
Wei Lost Emperor

Amid a war-torn kingdom plagued by treachery and darkness, Zhang Wei needs to unravel a hidden legacy that could change the fate of an empire from the secrets of a forbidden love affair to the depths of betrayal through a journey of the web of intrigue and danger. With every step closer to his destiny, Zhang Wei discovers the shocking truth behind his mother's execution and the conspiracies surrounding him. As he rises through the ranks, forging alliances and gathering strength, he becomes a formidable force that threatens the very foundations, especially those who seek to keep the truth buried. Will Zhang Wei's quest for justice lead to redemption and the restoration of an empire long lost, or will the shadows that lurk in the darkness consume him before he can claim his rightful throne? (R18) Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, events and incidents are the product of the author's imagination and his only. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Heavy language is used in the story. Blood, gore, violence and sexual acts are also depicted in the story. Update: A chapters a day Site: https://akikure.carrd.co/

Aki_Kure · Eastern
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384 Chs

The Breaking Dawn

The grand doors of the imperial chamber finally gave way under the relentless assault, crashing open to reveal Emperor Ming Jian and Empress Xia standing defiantly with a handful of their most loyal personal guards. The once-sacred space, a symbol of their absolute power, was now breached, and the air was thick with tension and the scent of impending reckoning.

General Li Feng, leading the charge, stepped into the chamber, flanked by Erdene and the Mongol warriors. The sight of him, alongside their enemies, immediately conveyed the bitter truth to the Emperor and Empress. The formidable general they had once trusted had turned against them.

Empress Xia, ever the manipulative force, stepped forward, her voice a venomous mix of charm and authority.

"General Li Feng," she began, her tone almost affectionate. "You were raised by this empire. Your ancestors bled for this land, and your lineage is bound to the honour of serving the Emperor. To turn against us is the highest form of embarrassment and treachery."

Li Feng's eyes narrowed, his resolve unshaken.

"No, Empress Xia. The highest form of embarrassment and treachery is making the people of this empire suffer and neglecting their needs. You have betrayed their trust and sullied the honour of this land far more than I ever could by standing against you."

"General Li Feng, you owe everything to this empire. Your training, your status, your very existence within these walls. Do not throw it all away for a fleeting alliance with our enemies," Emperor Ming Jian, his face a mask of controlled fury, interjected.

"Everything I am," Li Feng replied steadily. "Is because of the people, not the empire you've twisted into your playground of power. I swore an oath to protect this land and its people, and that is exactly what I am doing now."

Erdene stepped forward, her presence a stark contrast to the regality of the imperial couple.

"This ends here," she said, her voice carrying the weight of her people's suffering and the strength of their resolve. "Your reign of terror over these lands has brought nothing but pain. Today, justice will be served."

"Think of your family, your ancestors. Their spirits watch over you, judging your every action. Would you dishonour them by siding with these invaders?" Empress Xia, realizing that her words were not swaying the general, turned to a more desperate tone.

"My family would understand the true meaning of honour," Li Feng retorted. "And they would see that the real betrayal is the corruption and cruelty that you have brought upon this empire. This fight is for a future where the people can live without fear, without oppression."

As the final words were spoken, the tension in the chamber reached its zenith. The guards, sensing the impending conflict, tightened their grip on their weapons, ready for the inevitable clash. The stage was set for the final confrontation, a battle not just of arms but of ideals, where the fate of the empire hung in the balance.

The air was thick with tension as the guards were the first to engage the rebels. Emperor Ming Jian and Empress Xia watched impassively, their faces masks of unyielding resolve despite the apparent chaos unfolding before them. The rebels, led by General Li Feng and Erdene, fought valiantly against the initial wave of guards, their weapons clashing and echoing through the grand hall.

But just as the confrontation seemed to tip in favour of the rebels, a new wave of combatants emerged from the shadows. More guards, assassins, and mercenaries joined the fray, seemingly appearing from the walls themselves. These were not ordinary soldiers; they were elite warriors honed and harnessed by the Yi family, Empress Xia's lineage. The surprise reinforcements quickly turned the tide of the battle, bringing a new wave of intensity to the conflict.

Despite the overwhelming numbers, General Li Feng and Erdene fought with relentless determination, their movements fluid and deadly. The sound of steel meeting steel filled the air as the rebels and the imperial forces clashed, each side striving for dominance.

"Did you really think you could overthrow us so easily, General? The Yi family has always been prepared for betrayal," amidst the chaos, Empress Xia's cold voice cut through the noise.

"Your treachery ends today, Empress Xia. The people will no longer suffer under your rule," General Li Feng parried a strike from one of the elite assassins, his gaze unwavering.

As the battle raged on, the context of the conflict began to unfold. The empire had once been dominated by the Cao family, with Emperor Liang Wei, whose full name was Cao Liang Wei, as its last administrative figure. The Cao family's influence had waned, especially after the framing and subsequent death of Emperor Liang Wei, who was Zhang Wei's father. While the secret heir, Zhang Wei, had survived the massacre, the hidden truth however had led to the downfall of the Cao family's power.

With no competition left, the Yi family, Empress Xia's family, began to rally in number and influence. The Yi family had always harboured jealousy and hatred towards the Cao family, frequently offering their daughters as consorts in a bid to gain power. Empress Xia, or Yi Liu, had finally seized the opportunity to strike when she became Empress, orchestrating the death of Emperor Liang Wei.

The Yi family's dark roots ran deep. They amassed wealth through illicit means, fostering assassins and mercenaries, trafficking drugs, and engaging in illegal weapon bidding. Emperor Ming Jian, the product of their sinister machinations, had been carefully groomed and positioned as the current emperor to solidify their power. The Yi family had even struck a deal with the Mongols in the past, only to betray them later, which fueled the Mongols' hatred for the empire.

General Li Feng's blade flashed as he cut down another assassin, his thoughts briefly reflecting on the twisted history that had led to this moment. The Yi family's betrayal of the Mongols and their corruption of the empire set the stage for this climactic battle.

The grand hall of the imperial palace was a maelstrom of clashing swords and roaring battle cries. The air was thick with the metallic scent of blood, and the sounds of combat echoed off the grandiose walls, creating an almost deafening cacophony. As the corrupted soldiers and elite assassins under the command of Emperor Ming Jian and Empress Xia poured into the hall, so too did the Mongol warriors, reinforcing their ranks and pushing the battle to a fever pitch.

General Li Feng, at the centre of the fray, fought with almost supernatural grace, his blade a blur of deadly precision. His betrayal had turned the tide, but the battle was far from won. Every fallen soldier, whether imperial or Mongol, was swiftly replaced by another, the ranks seemingly endless. The hall began to fill with the bodies of the fallen, the floor slick with blood, yet the combatants continued to fight with unrelenting ferocity.

Erdene, her face a mask of fierce determination, moved with deadly efficiency, cutting down any who dared to challenge her. By her side, Tagadhur wielded his massive axe with brutal force, each swing carving a path through the imperial soldiers. Despite the overwhelming numbers arrayed against them, the Mongol warriors pressed on, driven by their desire for vengeance and the promise of victory.

Empress Xia, standing beside Emperor Ming Jian, watched the chaos unfold with a mixture of disdain and calculated interest. Her eyes flicked to General Li Feng, a flicker of anger crossing her otherwise composed features.

"You will regret this betrayal, General," she hissed, her voice barely audible over the din of battle.

General Li Feng did not respond, his focus entirely on the battle at hand. He knew that words were meaningless in the face of the bloodshed around them. Instead, he fought with renewed vigour, determined to see the Yi family's reign of terror come to an end.

Despite their superior numbers and the arrival of their elite reinforcements, the imperial forces found themselves unable to gain a definitive upper hand. Each time a Mongol warrior fell, another took their place, their ranks seemingly as inexhaustible as those of their enemies. The battle had become a brutal stalemate, with neither side able to gain a significant advantage.

The chamber, once a symbol of imperial grandeur, was now a battlefield choked with the bodies of the fallen and the dying. The clash of steel and the cries of the wounded filled the air, creating a hellish symphony that seemed to have no end. The combatants moved with a desperate, frenetic energy, each side driven by their motivations and the sheer will to survive.

As the fight dragged on, the lines between friend and foe began to blur. Blood and sweat mingled, and the once-pristine chamber was transformed into a gruesome arena. Despite the chaos, the battle lines remained clear: the corrupted soldiers and their elite assassins against the Mongol invaders and their unlikely ally, General Li Feng.

Amid the melee, Zhang Wei fought with a controlled fury, his eyes constantly scanning the battlefield for any sign of weakness. He had been raised for this moment, trained to fight and to lead. His presence on the battlefield was a beacon of hope for the Mongol warriors, and a reminder to the imperial forces that their time was running out.

Emperor Ming Jian, a silent figure amidst the chaos, watched the battle with a calm detachment. He had been a killer and an assassin, and he knew that the outcome of this fight would be determined not by strength alone, but by strategy and resolve. His gaze flicked to Empress Xia, who nodded imperceptibly. The two shared a silent understanding: this battle was just the beginning.

As the sun slowly began its descent, the battle showed no signs of abating. The chamber, once a place of power and authority, had become a testament to the ferocity of the conflict. Each side fought with a determination born of desperation and conviction, and the outcome remained uncertain. The balance of power shifted with every clash of swords, every drop of blood spilt.