
Wei Lost Emperor

Amid a war-torn kingdom plagued by treachery and darkness, Zhang Wei needs to unravel a hidden legacy that could change the fate of an empire from the secrets of a forbidden love affair to the depths of betrayal through a journey of the web of intrigue and danger. With every step closer to his destiny, Zhang Wei discovers the shocking truth behind his mother's execution and the conspiracies surrounding him. As he rises through the ranks, forging alliances and gathering strength, he becomes a formidable force that threatens the very foundations, especially those who seek to keep the truth buried. Will Zhang Wei's quest for justice lead to redemption and the restoration of an empire long lost, or will the shadows that lurk in the darkness consume him before he can claim his rightful throne? (R18) Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, events and incidents are the product of the author's imagination and his only. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Heavy language is used in the story. Blood, gore, violence and sexual acts are also depicted in the story. Update: A chapters a day Site: https://akikure.carrd.co/

Aki_Kure · Eastern
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384 Chs

Threads of Legacy

Zhang Wei's childhood was a tapestry woven with vibrant threads of curiosity, discovery, and boundless enthusiasm. Each day brought new adventures, and the village seemed to expand as his world grew larger.

His early years in the village were an enchanting blend of innocence and discovery. From the first light of dawn to the twilight's embrace, his days were filled with boundless curiosity and a thirst for knowledge.

In the tranquil mornings, as the sun's gentle rays painted the village in hues of gold, Zhang Wei would often accompany his uncle, Li Zhen, to the fields. The earth beneath his feet felt cool and inviting, and the rhythmic tasks of sowing seeds and tending to crops became lessons in patience and diligence.

"Zhang Wei, remember, the land provides for us, just as we must care for it," Li Zhen would say as they worked side by side.

"Uncle Zhen, will these seeds become plants one day?" Zhang Wei's young eyes would widen with understanding as he watched his uncle's skilled hands work the soil.

"Yes, Zhang Wei. With care and time, they will grow strong and bring forth life," Li Zhen would smile, his eyes crinkling at the corners.

As the sun reached its zenith, Zhang Wei's energy remained unflagging. After helping in the fields, he would often find himself at the heart of the village, where artisans crafted their creations. The rhythmic sound of a potter's wheel or the skilled hammering of metal fascinated him.

"Hello, Zhang Wei!" Granny Wu, the village potter, greeted him warmly, her hands shaping a mound of clay.

"Hello, Granny Wu! What are you making today?" Zhang Wei's eyes shone with curiosity.

"A vase, my dear. Every piece tells a story, you know," Granny Wu chuckled, her fingers never ceasing their dance.

"I want to make something one day, just like you," Zhang Wei watched with awe as the formless clay transformed under her skilled hands.

"Remember, Zhang Wei, every creation carries a piece of the creator's heart," the potter's eyes twinkled with delight.

As the sun began its descent, Zhang Wei's adventures often led him to the riverbank. He would skip stones across the water or sit beneath the shade of a willow tree, lost in thought. Then, he spotted Xiao Mei, Chief Changming's younger daughter, struggling to catch fireflies. With a smile, Zhang Wei approached her.

"Need help, Mei?"

"Zhang Wei, yes! Can you catch some fireflies for me?" Xiao Mei's eyes lit up, her face breaking into a smile.

"Of course! But first, we need to be quiet and patient, just like fishing," Zhang Wei laughed and grabbed an empty jar.

"Look, Mei! We caught a whole bunch!" As twilight deepened, Zhang Wei and Xiao Mei whispered and laughed, capturing fireflies in the jar.

"Thank you, Zhang Wei! You're the best big brother," Xiao Mei clapped her hands in glee.

"You're welcome, Mei. Anytime," Zhang Wei's heart swelled with warmth. Though they weren't truly siblings, their bond felt just as strong.

As the stars emerged in the inky sky, Zhang Wei's eyelids grew heavy, and he would be carried to his cabin, his heart full of the joy of friendship and the wonders of the day.

Throughout his early years, Zhang Wei's interactions with the villagers, his kinship with Xiao Mei, and his thirst for knowledge all wove together, shaping the fabric of his identity. In each thread of laughter, shared wisdom, and companionship, he unknowingly forged his legacy, embracing the village's heritage with an open heart and an eager spirit.

As Zhang Wei grew, so did his sense of responsibility. Chief Changming's steady guidance and Li Zhen's unwavering support instilled in him a deep respect for tradition and community. Each evening, as the village gathered for supper, Zhang Wei would sit with Chief Changming, absorbing stories of their ancestors and the history that had shaped their village.

"Zhang Wei," Chief Changming's voice carried the weight of generations. "We are the keepers of a flame that has burned for centuries. We must preserve our customs and pass them on to the next generation."

"Yes, Chief. I want to make our village proud," wide-eyed and attentive, Zhang Wei would nod in agreement.

"You already do, Zhang Wei. Your curiosity and your kindness – they are the embodiment of our legacy," Chief Changming would smile, his eyes reflecting the hopes of his forefathers.

As Zhang Wei's knowledge grew, so did his curiosity about the world beyond their village. He would often sit with the village elder, Old Master Wu, Granny Wu's husband in fact, listening intently to his tales of distant lands and ancient traditions. Old Master Wu's eyes would twinkle as he spoke, and Zhang Wei hung on every word.

"Zhang Wei, remember that learning from others is a treasure. The world is vast, and there is wisdom to be found in every corner," Old Master Wu's voice would resonate with age-old wisdom.

"I want to explore the world, to learn from different people," Zhang Wei would nod, his imagination ignited by the thought of uncharted territories.

"Ah, the spirit of adventure! It burns brightly in you," Old Master Wu's smile was both approving and fond.

The passage of time brought change to the village, as it does to all places. Seasons turned, crops flourished, and the village continued to thrive. Zhang Wei's childhood friend, Xiao Mei, grew into a spirited young girl, her laughter echoing through the village like a melody.

"Zhang Wei, I want to learn the ways of the potter, just like Granny Wu," one day, as the two of them sat beneath the same willow tree that had witnessed their firefly-catching adventures, Xiao Mei looked at Zhang Wei with determination.

"You'd be an amazing potter, Mei. I'll be there to cheer you on," Zhang Wei's eyes sparkled with encouragement.

And so, Zhang Wei's years as a young boy were marked by a series of meaningful threads – his connection to the land, his kinship with Xiao Mei, his eagerness to learn, and his growing sense of duty to his village's heritage. Each thread added depth and richness to the tapestry of his life, promising that the legacy of their village would continue to flourish through the hands and hearts of the next generation.

On such one particular day, a thread of curiosity led Zhang Wei down a path that would forever remain etched in his memory. His eagerness to spend time with his beloved uncle, Li Zhen, prompted him to take an impulsive step. Without hesitation, he barged into his uncle's home, guided solely by his youthful enthusiasm.

"Uncle Zhen, are you here?" Zhang Wei's voice echoed through the hallway, his excitement palpable.

Unbeknownst to him, his timing coincided with a moment of intimacy between Li Zhen and his wife, Li Lanxin. Zhang Wei's innocence shielded him from comprehending the nature of the sounds he heard—the moans and the bed's creaking—as he rushed through the house. His focus was singular: the anticipation of meeting his uncle to invite him to play.

With the house seemingly empty, Zhang Wei's curiosity drove him to his uncle's room. He swung the door open with a sense of excitement, calling out to his uncle with a joyful exclamation. However, what greeted his innocent eyes was a scene that defied his understanding.

There stood his uncle, shirtless, and next to him was Auntie Lanxin, who had managed to cover her body with a hastily grabbed blanket. For Zhang Wei, their presence was a mere curiosity, devoid of any deeper implications. The sight did not register as anything extraordinary; rather, it was a fleeting image that held little significance in the tapestry of his perception.

Startled by the sudden intrusion, Li Zhen's eyes widened for a split second before he composed himself.

"Zhang Wei! Do you need something?" he greeted, his voice carrying a mixture of surprise and amusement.

"Uncle Zhen, what are you and Auntie Lanxin doing?" With the natural innocence of a child, Zhang Wei voiced the question that lingered in his mind. He inquired about the activity he had stumbled upon, his voice a blend of innocence and curiosity.

Li Zhen exchanged a quick, almost imperceptible glance with his wife, then looked back at Zhang Wei. His quick thinking led him to concoct an explanation that Zhang Wei could accept.

"We were just moving the bed, Zhang Wei," his uncle's response carried a calm and reassuring tone. His words were meant to dissolve any lingering uncertainty, to provide a plausible explanation for a situation that his young nephew was yet to fully grasp.

"Oh, I see. Do you need help?" Zhang Wei's trust in his uncle was unwavering. Accepting the explanation with a nod, he was ready to adapt to the circumstances.

"Thank you, but it's all sorted now. Why don't you go play with Xiao Mei for a while? I'll join you both soon," Li Zhen's smile widened at Zhang Wei's eagerness.

"Sure, Uncle Zhen! I'll go find Xiao Mei. See you soon!" With that, he turned and made his way out of the room. His eyes lit up at the mention of his close friend.

His uncle's instruction to play with Xiao Mei was met with a child's resilience and adaptability. Zhang Wei, being the curious and open-minded child he was, embraced the transition from one activity to another without dwelling on the brief encounter he had stumbled upon.

Oh hey, I know I have been quiet the last two days. but I'm just right here. Forgot to say anything here because I scheduled every 10 chapter in a batch so when it the next ten, I just forgot to add the author's thought

Aki_Kurecreators' thoughts