
welcome to my novel world

[Pls vote for me for the current wpc] During a disastrous event that almost led to earth's destruction,a young boy was transported into the bottom level of a tower,however, few years later he finally ascended to the last floor and slayed its top boss,so as a reward he then was granted his request to return back to earth again to carry on his normal life and finish properly what he started ,but,happy ever after does not exist in a world of deadly beasts that encourages massacre....! The image is not mine so for any issues contact me on my gmail.Bobod5081@gmail.con

_Overlord_you_ · Fantasy
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5 Chs

3-Manafold academy

At the same time as the boy's consciousness left the other dimension,his consciousness was ready to be restored in the real world.

'So the idiot is still asleep huh'


"Pfft.He is in a coma but expected to awaken soon though"

'Are you sure about that miss Talen!.Its been months though'

"Hm.Ofcourse I am not sure you fu****.However,my methods has never failed me before,so I don't expect any different now"

As two persons in black suits that were sat on a bench placed directly beside an hospital bed conversed,the eyes of the person lying on the small furniture before them flickered at the same time until it finally opened up to its full width as the owner of these two jewels has finally regained his consciousness.

'Waaaaah!'.Tommy opened up his eyes and almost uncontrollably panicked as the sight of a new scenery unravelled right before his eyes.He quickly sat up straight and instantly danced his eyes around to gain some information about where he was but that calm movements were now quickly thrown away as the fear that had now gripped him took total control of his logic and he wanted to immediately bounce of the bed until another person had now came to his line of vision halted his actions with a firm grip to his wrist.

However,this was not still enough to hold Tommy's muscular body down and so the woman now changed her position to go for an arm lock before then realizing how futile it all was and then finally smote the young boy's cheeks firmly in annoyance.

"Calm the fu** down boy".The woman was extremely happy earlier on when the boy had initially woken up but now her quick temper had now fully engulfed her excitement and morphed it to great anger.

-but it worked though....!

The young man now calmed to fully absorb the face of the young woman stood before him.It was a rather familiar and one that Tommy could not just easily forget.She was one of his father's friends.

"Are you Talen?....Miss Tale....?!"

'No time for useless questions Tommy'.Miss Talen completely pushed back Tommy's question and proceeded further with his own speech.'Now listen up'

[Quest complete.....regain consciousness]

[Quest complete.....receive critical damage and remain unscathed ...no additional abilities acquired]

[Received bonus exp.....1000 points]

[Level 1000 unlocked ....proceedings complete]

[Quest complete...receive first bonus points]

[Defensive gloves unlocked.....protects user from self infliction]

[System 1 now of now use.....shifting to system 2,self destruct sequence now initiated....3..2...1]

Tommy started to hear consecutive tinkering sounds that came with a soft voice that spoke at the end of each ,but not that bothered by it,he calmed down even more to focus properly on the young curvy woman's next words.

"What is your name?...your parents name and more importantly,who do you think you are!".Immediately,miss Talen's face quickly turned serious and now Tommy could see the other person that was sitting beside the young woman clearly but he too was also holding a cold stare at the young man.

It didn't really take anything from him,so he just answered as he now positions his his body more comfortably on the furniture.

"I am Tomiwa helmesworth adeniyi.My alias is Tommy.My parents are the Helmesworth's and I am a young boy with low social life,seen as a genius since childhood and home schooled from birth.

'So what that monster was saying was true uh!.I am really back to the real world!'.The young boy could not still believe it and he now began to dance his hands around his body to confirm even more but,.... there was a problem.

-but still where exactly am I though?

'Hmm..'.Miss Talen now stared directly into his eye balls shaking her head roughly in no satisfaction.

"You are not an 'Helmesworth' anymore you idiot!".

Now Tommy's brows now furrowed as he also stared back at the young woman with a developed suspicious gaze.

"It seems like I am in a hospital.I am alive,are they not supposed to be happy for my health at least....but wait,yes,they do not yet know about the tower stuffs!".

He thought but the woman even squinted her eyes more further.

'There is a problem!'.Miss Talen almost blurted out as she was now holding down her curvy waist still in shock but she could not even dare to raise the boy's suspicion any further.

Tommy was also the son of one of the most renowned public figure in the world but after the world have been changed because of the unknown falling storms of objects from the sky,the tides have now been changed and the order of the world have been turned around.All of these reconstructions just happened within three years.While some people have not even recovered a bit from the disastrous incident,others have already taken over and used the destruction to their advantage.

Just few months ago, the woman had found the young boy's body lying in piles of a destroyed building in one of the not yet restored cities,when she was coming back from one of her expeditions.The young boy strangely did not seem to have received any sort of damage whatsoever and was still breathing ,so she immediately decided to bring him back to the only safe place she knew she could temporarily protect any youngster with acquired affinity.

-Her work place's office,the Manafold academy's school hospital.

The young boy did not regain his consciousness for days after she kept him in a secret room hidden in her office and so she decided to use her own ability to quicken his recovery and it did work but now suddenly,he fell unconscious again three days ago and now fully woke up by his own self.

Instantly,all of the connections her abilities had made earlier with the boy's mind had already almost completely being cut off but most importantly,the boy now had his true memories.....

'There is truly a problem!'.Mr sylum,her assistant now stood up with her and his expression now spelt out great anxiety.

"Just go to class now tomm.....".The young woman decided to just shake it off for now and keep calm in front of the clueless young boy but just then,she stutters as the bells rang and a resounding voice now proceeded it.

[Tommy Talen!.For repeated violation of the academy's first and one of the most important rule,you are hereby sentenced to 5 days in the under cell]





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