
Wei Lost Emperor

Amid a war-torn kingdom plagued by treachery and darkness, Zhang Wei needs to unravel a hidden legacy that could change the fate of an empire from the secrets of a forbidden love affair to the depths of betrayal through a journey of the web of intrigue and danger. With every step closer to his destiny, Zhang Wei discovers the shocking truth behind his mother's execution and the conspiracies surrounding him. As he rises through the ranks, forging alliances and gathering strength, he becomes a formidable force that threatens the very foundations, especially those who seek to keep the truth buried. Will Zhang Wei's quest for justice lead to redemption and the restoration of an empire long lost, or will the shadows that lurk in the darkness consume him before he can claim his rightful throne? (R18) Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, events and incidents are the product of the author's imagination and his only. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Heavy language is used in the story. Blood, gore, violence and sexual acts are also depicted in the story. Update: A chapters a day Site: https://akikure.carrd.co/

Aki_Kure · Eastern
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384 Chs

Descent into Darkness 

Moonlit Haven stood as a sanctuary of solitude amidst the chaos that consumed Liang Wei's mind. The room, adorned with moonlit motifs and an eerie calmness, became a reflection of his fractured state of being. Within its confines, Liang Wei's thoughts danced with vengeance and despair, his heart consumed by the memory of Li Mei and their unborn child.

As the door to Moonlit Haven creaked open, a figure emerged in their presence commanding attention. It was Empress Dowager Fu Meili, Liang Wei's mother, her face etched with anger and disappointment. The weight of her footsteps echoed through the chamber, each one mirroring the heavy burden she carried.

"Liang Wei!" Fu Meili's voice rang out, filled with a mixture of anger and desperation. "What madness has possessed you? Your actions in the imperial court have disgraced our family, staining our name for generations to come!"

Liang Wei's distant and unyielding gaze met his mother's fiery eyes. Once a source of comfort and guidance, her words now fell upon deaf ears. Revenge and darkness had taken hold of his soul, eclipsing any semblance of compassion or reason.

"Save your lectures, Mother," Liang Wei replied, his voice devoid of remorse. "Li Mei was my world, and they took her away from me. If my world is destroyed, then I shall bring destruction to this world."

"Li Mei? Who is she, Liang Wei? I have never heard of such a person," Fu Meili's voice trembled with an unsettled longing as she asked. When Liang Wei mentioned Li Mei's name her face contorted with confusion and curiosity.

"Li Mei was the one who captured my heart, Mother. We loved each other in secret, hidden from the prying eyes of the palace. She was my solace, my light in the darkness," Liang Wei's voice, tinged with sorrow, resonated with a mix of longing and anguish as he replied. His gaze softened for a fleeting moment, a flicker of vulnerability crossing his hardened features.

Fu Meili's eyes widened in shock, her hands trembling as the revelation sank in. The weight of her son's pain and the truth he had shared with her left her speechless. She now understood the depth of his anguish and the reason behind his descent into darkness.

"Liang Wei, I cannot fathom the depths of your pain, but your actions are beyond redemption. You have tarnished our family name with your ruthless vengeance. The empire will remember us not as a dynasty of strength, but as a dynasty brought to its knees by the madness of its emperor!" Fu Meili's cries of anguish turned into cries of anger, her voice shaking with a mix of fury and disbelief. She pleaded with her son, her words laced with frustration.

But Liang Wei remained unmoved, his heart hardened by grief and his mind consumed by thoughts of vengeance. In his fractured state, he saw no other way forward, no path but the one soaked in blood and darkness.

"Li Mei is gone, Mother," Liang Wei's voice carried a chilling resolve. "I will not rest until those responsible pay for their sins. This kingdom, this palace, will crumble beneath the weight of my fury."

Fu Meili's anger turned into despair, her voice cracking under the weight of her son's transformation. She fell to her knees, tears streaming down her face, her heart shattered by the sight of her beloved son lost to the depths of his despair.

"Liang Wei, please, I implore you," she pleaded, her voice a mere whisper. "Abandon this path of destruction. Your actions will bring ruin upon us all, and the legacy of our family will be forever tainted. Find peace within yourself, my son, before it is too late."

But Liang Wei's eyes remained distant, his soul enveloped in the shadows of his creation. He turned away from his mother, his once-unbreakable bond now severed by the weight of his vengeance.

"Leave me, Mother," he commanded, his voice cold and detached. "I have chosen my path, and it leads to the destruction of everything that has wronged me."

Liang Wei's mother, broken and defeated, rose from her knees, her face a mask of sorrow and resignation. The realization of her son's descent into darkness weighed heavily upon her. She cast one final look at her son, the light of the moon casting a haunting glow upon his anguished features, and silently left Moonlit Haven.

Alone once more, Liang Wei stood in the chamber, the weight of his decisions pressing upon him. The path he had chosen was one of darkness and despair, leading to the downfall of his kingdom and his soul. As the moon's gentle glow bathed Moonlit Haven, Liang Wei's resolve hardened.

In his heart, the flames of revenge burned brighter, consuming any remnants of his former self. The whispers of darkness enveloped him, promising an end to his pain through the destruction of all that had wronged him.

Little did Liang Wei know, as Empress Dowager left his chamber, the weight of their confrontation had taken its toll on her fragile health. Bedridden and weakened, she clung to life, her body a mere shell of its former strength. The sorrow and despair she felt for her son's choices seeped into her very bones, hastening her inevitable demise.

And in her final moments, as her breath grew shallow and her eyes closed for the last time, she carried with her the burden of a broken dynasty, mourning the loss of her son and the destruction he was about to wreak.

As news of Empress Dowager's passing spread throughout the palace, mournful whispers filled the air. Courtiers and servants donned sombre expressions, paying their respects to the fallen matriarch. But one figure remained conspicuously absent from the rituals of mourning—the Emperor himself.

Liang Wei, consumed by his descent into darkness, showed no outward signs of grief for his mother's passing. The palace walls reverberated with hushed conversations, murmurs of disbelief and scorn. How could a son not mourn the loss of his mother, especially one who had loved him so deeply and desperately tried to save him from himself?

Yet, within the confines of his demise, Liang Wei's heart remained untouched by sorrow. The darkness that engulfed him had extinguished the flickering flame of compassion, leaving behind only a hollow shell of vengeance. The weight of his mother's death, her disappointment and unheeded advice, became another heavy stone in the pit of his soul.

The palace mourned for Empress Dowager Fu Meili, lamenting the loss of a benevolent figure who had long held the realm together with her wisdom and strength. But little did they know that her passing marked not just the end of an era, but the beginning of a reign tainted by sorrow and despair.

And within the chamber of Moonlit Haven, Liang Wei stood alone, his heart shrouded in darkness, oblivious to the world outside. The weight of his choices pressed upon him, and as he gazed into the reflection of his own haunted eyes, he knew that the path he had chosen would lead only to his downfall.

Amid Liang Wei's descent into darkness, a scene unfolded within the palace walls. Two ministers, their faces filled with fear and desperation, sought an audience with Empress Xia, hoping to find refuge from Liang Wei's relentless pursuit. They pleaded for her assistance, their voices trembling with urgency.

"Empress Xia, we cannot bear this any longer," one minister implored, his voice strained with anxiety. "One by one, our comrades are being exposed and eliminated by Liang Wei's ruthless campaign. We are next in line, and we cannot allow ourselves to meet the same fate."

"We had an agreement with you, Empress Xia. We supported your rise to power, and in return, you were supposed to protect us from Liang Wei's wrath. But look at us now, helpless and cornered," the other minister chimed in, his voice filled with anger and frustration.

Empress Xia's lips curled into a mocking smile as she listened to their pleas. Her eyes gleamed with a cruel satisfaction, relishing the power she held over their lives. She toyed with them, revelling in their desperation.

"Pathetic," she sneered, her voice dripping with disdain. "You weak fools thought you could control the tides of power, but it seems you are nothing more than pawns in this game. Your incompetence has brought you to this pitiful state."

The ministers' faces twisted with anger and frustration, their hopes shattered by Empress Xia's mocking words. The desperation in their voices turned into a seething rage.

"You dare mock us, Empress Xia? You promised us protection, and now you revel in our downfall?" one minister seethed, his voice trembling with anger.

"Your treachery will not go unpunished. You have betrayed us, and now we shall end your reign," the other minister's face contorted with fury as he drew his sword, pointing it at Empress Xia.

But before the ministers could make a move, a cloaked figure burst into the scene, swiftly eliminating them with deadly precision. The air filled with the sound of clashing steel and the scent of blood as the assassin's swift strikes ended their lives, two bodies fell hard hitting the ground.


Empress Xia, now standing amidst the lifeless bodies of the ministers, let out a chilling laugh. She surveyed the scene with a twisted satisfaction, relishing in the display of her power.

"Praised Liang Wei for his downfall," she muttered to herself, a wicked smile playing on her lips. "With each dead minister, I can bring in new loyalists, ones who will serve me without question."

Her laughter echoed through the palace walls, a haunting sound that sent shivers down the spines of those who heard it. The descent into darkness had claimed another victim, and the web of deceit and manipulation tightened its grip on the once-noble empire.

As Empress Xia revelled in her victory, Liang Wei's path to destruction grew darker with each passing day. The stage was set for a clash of darkness and despair, a battle that would determine the fate of an empire hanging by a thread.

Since the number of collections made by you guys just keeps on increasing, I, once again, want to express my gratitude to each and all of you for your continuous support. With that support, my dream in this line of work gets close and closer.

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