
Welcome to my Supernatural World

Seven friends who knew nothing about the supernatural world, becomes tangled up in the lives of a family of vampires on the run.

Trini_Army · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Family Secrets

The groans from the boys were my only answer that they were still alive, Jadenne and Mimi began complaining, wanting to enter. "What's wrong Remi?" Simone asked as I stared into the darkness, "There is an illusory spell at work here." I answered. Then in a blink of an eye something from the darkness of the room hit me, causing me to seem to disappear into the darkness as the others rushed into the room. The room lit up as they entered and I was on the floor with the biggest alpha I had ever seen standing over me and nothing bu werewolves filled the room. "You mus be Remikka?" a voice asked from behind me, but the wolf holding me down prevented me from moving or for the others to come closer. A face appeared before mine and all the negative feelings re-emerged, "My name is Mikhail Petrov, your little wolf friends should know me." he smiled as he looked at me then tilted his head to glare at the others. "Leave them out of this, it's me you want." I grumbled at him, he laughed heartily, "My, my, my, you are everything they said you are." he stated. I looked into his already transformed wolf eyes with my glossy black orbs neither of us backing down. "Let Young-Soo and Dae-Hyun go and I might consider letting you live." I told him with an expressionless face.

"Newly formed Reaper and you are trying to intimidate me? Do you know where your Reaper genetics came from?" he asked a contented smile on his face. "Your mother had the gene for it but could never transform into one. It's a gene that is only passed onto the females in your family which means only the females can transform into a Reaper, with the right abilities." he added. "I guess mommy never told you that." he laughed, "You have a lot of power for a newly transformed Reaper, but let me tell you a little secret since you are going to die here, in order for you to gain full control of the Reaper transformation and abilities you need to kill the other Reaper that exists now. She is however, not planning on dying so you need to die for her to acquire your power." he finished a low chuckle escaping his lips. My eyes never left him as he paced the floor around me. "Well sorry to disappoint the both of you as I don't plan on dying here today either, but I do see your death though." I answered him. Mikhail turned to look at me on the floor eyes opened wide in astonishment at my words, the wolf holding me down lessened its hold as Mikhail was talking to me on the floor and with that advantage I was able to free my hands from under the wolf's hold and in he blink of an eye I broke the neck of the wolf holding me down.

Mikhail began to howl and transform, "You killed my grand-daughter.....ARI!!!!" he screamed, I simply looked at him with a smile as I was off the floor and whilst heading in the direction of the boys I began to call out orders. "Kaylee, Cho, this hell hole isn't hot enough, burn this kennel to the fucking ground." Kaylee then grabbed Cho's hand and after whispering a few words, Cho's fireballs began to fly from both his and Kaylee's hands. "Simone, Nikki release Dae-Hyun and Young-Soo now." Simone threw her shuriken and in one quick swipe she had cut through Dae-Hyun's rope, while Nikki cleanly shot through Young-Soo's rope as well. As the ropes holding them snapped both boys fell to the floor off the chairs, I ran to them pulling the noose off their necks and quickly carrying them to the entry door where Da-eun and Soo-min was. The fight for a while looked as if it was going against us, but I had faith that my friends and family I knew we would save the others, 'The fierce fighting of the wolves was the reason for the feelings that had bombarded me before we entered.' I told myself, blood was everywhere smoke began filling the room quickly and Stephen, Tyler and the other wolves that entered the room with us, were fighting hard to protect us as best as they could.

Mikhail now realizing how organized and coordinated we were attempted to shatter our confidence and destroy or attack strategy, he charged for Yeong-jun and his group causing Stephen and Simone to pursue Mikhail. However his goal was to distract us as another alpha headed straight for Jadenne who was using his powers to freeze wolves in mid attack for the twins to strike them down. Tyler saw this and got to the alpha and killed it before the alpha could attack Jadenne, but Mikhail had turned and was on Tyler immediately and they began to fight. Our original plan was to kill all pack members from Mikhail's clan and then kill Mikhail but Mikhail began to act feral with the death of his grand-daughter that we had to deal with him and his clan at the same time. Everyone was being distracted with the frenzied attack pattern of Mikhail, as we could smell the strength, the anger and hatred emanating off of him, we tried to clear out his clan as quickly as we could but more were coming through doors at the back of the room. We then suddenly heard in the midst of the battle a loud yelp and a crack and we all turned to see Tyler's body fly across the room and slam into the wall behind Jadenne. I froze at the sight and so did Kaylee as blood was dripping from Mikhail's muzzle, fangs and claws, he then slowly turned his head to me a huge smile on his face. Jadenne ran to Tyler and soon enough I was next to them, "No! No! No! No!" I kept saying as the tears rolled down my cheeks.