
Wench of Nirn

Alex, now Alexa, wakes up in the woods of Skyrim as a buxom Nord woman, feeling totally lost and powerless. Struggling with her new identity and strange surroundings, she’s vulnerable and at the mercy of the harsh world around her. Why was she transported to Skyrim? Why are people calling her a Wench? Is she the Last Dragonborn? With access to Skyrim's System, Alexa must find her way from being completely helpless, facing dangers and inner doubts, to gradually gaining strength and confidence. Warning: Alexa is in a sexualized version of Skyrim and is taken advantage of a lot. Do not read if you're squemish with noncon/enslavement while she is still weak.

Evoxius · Video Games
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28 Chs

Shopping in Nimalta

Alexa sauntered away from the guards, her hips swaying with each step. The night air caressed her exposed skin as she strolled down Nimalta's main road, taking in the sights of the sleeping town.

Spotting a secluded alley, she ducked inside and slid down against the rough wall with a contented sigh. Her fingers trailed through the sticky mess glazing her breasts, scooping up pearly drops. She brought them to her lips, tongue darting out to sample the salty cum.

"Mmm," she hummed, somehow enjoying the taste as she licked her fingers clean. Leaning back, Alexa tilted her face skyward, losing herself in the twinkling firmament above.

The "stars" gleamed merrily, but Alexa knew better. They weren't stars at all, but holes in reality left by the fleeing Magne-Ge. Magicka itself flowed from those tiny pinpricks, with the sun serving as the grandest source of all.

She frowned slightly, pondering the sun's harmful effects on vampires. The lore escaped her - she'd never delved that deeply into Elder Scrolls mythology. Still, that knowledge likely wouldn't help her situation much. Her magical skills were far too weak to do anything about it.

Anyway, it was high time she put her septims to good use. Potions, armor sets, backup weapons, alchemy ingredients - her shopping list grew by the minute. But the stores wouldn't open for hours yet...

Time crawled by as Alexa waited, entertaining herself by practicing her lesser ward. The transparent magical barrier flickered before her outstretched palm.

Two hours later, the ward abruptly vanished as the first rays of dawn peeked over the horizon. Alexa sighed, feeling her magicka regeneration grind to a halt. At least her Restoration had improved a bit.

Restoration increased to 15

Rising to her feet, she ventured out onto the now-busy streets. Townsfolk hurried about their morning routines, and she immediately felt the difference between this medieval world and her own. No electronics to keep people up late meant early risers were the norm here.

Following the flow of foot traffic, Alexa soon found herself outside a cozy-looking inn. She stepped inside, shoulders relaxing as her magicka began to trickle back.

The common room buzzed with quiet chatter. Bleary-eyed patrons nursed mugs of water, though no one seemed to be eating just yet. Alexa approached the innkeeper - a rail-thin older man with kind eyes.

"I'd like a room for three nights," she stated, leaning in close. "And I'll give you a blowjob. What do you say?"

The innkeeper's eyes lit up, a rosy blush creeping across his weathered cheeks. "Yes, yes, that'll do nicely," he agreed eagerly.

Alexa passed over 51 septims before dropping to her knees behind the bar. Her delicate fingers freed the man's rapidly hardening length. She teased him with her tongue, tracing lazy circles around the tip before taking him fully into her warm mouth.

Her head bobbed rhythmically as she worked her tongue along his shaft, occasionally pulling back to lavish attention on the sensitive head. The innkeeper's breathing grew ragged, his hips twitching with barely-restrained need.

Barely half a minute passed before the innkeeper's hips jerked, spilling his seed down Alexa's throat. She swallowed every drop before rising to her feet.

"Now then," she said, licking her lips. "Is there a general store in town? And when do they usually open up?"

The innkeeper steadied himself against the bar, his legs still a bit wobbly. He cleared his throat, smoothing down his ruffled shirt.

"Ahem, yes, well..." he mumbled, a faint blush still coloring his cheeks. "The general store's just down the street, can't miss it. Old Frelka runs the place." He scratched his stubbled chin. "But she won't be open for a few hours yet. Cranky old bat likes her beauty sleep."

Alexa leaned against the bar, arching an eyebrow. "Oh? And when might that be?"

"Round nine or so," he shrugged. "Plenty of time for you to get settled in your room, miss. Second door on the left upstairs." He flashed her a gap-toothed grin. "Anything else I can do for ya?"

Alexa leaned in even closer. "Actually, there is something else. What can you tell me about the alchemist's shop? I'm looking to brew up a few concoctions of my own."

The innkeeper's eyes lit up. "Ah, an alchemist, are ya? Well, Gerda owns the apothecary just off the square. Bit of an odd duck, but knows her herbs better than anyone." He waved his hand carelessly at the wall. "Come to think of it, she's got a couple rooms folks can rent to brew their own potions. Popular with travelers, y'see."

Alexa's eyebrows rose with interest. "Really now? That could come in handy. And what about here?" She gestured around the common room. "Say I wanted to... entertain some guests in my room. Would that be a problem?"

The innkeeper chuckled, a knowing glint in his eye. "Long as you keep the noise down and don't break anything, what happens behind closed doors is your business." He winked. "Just remember, walls are thin. Might want to muffle any... enthusiastic discussions."

Alexa grinned, patting the bar. "Perfect. You've been very helpful..." She trailed off, realizing she didn't know his name.

"Torolf," he supplied. "And it's my pleasure, miss...?"

"Alexa," she replied, as she rested her cleavage on the counter. "One more thing, Torolf. Any juicy gossip floating around town lately? I'm always up for a good story."

Torolf's face lit up, clearly relishing the chance to share some local rumours. He glanced around conspiratorially before leaning in close.

"Well now, since you asked..." he began in a hushed tone, "there's been talk of strange goings-on up at the Ritual Stone. You know it? Big ol' standing stone, just a ways out of town near the White River."

Alexa knew immediately what this was about, but shook her head as she pretended to not be aware. "Can't say I do. What's so special about it?"

Torolf chuckled. "Ah, well, the stone itself ain't the problem. It's who keeps setting up shop there. Seems like every few months, we get word of some new necromancer squatting up there."

"Necromancers?" Alexa's eyebrows shot up. "Sounds dangerous."

"Aye, that it is," Torolf nodded gravely. "Guards do their best to chase 'em off, and sometimes a brave adventurer'll take care of business. But sure as snow in Winterhold, another one always pops up eventually."

He shrugged, wiping down the bar. "Suppose the place has some kind of appeal for that type. Ritual Stone and all that. Might be worth steering clear of, unless you're looking for trouble."

Alexa hummed thoughtfully, drumming her fingers on the bartop. "Interesting... Very interesting indeed. Thanks for the tip, Torolf. I'll keep that in mind." She patted his hand reassuringly. "But for now, I think I'll go introduce myself around town. See if anyone's in need of some...companionship this fine morning."

She walked through the common room, drawing the eyes of every red-blooded male in the place. Approaching a table with three burly men, she leaned over provocatively, allowing her massive cleavage to be clearly visible.

"Good morning, boys," she purred in a sultry tone. "The name's Alexa, and I'm offering a special deal this morning for early risers like yourselves." She traced a finger along the stubbled jawline of the nearest man. "Just 10 septims for a quality blowjob."

The man gulped audibly, his eyes dropping to stare at her tits. "W-What about extras?" he managed to croak out.

Alexa's smile widened. "Why, I'm so glad you asked..." She straightened up, placing her hands on her hips as she laid out the menu. "For 20 septims, you can have me any way you like...back door included. And for a mere 30 septims, you'll get full access to the main attraction."

She winked, tongue darting out to moisten her full lips. "Of course, that'll have to be upstairs in my private room. But I'll be your personal whore as long as the coin keeps flowing."

The three men exchanged looks, lust and indecision warring on their flushed faces. One shook his head regretfully. "Sorry, lass. We're just simple loggers, ain't got that kind of coin to spend."

Alexa shrugged, and turned her attention to the next occupied table. And the next. Some men politely declined her services, while others eagerly forked over handfuls of septims for a promised raunchy romp upstairs.

Over the next couple hours, a steady stream of patrons snuck up to Alexa's rented room. Most encounters were brief - just a hurried blowjob or a quick fuck against the wall before the men rushed off to start their days. But a few seemed to have more time and coin to spend on extended pleasure.

A balding, paunchy Imperial merchant in his 40s was the next to approach Alexa's room, a lecherous grin plastered on his sweaty face. "Well now, aren't you a pretty little thing," he leered, running an appraising eye over her busty body. "I'll take the full package, if you don't mind."

Alexa smiled indulgently, holding out her hand. "30 septims then, and I'm all yours."

The merchant quickly counted out the coins, pressing them into her palm with greedy fingers. As soon as the last septim left his hand, Alexa's eyes seemed to glow with the unnatural reddish light of Vampire's Seduction.

"You will remove your clothes," she commanded. "And you will be still."

The merchant blinked slowly, his eyes glazing over as the thrall took hold. Moving in a daze, he began unbuckling his belt and shucking off his clothes until he stood nude before the vampiress. Alexa circled around behind him, pupils dilating as she drank in the sight and scent of his vulnerable flesh.

With a harsh shove between the shoulder blades, she sent the merchant tumbling face-first onto the bed. He landed with a surprised grunt, but made no move to resist as Alexa climbed up to straddle his back. Her slender fingers stroked along the thick tendon in his corded neck as she leaned down to inhale his musky aroma.

"Just relax," she purred into his ear. "This will only hurt...for a moment."

Alexa's vampiric fangs pierced the merchant's jugular. He jerked reflexively as her razored incisors sank into his flesh, but was held immobile by the power of her thrall. A strangled moan escaped his lips as Alexa's lips latched onto the punctures, greedily drawing long draughts of his blood.

For ten seconds, Alexa remained locked in a morbid embrace with her victim, back arched and eyes rolled back in elated bliss as she consumed his life's essence and started rolling him on his back. Finally, with a convulsive shudder, the thrall dissipated and the merchant was released from her spell.

Vampirism increased to 3

He blinked slowly, shaking his head in confusion as he found himself splayed out on the bed, Alexa's naked form straddling his. Before he could speak, the vampiress silenced him with a searing kiss, moaning lustfully into his mouth.

"Mmm, that hit the spot," she breathed against his lips. "Now, where were we?"

She repositioned herself over the merchant's hard dick. Grasping the shaft, she aligned it with her dripping entrance and sank down with a groan of satisfaction.

"Oh yes...just like that," she purred, leaning back to emphasize her massive breasts that bounced with the force of her movements, creamy flesh jiggling hypnotically.

The merchant could only groan incoherently, eyes rolling back as Alexa rode him hard. He gripped her bouncing hips, fingers digging into the soft flesh as she picked up the pace. Wet slapping sounds filled the room, along with Alexa's cries of pleasure.

Time seemed to blur as the vampiress took her fill of both coin and seed. She felt that the merchant was kind of a loser, to be honest. He just sat there as she bounced on his cock and kept spilling himself inside her pussy. At some point, his cock simply refused to rise again, drained and spent.

Alexa had a disdainful smirk on her face as she looked at the sweaty, twitching mess she had reduced the man to.

"Are you even a real man if you can't satisfy me?" Alexa whispered to herself, and she gracefully rose from the bed and began redressing herself.

Prostitution increased to 77

The merchant watched through a haze of exhaustion as she slipped the skimpy crimson leather armor over her curvaceous form. The material clung tightly to every dip and swell, leaving little to the imagination. She could see his manhood stir feebly at the erotic sight before reality reasserted itself.

Alexa finished buckling the last strap, smoothing the supple leather down over her shapely ass, and cast a sidelong glance at her temporary plaything.

"Don't worry, you did...adequately," she said mockingly. "Just be sure to tell all your merchant friends about the services I provide. I'll be in town for a few more days at least."

She walked out of the room, and descended the inn's creaky stairs. She ran a hand along the leather armor hugging her curves, feeling the scratches and scuffs left by the vicious clannfear attack. The material was marred but still clung tenaciously to her body, barely preserving her modesty - not that she cared much about modesty these days.

Still, she supposed she shouldn't question her luck too closely. The strange rules of either this world or her System regarding skimpy armor seemed to offer a lot of…flexibility when it came to wardrobe resilience. As long as the important bits were covered, major damage was somehow deflected or mitigated. So, even though the clannfear's spiked tail had pierced straight through her stomach, the invisible shield covering her naked skin where normal armor would usually provide protection was not broken at all.

Skimpy armor for the win, she thought with an amused shake of her head. Alexa pushed through the inn's doors, immediately squinting against Skyrim's bright morning rays. She could feel her inherent vampiric weaknesses flaring up as the sun's radiance washed over her pale skin. Her health, magicka, and stamina ceased regenerating.

No matter, the general store would offer shelter soon enough. Still, it was frustrating that even Lady Stone's blessing didn't protect her from sunlight's draining effects. The Lady's Grace would have boosted her regeneration by 50% if her stats were low, but that particular boon didn't extend to bypassing a vampire's major weakness.

Alexa walked up to the general store, and pushed open the weathered wooden door to step inside. Her nostrils were immediately assaulted by a mix of scents - wood smoke, cured meat, old books, and an underlying mustiness.

The store's interior was spacious and well-stocked, with shelves and barrels lining the walls. A few other customers milled about, perusing the wares. One burly man caught Alexa's eye - he was dragging a young woman behind him on a leash, a cruel iron collar biting into her slender neck. The wench's eyes were downcast, and she wore absolutely nothing. Her massive breasts were also covered in purple bruises, and white cum ran down her thighs.

Alexa's lips thinned as she studied the brute's face, committing his features to memory. She'd have to look into that situation later. For now, she moved further into the store, grabbing one of the empty wicker baskets stacked near the entrance.

She wandered the narrow aisles, and Alexa's gaze was immediately drawn to a secluded corner displaying various sex toys. She hesitantly approached the lewd collection. Dildos of every shape and size, some thicker than her wrist, lined the rough wooden shelves alongside butt plugs, ring gags, and other lewd implements.

Alexa had fucked numerous people for coin that morning, yet she couldn't suppress the bashful blush creeping over her cheeks as she looked at the phallic offerings. Delicate fingertips traced the veiny shafts, the cool glass and smooth wood contrasting with the ribbed, lifelike rubber dongs. After a moment's indecision, she selected a girthy white dildo easily 12 inches long and slipped it into her basket, cheeks burning.

She used to be a man… But she also had to be honest with herself, and admit that she loved cock by now. The feeling of it filling her tight pussy, the salty taste on her tongue, the way it knocked insistently against her cervix before flooding her womb with hot, thick white cum that triggered earth-shattering climaxes. What wasn't to love? If this lifelike facsimile could sate her desires on lonely nights, why wouldn't she indulge?

Continuing her shopping, Alexa eagerly snatched up 50 lockpicks to replenish her supply. The spell tome section drew her attention next, and she read the dusty tomes' spines with an appraising eye. Most were basic, covering novice spells she already knew. But a few new ones caught her interest - Alarm, Longstride, Frostbite, Sparks, Clairvoyance, Pale Shadow, and Soul Trap. She added one copy of each to her basket.

The potion aisle proved to be a treasure trove, and Alexa quickly loaded up on a variety of brews. Into her basket went 25 Potions of Minor Healing, 13 of regular Healing, 7 Potions of Minor Magicka, 34 of Minor Stamina, 17 of regular Stamina, 3 Potions of True Shot, and 4 Skirmisher's Potions. She needed two more baskets just to carry it all.

A glint of metal caught her eye - a finely carved staff stood mounted on the wall nearby. As Alexa drew closer, she could make out the enchantment's nature from the panel underneath - a Staff of Flames, capable of unleashing gouts of fire until its charge was depleted. She wasted no time in taking it down and adding it to her growing collection.

The soul gem section was her final stop, and Alexa scooped up 30 Lesser Soul Gems and 24 Common Soul Gems. She'd need a steady supply for recharging and enchanting in the future.

By the time she was done, Alexa was weighed down with four heavily laden baskets, the Staff of Flames balanced precariously on top. The other patrons shot her incredulous looks as she hauled her purchases up to the counter and began unloading.

The old shopkeeper, a craggy-faced woman named Frelka, watched impassively as Alexa piled everything on the battered wooden surface. Only when the last item was placed did the woman pull out a ledger and begin meticulously tallying the cost.

"Eight thousand, seven hundred and forty-three septims," Frelka stated flatly, eyeing Alexa with obvious skepticism. "If it were anyone else, I'd doubt you had that kind of coin. But you free wenches tend to be well-off..."

Alexa simply nodded, retrieving several bulging pouches from her 'side-pack', which was really her retrieving the money from her inventory, and placing them onto the counter. A smattering of gold septims spilled out in a glittering pile, covering the scarred wood. Frelka raised an eyebrow but said nothing as she ran the coins through some kind of enchanted counting device. Finally, she nodded in satisfaction and began scooping a small amount of coin from Alexa's coin purses.

"Your change," the old woman grunted, sliding it across the counter. Alexa quickly swept it into her palm, looking up in surprise when Frelka didn't make any suggestive remarks or lewd requests.

"You're not...interested in any other services?" she couldn't help but ask, a hint of confusion in her tone. She was so used to having to pay with her body in addition to coin by now.

Frelka snorted derisively. "Not my type, girl. And a bit past that sort of thing at my age, truth be told." She waved a dismissive hand. "Just take your purchases and be on your way."

Alexa blinked slowly, a small frown creasing her brow as she processed the unexpected response. But she quickly recovered, giving the shopkeeper a polite nod.

"Actually, before I go..." She gestured at the baskets. "Could I take these with me? I'll pay an extra twenty septims."

Frelka considered for a moment before shrugging. "Aye, I can spare a few baskets. Twenty it is."

Coins changed hands, and Alexa carefully gathered up her purchases, balancing the heavy loads on both arms. With a final nod to the shopkeeper, she turned and headed for the exit, ducking through the doorway.

Speech increased to 31

Speech increased to 32

Speech increased to 33

Speech increased to 34

Speech increased to 35

Speech increased to 36

Speech increased to 37

Once outside in the fresh morning air, Alexa quickly went into the nearest alley. Glancing around cautiously, she began transferring everything into her inventory, the storage space easily accommodating her new items. Within moments, the overflowing baskets were empty, and she casually discarded them against the stone wall.

Her inventory's weight limit was currently at 240.3/345.1, so she had enough space still. Though she did plan on offloading some things on her horse soon.

Brushing off her hands, Alexa emerged onto a busier street and rejoined the flow of pedestrian traffic. She would need to find an alchemy shop to buy more potions and ingredients, and start working on her alchemy. And a visit to the blacksmith to purchase some new armor wouldn't be a bad idea...

A/N: The town of Oakwater has been renamed to Oakwood in previous chapters to stay accurate to the lore.

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