
Welcome to my Supernatural World

Seven friends who knew nothing about the supernatural world, becomes tangled up in the lives of a family of vampires on the run.

Trini_Army · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Tyler's death

I held Tyler's limp body as his wolf form turned back human, he looked at me and all he whispered was "I failed you, I'm sorry." and his eyes closed. My mind became foggy with confusion, 'This can't be happening.' I kept thinking, 'No Tyler.' Jadenne stood up, anger radiating off him or was that me? My breathing felt laboured and numbers began appearing on the floor, I held onto Tyler hugging him tightly. All the times we spent together, all the good and the bad began rushing through my mind. Then a heavy feeling enveloped me, breathing felt like it was impossible, I raised my head as I realized the room felt different. Everything in the room either slowed down or stopped, then a huge image appeared in the room 'Is that an actual scorpion?' I said to myself. I then heard Simone scream at Mimi and Galaxy, the twins were both standing still holding each other's hand, I couldn't see their weapons and teardrops were sliding down their cheeks. Dan stood beneath the creature's huge leg, touching it and every wolf he pointed to died instantly. Nikki stood in front of all of them, she had erected a huge wall before her so that the kids would be protected, nothing from the outside could penetrate it only the scorpion's attack was being effective.

I could smell the contempt and anger emanating off Nikki, the creature before me terrified me and this was where the smell of death was coming from, this was the embodiment of the twins hatred and killer instinct. Mikhail began snarling, blood and drool dripping from his fangs, he turned to the direction of the twins and instantly I knew he had plan on trying to attack them. Before he could move in their direction I was on him, huge black wings carried me in his direction, my eyes were now two violet tinted swirling storms, "You wanted the Reaper you mongrel, now you have her." I screamed. I bit into Mikhail's neck as I reached him, he tried to throw me off him but his strength was no match for mine in this form, my nails grew out and I suck them into his trapezius muscles causing him to cry out. Dan after guiding the huge monster left it and walked over to me, I used all the strength I could muster to turn the great alpha wolf Mikhail over onto his back. Dan them proceeded to punch into his chest, Dan's hand entered into Mikhail's left side crunching bones until his hand touched Mikhail's heart and I proceeded to send an electrical current from me, through Dan's diamond form. With an audible pop Mikhail's heart exploded in his chest and his body went limp.

I looked down at the dead alpha as I rolled him of me, he slowly transformed back into his human form of Mikhail Petrov. I then looked over to where Tyler's lifeless human form lay, nothing but pure anger and hatred bubbling up inside me, I looked over to where Young-Soo, Dae-Hyun, Soo-min and Da-eun sat on the floor. They looked tired and beaten, I looked over to where the wolves that were helping us laid on the floor, Yeong-jun was badly hurt so Tessie and Don-woo had transformed back to human to try and help ease his pain. Stephen sat with them, I then looked at my family, Dan, Jadenne and the twins looked overwhelmed, frustrated and tired, this fight was taking it toll on them and it began to hurt me. Simone and Kaylee was trying to help Cho focus his vampiric powers to heal his hands as he had overused his fire ability, burning his hands in the process. Being newly turned he should have never have been in this fight as he is now learning about his abilities, but the Council and the Tribunal forced us into this fight. Now we are slowly losing control and hurting ourselves and each other, wait no that isn't true we are not hurting each other, I am. I am the one hurting my family and my friends, I am failing them.

Everyone is losing faith in me and they are all hating me, all of this is my fault, I dragged them into this, "Remi..", "Remi..", "REMIKKA!", Nikki and Kaylee shouted pulling me out of my thoughts. I looked at them not realizing I was crying as I was looking over everyone, "Now is not the time for self pity." Nikki stated bluntly, "We have followed you this far, we are here till the end. Whatever happens after, we deal with it as it comes." she said looking me in my eyes. "Let's finish this." Simone added as she walked up to me, I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and opened them back up, "Tessie, Dong-woo." I started. "Yeong-jun is out of this fight so the two of you need to stay back, keep him and the humans safe." Tessie and Dong-woo nodded at me. Sun Tae-won, Tyler's second in command, came to me, "As beta of the pack, it is my duty to inform you that we are relinquishing command over to you Remi as we are currently without an alpha." he stated. "Thank you Tae-won." I responded to him, "Pick three of your strongest and most capable fighters to proceed with us, the rest stays to defend the wounded." I told him, Tae-won nodded and headed back to the pack. Stephen walked over to me, "Yeong-jun is my beta, therefore in his wounded state he would stay with the rest of the pack and direct them to ensure the others safety as I continue with you." he stated before he went in Simone's direction.

I nodded to him as he walked off and I then looked over at my siblings, "The end is near." I told them as I walked over to where they were. "We finish this for Tyler's sake, one way or another. If however, I fall in battle get all the humans out as well as our friends. The humans are your priority understood?" My siblings looked at me and slowly nodded their heads, "Let's go." I said as I turned around and began to head out, our smaller group got to the door at the far side of the room, as I neared the door the faint sound of wings could be heard from the other side of the door.