
Weltkrieg: a youjo senki fic

WARNING: This fic contain, abusive, unadulterated language, event, content, and may be frowned upon by certain societies, read at your own risks. I don't take any credits regarding my works. If you were easily offended by certain symbol or things that happen inside this disturbing fic, please I beg you to press that back button, it's easy. ============================= A reincarnated soul was a born prodigy. Pass their twentieth they were no more than ordinary, but a child with soul and mind from the depth of hell itself will prove them wrong as the world shall burn in the ashes of war. Richard was a boy born and raised through conflict plagued his Fatherland since its rising to Imperial hegemony. A devil and a saint on the different side of the coin. He who will bring salvation in the war-ridden world from the machination of the very being all people worship. Fighting fire with fire creating the chain to the path of reclamation or destruction. He who commands the ghost division, elites of the elites, armed with the best technology he developed. From the sunken ship and bodies of the Atlantica ocean, the falling clocktower of Londinium, the burning city of Parisii, the scorched snow of Rus Union, and the broken wings of the Unified States, He who will bring million dead souls, weeping widows and parents in his wake. I stay gazing down at death as they say WAR! I'll wages war, I hate war. Peace yet is a noble but a far-fetched cause. War didn't make a monster of us, it brings the monster within. ============================= DISCLAIMER: Everything inside this fic as well as the cover that's recognized as licensed and known works, are belong to their respective owners. I DON'T take any credits of this works. Feel free to take, implement, some of the content or element inside this fic, I don't care. ============================= Oh, if you like what I wrote, you can consider to leave a tip of jar for me. https://ko-fi.com/nyanmato

Abbeysensei · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

Observer Alpha is testing

Unified Years, 1914, a region of Königsberg, The Obsidian Round table, main office.

Three days had passed after Freesia Summoning, and I'm still here.

With great power comes great responsibility, or so what they said.

"Verdammt!" I cursed at the paper stack in front of me, "Are there still more?" I asked Freesia, who just entered the room…with another stack of paper, fuck my life.

"It can't be helped, Herr Friedrich is currently sick," She exasperated, before approaching me behind the table and…

"Ouch, what's that for?" I rubbed my cheek, as it's started to redden.

"Kommandant, it's improper for someone of your personage to swear," Chiding me, she held a finger above.

"It's fine, nobodies here anyway."

"Still, please refrain to do so in the future, do you understand Kommandant?" She said calmly, though black tendril coming off behind her said the otherwise.

I hurriedly shook my head, up and down, "Yes, yes, I understand so stop that."

Freesia may nag at everything that she considers improper, and always scowl and frown a lot. But when she started to smile, that's where I know she reached a limit. Better let the sleeping dragon lie.

For the past three days, I've test Freesia's capabilities and limitations as a personification of a warship.

She could skate above the water as it were land, we've ordered a pair of uniforms and clothes for her along with special skate shoes designed for her.

Now when I looked closely, she was indeed a beauty, like a young flower that hasn't bloomed yet. She wears a hair ribbon encased in an Iron cross, an armband, and she even wears a spat when she requested something that easy to move in. If I have to range her age in human years, maybe she's 15-16 years old.

The most interesting was, she could control a ship specifically a destroyer. We've tried other ships that still being constructed, submarines, battleship, even the carrier, none are working other than a destroyer she has chosen.

It was like, she was melting as the ship become parts of her body, not a limb, more like a second body. She didn't need any crews to command the ship, everything become automated. Even her personal rigging was customized according to the Destroyer specification. This means, if we were to retrofit or change the destroyer, her rigging would also follow suit.

To be honest, the tactical advantage of the ship-girl could posses wasn't the ability to customize the rigging, but their mobility. She's very fast, add that to our latest diesel engine, I can say she could skate on the water up to 43 knots with heavy weapon ordnance and torpedo.

To add the nail to the coffin, she could jump. Yes, she could jump. What? It's not that impressive, you said? Imagine if she were to face a torpedo at every corner, she could simply jump over it, very advantageous. She's small, the size of a teen girl, add that with her speed only an insane barrage of AA or auxiliary gun of ordinary ship could hit her. Even that won't guarantee to penetrate her armor.

And the best parts, we didn't need to stock her ammunition. I don't know how energy conservation and law apply here, but like a human, she converted what she eats as a source of energy and ammunition. What an eco-friendly ship.

I refrain to use any of the other cubes. A small fraction was given to R&D for close observation and any other useful application we could use it for. From what I've heard, they were quite eager to test it on the various application, like a reactor, even farming technology.

Releasing a sigh at the paperwork, I felt something shift in front of me. Freesia sensing this, took my hand, and shield me behind from the dark rift forming on the front of the table.

I merely raised my hand to her, "It's fine, Freesia."

"But Kommandant," She fumbled over my order.

"I said stand down, put your rigging away."

Her face turned stiff, "Ja-jawohl."

"Well, well, this is unexpected. To think you found your own method to summon one of these, Big sister is very happy." Came her voice, an intoxicating melody that could melt even the most rigid sailor, and ensnared their way to certain death.

Her eyes were the incarnation of the deepest abyss, staring back at you, with an unholy yellow taint. Her attire leaves to be desired, only a pair of nightwear and panty.

Sometimes I question myself, to commend someone who designed their fashion or condemn them and put a bullet between their perverted skulls.

"What do you mean, Alpha," I asked her, the siren with codename The Observer α.

"To think I came this far to tell you the way to use these cubes, that empress forgot to tell you about that, so I've come here." Then her gaze shifted to Freesia, like a toy she looked at her. Cold, silent trembling of fright could be seen from her. I silently took her hand, ensuring Freesia. It's fine.

"But, looks like you've successfully found yourself a new doll to play with, congratulations!" She giggled.

"Even with that, I'm sure there is a flaw of my summoning method isn't it?"

"As expected of my cute little subject, yes, there's a big flaw if you summon them in your way. I presumed you put it into a water tank, yes?" I nodded at her.

"There's a big difference, see, with your method you were like pulling a lottery. Depending on your luck, you could get a good ship, or a useless one even an enemy ship. And they would retain their memories of past life, or whatever. That's one big flaw, isn't it? you summon not only a useless one but also a ship that belongs to other countries that retain their past loyalty."

"I see," I pursed my lips, that's one big understatement, I can see why it will be dangerous if I were to summon a ship that belongs to the UK or the US.

Still, Freesia is not a flaw. Yes, she may have a deep nightmare at night, and often come to my bed in seek of comfort much to Violet dismay, but she's not a flaw. But I refrain to refute her.

"Instead, you could use the cube inside a newly created ship. You will create a new ship, with a blank state instead of summoning old one, see."

So, I could personify the new carrier inside my fleet, that's one big understatement.

"But does the application only applied to a ship?"

She giggled at my question, "I wonder, it may work, it may not. It's up to you to discover the wonder behind it, Richard-kun."

"I understand, back to test again huh. I hope it won't explode or something." I sighed in my seat.

"Hehe, all you could do is struggle and struggle. The creator is very pleased with you, you know." She ruffled my hair, ruining my hair cream as a lock of black strand blocked my view.

Though it wasn't all bad, I felt warm inside.


"I don't know, maybe intrigued? Your goal is very big, defeating all the divine beings in this realm, isn't an easy task even for us." She affectionately licked my cheek, much to my rising hormone. Freesia clearly tensed up on her action, gripping my hand very rigidly it could almost break.

She continues licking it before moving down to suck my lips, a squelching sound was resounded loudly throughout the room. Freesia tried her best to shield her vision with one of her hands, occasionally peeking between the gap created from her fingers. She clutched my hand very tightly I swear I could hear a crack coming from it.

What is this Heaven or Hell? The pleasure from my cheek, and pain from my palm. I don't know to feel aroused or pain, but I don't want to be awakened to strange fetish or something. I'm too young for that.

Violet, violet, where are thou? Right, she was out training with another division. At this rate, I would lose my manhood. Please stop me, Violet.

"Please stop that," I beg weakly to her, she parted our lips as a trickle of saliva still connecting between us.

"Well, very cute." Her hand traced my abdomen, sensually until it reached above my brother. Blood rising inside, before she took her hand away, licking it.

"I would love to continue, but I feel pity with the girl behind you. See you later, Richard-kun," She winked at me, before disappearing in a flash.

Before I realize it, I was sweating bullets, my chest heaved up and down uncontrollably in a mix of arousal and disappointment.


"Kommandant, I don't take you as that kind of person, but…I've clearly misjudged you." Her eyes hidden between her bangs, as one of them started to flash in red.

I frantically waved at her, in a flush I said desperately, "You're wrong Freesia, I'm a boy you know, I just reached my puberty…so don't blame me, I even would have the same reaction if it's you!"

"Eh!?" Her eyes widened, steam coming out of her head, as a beet of red formed on her cheek.

She was stuttering, "I-I-Idiot Kommandant!" Was her response.

"Ough!" I clutched my reddened cheek as she ran through the door, "That hurts."

Stupid adolescent mind, I muttered as I look at the orange skylines outside the window.

So Freesia and Violet just got NTR'ed, yeah.

I originally wanted to move the plot forward, but a break between is occasionally nice too.

P.s I just watch the Azurlane anime yesterday, damn the observer's voice is top-notch, and Sheffield went full commando when she tried to shoot Akagi.

Oh well, I wanted to refute something out of it, but holy shit, a flying aircraft carrier? seriously? not to say, they could perfectly fight on top of the land, jumping like a ninja. Until I realized this isn't kancolle, and I ain't complaining.

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