
Wei Lost Emperor

Amid a war-torn kingdom plagued by treachery and darkness, Zhang Wei needs to unravel a hidden legacy that could change the fate of an empire from the secrets of a forbidden love affair to the depths of betrayal through a journey of the web of intrigue and danger. With every step closer to his destiny, Zhang Wei discovers the shocking truth behind his mother's execution and the conspiracies surrounding him. As he rises through the ranks, forging alliances and gathering strength, he becomes a formidable force that threatens the very foundations, especially those who seek to keep the truth buried. Will Zhang Wei's quest for justice lead to redemption and the restoration of an empire long lost, or will the shadows that lurk in the darkness consume him before he can claim his rightful throne? (R18) Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, events and incidents are the product of the author's imagination and his only. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Heavy language is used in the story. Blood, gore, violence and sexual acts are also depicted in the story. Update: A chapters a day Site: https://akikure.carrd.co/

Aki_Kure · Eastern
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384 Chs

Clash of the Defenders

During the looming confrontation, Zhang Wei and Li Zhen exchanged a few words, their voices carrying the weight of their unspoken bond.

"Zhang Wei," Li Zhen began in a hushed tone. "You must run back to the village. Protect the people. They need you."

"I won't leave you, Uncle. We'll face this together, just like how we face everything," Zhang Wei's gaze remained resolute as he met his uncle's eyes.

"Your mother would be proud of the man you've become," Li Zhen couldn't help but chuckle softly, his face etched with pride.

Their exchange didn't go unnoticed by the encircling bandits, who watched with a mixture of amusement and curiosity. One of them, emboldened by the situation, stepped forward, a mocking smile on his face.

"Having a heartwarming family reunion, are we?" he sneered. "How touching. But let's see if blood ties can save you now. Tell you what, old man and youngster, we'll make a skewer out of your bone and flesh."

The bandits laughed, confident in their overwhelming numbers and the advantage they believed they held. What they didn't know, however, was that Li Zhen carried a dark secret – the mark of the Dragonfly, a symbol that had once struck terror into the hearts of all who knew it. And Zhang Wei embodied the teachings of the source, a force to be reckoned with.

As the rain began to fall, the battlefield was set, and the clash of the defenders against the bandits was inevitable.

The relentless rain persisted, its cold touch sinking into the combatants' bones. In this watery arena, the clash of steel and the determined faces of Li Zhen, Zhang Wei, and the bandits painted a chaotic yet strangely captivating tableau.

Li Zhen's injured arm throbbed with pain, but it did little to slow his mesmerizing, deadly dance. He navigated the treacherous battlefield with awe-inspiring precision. His one good arm struck out like a serpent, disarming one bandit, then another, in a rapid, almost hypnotic sequence. Blood spattered the ground as his blade found its mark, adding a gruesome layer to the chaotic scene. His movements bore an eerie calmness as if he were an artist perfecting a macabre masterpiece.

Beside him, Zhang Wei mirrored his uncle's finesse. His lithe form moved like a blur as he elegantly weaved through the melee. His defensive manoeuvres were a marvel of martial skill, deflecting strikes with a fluid grace that seemed almost supernatural. He moved like a dancer, agile and untiring, committed solely to incapacitating his adversaries. The teachings of the source guided his every action, his heart steadfast in its commitment to spare lives.

Initially, the bandits had brimmed with misplaced confidence, buoyed by their superior numbers. However, as the rain-slicked ground turned treacherous, their coordination faltered. Stumbles and missed blows replaced their earlier swagger, ensnaring them in their web of arrogance. Limbs were severed in the frenzy, screams of pain adding to the symphony of chaos.

Within this tempestuous chaos, Li Zhen and Zhang Wei exchanged glances, sealing an unspoken pact to safeguard each other and the village they cherished. Their synergy was impeccable, a deadly ballet of combat. Zhang Wei deflected an attacker's weapon toward Li Zhen, who capitalized on the opening to disarm yet another foe. Heads rolled in the mud, the gurgling cries of the fallen joining the cacophony.

Li Zhen's past as a lethal assassin manifested in each calculated, deadly movement. He rendered one bandit after another unconscious with ruthless efficiency, their bodies sprawled in twisted, unnatural positions. His eyes reflected unwavering determination amidst the tumult, a chilling contrast to the haunting beauty of his actions.

By his side, Zhang Wei, a devotee of the source's teachings, refrained from taking lives. He used the hilt of a stolen weapon with astonishing precision, delivering blows that left his adversaries unconscious but alive, their forms battered and broken. It was a testament to the delicate balance between martial prowess and moral restraint, a struggle etched in the blood-soaked mud.

As the relentless battle surged onward, the bandits' initial arrogance crumbled beneath the unforgiving rain. The fight had spiralled beyond their control, and the deluge only compounded their misery. Their footing grew increasingly unstable, their vision blurred by the relentless downpour.

Within this chaos, Li Zhen perceived a subtle shift in the atmosphere. He could see uncertainty flickering in the eyes of the bandits, a realization that their initial advantage had evaporated like mist before the sun. With an unspoken understanding, he knew the tide had irrevocably turned in their favour.

The bandits, formidable in their own right, were not as hapless as they seemed. They were skilled fighters, perhaps desperate now but still dangerous. Each of them had a unique combat style. One wielded a pair of short swords with deadly precision, their flashing blades adding to the maelstrom of violence.

Another employed a long staff with remarkable agility, its strikes leaving bruises and broken bones in their wake. Yet another specialized in throwing daggers, their aim uncanny even in the blinding rain, each blade finding a new home in the bodies of its victims.

The fight continued in a relentless blur of movement. Li Zhen and Zhang Wei faced off against their adversaries, their every strike met with skilful parries and counterattacks. The bandits, refusing to yield, fought tooth and nail to regain the upper hand, their desperation leading to increasingly brutal tactics. The air was thick with the stench of blood, and the ground grew slick with crimson mud.

Despite the bandits' dwindling coordination and the adverse weather conditions, they adapted swiftly. Their strikes, once erratic, became more deliberate and measured, their movements fueled by a murderous frenzy. They targeted Li Zhen's injured arm with savage glee, attempting to overwhelm Zhang Wei with a flurry of blows that left deep, oozing wounds.

The struggle intensified as Li Zhen and Zhang Wei faced off against their resilient adversaries. The bandits were far from weak, and their determination burned brightly even amidst the downpour. Every clash of steel echoed with raw intensity, every move a calculated gambit in the deadly ballet of combat. The rain mixed with the blood on the ground, creating a grotesque tableau of death and suffering.

Li Zhen found himself hard-pressed to defend against multiple foes, his injured arm aching with each parry. The bandits circled him like hungry wolves, seizing every opportunity to exploit his injury. Yet, he refused to yield, his movements fluid and precise, his resolve unshaken. His strikes, fueled by a primal fury, left a trail of mutilated bodies in his wake.

Beside him, Zhang Wei faced his challenges. His agile manoeuvres were countered by the bandit with the long staff, who displayed remarkable dexterity in their deadly

Yet, as the minutes stretched into an eternity, Li Zhen's sharp eyes caught a glimmer of uncertainty in the bandits' expressions. The rain-slicked ground had become treacherous for all, and fatigue was setting in on both sides. It was a pivotal moment, a chance to seize control and tip the scales in their favour.

Li Zhen's voice, a clarion call amid turmoil, cut through the clamour of battle.

"Zhang Wei," he declared with unwavering resolve, his gaze unwaveringly fixed on the bandits, "Return to the village. Protect our people."

Zhang Wei hesitated for a moment, his inner conflict laid bare on his face. But the trust he held for his uncle overcame his turmoil, and with a final nod, he sprinted through the relentless rain, swiftly vanishing into the distance as he raced back to the village.

Now alone, Li Zhen faced the remaining bandits, his icy gaze locked onto theirs. The battle was far from over, but with the upper hand firmly in their grasp, Li Zhen was resolute in finishing what they had started.

Alone now, with rain pouring over his battle-worn form, Li Zhen stood firm as the remaining bandits circled him. The relentless clash of steel, the anguished cries of the wounded, and the unyielding downpour created a surreal, nightmarish scene.

The remaining bandits, though battered and shaken, were not ready to concede defeat. Their eyes bore a mix of fear and desperation, knowing they faced a foe unlike any they had encountered before. Li Zhen's stance remained unwavering, his one good arm raised, the glint of his blade a chilling reminder of his deadly precision.

One of the bandits, a wiry figure with a scar across his cheek, stepped forward. He was the last remnants of their bravado, a desperate gambler facing insurmountable odds.

"What sort of demons are you?" he spat, his voice quivering with a mixture of awe and terror. "I've never seen blades move like that as if they had a life of their own."

Li Zhen's response was silence, but his cold, unyielding gaze held the answer. He was a man with a dark past, a past filled with shadows and violence. His reputation as an assassin was notorious, and the Dragonfly tattoo on his shoulder marked him as a harbinger of death.

The scarred bandit's eyes widened as the wind momentarily lifted Li Zhen's shirt, revealing the dreaded tattoo. Panic overcame him, and he stumbled back, his voice cracking as he screamed hysterically.

"The Dragonfly! It's him, the Dragonfly!"

But there was no mercy in Li Zhen's heart, no hesitation in his actions. He closed the distance between himself and the scarred bandit in an instant, his blade cutting through the rain-soaked air with deadly precision. The bandit's scream was abruptly silenced as Li Zhen's blade found its mark, ending the man's life with brutal finality.

The remaining bandits watched in horror as their comrades fell, their illusions of victory shattered. Fear now gripped their hearts, their will to fight drained by the relentless onslaught and the gruesome fate that had befallen their scarred companion.

Li Zhen moved like a phantom, his blade an extension of his will. The bandits, unable to match his skill and determination, fell one by one. Blood sprayed in graceful arcs as limbs were severed, and the muddy ground turned into a grotesque canvas of death.

The last bandit, a trembling man with wide, disbelieving eyes, dropped to his knees in surrender. His weapon fell from his trembling hands, splashing into a puddle of rainwater and mud.

"You...you can't be human," he stammered, his voice barely above a whisper. "Who are you?"

Li Zhen said nothing. He had no words for the likes of these bandits, no explanations for the brutality he had unleashed upon them. With a swift and merciful strike, he ended the last bandit's life, leaving him to join his fallen comrades.

The battlefield fell silent, save for the relentless rain that continued to pour, washing away the traces of the fierce struggle that had taken place. Li Zhen, his chest heaving with exertion, stood alone amidst the carnage, the last remnants of the bandit ambush extinguished.

The wind picked up, blowing the rain-slicked hair from his face. He took a moment to catch his breath, his eyes scanning the battlefield one final time to ensure there were no survivors.

With the threat now eliminated, he turned and made his way back to the village, the weight of his actions heavy on his shoulders. The village was not safe, and the memory of this brutal encounter would linger, a reminder of the darkness that still lurked in the world.

As Li Zhen disappeared into the rainy horizon, the villagers would never know the true extent of the violence that had unfolded to protect them. But they would sleep soundly, shielded by the unwavering resolve of their defenders, and the secrets of a man with a Dragonfly tattoo.


I feel like it's time for more 'pun'. See what I did there? Pun(fun)? No? Nevermind.

Pun of the Day:

Why did Li Zhen and Zhang Wei excel in martial arts?

Because they had a "rain of terror" that left their opponents all wet and defeated!

Aki_Kurecreators' thoughts