
Wei Lost Emperor

Amid a war-torn kingdom plagued by treachery and darkness, Zhang Wei needs to unravel a hidden legacy that could change the fate of an empire from the secrets of a forbidden love affair to the depths of betrayal through a journey of the web of intrigue and danger. With every step closer to his destiny, Zhang Wei discovers the shocking truth behind his mother's execution and the conspiracies surrounding him. As he rises through the ranks, forging alliances and gathering strength, he becomes a formidable force that threatens the very foundations, especially those who seek to keep the truth buried. Will Zhang Wei's quest for justice lead to redemption and the restoration of an empire long lost, or will the shadows that lurk in the darkness consume him before he can claim his rightful throne? (R18) Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, events and incidents are the product of the author's imagination and his only. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Heavy language is used in the story. Blood, gore, violence and sexual acts are also depicted in the story. Update: A chapters a day Site: https://akikure.carrd.co/

Aki_Kure · Eastern
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384 Chs

Whispers of Regret 

Qi Xiaoqing, her blade hovering just above Lei Feng's face, stared at him with a mix of anger and sadness. Lei Feng, despite the precarious position he found himself in, couldn't help but challenge her.

"You can't even strike properly. What kind of assassin are you?"

As the words left his lips, her tears began to fall. Qi Xiaoqing, her voice cracking, muttered.

"Idiot... you're such an idiot."

The repetition of the word echoed through the silent forest, a painful refrain that exposed the raw emotions hidden beneath their history. Lei Feng, still and contemplative, absorbed both the accusation and the unexpected vulnerability unfolding before him. The forest, now a witness to the complexities of their connection, held its breath in anticipation of what would unfold next.

In the moonlit silence, Lei Feng's retort sliced through Qi Xiaoqing's tearful accusations.

"You're still an idiot!" she exclaimed between sobs.

She continued to layer the word "betrayal" with accusations.

"You killed everyone from the organization," she lamented.

Lei Feng, interrupting her, met her eyes with a resolute gaze.

"They betrayed me first," he explained. "When I wanted to leave, they sent assassins after me, people I once knew by name, to kill me."

Qi Xiaoqing's tear-streaked face registered disbelief, and Lei Feng pressed on.

"I had no choice but to fight back. If they hadn't pursued me, none of it would have happened."

"Liar!" Qi Xiaoqing shot back, her voice filled with disbelief.

"No, it's true. They wanted me dead. I had to defend myself. If they hadn't come after me, none of that would have happened," Lei Feng's tone remained steady as he explained.

"You betrayed us!" Qi Xiaoqing accused, her tears merging with the night.

"I betrayed them because they betrayed me first. I just wanted to be free," Lei Feng met her gaze and stated firmly.

The weight of their shared history lingered in the air, a painful reminder of wounds that time had failed to heal.

Qi Xiaoqing's accusations echoed in the night air, a torrent of emotions breaking free.

"You left me to go back to an organization that's already dead. I was confused, alone, with no purpose. I lost everything, Feng, everything! I even considered ending it all. And then, I learned it was your doing that pushed me to cling to life, to have one last reason—to kill you!"

Lei Feng, struck by the truth in her words, was silent. As her accusations settled, he found himself confronted with the painful reality of his actions. Qi Xiaoqing was right; in seeking revenge, he had forsaken the one person who had stood with him through thick and thin. The weight of their shared history bore down on him, dragging him into the depths of memories.

In the depths of Lei Feng's memories, he found himself standing in a dimly lit room of the organization, surrounded by shadows and secrecy. It was a time when he and Qi Xiaoqing were just starting, forging a connection that transcended the clandestine world they navigated. One vivid memory stood out—a night when they faced an especially challenging mission.

As they huddled in the shadows, Lei Feng and Qi Xiaoqing exchanged glances filled with determination. The mission was perilous, the odds stacked against them, but their unspoken bond fueled their resolve. In a quiet moment before the operation commenced, Lei Feng and Qi Xiaoqing made a solemn promise to each other—a pact born from the understanding that their lives were entwined in this dangerous dance.

"Whatever happens," Lei Feng had whispered, his voice barely audible above the rustle of the night wind. "We'll always tell each other. No secrets, no betrayals."

"Agreed. We're in this together, Feng," Qi Xiaoqing had nodded, her eyes reflecting unwavering trust.

That promise became the cornerstone of their friendship, a testament to the trust they shared. Through victories and defeats, they upheld their commitment, forging a bond that transcended the treacherous landscape of the organization. Now, standing on the precipice of the present, Lei Feng felt the weight of his betrayal, realizing that he had shattered the very foundation that once held them together.

Lying beneath Qi Xiaoqing, Lei Feng felt the weight of his choices like an oppressive storm bearing down on him. The revelation struck him with the force of a thunderclap, the gravity of his actions crashing over him like relentless waves. As he stared into Qi Xiaoqing's tear-stained eyes, he saw the pain and betrayal etched in her gaze.

The gravity of the situation hung in the air, a suffocating atmosphere that Lei Feng had never fully comprehended until this moment. He had been blinded by his quest for revenge, oblivious to the collateral damage left in its wake. The woman he once considered a dear friend was now a reflection of the suffering he had caused.

The weight of remorse settled on Lei Feng's chest, each breath a struggle under the burden of guilt. The once clear path he had chosen for himself now seemed obscured, the consequences of his actions casting long shadows over the fractured remnants of his past. In the quiet of the night, amidst the crickets' symphony and the flickering firelight, Lei Feng grappled with the profound realization that redemption might be an elusive destination—one he had inadvertently abandoned in his single-minded pursuit of vengeance.

"Xiaoqing, I ran. After everything, I was scared—scared of what you'd think of me, scared of facing the consequences. So, I ran. Far away, into battles that seemed endless. And now, here we are, fate playing its games, bringing us face to face once again," In the dim moonlight, Lei Feng's voice wavered as he unravelled the truth.

Qi Xiaoqing, her tears still fresh, listened to Lei Feng's confession. As he admitted his cowardice, a solemn understanding settled between them.

"I know I can't change the past, can't undo what I've done," Lei Feng continued. "But the future, Xiaoqing, it's uncertain. I want to make amends, but I'm still figuring out how. The pieces are scattered, and I'm struggling to see the whole picture. I know I need to find a new purpose, a way to redeem myself, but it's a journey I haven't fully mapped out."

The night air hung heavy with the weight of their shared history, the unspoken bond between them resurfacing amidst the echoes of regret. Qi Xiaoqing, her tear-streaked face reflecting the complexity of emotions, absorbed Lei Feng's words, contemplating the path ahead.

In the quiet aftermath of their unexpected accusation, Qi Xiaoqing's actions took a sharp turn. She pressed her hand against Lei Feng's collarbone, drawing him into a fleeting moment of intimacy of a kiss.

As their lips met, a mixture of shock and acceptance hung in the air. However, the tranquillity shattered when Qi Xiaoqing abruptly bit his lip, drawing blood. A painful reminder of the lingering bitterness within her. Their lips parted, and Lei Feng watched as Qi Xiaoqing, with a newfound resolve, stood and began to walk away.

"Feng," he heard her voice, soft and laden with emotions. "This is goodbye."

"Xiaoqing, what...?" he managed to utter, a tinge of pain in his voice.

Yet all Lei Feng saw was her silhouette slowly moving further away from him.

"Xiaoqing, wait!" he called out, a desperate plea lacing his words.

His heart clenched at the sight of her leaving, and a pang of hurt propelled him to his feet.

"Why are you leaving like this?" Lei Feng questioned, the air heavy with unspoken words.

"You have a new purpose now. Follow your companions," Qi Xiaoqing, without looking back, responded.

Lei Feng grappled with conflicting emotions, torn between loyalty to his companions and an overwhelming desire to stay by Qi Xiaoqing's side.

"But Xiaoqing, I can't just let you go," he pleaded, a sense of desperation in his voice.

Her response was firm, and Lei Feng felt a sense of despair settled in.

"You've found your path, Feng. It's time for me to find mine," Qi Xiaoqing stated resolutely.

He called out to her, desperate to follow, but Qi Xiaoqing continued into the woods, leaving him alone with the echo of her departure.

"Will I see you again?" he shouted into the darkness, the words hanging in the air unanswered.

There was no reply, and Lei Feng, now grappling with solitude, sat back down, clutching his cloth and dagger. The woods whispered their secrets, and Lei Feng pondered the uncertain journey that lay ahead.

As the echoes of Qi Xiaoqing's departure lingered, Lei Feng sat alone, enveloped by the solitude of the woods. The darkness embraced him, and the weight of his promises to both Zhang Wei and Erdene loomed overhead. With a resolve born of newfound purpose, Lei Feng clutched his dagger, contemplating the uncharted path ahead.

The night held its secrets, and as he gazed into the shadows, Lei Feng pondered the intricacies of fate, uncertain of the challenges and revelations that awaited him in the chapters yet to unfold.


So I'm all well today and the chapter should update like usual, 2 chapters a day. Thank you for your patience.

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