
Wei Lost Emperor

Amid a war-torn kingdom plagued by treachery and darkness, Zhang Wei needs to unravel a hidden legacy that could change the fate of an empire from the secrets of a forbidden love affair to the depths of betrayal through a journey of the web of intrigue and danger. With every step closer to his destiny, Zhang Wei discovers the shocking truth behind his mother's execution and the conspiracies surrounding him. As he rises through the ranks, forging alliances and gathering strength, he becomes a formidable force that threatens the very foundations, especially those who seek to keep the truth buried. Will Zhang Wei's quest for justice lead to redemption and the restoration of an empire long lost, or will the shadows that lurk in the darkness consume him before he can claim his rightful throne? (R18) Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, events and incidents are the product of the author's imagination and his only. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Heavy language is used in the story. Blood, gore, violence and sexual acts are also depicted in the story. Update: A chapters a day Site: https://akikure.carrd.co/

Aki_Kure · Eastern
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384 Chs

Looming Betrayal

Liang Wei stood resolutely before the ornate doors of his mother's chambers, the Jade Pavilion. Determination and apprehension intertwined upon his countenance as he prepared himself for the forthcoming conversation. With a deep breath, he steeled his resolve, bracing himself for the encounter that awaited him.

As the doors swung open, Liang Wei entered the opulent chamber, greeted by the lingering scent of incense that filled the air. Empress Dowager Fu Meili sat upon her throne-like chair, radiating regality and poise. Her gaze, sharp and penetrating, was fixed upon her son, beckoning him to approach.

"Liang Wei," she began, her voice infused with both authority and concern. "Rumours have reached my ears regarding an incident during the recent hunting expedition. It is said that a woman was seen leaving the imperial tent in the early hours of the morning."

"Mother, I assure you, I have taken appropriate measures to address those responsible for spreading such baseless tales. They have been duly punished, and the rumours have been swiftly silenced." Liang Wei responded, with a firm tone. His heart skipped a beat, yet he maintained a composed facade, concealing the truth that lay beneath his carefully chosen words.

"See that you do, my son. We cannot allow the integrity of our family to be tarnished by gossip. Your reputation as the pillar of our dynasty must remain untarnished," the Empress dowager nodded, acknowledging his response, but her gaze remained penetrating, searching for any signs of deception. She emphasized a blend of authority and motherly concern lacing her words.

Understanding the weight of his deception, a flicker of guilt passed through Liang Wei's eyes. He carried the burden of his hidden love for Li Mei, aware that revealing the truth would unleash unimaginable consequences. However, he masked his inner turmoil, determined to protect both his forbidden love and the empire.

Just as Liang Wei prepared to take his leave, a servant emerged, whispering urgently into Empress Dowager Fu Meili's ear. Her expression shifted, imbued with a newfound urgency, as she turned her attention back to her son, a solemnity permeating her voice.

"Liang Wei, I urge you to meet with Empress Xia. She awaits you in her chamber. There are matters of utmost importance that demand your immediate attention," she conveyed with a sense of gravity.

Liang Wei's brow furrowed in confusion, his mind racing to fathom the reasons behind this sudden summons. Aware that his relationship with Empress Xia lacked genuine affection, he pondered the purpose of their impending meeting. Suspicions and questions flickered through his thoughts, as he contemplated the possibilities that lay ahead.

"I shall go to her without delay, Mother," he replied, his voice tinged with a mixture of curiosity and concern. With a respectful bow, he turned to leave, his thoughts swirling with anticipation and uncertainty, as he braced himself for the forthcoming conversation.

As Liang Wei made his way through the corridors toward the Emerald Lotus, the private chamber of the Empress, a sense of foreboding lingered within him. He understood that his clandestine relationship with Li Mei, and the weight of their shared secret, had brought them to this precarious precipice. The choices he would make now could shape not only his destiny but also the fate of the empire.

With every step, the corridors of power seemed to narrow, whispering secrets and hidden agendas, yet Liang Wei remained resolute, determined to face whatever awaited him in the Empress's chamber. As he entered the Emerald Lotus, he found Empress Xia seated gracefully at a table adorned with delicate porcelain and flickering candlelight.

Taking his place beside her, he couldn't shake off the unease that clouded his mind, the purpose of this meeting still unknown. The air crackled with tension, causing his palms to moisten with nervous anticipation.

"In the name of clarity, Yi Liu, may I know the reason for summoning me here?" Liang Wei inquired, his voice holding a subtle hint of authority.

Empress Xia's gaze bore into him, sharp and unyielding. A sly smile curled upon her lips as she leaned forward, her voice dripping with a demanding tone that sent a shiver down his spine.

"Liang Wei, do not for a moment assume that you can deceive me. I am well aware of your connection to Li Mei, the woman seen leaving the imperial tent. This is not mere hearsay, but the undeniable truth," she declared, her words carrying a vicious edge.

Liang Wei's heart raced, the weight of Empress Xia's knowledge pressing upon him. His mind raced, searching for answers on how she had uncovered their secret. A mix of fear and anger surged within him, generating his next words.

"Empress Xia, by what right do you pry into my personal affairs? You have overstepped your boundaries," he retorted, his voice a fusion of fury and defiance.

Empress Xia's eyes narrowed, the smile fading into a cold expression. Leaning back, her voice dropped to a low, icy resolve.

"Listen carefully, Liang Wei. I hold the power in this empire, and I will not tolerate any threats or disobedience. I have a proposition for you, one that will determine the fate of your beloved Li Mei and your standing within the court," she stated, her voice brooking no opposition.

Liang Wei's anger flared, but he recognized the treacherous game he was playing. He knew he had to tread carefully, for the safety of Li Mei hung in the balance.

"Speak your proposition, Empress Xia," he replied, his voice tempered with restrained fury.

A triumphant smile played upon Empress Xia's lips as she leaned closer, her voice oozing with calculated menace.

"I have orchestrated a plan, one involving the threat of an assassin. If you dare defy me, if you even contemplate exposing my involvement, your beloved Li Mei will suffer grave consequences. But if you comply with my wishes, she shall be spared," she manipulated, her eyes gleaming with a potent mixture of power and malice.

Liang Wei's hands clenched into fists, his eyes ablaze with unwavering determination. He had been thrust into a perilous game of power, and he had no choice but to play along to protect the woman he loved.

"Know this, Empress Xia. I will not be your pawn indefinitely. I will partake in your game, but mark my words, the day will come when your web of deception unravels, and the truth is laid bare," he warned, his voice resolute and unwavering.

Empress Xia's smile faltered for a fleeting moment, a flicker of uncertainty crossing her features. She swiftly regained her composure, her eyes flashing with defiant resolve.

"We shall see, Liang Wei. The empire is mine to control, and I will not tolerate any challenges to my authority. Remember your place," she responded, her voice laced with a chilling finality.

Rising from his seat, Liang Wei locked eyes with Empress Xia, a fire burning within his gaze. With a curt nod, he turned and strode out of the chamber, leaving Empress Xia to ponder the risks she had taken and the treacherous path that lay ahead.

As Liang Wei stepped out of the chamber, a wave of unease washed over him, threatening to engulf his thoughts. The weight of Empress Xia's proposition hung heavy on his conscience, as he grappled with the implications it held for Li Mei and their unborn child. Images of Li Mei's radiant smile and the warmth of their shared moments flooded his mind, intertwining with the fear for her safety.

Each step he took echoed with the pounding of his own heart, a reminder of the perilous path he had chosen to tread. The corridors seemed darker, the walls closing in around him as if mocking his decision to dance with treachery. The flickering candlelight that once adorned the chambers now appeared sinister, casting eerie shadows that danced ominously along the marble walls.

Liang Wei's hands trembled involuntarily, betraying the turmoil that churned within his soul. He clenched his fists tightly, attempting to steady his nerves, but the relentless grip of anxiety remained. The stakes were higher than ever before, and he felt the weight of his responsibility pressing down upon him.

Thoughts of Li Mei's gentle laughter, her vibrant spirit, and the life they had conceived together now mingled with haunting visions of her in peril. He imagined her delicate form caught in the crosshairs of the impending assassin, her safety and that of their unborn child hanging precariously in the balance. The thought of her suffering sent a chill down his spine, fuelling his determination to navigate the treacherous game with caution.

A sense of helplessness enveloped Liang Wei as he pondered the web of deception woven around him. He knew that every step he took, every move he made, would be watched closely by Empress Xia, her eyes piercing through the veil of his facade. Any misstep could lead to devastating consequences, not only for him but for Li Mei and their future together.

Fear mingled with determination as he vowed to protect Li Mei at all costs. He would play the part assigned to him, and dance to Empress Xia's tune, all the while plotting for the day when their intricate web of lies would unravel. His love for Li Mei gave him strength, a guiding light amidst the darkness that threatened to consume him.

Hey, if you wondered why the last 10 chapters were me talking about puns and stuff, that's because I had set a timer for those chapters for publishing. Now that I can freely express my thought, I want to thank every single one of you, yes, all 14 of you who had put this original into your personal collection. This was the biggest welcome that I have ever gotten in a novel. And a big shout out to Daiost_Culture as well for the support on this original. You have no idea how much it meant to a small author trying his luck in this industry. Again, I want to thank all of you for keeping on this original, and I hope you all will enjoy the story as it goes.

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