
welcome to my novel world

[Pls vote for me for the current wpc] During a disastrous event that almost led to earth's destruction,a young boy was transported into the bottom level of a tower,however, few years later he finally ascended to the last floor and slayed its top boss,so as a reward he then was granted his request to return back to earth again to carry on his normal life and finish properly what he started ,but,happy ever after does not exist in a world of deadly beasts that encourages massacre....! The image is not mine so for any issues contact me on my gmail.Bobod5081@gmail.con

_Overlord_you_ · Fantasy
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5 Chs

2-Tower of despair-3 years gone

Few years gone.....

"Obviously....my Lord don't worry,but pls,I must still get my revenge against the idiot"


"Very well then,however,you said he managed to complete the tower, so pls deal gently with the young lad"

'Hmmmm.Sure .....I guess i will have to do just that.Maybe,I will only cutoff his intestines for his payment for his violent acts against me'.

A giant statue,the size of a two storey building,who was sitting on a golden colored throne conversed with his subordinate,who unlike him had a stature of an average human being.

The giant statue then proceeded to flick his fingers and in an instant,a light far brighter than the dim lighted room they were in,shined directly on a young boy at the front of them that was on his kneels,but just then as the light shone bright on him,the lad they were once watching up close had now woken up from the temporary daze he was put in.

Tommy,the young boy now opened his eyes to an unfamiliar place that had just unravelled before his eyes and he immediately stood up in shock but only halfway in between ,as he now immediately caught the sight of a monstrous being sat on a throne with a rather familiar person stood beside him.

[System 1 locked...system locked.]

[System now forcefully unlocked.Heightened bloodthirsty aura perceived...disintegration process achieved....]


[Protection gloves disengaged]

'What the ****....!'.He was calm at the familiar voice that had spoken in a soft tone to him in his head, however,he could not control his surprise at the being sat before him.

"haha,Wait!...are you not the person that confronted me just a minute ago".Tommy laughed awkwardly as he spoke to the other person in the room just in order to pull down the great fear he was now feeling from the heightened aura the monstrous statue emitted and although he could not stop it ,he could try to at least withstand.

He struggled for some seconds but finally now stood up fully on his feet.

'W-what!.I thought you put him under your hypnosis!.The person stood beside the statue exclaimed in his wildest surprise and his wounded arms now came quite well into sight.

Even the statue also had surprise written all over his face but he was a like a small god to his subordinate,so he could not dare allow this kind of feeling to stay for long on his mighty stony skin.

-I did.....Montague.

He spoke almost lost for words.

"It seems you have to punish him more.This idiot dared to touch me,he even managed to mutilate two of my arms from my body.It would have to take at least a day for me to grow it back.Montague,the person beside the statue continued to shout carelessly even more and Tommy almost laughed out for real this time as he watched as the armless figure began to dance around like an angered pup beside his master but he could not try it because of the expression now burnt unto the face of the giant statue.

"How can this ...!"


The statue finally now spoke out in anger interrupting his subordinate's continuous chatter which made Montague's head almost explode from the resounding voice that spoke and even Tommy almost lost balance on both his two legs as the floor of the room also shook rather vigorously.

The statue now fully focused all of his attention on the young boy with a curious face,as if asking for the boy to also say his part.

Tommy was a top scholar who had lived his normal,not to exciting but happy life with his family until an unknown incident happened and it seemed to have caused him and his family to be transported into an unknown structure which he later knew as,the tower of Lagos's despair.After he and his family were teleported in there, they quickly adapted and with their average skill in combat they were able to go up 5 levels of the Tower of despair unscathed,but still,level six was the Noobie-stopping point but they went on with it and this ended their lives brutally except for Tommy who now from then started to struggle by himself to reach the final floor of the tower as the Npc that had appeared to them on level one had told them many of the things they needed to know including the fact that to leave this 'horror house',they had to climb up to the final chapter of the legendary tower.

"He told me he was the one that built this place,the person that built the tower that killed my family.I know he later confessed while I was butchering him that he wasn't the one,but how was I supposed to instantly tune down my anger at that".Tomiwa now swallowed in and said still with a tinge of anger in his tone.

'Butchering?....so I was seen like a sought of meaty lamb in his presence'.Montague could not speak out his annoyance but the scene of how helpless he felt when the young boy was strangling and tearing his arms off continued to play on in his mind ,and he could not help but feel his ego as the second in command to his great master die down.

"Even I did not feel that much satisfaction when I killed the final boss....I swear!".He effortlessly started to defend himself in his mind,however,unknown to him ,Montague could read his mind as clear as a book.

-Says the idiot whose laughter resounded in the tower room like a maniac's as he was slicing through our hand made monster ,dividing it like bread into a million pieces!.Montague's stare now also increased in anger intensity.

Montague was like one of the care takers of the mighty mysterious tower and for years,he had been watching the young boy along with his family struggle to level up from a magical vision center in the tower from day one,but even someone as strong as he is,could not dare to step a foot into the deadly tower.He even continued to watch along side other caretakers ,how the young boy alone had conquered more levels almost reaching the last level, with a small bit of hope for his survival ,however ,the hope he had was not for the boy to survive to the end but for the boy to survive enough to face off with the last boss.

Montague had been the one that made final touches on the last monster as requested by the council of Lords,and so he wanted to see his great work in action,but the tables unexpectedly turned and the only thing he could hear after the boss had fell was an all out laughter resounding in the room,so he went out to confront the young boy in anger for his deceased work and also met his doom until his master now came to his aid and managed to transport them both to his presence.

'So it is actually true!.A mere human had managed to conquer the great tower of despair.Okay that's just unfair to me'


Even the statue could not still believe it because he too could not even bear in the height of brutality the tower had in it after crossing level 200, but still he had to do what he had to do and he now proceeded to spell out the reward of the young boy's adventure.

"I won't ask you any more questions,so now you will have to pick from the three rewards for your expedition.Would you prefer to have the gate out of the tower opened for you to pass right this moment,be one of mine or any other high ranking Lord's top subordinates or instead tread your own chosen path to immortality... in our dimension".

-The answer was quite obvious

"I-i....want to get out of here".Tommy immediately said without much thought and he stood firmly on this decision.He still had to try to live on in the real world ,even if he did not want to,he had to for the sake of his deceased family's sacrifice.

'As expected of a human.What an idiotic choice...'.Montague scoffed as still,his anger against the boy could not easily die down as fast as his weakly built up ego and both of them now locked eyes until a loud voice now interrupted again.

'Very well then.I hope you do not regret your choice though....'

'Trust me,... I won't.....and I can't'.Tomiwa asserted in his mind before finally,the bright light now shined even brighter and then fully engulfed him, transporting the young lad's spirit away from their dimension into his body in the real world.


The statue now sighed in relief after the boy had disappeared away from sight and then quickly said to his subordinate.




-Report to the other Lords now!

"The final floor three hundred's back door as now been reached,we can proceed with unlocking it now"


If you really don't like expositions that well and are in it just for real action and main plots you can skip to chapter 4,but I highly recommend you read every chapter so you could properly understand the story line.

Pls enjoy my beings.....lol.

I hope you also notice the time skip though

Okay,another chapter .....I hope you enjoy

pls vote for me.....hehe....I wanna win this time

Let's make it to the top .....

_Overlord_you_creators' thoughts