
Wei Lost Emperor

Amid a war-torn kingdom plagued by treachery and darkness, Zhang Wei needs to unravel a hidden legacy that could change the fate of an empire from the secrets of a forbidden love affair to the depths of betrayal through a journey of the web of intrigue and danger. With every step closer to his destiny, Zhang Wei discovers the shocking truth behind his mother's execution and the conspiracies surrounding him. As he rises through the ranks, forging alliances and gathering strength, he becomes a formidable force that threatens the very foundations, especially those who seek to keep the truth buried. Will Zhang Wei's quest for justice lead to redemption and the restoration of an empire long lost, or will the shadows that lurk in the darkness consume him before he can claim his rightful throne? (R18) Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, events and incidents are the product of the author's imagination and his only. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Heavy language is used in the story. Blood, gore, violence and sexual acts are also depicted in the story. Update: A chapters a day Site: https://akikure.carrd.co/

Aki_Kure · Eastern
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384 Chs

Unspoken Hearts

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows over the village, Li Jie, Li Zhen's son, found himself in the village garden. The boy, a spry fifteen-year-old with the same determined eyes as his father, had been practising martial arts diligently. Tonight, he sought a moment of respite in the tranquillity of the garden.

Nearby, Xiao Mei sat on a weathered bench, her gaze lost in the patterns of the blooming flowers. She hadn't noticed the boy's approach until he cleared his throat softly.

"Hello, Big Sister Mei," he said, his voice a mixture of youth and curiosity.

"Ah, Jie. You startled me," Taken by surprise, Xiao Mei looked up, her eyes meeting those of Li Jie. She offered him a warm smile. "You're growing so fast. It feels like just yesterday you were a little boy running around the village."

"Yes, time flies. I've been practising martial arts like Father taught me," Li Jie grinned, his youthful energy palpable.

"Uncle Zhen is a remarkable man, and I'm sure you'll become an exceptional martial artist under his guidance," Xiao Mei nodded with a fond expression.

"I hope so. Big Sister Mei," Li Jie's eyes sparkled with admiration.

Their conversation flowed effortlessly like two old friends catching up. They spoke of the changing seasons in the village, the memories of festivals past, and the dreams they held for the future. It was a moment of simple joy and camaraderie under the fading light of day.

Just then, the conversation was interrupted by Ren Jiahui, who had been watching from a distance. He approached them, his expression sombre yet determined.

"Li Jie, right?" Ren Jiahui began, addressing the boy respectfully. "May I have a moment alone with Xiao Mei, if you don't mind?"

Li Jie glanced between Ren Jiahui and Xiao Mei, his brow furrowed in thought. Xiao Mei gave him an encouraging nod, silently conveying that it was all right.

"Alright, I'll leave you two to talk. But please, be respectful," with a sigh of resignation, Li Jie nodded.

Ren Jiahui nodded his gratitude, and the boy made his way to a nearby tree, where he continued his martial arts practice, casting occasional glances at the two.

"Xiao Mei, I need to talk to you about something important," Ren Jiahui turned to Xiao Mei, his gaze sincere yet heavy.

"Of course, Brother Ren. What's on your mind?" Xiao Mei's brow furrowed in concern.

"I can't help but notice how you look at Zhang Wei. Your gaze is intimate, a connection that's impossible to miss," Ren Jiahui took a deep breath, his words measured and heartfelt.

"Zhang Wei is my dearest friend, Brother Ren. We've known each other since we were children. Our bond runs deep," Xiao Mei's cheeks flushed, her gaze dropping to the ground.

"I see that, Xiao Mei. But there's something more, isn't there? Something you've never told him," Ren Jiahui nodded, his heart heavy.

Xiao Mei hesitated, her fingers tracing patterns in the soft earth.

"Yes," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "There is something I've never told Zhang Wei."

"Xiao Mei, I can't help how I feel about you. You've captured my heart with your kindness, your spirit, and your grace. I can't stand by and watch you pine for someone who may never see what's right in front of him," Ren Jiahui swallowed the lump in his throat, his feelings laid bare before him.

"Brother Ren, I care for you with nothing more than an acquaintance. You're a wonderful person, and I value our friendship," Xiao Mei's eyes welled with emotion, her heart torn between loyalty and the possibility of something new.

"Xiao Mei, it's more than friendship for me. I've fallen for you, and I'll be lying if I say I can pretend otherwise," Ren Jiahui reached out, gently lifting her chin so that their eyes met.

"I can't reciprocate those feelings, Brother Ren. My heart belongs to Zhang Wei, and it always will," tears glistened in Xiao Mei's eyes as she shook her head.

"It's fine, Xiao Mei. I won't push you. But I won't stop caring for you either," Ren Jiahui felt a pang of heartache, but he respected Xiao Mei's honesty.

"Thank you for understanding, Brother Ren," Xiao Mei nodded, a mixture of relief and sadness in her gaze.

As the night enveloped them, they sat in silence, their unspoken feelings hanging heavy in the air. Xiao Mei's heart ached for the love she couldn't have, and Ren Jiahui grappled with the knowledge that his love would remain unrequited.

As days passed, the villagers couldn't help but notice the deep bond between Xiao Mei and Zhang Wei. They watched as the two shared laughter and meaningful glances, their connection growing stronger with each passing day. It was a connection that had been nurtured since childhood, and many villagers believed it was destined for something more.

Whispers and hopeful comments began to circulate among the villagers. During the day's work and evening gatherings, they would exchange knowing glances and offer subtle hints to the pair. They hoped, in their hearts, that Xiao Mei and Zhang Wei would recognize the love that seemed so evident to everyone else.

"It's clear as day, isn't it?" one villager would say to another, their eyes following Xiao Mei and Zhang Wei as they worked together in the garden or walked along the village's winding paths.

"Ah, young love. They've been inseparable for years. It's time they realize what they mean to each other," Another would chuckle knowingly.

These comments were like gentle nudges, a collective desire to see the two young souls find happiness together. But these whispers and hopeful hints only fueled Ren Jiahui's frustration.

Even on the next evening, as the villagers gathered for a festive celebration, the atmosphere was filled with a sense of unity and joy. The hopeful comments about Xiao Mei and Zhang Wei's budding romance seemed to be inescapable, echoing in Ren Jiahui's ears like a relentless drumbeat.

"Heartwarming, isn't it?" one villager remarked with a smile, nodding towards Xiao Mei and Zhang Wei. "I hope they realize they're meant to be together."

Ren Jiahui's smile was strained as he nodded in agreement, his inner turmoil threatening to spill over. The villagers' well-meaning comments had become a constant reminder of what he saw as an insurmountable obstacle.

As the night wore on, Ren Jiahui couldn't escape the overwhelming sense that he was losing the woman he loved to his closest friend. His frustration grew, transforming into a deep-seated anger that threatened to consume him. The festivity that should have brought joy to the village now only served to fuel his resentment, and the villagers' hopes became a bitter reminder of what he believed he could never have.

As the days turned into weeks and Ren Jiahui's jealousy festered, he began to lose his grip on reality. His once-rational mind became clouded with obsession, and his every waking thought was consumed by Xiao Mei.

He found himself watching her from afar, his eyes following her every move. He couldn't bear to see her with Zhang Wei, to witness their laughter and shared moments. It tore at his heart, a constant ache that refused to fade.

Sleep became a distant memory as he spent his nights in torment. He would wander the village's quiet streets, the moonlight casting eerie shadows as he brooded over his unrequited love. The villagers, unaware of the turmoil within him, began to notice the change in his demeanor. His once-friendly disposition was replaced by a distant, haunted look.

Ren Jiahui's obsession only intensified with time. He would collect small mementos of Xiao Mei, a fallen flower from her garden, a discarded sketch, anything that carried even a hint of her presence. These items became his treasures, possessions that he clung to in his desperate longing.

His obsession began to manifest in disturbing ways. He would mutter to himself, the words unintelligible, as he stared at the objects he had collected. He started to withdraw from the village, avoiding social gatherings and the company of others. His appearance grew disheveled, and his once-dignified mannerisms deteriorated into erratic behavior.

The villagers, worried for Ren Jiahui's well-being, began to keep their distance. They exchanged concerned glances but didn't know how to help this troubled merchant.

Inside the depths of his madness, Ren Jiahui believed that the only way to possess Xiao Mei was to remove the obstacle that stood in his path: Zhang Wei. The thought of confronting this foreign man filled him with a chilling determination, and he began to plot a way to eliminate the competition.

But his obsession with Xiao Mei and his growing detachment from reality had blinded him to the consequences of his actions. As he spiraled deeper into darkness, the village, and the lives of its inhabitants, stood on the precipice of an impending storm.

I'll be frank, I was hoping that the story would also start getting reviews so that I could see how good or bad my writing was. Maybe one day, and I will still be dreaming and waiting for that one day.

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