
Welcome to the Multiverse (Dropped)

I died protecting the people I cared about, friends in one life, my family in my second, but surprisingly I get a third shot at life once more with both my past lives merged into my present one. I was John McDouglas I was Mandricardo Now I get to live my life however I wish from now on, and with my own personal System and access to any world I want, I’ll enjoy it to my fullest, be a good guy (probably) or a bad guy (maybe) the World(s) is my Oyster. I have no editor so if there are spelling mistakes they happen alright, also I don’t need people pointing out to me to use the different types of there’s or yours, it doesn’t matter so long as you get what I’m talking about. It’ll start off in KonoSuba and I’ll take feedback from the fans of this story as to where I should go next with it. MC will neither be always good or always bad, he will do whatever he wants so long as he finds it intresting, so don’t get mad when he’s a good guy in one world and a villain in the next, he has free rein to do whatever he wants. I don’t own any of the characters from their respective stories they belong to their respective authors. Cover was not made by me but made by Misuke (Gyouran) on Pixiv Main World- KonoSuba Previous Worlds- Dragon Ball, One Piece Current World- OverLord Other Possible Worlds (Not in Order)- MHA, Bleach, Campione, Black Clover, Marvel, DC, Naruto, Promised Neverland, Skyrim, BOTW, Loop Hero, Highschool of the Dead, Danmachi, Agame ga Kill, Kill la Kill, Panty & Stocking, Records of Ragnarock, etc.

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Back home again for a little while

"It's good to be back." I say to myself as I come down from on top the hill as I head into the village, everyone greeted me seeing as I came back.

Soon enough I made it back home, "YunYun I'm home." I say as I get back which soon after YunYun comes over and is excited I'm back.

"Big Brother your back!" She says as she hugs me.

"Hey I've only been gone a day you don't need to be this clingy, how were things, did you and Megumin get along?"

"Yeah, though she was just happy she could some good food since only her dads home right now and he's a terrible cook."

"Right, I should go over there soon to make sure he hasn't made any stupid things again and trying to pawn it off as something decent to some idiots." I grab at my head as I remember how bad Megumin's dad is at making things even though it's his job.

"Also Doc probably needs your help with somethings, yesterday some clansmen went hunting and got hurt fighting a 1-strike bear."

"Well there lucky their not dead if they fought that thing and got hurt still, alright I'll go check them out and see what I can do." I feel like if I wasn't in this village things would go down hill fast for the people living here.

"Are you gonna go help them out then brother?"

"Yeah it's best that I do, YunYun you should go off and play at Megumins place, I'll be over there later after I help out Doc alright?"

She smiles before nodding, "Alright, I'll see you later brother." She said as she ran outside to head over to Megumins place.

Soon after seeing her off, both Nero and Chulainn reappeared before me.

"Wow, I'm surprised you have such a cute little sister." (Chulainn)

"UmU! She does look a lot like you leader."

"Well we're not blood related though."

"Oh so are you gonna go after her when your older?" Chulainn said giving me a smirk.

"Please shes my sister, I'm not gonna chase after her like that." I said as I shakes my head at the thought.

"Now enough of that, both of you head off to the town of Axel and get your Adventure Cards and go out adventuring to level yourselves up as it's the only way without having the ability to merge without any wisdom crystals to give us experience points."

"Hai, hai, let's get going then Nero." Chulainn says as he takes the map I hand to him to give them directions to Axel.

"Alright, we'll see you later leader!" Nero said joyfully as both her and Chulainn headed off to Axel.

I just shake my head as I head off to docs place to check out the people that have gotten injured.



"Thanks for the help Ryuu, you just saved me from a ton of hassle." The doc says happy I helped her with healing all the hunters who got hurt.

"Yeah well next time they should go out better prepared next time just in case that happens, I can't always be here to save people after all."

"I'll make sure they know that when they wake up, thank you again Ryuu." She says as she waved me off as I head over to Megumins family shop.

Though as I'm getting close my intuition was kicking in that something bad was happening, "Oh no, don't tell me that idiot is trying to sell something he made is he?" I say as I rush over there.

We have a deal while I work at his shop, I'll make all the goods so as to improve his shop's reputation and get more customers coming by, but I get 60% of the profits since I'm the one making it all, which I find to be a good deal as he's getting 40% just for owning the store and not doing anything, plus he pays me to teach him so that he can get better at making items, but in the last three years or so it's-

"What kind of crap are you selling here huh?! I ordered for a potion of invisibility, but what I got instead was a monster pheromone or something because something made them come right to us! We almost got killed because of that lousy potion of yours!"

"Oh great what an idiot!" I can't help but say as I go faster to get to the bottom of this.

Soon as I get there I open it to see Hyoizaburoo, Megumins stupidly named father was getting thrashed by a rather muscleheaded adventurer.

"Excuse me sir, I'm sorry that he gave you the wrong one, he's my intern and sucks at making potions, here I'll give you two of the invisible potion to make up for what he did." I say as I pull him away from Hyoiza.

I then gave him the two potions which he looked at before looking back at me, "Hmph! This better be what I want, or else me and my crew are coming back to trash this shack you call a shop!" He shouts before taking his leave.

*Sigh* "Thanks Ryuu, you really saved my gck!" Though I cut him off as I grab him by the neck and start strangling him.

"How many times have I told you not to sell your garbage to the customers?! I keep trying to teach you how to make your stuff better but you just keep sucking at it!" I say as I shake him back in forth extremely pissed at his antics.

"Agh gah! I give! I give up! I'm sorry Ryuuken!" He says as he try's to break free but I'm the stronger one of the two of us, they really should up there strength stats and not just go full into mana.

"Moh Ryuu can you let him off, your gonna scare Kommeko." YuiYui, Megumins mom says as she comes in carrying little Kommeko who will be turning 2 this year.

"Big Brother Ryuu don't hurt papa…." She says getting all teary eyed.

*Guh my one weakness, the tears of a little kid gets to me all the time.* I think to myself as I let him go and take Kommeko and twirl her around to make her happy.

"Wheee! Faster Ryuu! Faster!" She says giggling completely forgetting what I just did.

I just smile as I oblige her for a bit before sitting her down as she rolls around on the floor, "Well since I'm back I'll be making dinner for you guys since I was away."

"Yay!!!" x3

"Not you Hyoiza! You get to eat bread crusts for dinner for what you did!" I say denying making any food for him.

Hearing this he is absolutely devastated as he falls on the floor crying like a baby.

"Hey I'm home! Oh Ryuu! Your back! Are you making dinner?!" Megumin said as her eyes began to shine brightly at the thought of food.

"Mhmm, except your dad, since he was about to ruin his shops reputation all over again by selling his garbage to customers." I say as Kommeko was patting her dads head to console him.

"Alright everyone, time I got started on making us some food." I say as I head off into the kitchen to make a meal for Megumins family.

Though outside the shop a certain shy girl was hiding behind a tree trying to think of what to do.


"…." She then decides to suck it up and go in to have a meal with her brother and friend and her family, I don't think they'll mind right?