
Welcome To The supernatural World; What Power Would You Get?

Doron was unfortunate to meet a wendigo during a camping trip, and this encounter turned his life upside down. Now, he has to survive in a world that he thought only existed in novels and comics. The thing is, that wendigo for some reason changed into a loli?, that could grant him super powers for a day or when his life is in danger?. All this started because he went into the woods to get firewood?! I think, he would be traumatized from this... poor kid won't go into the woods ever again.

papylion · Urban
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45 Chs

Chapter 27: The Slime Dungeon We Choose You!

The next day, after having their breakfast and taking a bath in the taverns only bath house, which by the way, is a unisex bath house.

The trio decided to take on a dungeon today, you know, to get how dungeon diving is like.

But first, they have to visit the adventurers guild to take on a quest, so that they won't be heavily charged when they challenge a dungeon.

The adventurers guild was really busy, since it was about 10 am, according to Iris's phone.

For some reason, the sun rises at around 4 am in the morning in this world, making Doron grateful for earth's sun.

I mean imagine getting up by 4 am on a saturday morning, because the sun decided that hey, let's wake up real early today, no thank you!

As they entered the guild hall they saw the receptionist counter that they did not use, since they were fortuante enough to meet the guild master at the entrance.

The guild hall was really spacious, reminding Doron of those bank halls that make you wait for nearly an hour just for you to make a complaint that would be resolved in like 3 minutes.

The quest board was near the receptionis desks, as they had four reception slots. Two for inuqiries and registrations, the other two is for accepting quests and submitting the required items to show that your quest is completed.

They of course had to join the que... Correction, Patra had to join the que, she was really pissed of about it. 'At least they could have given a good excuse! Can you imagine the excuse they gave me!? I accidentaly ate a dwarf, now he is mining my stomach, nice one Doron'

"Hello there, it seems you two are the new wood tier adventurers am I right?" A man in his late thirties approached Doron and Iris who were both relaxing at the resting area of the reception hall as they waited for Patra to collect a quest badge for them.

Quick explanation; A quest badge is like a certificate to show that you are the ones that picked the mission and it shows thenumber of people in your party, so that the rewards can be evenly distributed, if you count out the leaders share of course.

"Yes, how may we help you?" Iris responded since Doron found the walls of the reception hall really interesting.

"Yes, you see, it's like this, me and my party..." The man pointed to a group of people at a different side of the resting area. "Took on a quest, but the owner of the quest needed us to have at least three to six wood tier adventurers and all my party members are all stone tier, so I was ---"

"1000 silver coins" Doron suddenly interjected, catching the man off guard.

"Ex-excuse me?"

"1000 silver coins to employ us" Doron said dismissively making the man look at him in shock.

"Are you serious, that's about one gold coin!" The man yelled, attracting the looks of those nearby. "Sorry" He quickly appologised.

"Am sorry, but isn't your price too high" The man asked with a strained smile.

"It seems you have not heard of us" Doron said.

The man just gave a Doron a look and repleid. "I have, that is why I came here"

Of course the other adventurers would have heard of the deeds of Doron and his group.

At first when they heard that some newbies were able to actually exterminate the orc village and leave it in ruin in just under a day, of course a lot of people would want to confirm this, so they sent some of their people and they all came back with shocked expressions on their faces.

Their expressions alone was enough for them to know that the rumors were no rumors, and the fact that the guild master was actually the one that gave them their adventurers badges was also a shock, and that they were instantly promoted to wood tier was really an eye opener for them.

"So are you paying or not?" Doron asked with a bored tone, as if he was talking with an annoying fly.

"Let me talk with party members" The man said. "My name is Pin by the way" Pin added and left.

"...What was that for?" Iris asked when she deemed that Pin had gooten far enough.

"Another way to make money, and a form of detterance" Doron answered as he looked at the que and saw Patra who was now about 7 persons away from the reception desk.

"I understand the money part, but why the detterance" Iris asked confused.

"They don't believe that some newbies from nowhere are able to just step through those doors and then be able to get promoted to wood tier adventurers, and also, be able to destroy an orc village that only Diakonos knows how many times they had been attacked by adventurers" Doron looked at the adventurers who would gaze at their direction form time to time and whisper somethings to each other, some would laugh,some would just sneer, and the others would just shrug their shoulders.

"They would want to test us".

Iris who heard this also observed the other adventurers and finally understood what Doron meant. 'They think that we might have bought our way or were just lucky.'

After some time, a frowning Patra came to them and threw a badge at Doron who caught it when it was just inches form his face. 'I guess she is not that scared of me anymore, *Sigh*, kids sure grow fast'.

If Patra had heard his words, she would have gone. "Of course I would be scarred, you made my former teammates explode!, And am not a kid, I actually senior you! by like a year". Of course these things would be said in her heart.

"The only dungeon mission we can enter is the slime dungeon" Patra reported. "The other dungeons are reserved for training, herb gathering, and skill acquisition, and since we are already wood tier, we can't really enter those two, unless we take a quest that allows us to visit those dungeons owned by the nobles and other organizations."

"it's no problem, we just need to see how the dungeons are like and maybe I can get to it's core and control it." Doron said as they trio got up.

"What is the slimes dungeon rank?"

"Normal tier 2"

"Wow, three floors? That is unexpected" Iris exclaimed.

Slimes of course were known as the weakest monsters aside of course the goblins that had strengths in numbers.

The other dungeons, like the skeleton and goblin dungeons were actually Normal tier 1 dungeons.

As they got to the door, they heard a shout.


They looked back and saw Pin coming towards them with his party members.

They were about six people, counting Pin seven.

The faces of the group did not really look inviting at all as their faces had looks of contempt and anger.

"Oh, Ping" Doron called out.

"... It's Ping" Pin corrected with a forced smile.

"Still the same, so do you agree?" Doron waved it off.

"Well not exactly, my party members are not really coninced about your groups strength, and seeing that you guys were going to a dungeon, we decided to you know tag along" Pin said with a smile.

Doron looked at Iris and Patra and looked back at Pin and replied. "Sure, but don't take any of our kills and cores okay?"

"Don't worry about it, we would just stand to the side and watch" Pin said and stretched his hands for a handshake, but at that instance Doron turned to look at Patra and spoke.

"Can you please go and update our badges party members number?"

"Sure" Patra said and went back to the reception desk.

Pin and his party members just looked at Pin's outstretched hand looked at Doron.

"Hey!" One of Pins members could not take such an insult to their leader and decided to confront Doron.

"What was that for!?" The man yelled.

He had sparce armor on his body and had a long spear at his back.

Doron who saw this could not help but remember that poor spearman at Hermes temple.

'How is that god doing, maybe there is a way to contact them'

Seeing that Doron looked to be ignoring him, the spearman got furious.

"Why you..." As he was about to make his move, one of the females of the group held his hand and shook her head.

The man just stared at Doron with his eyes, looking like he wanted to murder him.

"Sorry, blanked for a second there, so what's up?"




"... Nothing, so which dungeon are you challenging" Pin asked, after putting hi hands away, so that he won't look like an idiot.

"Why are you asking?, It's probably the skeleton dungeon" The spearman form before said with a sneer.

"... Are you dumb, we can't enter the skeleton dungeon as wood tier adventurers, especially with you guys following us" Doron said with his chest puffed out. "We are actually entering the slime dungeon to farm slime cores"




Dude, can you not say something like that with a proud look, we will fee emberrased for you.

"... Oh, okay" Pin said as they made their way back to the resting area. "We did not get your names though"

"Randolph and she is Elsa, the girl from before is Anna" Doron said with a straight face as Iris tried not to laugh.


After waiting about half an hour, Patra came back.

"Got the badge updated" Patra said as she gave the badge back to Doron.

Out of curiosity, the spearman looked at the badge and saw that their party name was Patra and her merry crew.

'Who is Patra, is that another party member somewhere?'

The spearman just tossed it to the back of his mind as the group headed to the towns gates.

After crossing, they saw that Doron, I mean, Randolph and the others take out a map and pointed some kind of brick at the map.

"What are you guys doing?" One of the partymen asked as they found what the trio were doing a bit funny.

"Looking at a map" Doron answered matter of factly.

"... I mean why"

"To find where the slime dungeon is located" Patra was the one that answred this time.




You guys don't even know where you are going?!.

The spearman felt like his intelligence of the world was really diminishing.


End of volume 1; Introduction

Volume 2; The Epic of The Realm Menace
