives you 20 (Sated) to 50 (Blood Starved)% weakness to Fire.

Weakness to Sunlight: Health, Magicka, and Stamina do not recover while in Sunlight and are reduced by 25 (Sated) to 100 (Blood Starved) points.

Inseminated: You've been inseminated by Anders. If steps are not taken, this status will progress to Pregnant within 5 days.

Alexa calmed down slightly she processed the information. The Kiss of Death ability caught her attention immediately. Draining ten people could permanently increase her stats by 1? It seemed weak at first glance, but if this were to be accumulated over time...

And combining Resist Frost with her Nordic Heritage that already gave her 50% resistance to frost, she was immune to frost magic entirely as long as she was sated.

The disease and poison immunities were amazing as well, and the ability to revive after fatal damage was a literal lifesaver. Even the power to reanimate corpses with From Ancient Soil had its uses.

But the weaknesses...those were concerning. Fire vulnerability wasn't ideal, but manageable. The Weakness to Sunlight, though? That was crippling. With her current health of 145 points, including the Lady's Grace blessing, being caught outside while blood-starved would almost be a death sentence. Even outside of that, being unable to recover her health, magicka or stamina naturally was… not good.

Though the Lady's Grace blessing did nullify the reduced stats if she was sated. And she wondered if the blessing's 50% increased Health, Magicka and Stamina regeneration while under half Health, Magicka or Stamina would take priority over not being able to regenerate in sunlight? She'd have to find out.

Regardless, one upside to it all was that she knew vampirism could be cured by the Redguard mage Falion in Morthal, if she provided a filled Black Soul Gem. But at the moment, curing her condition was the last thing on Alexa's mind. No, these vampiric abilities were far too enticing to give up so easily. They could be the edge she needed to survive.

Her eyes gleamed with anticipation as she swiftly accessed her Magic panel. A thrill ran through her when she saw the Powers section, once barren, now brimming with options.

Vampire's Seduction: (1/day) Silently bewitches a person up to level 10 for 30 seconds, calming them and allowing you to feed.

Vampire's Sight: (At will) Improved night vision. Use again to disable.

Vampire's Will: (1/day) Clouds a person's mind for 120 (Sated) to 15 (Blood Starved) seconds, ending combat and making them unlikely to detect you while sneaking.

Blood Cauldron: (At will) Expend some of your Vampiric blood to replenish Health, Magicka and Stamina, becoming thirstier.

Nightwalk: (At will) Send forth a mist for 15 seconds. Use again to teleport to its location. Maximum range is 100 feet.

Vampire's Seduction could be incredibly useful for feeding discreetly. Vampire's Will seemed perfect for escaping sticky situations or setting up ambushes. Blood Cauldron offered a last-ditch emergency heal, though she'd need to be careful not to overuse it. And Nightwalk? The tactical advantages of short-range teleportation were immense.

Flicking through her spell list, she found a new addition in Destruction:

Vampiric Drain: Absorb 5 (Sated) to 20 (Blood Starved) points of Health per second from the target.

Absorbing health from her targets could be incredibly useful, especially when her regeneration was impaired during daylight hours. Though the amount she could drain while sated seemed paltry, she supposed every little bit would help.

A small part of her felt like she should be more disturbed by the transformation, but mostly she was fascinated by the potential power at her fingertips. Still, she tried to keep a level head and think practically.

"Okay, focus," she muttered to herself. "What else has changed?"

She closed her eyes, concentrating, and realized she still had some unallocated points. Opening her Skills panel, she saw she had 10 stat points available. Without hesitation, she pumped them into Stamina, bringing her base up to 120.

"That should help with... everything," she mused wryly.

Alexa scrolled through the skill constellations, and her eyes widened slightly when she saw a new constellation next to Prostitution – a snarling bat representing Vampirism. She could only see the first perk, like always:

Bloodied Vampire (0/2)

Your Vampiric Drain spell costs 25/50% less.

It required at least 10 skill levels in Vampirism to unlock. "Something to work towards, I guess," Alexa whispered with a shrug.

She still had one perk point left. After a moment's consideration, she decided to invest it in the first Prostitution perk:

Fertility Control

Gain the ability to control your fertility at will, becoming sterile or fertile as desired.

"That could come in handy," she murmured, immediately forcing herself to become sterile. Sure enough, when she checked her Effects panel again, the Inseminated status had vanished.

Alexa ran her tongue along her teeth, startled to find her canines noticeably longer and razor-sharp. Before she could fully process this change, the door creaked open. Anders walked in, completely nude, his eyes widening briefly at her consciousness before a predatory grin spread across his face.

"Well, well. My bride awakens," he purred, closing the distance between them.

Alexa's heart would have raced if it still beat. She thrashed against her bonds, the chains rattling uselessly as Anders positioned himself between her legs. He grunted as he thrust inside her pussy, eliciting a gasp from Alexa's lips. He leaned in close until his face was mere inches from hers, piercing eyes boring into her own.

Nightwalk, Alexa thought desperately, trying to summon the mist that would allow her to teleport away. But some instinct told her it was futile - her restraints prevented the power from manifesting.

Anders pounded into her, his hips slapping against her spread thighs. After some time, he pressed his lips to hers in a forceful kiss before abruptly withdrawing. He disappeared briefly, returning with a placid blindfolded man in tow.

With a quick slice of his dagger, Anders opened a small cut on the man's neck. He guided the bleeding wound to Alexa's mouth, all while sliding himself back inside her. Blood pooled against her lips, and Alexa felt an overwhelming hunger surge through her entire being.

Alexa's fangs sank into the man's neck as she drank greedily, unable to stop herself. The blood rushed over her tongue, hot and coppery, filling her with an ecstasy she'd never experienced before. It was better than any drug, any climax she'd ever had. Her whole body tingled with energy as the man's life force flowed into her.

Anders continued to thrust inside her, his pace quickening as he neared his peak again. "That's it," he growled, "drink deep, my bride. Feel the power."

The man's struggles grew weaker and his pulse slowed under Alexa's lips. With a final, rattling gasp, the man went still. She felt him die, felt the last dregs of his life essence pour into her. When his heart stopped beating, she sensed a subtle but permanent increase in her own statistics from the Kiss of Death.

Health, Magicka and Stamina permanently increased by 0.1

Vampirism increased to 1

She gazed up at Anders with crimson-stained lips as he roared out his climax, filling her insides with his seed once more. He pulled out of her roughly, tossing the corpse aside like a ragdoll. "Beautiful," Anders purred, caressing Alexa's bloodied cheek. "A natural-born predator."

"Why?" she asked, cute fangs glinting in the candlelight. "Why did you do this to me?"

Anders cocked an eyebrow, seemingly surprised by her calm demeanor as he lounged back, fully nude and utterly shameless. "You don't seem nearly as distressed as I expected, my bride."

Alexa swallowed hard, forcing her voice to remain steady. "I'm just...processing everything." She batted her eyelashes innocently. "Help me understand? Walk me through why you did this?"

The slight dilation of Anders' pupils told her he really was infatuated with her. Good. She needed him to drop his guard completely.

"Very well," he smirked, scooting closer until his hardening length brushed against her thigh. "I gave you the gift of eternal life, Alexa. No longer must you fear death or disease or the ravages of age..."

As he spoke, Anders undid the chains binding her wrists and ankles. Alexa remained still, not immediately trying to flee. Instead, she allowed Anders to pull her onto the nearby bed.

He grasped her head firmly and guided her mouth down onto his rigid length. "You'll never need to breathe again," he growled as Alexa's lips stretched wide to take him.

Her throat constricted around his girth as he hilted himself completely. Alexa's eyes watered, but she dutifully massaged the thick shaft with the muscles of her esophagus, ensuring every inch remained slick.

"That's it, I knew you were the perfect bride," Anders groaned. "We shall spend eternity here in Oakwood Village, feeding on the blood of any unfortunate travelers."

He rolled his hips, working his cock in and out of Alexa's convulsing throat with steady strokes. "And a few disappearances each month so we can feast on their flesh will raise no suspicion, not with the minotaur camps and spriggan nests plaguing these woods."

Alexa's core clenched imagining the scenario - an endless line of victims to increase her stats through Kiss of Death.

Anders' cock twitched deep in her throat. "You'll never want for anything, my eternal bride. This talented mouth and cunt will be mine to use as I please, every night for the rest of our immortal lives."

He emphasized the point by driving his length down her throat again with a sharp thrust. Alexa gagged reflexively, her tongue lapping at the musky flesh that stretched her lips wide.

Hour after hour, Anders kept her impaled on his thick cock. He regaled Alexa with lurid tales of the depravities they would indulge - the villages they would bleed dry, the virgins whose innocence they would defile, the children they would make into cattle to be harvested endlessly.

By the time night fell outside, Alexa's stomach was full of cum. Yet still Anders denied her respite, even as he rose and carried her into the next chamber.

Here, a luxurious stone coffin lay in the center of the room. Anders stretched out upon it, his engorged cock jutting upwards. He pulled Alexa on top of him, guiding her soaked pussy down onto his manhood until he was fully sheathed inside her again.

Alexa shuddered as Anders gathered her against his cool chest, her head tucked into the crook of his neck. She could feel his lips brushing her ear as he whispered.

"Sleep now, my bride."

Alexa's eyelids grew heavy, and she couldn't tell if Anders drifted off himself. She considered making her escape, but decided not to risk it. For now, she would bide her time, nestling closer and allowing sleep to claim her with Anders' cock still buried deep.


Alexa awoke still impaled on Anders' cock, his arms wrapped tightly around her back, pressing her bare breasts against his cool chest. She lifted her head groggily, locks of blonde hair sticking to her sweat-slicked skin. A few thin rays of morning light shone through the cracks in the ornate stone coffin they lay in.

Anders looked different than when they'd first met - no longer sickly pale. His skin had regained a healthy ruddiness, though still paler than most Nords. It seemed his former appearance was from being starved of blood.

Before she could dwell further, Anders gripped her thick asscheeks, using the leverage to grind her soaked pussy along his still-rigid length. Alexa gasped at the sudden friction, clenching around the thick cock spearing her insides.

For the next few hours, Anders kept Alexa impaled and writhing atop him in the confined space of the coffin. He switched between pounding her pussy and stretching her tight asshole, grunting with each thrust that made her jiggle.

Despite the rough treatment, Alexa couldn't deny the rising heat building within her core. Her pussy drained his cock over and over with the rippling contractions of her silken walls. Only his own vampiric vitality kept him hard and leaking pre-cum to replenish her slutty hole.

"Such a perfect bride," Anders growled in her ear as he jackhammered up into her slobbering cunt. "You're going to be spending most of your time on my cock, I can guarantee that."

Finally, after hilting himself balls-deep one last time, Anders opened the heavy lid of the coffin. Alexa squinted against the light, still impaled on his dick with her legs wrapped around his waist. He reluctantly slid free, leaving her gaping and dripping his sperm onto the stone floor.

Anders disappeared briefly before returning with an armful of clothing. Alexa deadpanned as she saw the scandalously skimpy white dress he held up - a mockery of a wedding gown, little more than a sheer negligee that would leave absolutely nothing to the imagination.

Without waiting for her consent, Anders seized Alexa and began dressing her himself. She offered token resistance, but he easily overpowered her, lashing the flimsy fabric in place until her enormous breasts threatened to spill free, areolae clearly visible through the transparent material. When he was done, Anders tugged on his own clothes - simple trousers and a linen shirt that hung open indecently.

Then, Anders swept Alexa's legs out from under her. She automatically locked her ankles behind his back as he sheathed himself inside her dripping quim once more. Carrying her, he walked out of the house into Oakwood Village proper.

Anders gave Alexa's plump ass a stinging slap, causing her to yelp and clench around the cock impaling her. "This pretty little thing is Alexa, my new bride," he announced proudly to the other pale man moving their way.

"The name's Lars," the vampire said with a lecherous grin, openly ogling Alexa's massive breasts straining against the sheer negligee. "Gotta say, you're one lucky bastard, Anders. Turning a wench this gorgeous into your personal cocksleeve for eternity? I'm jealous."

Anders chuckled, bouncing Alexa up and down on his length, making her whimper. "That's the plan. This greedy cunt was made to be filled every day." He gripped her asscheeks roughly to grind himself deeper.

Alexa bit her lip, stifling a moan as Anders' thick cock stretched her walls. She met Lars' predatory gaze defiantly. "You wish you could get a taste of this pussy," she purred, rocking her hips tauntingly.

Lars laughed at her boldness. "Maybe if you're a very good girl and please your master, he'll let me borrow those lips sometime."

"Dream on," Alexa retorted with a smirk. "This is Anders' pussy to use as he pleases forever."

"Enough flirting, my insatiable bride," Anders growled, giving her asscheek another hard slap. "Let's get a drink, Lars. I want to hear about your latest... activities."

The three vampires headed towards the village inn, Anders still carrying Alexa impaled on his cock. They claimed a dark corner booth, out of sight from the other patrons.

Lars settled back in the booth, his eyes roaming over Alexa's curves as her breasts swayed with each bounce on Anders' cock. "Like I was saying, I found the most delectable pair of bloodbags just last week."

He licked his lips, clearly enjoying the memory. "Sisters, even. Ripe young things, couldn't have been more than fourteen and fifteen. Tits still perky, pussies still tight and untouched."

Alexa forced herself to remain impassive, even as revulsion churned in her gut. She ground her hips down, taking Anders' length deeper to maintain the illusion of a lustful bride.

"They were out gathering herbs in the woods when I stumbled upon them," Lars continued with a dark chuckle. "The looks on their faces when they saw my fangs..." He trailed off, grinning wickedly. "Let's just say their screams were music to my ears."

Anders growled low in his throat, his cock twitching inside Alexa's silken walls. "You'd better have left some fun for the rest of us."

"Of course, of course." Lars waved a hand dismissively. "I've just been...breaking them in a little at a time. Getting their slutty little mouths and cunts accustomed to the taste of our seed."

His gaze turned lecherous once more as he looked at Alexa. "Though I must admit, they're hardly comparable to your gorgeous bride here. This one was made to be a vampire's cocksleeve."

"That's the idea," Anders rumbled, giving a sharp upward thrust that made Alexa's breath catch. "Her only purpose now is to warm my cock with her ungodly tight holes. Isn't that right, Alexa?"

Alexa bit her lip, forcing herself to meet Anders' eyes with a look of pure desire. "Yes, my lord and master. I live only to serve and please you."

The words made her want to vomit, but she knew she had to sell the act. Anders groaned in pleasure, tightening his grip on her thick asscheeks as he ground himself deeper.

"Insatiable little thing, isn't she?" Lars laughed again. "Well, while you're busy taming this young girl, I'll keep the bloodbag sisters...occupied."

His smile turned feral. "It's quite entertaining to make the one lick the other clean after I've finished using her pussy. The way their eyes fill with tears, the shame and degradation as a sister's tongue laps up my cum from her fuckholes..."

Alexa had to consciously suppress a shudder of revulsion. She was thankful when Lars seemed to move on from that line of conversation.

"In other news, there was a bit of a scuffle with that whoreson Alard the Nightlord recently. Tried to encroach on our territory again." Lars rolled his eyes. "But in the end, we've reached an agreement. Our Patriarch forced the coward to agree to provide one hundred and fifty warm bodies to restock our larder."

Anders' eyes widened at that, letting out an appreciative whistle. "One hundred and fifty? That's quite the haul."

"I know, right?" Lars grinned savagely. "Should keep us nicely fed for a while. We're going to have an amazing feast in the next two weeks once they're all rounded up."

The two vampires continued discussing the gruesome details, but Alexa tried to tune them out. She calculated how many victims that represented - how many deaths, how many increases to her stats through Kiss of Death.

One hundred and fifty people...that could raise her stats by fifteen points each. No. She couldn't allow herself to become a monster feeding indiscriminately on innocents like cattle. If the victims were bandits, abusers, or other dregs of society, that would be one thing. But slaughtering untold numbers, including children? Her stomach turned.

They eventually parted ways with Lars. Anders carried Alexa back to their dwelling, her legs still locked around his waist with his cock sheathed deep inside her. Once inside, he retrieved a vial of blood and forced open her lips, pouring the thick crimson liquid down her throat.

Alexa drank hungrily, the coppery tang igniting a primal hunger within her. She moaned wantonly as the blood rushed through her, fueling an insatiable arousal. Her hips bucked of their own accord, impaling herself over and over on Anders' rigid length as she clung to him.

"That's it, my beautiful bride," Anders growled in her ear. "Take your husband's cock like the good little slut you are."

For the next three days, Anders kept Alexa literally impaled on his cock one hundred percent of the time, with her thighs never leaving his waist no matter where he went or what he did. When he needed to relieve himself, he simply slid his shaft in and out of her soaked pussy, using her body for his base desires.

In the village square, he bounced her up and down with sharp thrusts that made her breasts jiggle obscenely beneath the sheer negligee. Alexa whimpered and moaned shamelessly, putting on a show of being a lust-addled bride in love with her husband.

At the local tavern, Anders seated himself with Alexa riding his cock and pressing her full tits against his chest. He grasped her hips firmly, guiding her up and down his shaft in a steady rhythm.

All the while, Alexa played the role of an infatuated lover to the fullest, gazing at Anders with lidded eyes and parted lips. She knew lowering his guard was the key to her eventual escape. So she lavished him with attention, giving his neck soft kisses and grinding her tight pussy on his dick with wanton need.

On the third night, Anders finally allowed Alexa a brief rest, sliding free from her puffy, well-used slit with a wet squelch as thick spurts of semen poured out of her.

"Wait here for me, my bride," he murmured, nuzzling against her neck. "I must attend a clan meeting with the Patriarch. But do not fret, I'll return soon to fill that greedy pussy again."

The moment Anders departed, Alexa seized her chance. She quickly located the potions cabinet, snatching up all ten Potions of Blood to sustain herself. She willed her Map panel to open, and found the furthest place she had explored thus far, Honningbrew Meadery in Whiterun Hold.

Fast travel to Honningbrew Meadery for 834 septims?

Alexa's lips curled into a sneer as she disappeared, already plotting her revenge. For now, she needed to grow stronger. But one day, she would make Anders and his ilk pay dearly for their depravity.