
Welp, I we reborn as a dragon now I need to become the demon lord!

reincarnation is odd there is not one way to put it so why not read about it a girl named Yuki gets reincarnated as a dragon full of magic and power but there is one thing that might stop her... School. Follow Yuki an her dragon-filled adventure.

Bailey_Rose_8860 · Teen
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5 Chs

Chapter IIIV

~Flare: POV~

I grabbed the pig that I would have for dinner with everyone and looked over to tell Yuki that we were going home but she wasn't there I couldn't find her.

"Yuki! Yuki where are you?!" I roared around looking for her. 'Damn it where is that girl?' It was hard not to find her. Her white fur gave her away where she would be but the one time I needed that dang fur ball I couldn't find her. She was just gone. 'No no no no I need to find her?!'

~Yuki: POV~

I followed the big one that was a little far away I dug my claws and watched him slowly the pig turned away from me letting his guard down. I ran behind the big I jumped up and bit down on him. I used the skill [Bite F] I looked over at him who had an HP bar. {0/40} It fell dead.

'That was easy to simple way way too simple.' I sat down poking it looking down I bit it and started to eat the pig before I heard a roar from Mother. I looked over at them there was something wrong I ran over to Mother to see what was wrong. 

"Yuki where in the great god's what are you doing" Oh that might be what going on I looked around she was right behind me I was sitting down eating my pig doing my thing and Mother was pissed that was right behind me. I looked over about to say something to explain.

"I said you're not going to hunt!" She roared I looked down at me as I had another bite of my pig. I looked up at her as another pig ran out to help its fallen pig I just used [Bite F]. I looked at Mother and she was pissed before she would say something a blue light went around me and a ping.

~You have leveled up!~


"You leveled! Great….." My mother looked away and she started to walk back with the pigs on her back. I followed her and looked up she looked scared as if something was wrong.

~Few hours later~

I laid down on my back and stretched my paws. 'Hay can you show my stats' 

~Name: Yuki~

~Age: three mouths~

~Level: 2~ 

~Speaches: Magma dragon. Class rank S~

~HP: 300/300~

~Mana: 450/450~

~Inteligens: 550~ 

~Attack: 250~

~Defance: 225~

~Speed: 425~

~Luck: 225~

~Skills: [Bite D] [Baby Fire F] [Fly F] [Fire Control S] [Earth Control]~

~Tidles: [None]~

'That's not that bad only level 2 as well.' This was nice there was something off it was hard to find out why.

~Few months later~ (She is about 1 ½)

I looked around at my father and mother staring daggers at one another it was hard to tell why.

"Is something wrong father?" I asked looking at them

"No there is nothing wrong. What makes you say that?" He asked looking at me.

"You look pretty mad," I asked looking at him.

"It's fine doesn't worry butttttt would you want to level up?" My mother asked glaring.

"Yes 100%!" I yelled looking up at them hoping for some kind of training.

"OK well then in a few months, there is a school made for teaching kids like your magic." I looked at him weirdly.

"But I am not a human isn't schools made for humans?" I asked both of them my fluffy fur ruling and my tail going back and forth.

"Yes that is true but there is a skill called transform that any monster can get without much care. Along with that monsters like us can go in as long as they don't hurt anyone." My father said looking out of the cave.

"How do I learn that skill?" I asked sitting by my father my gold eyes looking up at him. 

"You read a book," He said pointing at a small book in the middle of the cave.

"I don't get how that works," I said looking down at it messing with the book.

"The book tells you how to do the skill they are called skill books. These vary from how rare they are but some are really common like the transform skill almost all monsters that have some brain can use when you learn a skill you can pass it on to others like I am to you with this book and when you get older and more powerful I will give you the true skill." He was going on and on about it but at the same time, the last thing got my attention.

"What do you mean true skill?" I said farther

"Every great dragon has a true skill that can bend the world to their whim in one way or another the one I have is called 'Dragons eye' Anything within the user's vision can cage in any way they won't," He said bolder.

"Wow, that's over powered." I roared.

"Yes, and that is many because I am the strongest dragon you can find" 

"Yeah I dont think so." I said rolling my eyes

"You say that when you have never seen me fight." He said looking out some where it was hard to tell where or why but there was some sadness in his eyes.

"Well I wont to lern this thank you." I said poking my nose into the scroll.