
Wei Lost Emperor

Amid a war-torn kingdom plagued by treachery and darkness, Zhang Wei needs to unravel a hidden legacy that could change the fate of an empire from the secrets of a forbidden love affair to the depths of betrayal through a journey of the web of intrigue and danger. With every step closer to his destiny, Zhang Wei discovers the shocking truth behind his mother's execution and the conspiracies surrounding him. As he rises through the ranks, forging alliances and gathering strength, he becomes a formidable force that threatens the very foundations, especially those who seek to keep the truth buried. Will Zhang Wei's quest for justice lead to redemption and the restoration of an empire long lost, or will the shadows that lurk in the darkness consume him before he can claim his rightful throne? (R18) Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, events and incidents are the product of the author's imagination and his only. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Heavy language is used in the story. Blood, gore, violence and sexual acts are also depicted in the story. Update: A chapters a day Site: https://akikure.carrd.co/

Aki_Kure · Eastern
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384 Chs

The Mongol Arrival

As dawn broke over the capital, a sense of uneasy anticipation hung in the air. The city's usual morning bustle was subdued, replaced by an undercurrent of fear and uncertainty. Whispers of the approaching Mongol army had spread like wildfire, and the tension was palpable. People peered anxiously from their windows and rooftops, straining to catch a glimpse of the invaders.

The first sign of the Mongol arrival was a distant rumble, like thunder rolling across the plains. The ground seemed to tremble beneath their feet as the massive army drew closer. A thick cloud of dust rose on the horizon, heralding the approach of countless horsemen. The Mongols had arrived.

From the highest towers of the capital, scouts relayed the news down to the soldiers and citizens below. The imperial guards, dressed in their resplendent armour, moved swiftly to their positions. The gates were secured, and archers lined the walls, their arrows at the ready. Among them, General Li Feng stood tall, his expression calm and resolute.

General Li Feng's loyal troops were strategically placed, their faces set with determination. They had been briefed on their roles, and their resolve was unshakeable. They knew that today, their actions could alter the fate of the empire. General Li Feng's eyes scanned the horizon, his thoughts a whirlwind of strategy and anticipation. He had prepared for this moment meticulously, and now it was time to execute the plan.

The Mongol army, led by the formidable Erdene, moved with the precision and discipline of a well-oiled machine. Their banners fluttered in the wind, displaying the fierce insignias of their clans. The sight was both awe-inspiring and terrifying. Thousands of horsemen, clad in their battle armour, stretched as far as the eye could see, a sea of warriors ready for battle.

The people of the capital watched in a mixture of awe and dread. Children clung to their mothers, and men tightened their grips on whatever makeshift weapons they could find. The older generation whispered stories of past Mongol conquests, their voices tinged with fear. Yet, there was also a sense of grim determination. The capital had stood for centuries, and they would not see it fall without a fight.

Erdene rode at the front of her army, her presence commanding and fierce. She raised her hand, and the entire army came to a halt just beyond the range of the capital's archers. She dismounted her horse and took a step forward, her gaze fixed on the city walls. A signal was given, and a Mongol herald stepped forward, his voice booming across the distance.

"People of the Empire! We come not as mindless conquerors, but with a warning. Prepare yourselves, for your rulers have long wronged us. The time for retribution is at hand. We demand justice!"

The proclamation sent a ripple of anxiety through the city. General Li Feng, observing from the walls, knew this was the moment they had anticipated. He gave a nod to one of his officers, who signalled for the gates to remain firmly shut.

Inside the palace, Emperor Ming Jian and Empress Xia received word of the Mongol arrival. Their faces remained impassive, but the gravity of the situation was clear. The emperor ordered all generals to the war meeting room once again, preparing for the imminent siege.

Meanwhile, General Li Feng moved along the walls, giving final instructions to his men.

"Hold your positions and remember our strategy. The Mongols will not breach these walls as long as we stand united."

The loyalty and discipline among Li Feng's troops contrasted sharply with the other sections of the defence, where fear and uncertainty reigned. Corrupted soldiers, loyal to the other generals, barked orders and used excessive force to maintain order among the ranks, creating a palpable tension.

As the Mongol army settled into their positions, the city braced itself for the impending siege. The air was thick with anticipation, the silence before the storm. General Li Feng glanced once more at the imposing Mongol force, then turned his focus inward, knowing that the real battle was about to begin, both outside the walls and within.

The people of the capital could feel the weight of history pressing down upon them. The Mongol arrival was not just a physical threat but a culmination of years of betrayal, rebellion, and simmering tensions. As the sun climbed higher in the sky, casting long shadows over the city, everyone knew that the hours ahead would determine the fate of the empire.

General Li Feng stood resolute, ready to play his part in the grand strategy. The plan was in motion, and now, all they could do was hold their ground and trust in their preparations. The Mongol army was here, and the battle for the capital had truly begun.

The Mongol army's arrival was still fresh in the minds of the capital's residents when Emperor Ming Jian and Empress Xia agreed to an audience with Erdene and her right-hand man, Tagadhur. The unusual setting for the meeting was a deliberate move by Erdene, intended to let the people of the capital hear the words of their rulers directly.

The meeting was set just outside the imposing palace walls, a strategic choice to remind everyone of the power and might of the empire. The wide space was filled with an air of anticipation, with the Mongol warriors standing in disciplined ranks while the imperial soldiers maintained a tense watch.

Emperor Ming Jian, clad in regal robes that shimmered in the sunlight, approached with Empress Xia by his side. Her eyes were sharp, scanning the crowd and the Mongol leaders with a mixture of contempt and calculated calm. The emperor's expression was one of practised diplomacy, but there was a flicker of unease behind his eyes.

Erdene stood at the forefront of her warriors, her presence commanding and unyielding. Beside her was Tagadhur, his broad shoulders and stern demeanour underscoring his role as a formidable ally. The atmosphere was charged as the two sides faced each other.

"Emperor Ming Jian, Empress Xia," Erdene began, her voice carrying clearly over the assembled crowd. "We come not as barbarians, but as seekers of justice. We demand retribution for the wrongs done to us."

"Leader Erdene, we acknowledge the grievances of your people. We have not sought this conflict but are willing to discuss terms for peace," Emperor Ming Jian nodded solemnly.

"Peace, you say? Yet it was under your alliance that the treachery against my father occurred. How can we trust your words?" Erdene's lips curved into a faint smile.

"That was an unfortunate event, Erdene. We regret any harm that has come to your people," Empress Xia's eyes narrowed, but she maintained her composure.

For a moment, the conversation seemed to flow smoothly, with both sides presenting a façade of diplomacy. However, Erdene had other plans. Her eyes glinted with a mischievous light as she shifted her focus to Empress Xia.

"And what of you, Empress Xia? Do you share these regrets? Or are you merely playing the part of the benevolent ruler?"

"I speak for the empire and its well-being. We intend to prevent further bloodshed," Empress Xia's gaze hardened, but she kept her voice steady.

"Intentions, you say? Interesting choice of words. Tell me, Empress Xia, were your intentions just as noble when you betrayed the Mongols after they aided your rise to power?" Erdene's smile widened, sensing an opportunity.

A murmur ran through the crowd, and Emperor Ming Jian's face tightened with barely suppressed anger. Empress Xia, however, remained silent for a moment, her eyes cold and calculating. After all, this is a revelation, that not many people know. Erdene's capabilities to speak fluent Mandarin had become a threat deemed like a weapon.

"Our actions were taken to secure the future of the empire," she said, her voice firm. "Any alliances that no longer served that purpose were... adjusted accordingly."

"Adjusted? That's a polite way to describe betrayal and murder," Erdene's expression darkened, and she took a step closer.

Tagadhur's hand moved to his sword, and the tension in the air grew thicker. The imperial guards and Mongol warriors exchanged wary glances, each side ready for a potential clash.

"Let us not descend into threats and accusations. We are here to find a path forward," Emperor Ming Jian raised a hand to calm the situation.

"A path forward requires honesty and accountability. Can you provide that, Empress?" Erdene's eyes never left Empress Xia's.

"We are prepared to discuss terms. But understand this: any aggression towards the empire will be met with the full force of our might," the empress's lips pressed into a thin line.

"Force? Is that what you rely on? Fear and oppression? The Mongol army is here, Emperor, Empress. We are not intimidated by your threats," Erdene chuckled softly.

The atmosphere grew even more charged, with the people of the capital listening intently, feeling the weight of the moment. Erdene's words had struck a chord, exposing the deep-seated animosities and unresolved grievances that fueled this confrontation.

"We will not back down," Emperor Ming Jian declared, his voice resolute. "If it is war you seek, then war you shall have."

"So be it. Prepare your defenses, Emperor. The time for retribution has come," Erdene nodded, her expression one of grim determination.

With those final words, the audience ended, and both sides retreated to their respective positions. The people of the capital, having heard the exchange, now fully grasped the gravity of the situation. War was imminent, and the fate of the empire hung in the balance.

General Li Feng, watching from the walls, knew that the stage was set. The real battle was about to begin, and he had to ensure that their plans unfolded as intended. As the sun set, casting long shadows over the city, everyone braced themselves for the storm that was about to break.