
Welcome To The supernatural World; What Power Would You Get?

Doron was unfortunate to meet a wendigo during a camping trip, and this encounter turned his life upside down. Now, he has to survive in a world that he thought only existed in novels and comics. The thing is, that wendigo for some reason changed into a loli?, that could grant him super powers for a day or when his life is in danger?. All this started because he went into the woods to get firewood?! I think, he would be traumatized from this... poor kid won't go into the woods ever again.

papylion · Urban
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45 Chs

Chapter 29: Something Snapped

The group all looked to their side and saw Doron open his hands wide like he was going to give someone a hug.

They then heared him saw 'Sweetheart?', Am sorry, what is sweet about this slime? Tell us?!

Doron ignored their stares as he made his way to marble.

Sensing that her father was coming towards her, Marble shrunk her body to size of about a socer ball, as she rolled to her papa.

Doron picked her up and realised that she was not as heavy as he had expected.

"Papa!" Marble said happily as she rubbed her face on Doron's.

This scene would have looked so touching if the group did not know of the trueappearance of the cute slime in Doron's hands.

"Ahem... so what now?" Person 2 asked as he looked at the loving family reunion happening not far from them.

The others did not know how to respond to his question. One minute they were ready to fight with all they had, since dying in a dungeon was game over, no respawns, no revives, just pureundiluted death.

Now they thing that was supposed to cause their death was now cuddling with Randolph.

"...Can someone explain what is going on here?" Person one asked.

This is just bullsh*t, how can you all just stand there and look like what is happening is completely normal and sane!? That thing almost killed us!? You know what, f*ck it.

Person 1 took out his spear and dashed towards Doron with the intention to kill.

He had always appalled monsters, it's true that there is a profession that allows one to tame and control these monsters, and medium dungeons have monsters like elves, drows, dwarfs, satyrs, fauns, demons e.t.c.

These dungeons are the most visited because of one thing the monsters.

Think about it, having a beatiful elf service you when you want, how you want, where you wnat, and when you want... Important things must be said twice.

Person 1 has always had an innate hate for these kinds of people who would gladly tame these... these foul creatures for entertainment.

He was so fast and fluid, that it took time for the others to process what happened, but it was already to late as his spear was already nearing Doron's heart.

The sound of metal hitting metal was heard, as silver blade was seen appearing behind Doron who looked back and was a bit shaken to see that he was so close to dying.

Yes he was able to tell that the spearman was coming, but he was not expecting the man to be that fast.

"Gummumumu!" Marble showed her anger by materializing another blade and sent it towards the spearman, who easily deflected it and distanced himself from the father daughter duo.

"What are you doing?" Iris said with furrowed brows as she summoned countless roots around her and Patra.

Patra on the other hand just stood there shcoked. 'Why did his movements remind me of Thusiel, it's like they are the same person, but different appearances'

Doron on the other hand was furious, he was angry, he was boiling in anger.

'How! how!! how!!! how!!!!'

He could not accept it, he could not process it, he did not want to beleive it, he did not want to know the reason, he wanted to...

KiLl TheM AlL!!

Sensing the rage of Doron, Marble's body wiggled as she made her way to his head and devoured Doron.

This of course surprised the others as they were shocked that the slime would later eat her... Papa.

The shock did not last long as they realised that the slime was not devouring him, but covering him, like an armor.

Doron did not know why, but he was just angry, that move of the spearman reminded him of something, it was like a memory he had and did not at the same time suddenly emerged in his head.

That move was like a trauma for him, it was like a shameful thing he did not want the world to know of.

His mind was blanck, he was not thinking, he was just looking at the spear that pierced through him, he saw how his heart was damaged by the spear.


He later regained his bearings and the first thing he saw was the corpse of the person 1. His eyes were lifeless, and the spear jutting out of his chest showed how he died.

The party members of person 1 looked at Doron like he was monster as they replayed what transpired in their heads.

When Doron was being covered by the slime, Person 1 for some reason moved like he was posessed and repeatedly attacked Doron who kept dodging his blows like they were nothing, he was visibly faster than person 1.

As the fight progressed, of course they had tried to stop him, but his life less look and rigid but some how fluid movements told them that he was in some kind of a trance, it did not really make sense to them.

How could someone who was fine a minute ago, start attacking someone like they were his sworn enemy.

The fight in the cave was too restricted as Person 1 could not use his spear skills to the fullest as he was able to push Doron out of the cave and to the lush and tall forest where they continued their fight.

The slime suit that Doron was wearing was would occasionally jut out spikes and sheilds to protect Doron from blows that could potentially har him.

The fight lasted for about half a minute when the spear man was tripped by the slime suit when it created a tentacle that the spearman did not see and that cost him his life, as Doron expertly took the spear away from person 1 and nailed him to the ground, accurately piercing his chest.

[Trance State of The Host Has Been Eliviated]

[Rewards: Spear Proficiency(Level 1), Memory Fragment Unlocked(x1)]

Doron looked at these system notifications and frowned as he read them.

'I was in a trance?'

He did not really understand it as he looked at the party members of person 1 and smiled.

"He attacked first?"



High up in the sky, the gods of the planet that Doron was currently in were looking at a fuming god who was looking down on the planet with anger.

Her chest rose up an down as she tried to calm herself down.

"My queen"

"Don't you dare queen me!" She yelled as the temple they were in visibly shook. "You said that your champion could easily kill that realm menace without him knowing what hit him, but what am I seeing!? Not only did he survive, but he seemed to have unlocked something within him!"

The other gods looked at the gods of spears with scorn and contempt.

"My quee---"

"Take him out, let him stay in the realm of the forgotten for some days"

The god of spears eyes widened as he quickly got on his knees. "My queen plea--!!! My queen!!!"

He was carried away by what looked like ravens but with three heads.

"So, any one else?"

The other gods just looked at each other and did not comment.

"Bunch of cowards! Get out!" She screamed as the other gods hurriedly left the temple hall, for fear of having their queen vent her wrath on them.


She clicked her tongue as she looked down to the world, and peered into the dungeon that the realm menace was currently staying in.

"I would have your soul no matter what"

Doron who had now killed the other adventurers, including Pin, felt that he was being watched as he looked up, like he could see someone.

The woman who was staring at him could not help but be shocked.

'He felt my gaze? But how? He had not felt it before' The woman thought as she looked at Doron. 'I want to see why the administrators are so fond of you, I will know what you arehiding if it's the last thing I do'

Back in the dungeon.

Patra and Iris looked at Doron with concern. They knew that something was wrong with him as they could tell that he was not really in his body.

When he was fighting person 1 before, they felt that he was different.

"Are you sure about this?" Patra asked as she looked at the slime devour the party members in it's body and slowly corrode them, clothes and all.

Her blue body now had a red tint in it as the blood of the adventurers were also absorbed.

"Yes" Doron replied as he looked at the slime happily devouring the adventurers.

He also felt that something was not right about the dungeon, form when they saw the temple to the gate, he knew that they were being toyed with, and then the spearman just suddenly attacking him.

Things like that reeked of foul play.

"What happened to you earlier?" Iris asked, as she could tell that Doron was not really in control of his body as he was moving like a puppet.

"I was in a trance" He replies. "It was like the way the spearman attacked triggerred this rage inside me, I could tell that this had happened before, and I tried not to let others know about it"

"I think you might have been attacked like that before" Patra said, but deep down. 'Did Thusiel do that, their posture and attack pattern are the same, something is not right here'

Iris just looked at Doron and sighed. "The higher ups won't tell me anything, let's go to a temple and speak to one of the gods, my influence here is low, but am sure they might be some Hostium Custodis like me here..." She paused. " unless the world tree of the planet is still in good health"

"No" Doron rejected.


"I said no, if my guess is right, this must be the doing of a god, going to a temple is just us delivering ourselves to them" He countinued. "Let's just avoid anyone or organization that has some links or dealings with gods"

"That means we can't ally with temples and churches, or kingdoms that are built on religions" Patra said.

"Yes, those are out, we should just ally with people who either want to destroy the world or just want to cause havoc" Doron smiled as he looked up. "And am really sure that in a world like this, there would surely be a group of people that worship the realm menace"

The girls also looked up but did not see anything but they did not put it to mind.

Meanwhile someone high above was fuming.