
Weirdness #1

There was a turtle swimming in the ocean until he flipped into the sky and died. His friend mourned from his death. Locking his self into dung forever was he stupid? Parents killed themselves because their son was turned into a poo that can breathe in liquid wine-filled bath eyeball dragoon piss which was absolutely disgusting. The spirit of the turtle awoken making babies from banshees roaming from texas Alabama. Babies cry after Pikachu ate brains from angels who farted. Leaving them alone in the underworld burning with compassion and spooky evil sheep that can fly throughout the atmosphere of banana peels. Rainbow farts appeared in trees of cash cows jumping on laser beams while singing to ladies dancing the stick of demons.

The End

This was honestly funny, weird, and fun to make. Hope you enjoyed this weird story :)

MPhantomcreators' thoughts