
Welcome To The supernatural World; What Power Would You Get?

Doron was unfortunate to meet a wendigo during a camping trip, and this encounter turned his life upside down. Now, he has to survive in a world that he thought only existed in novels and comics. The thing is, that wendigo for some reason changed into a loli?, that could grant him super powers for a day or when his life is in danger?. All this started because he went into the woods to get firewood?! I think, he would be traumatized from this... poor kid won't go into the woods ever again.

papylion · Urban
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45 Chs

Chapter 26: Okay Kids, It's Time For History! Yay!

The trio went back to their tavern as the sky was already getting dark.

They of course received different types of gazes from those in the outer ring of Azron town.

"So, care to explain where you got the money and those equipments?" Iris asked, after they gathered inside one of the rooms they booked.

"I told you, I found it" Doron was still sticking with his previous excuse.

"Really, then what was the mission we saw on the quest board back at the adventurers guild, huh?" Iris was really getting pissed of right now.

Out of curiosity, they checked the quest board, and lo and behold, a quest for adventurers form all ranks was put up, with a reward of 1000 gold coins, to catch a thief, that's not all, they had a portrait of the thief!

"That guy does not look like Doron in anyway" Patra commented from the side.

Yes, the thief, thankfully, was a farcry from what Doron looked like now, besides, even if they later recognise him, he could just hide for two days, get his powers and voila, another new look.

"Thankfully yes, but things won't be easy like this again, we are looking to get ourselves a strong backer, and in the process, we should not get into any trouble that might get us killed, okay?"

"Yeah, yeah"


Iris just sighed as she looked at the second ring on Doron's finger. This was Diakonos in her 'resting' form, the orc villagers were also inside the ring and their former village had been razed to the ground to make sure that Manurt and the other adventurers did not suspect them in anyway.

There was still the point about them looking like newbies since they did not know what rank they were.

They did ask the bartender about how to check their ranks, during the time they were eating, and the process was very simple actually, all they had to do was get a measuring crystal from the adventurers guild shop.

Oh, they also found out why no shops were selling weapons and potions for adventurers, that was because only the auction house of Azron town could sell adventurers equipment.

Well calling it an auction house instead of an adventurers market was because, these things for adventurers were really expensive for normal people that only earn about 5 silver coins a month, compared to adventurers that can make about 10 - 100 silver coins for one quest.

The auction house was also being controlled by the mayor of Azron town who was also the son of the viscount of Aldia.

Azron town was one of the towns under Aldia, that had about three other towns.

Azron was surprisingly the only town under the viscount of Aldia's territory that had dungeons under their name, even though it was a bronze tier town, and it's main purpose was to help adventurers rest, somethings led to another and Azron town acquired those three dungeons as theirs, the rest belonged to noble families and also some organizations.

Aside from that, one of the reasons they were together was because they wanted to finally translate the books that Doron 'allegedly' found.

They were six books, one was just some diary that belonged to the previous owner, the second was a story book, and the reminder were also unimportant books. Some where just log books, some medival form of play boy p*rn magazines and the last one was the history about dungeons.

The one about the history of dungeons was not really that... well educational, since the title was 'dungeon history for snot nosed brats by yo mama'... I think the phone's translator made that one up.

Anyways, the dungeons did not realy have a history, why? Well, that is because, they have been there since the creation of the world.

They did not appear, nor were they created, there have been there all this while.

Dungeons were ranked based on the number of floors and how to complete them.

They were normal, medium, high and hell.

so they were ranked like this.

Normal 1 tier - one floor

Normal 2 tier - three floors

Normal 3 tier - six floors

Normal 4 tier - nine floors

Normal 5 tier - twelve floors

The medium was also the same, but instead of adding three floors after every tier, it added two.

High was well, high. These dungeons unlike the other normal and medium dungeons that would require you to slay the boss and receive rewards.

These dungeons had special requirments, like only allowing beginners to enter or, only allowing one person to enter every year.

The funniest one was when one of these high dungeons were discovered and it's requirment was for a 30 year old virgin to enter.

The hell dungeons were classified as suicide dungeons.

Just like Diakonos these dungeons are living dungeons, and they rather give out story quests, they are not hard to complete, but the problem was these dungeons can decide to kill you in their dungeons if they feel like it.

When a hell dungeon is born, they are sealed, for fear of them releasing their offsprings into the world.

They also learnt about the monster ranks and the monster in the dungeons.

Normal dungeons had level 4 monsters as floor bosses and level 5 monsters as dungeon bosses.

Medium had level 5 monsters as bosses and fledgelings as dungeon bosses.

High dungeons on the hand were different, as some looked like normal dungeons, some like medium dungeons and there were the few that had fledgelings as floor bosses and calamities as dungeon bosses.

Hell dungeons on the other hand have no informations on their monsters.

The only info was that they had destroyers and more.

"Does that mean that Doron fought calamity ranked monsters during the trial?" Patra asked.

Hearing her question, Iris looked at Doron with the "That question is yours " look.

Of course Doron had briefed them about the battle he had, and how he had acquired the core of Diakonos.

"Actually no" Doron said.


"I did fight calamity ranked monsters, but in that trial, I was actually a king rank, and I ahve to say, it was awesome" Doron said with a happy smile.

"How did you know you were a King ranker" Patra asked.

"Because I told him" Diakonos appeared in the room and looked at Patra and the others. "Sorry for just appearing like that, but I wanted to clarify somethings about us dungeons"

She then sat down and looked at the trio.

"Like what I said before, realm menaces are both medicines and diseases to the world and the world would of course try to protect itself"

Doron pondered. "By creating an environment that would force it's inhabitants to grow stronger"

"Exactly, and that's by creating these dungeons"

"But simething does not really make sense about this " Iris interjected. "It says in the book that these dungeons had been existing since the creation of this world, I don't think this world would have known that it would be facing a realm menace before it was born right?"

Doron and Patra also reasoned what Iris said and found it to be true.

'Is this why the inhabitants of earth and the milky way galaxy as a whole are not really strong, the galaxy and it's planets don't feel threatened, should I become a realm menace of earth to force it to make it's inhabitanats stronger?'

Doron was just thinking of it, but did not really set it as a goal, maybe just another plan to save the world tree and the milky way galaxy.

'But how do I know when am strong enough to go back'

Diakonos then spoke. "It did not"

"It did not?"

"Look, if you are not going to go straight to the point then leave it" Doron said annoyed.

Diakonos looked at him and muterred. "It's all part of the suspense."

"Anyways, the gods of this planet were the ones that informed the world of it's future, so it used the dungeons it already had to increase it's chances of saving itself from the realm menace."

"See, simple" Doron said.

"But how did the gods know, they are just protectors after all, their job is to protect the world, and it's world tree, form destruction, they don't really care about what happens to the worlds inhabitants" Iris said. "And for a trapped living dungeon, you are really informative"

"The gods of this world are more active than you think, and also, my children are the ones that provide me with these informations"

Doron who heard this looked at Diakonos with a smile. "Your children right, I think they can help us with somethings"

In the residential layer of Azron town.

"You are saying that the realm menace subdued one of the hell dungeons?" An old man with a long gray beard asked his kneeling surbodinate as he stroked his beard. "Which of them?"

"The orc dungeon of the seven sins" The surbodinate said.

The man then went quiet, the silence lasted for about five minutes and the man asked again.

"What of the temple, what did they say?"

"That..." The surbodinate said and kept quiet, the man got a little pissed and raised his voice a bit.

"That what?"

"That we should wait for the summoned heroes to get stronger"

There was another silence followed by the breaking of something.

"Wait for those inompitent brats!?, They can't even use a sword! " The man's angry bellow reverbrated through the hall alerting the other subordinates outside the hall's doors.

"T-hat... that is what the pope said." The subordinate was sweating buckets at this point.

The man then stood up and headed straight for the door.

"My liege?"

"Tell the mayor that am going for a walk in the first layer of Azron town"

"Wh- I mean yes my liege" The surbodinate was now sweating rivers as he looked at the bearded man open the doors and leave the hall.

The man then gave a silent prayer as he too left the hall.