
Wei Lost Emperor

Amid a war-torn kingdom plagued by treachery and darkness, Zhang Wei needs to unravel a hidden legacy that could change the fate of an empire from the secrets of a forbidden love affair to the depths of betrayal through a journey of the web of intrigue and danger. With every step closer to his destiny, Zhang Wei discovers the shocking truth behind his mother's execution and the conspiracies surrounding him. As he rises through the ranks, forging alliances and gathering strength, he becomes a formidable force that threatens the very foundations, especially those who seek to keep the truth buried. Will Zhang Wei's quest for justice lead to redemption and the restoration of an empire long lost, or will the shadows that lurk in the darkness consume him before he can claim his rightful throne? (R18) Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, events and incidents are the product of the author's imagination and his only. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Heavy language is used in the story. Blood, gore, violence and sexual acts are also depicted in the story. Update: A chapters a day Site: https://akikure.carrd.co/

Aki_Kure · Eastern
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384 Chs

Veil of Shadows

Li Mei traversed the bustling streets, her purpose driving each step she took. Intent on breathing new life into her workshop, she sought the perfect flower to adorn its entrance. Amidst her search, a subtle unease tugged at her heart, a feeling she couldn't ignore.

For weeks, an enigmatic watcher had lingered in the shadows, their presence haunting her every move. Initially dismissed as mere paranoia, a by-product of living under Empress Xia's watchful gaze, the sensation now intensified, invading her consciousness like an unwelcome guest.

A stall, adorned with delicate orchids, caught her eye. Among them, a rare white orchid with pale pink accents captivated her with its ethereal glow. Li Mei realised that this exquisite bloom would serve as the centrepiece for her workshop.

Approaching the stall, she couldn't shake the sense of being observed. Her gaze fell upon a figure in the distance, their features obscured by the alleyway's shadows. Instinctively, she recognized them as the ones who had plagued her thoughts, the relentless stalker who lingered on the fringes of her existence.

A shiver ran down Li Mei's spine, her heart quickening its pace. She needed to proceed cautiously to protect herself and her unborn child. Suppressing her mounting anxiety, she maintained a serene smile as she purchased the orchid from the vendor.

Cradling the delicate flower, Li Mei's attention returned to the distant figure. The urge to confront them, to demand answers to her burning questions, arose within her. Yet, a voice of caution urged her to seek refuge in her workshop's safety.

Navigating the bustling streets, Li Mei remained on high alert, attuned to every shadow, every passerby that could potentially pose a threat. Danger loomed over her, a constant reminder of the treacherous game she unwittingly played.

Finally reaching her workshop, a small oasis amidst encroaching darkness, Li Mei cast one final glance over her shoulder. The figure in the alleyway had vanished, swallowed by the ethereal night. Yet, she knew their lurking presence persisted, awaiting the opportune moment to strike.

Inside her sanctuary, Li Mei's gaze fell upon parchment and an inkwell resting on a nearby table. Emotion surged within her, compelling her to express herself through writing. With trembling hands, she dipped the quill into the ink, commencing a letter to Liang Wei.

"Dearest Liang Wei," she inscribed, her words brimming with unwavering love and strength. "Between this uncertainty, our unyielding bond remains my solace. Our love has conquered countless storms, and it shall persist, unwavering and steadfast. Within me, our child grows, embodying our union and the hope for a better future."

Li Mei poured her devotion and determination onto the parchment, reaffirming her belief in their connection and her commitment to safeguarding their child at any cost. However, a sense of urgency and fear began to taint her thoughts as she etched the words.

A sharp, jarring noise shattered the workshop's stillness, jolting Li Mei's heart. Hastily, she set the quill down, leaving the letter unfinished—a testament interrupted by an unforeseen calamity.

Foreboding gripped her, and instinct guided her actions. Clutching the half-written letter, Li Mei tightened her grip. Time was of the essence, for danger lurking just beyond her sanctuary's threshold. With a deep breath, she steeled herself for what lay ahead and prepared to confront the imminent threat.

The door creaked open, revealing a dimly lit interior. Swirling shadows whispered tales of treachery and deceit, casting an unfamiliar veil over the once-familiar workshop. Something was amiss—an undercurrent of darkness that sent chills cascading down Li Mei's spine.

A barely audible noise resonated through the silence, causing Li Mei's heart to skip a beat, and her breath to catch in her throat. She spun around, fixing her gaze upon the source of the disturbance. Standing in the shadows, their features masked by the night, a figure emerged.

Terror washed over Li Mei as she recognized the imminent threat—the assassin had found her, lurking within her sanctuary's depths. The room seemed to constrict around her, suffocating her in a macabre dance of survival.

"Why are you doing this?" Li Mei demanded, her voice brimming with determination as a quick exchange of words punctuated the imminent battle.

"You brought this upon yourself by colluding with the Emperor. A man destined for death," the assassin chuckled, his chilling tone of a man sending shivers down her spine.

"I won't be silenced. Love and strength will prevail," Li Mei's narrowed eyes and tightened fists conveyed her resolve.

Infused with adrenaline, Li Mei unleashed her warrior's spirit. Dashing toward the shadowy figure, her movements flowed with fluidity and precision. The room transformed into a deadly dance of evasion and calculated strikes, their silhouettes merging in a blur of motion.

Weaponless but drawing from her brother's teachings of self-defence, Li Mei relied on agility and quick reflexes. She dodged and weaved, skilfully utilizing her opponent's momentum against them. Guided by instinct, her body became a vessel of determination and desperation.

The assassin struck with lethal grace, his intent masked within his artful attacks. Yet, Li Mei matched every move, evading with grace and precision. Each interaction resembled a choreographed dance step, a testament to her resilience and unwavering spirit.

However, Li Mei's pregnant belly, carrying the precious life within, hindered her movements ever so slightly. It led to a split-second miscalculation, an opening that the assassin exploited.


In a swift, precise strike, the assassin's blade found its mark. Even though all he could find is a thin line of blood to Li Mei's side, he couldn't be happier since he already coated the blade with poison. As a result, pain surged through Li Mei's body, and she staggered back, clutching her side, her strength waning.

Yet, Li Mei's spirit remained indomitable. Summoning the last of her energy, she fought on, her movements fuelled by determination and love. With a piece of a metal rod from a broken table she seized, she delivered a powerful blow to the assassin's shin, incapacitating him and rendering him immobile.


The room crackled with tension as Li Mei, now beginning to bleed, seized the opportunity to escape. Each step was a battle against her body's limitations thanks to the poison, but she pressed on propelled by an unwavering desire to protect herself and her unborn child.

Gasping for breath, Li Mei fled the workshop, leaving behind the fallen assassin and the scars of their deadly confrontation. Each agonizing step carried her away from the treacherous depths of her sanctuary, closer to the uncertain path that lay ahead.

As she vanished into the night, a trail of blood trickling off her body marked her passage, and Li Mei's resolve burned bright. She vowed to unravel the mysteries that had threatened her existence and secure a future where her child could thrive, free from danger and deceit.

Meanwhile, the assassin crawled on the charred remains of the workshop's floor. A huge flame danced and crackled, casting an eerie glow upon his face. He had underestimated Li Mei, and now his failure loomed over him like a spectre of impending doom.

A chill wind whispered through the ruins, carrying with it the scent of destruction and the weight of his mortality. He knew all too well that reporting his failure to Empress Xia or the Young Master would seal his fate. Death would be his reward.

Grim determination settled in his eyes as he surveyed the wreckage. Every corner, every artefact slowly getting reduced to ashes. The workshop, once a symbol of Li Mei's aspirations and his sinister purpose, now lay in ruins—a graveyard of shattered dreams.

Amid the flickering flames, the assassin let out a bitter laugh, his voice filled with a mixture of frustration and resignation.

"Fuck this," he muttered, his last words carried away by the howling wind. "You've eluded me for now, woman. But rest assured, your time will come. And when it does, there will be no escape."

I don't know about you guys but I want to resume 'pun of the day'.

Pun of the Day:

Why did the shadow go to school?

Because it wanted to improve its "shady" behavior!

Edit: Oh God, I did it again. I didn't realise that I just set the timer wrong for this chapter to update

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