
Wei Lost Emperor

Amid a war-torn kingdom plagued by treachery and darkness, Zhang Wei needs to unravel a hidden legacy that could change the fate of an empire from the secrets of a forbidden love affair to the depths of betrayal through a journey of the web of intrigue and danger. With every step closer to his destiny, Zhang Wei discovers the shocking truth behind his mother's execution and the conspiracies surrounding him. As he rises through the ranks, forging alliances and gathering strength, he becomes a formidable force that threatens the very foundations, especially those who seek to keep the truth buried. Will Zhang Wei's quest for justice lead to redemption and the restoration of an empire long lost, or will the shadows that lurk in the darkness consume him before he can claim his rightful throne? (R18) Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, events and incidents are the product of the author's imagination and his only. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Heavy language is used in the story. Blood, gore, violence and sexual acts are also depicted in the story. Update: A chapters a day Site: https://akikure.carrd.co/

Aki_Kure · Eastern
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384 Chs

Birds of the Same Feather

Within the labyrinthine halls of the palace, hidden beneath layers of silk and secrecy, a subtle yet formidable presence dwelled in the shadows. Xin Yan, once a noble consort during the reign of Emperor Liang Wei, had seen her fortunes crumble with the changing tides of imperial favour.

In the stillness of her chamber, hidden from prying eyes, Xin Yan pondered the possibilities. The game was afoot once more, and this time, the stakes were higher than ever. She had waited in the shadows, patient and watchful, and now, with Zhang Wei's presence in the palace, a new chapter in their age-old rivalry had begun.

The palace had long been a battleground of wits and cunning, where power was not only displayed through the grandeur of court ceremonies but also wielded in the shadows of whispered conspiracies. Empress Xia and Xin Yan were no strangers to this complex game, their rivalry dating back to the days of Emperor Liang Wei's reign.

Empress Xia had always been a masterful player, her manoeuvres shrewd and calculated. She held the advantage of being at the emperor's side, wielding her influence over him like a finely honed blade. It was a position that granted her both authority and power, and she used it to full effect.

Xin Yan, on the other hand, had found herself on the opposing side, an outspoken critic of Empress Xia's growing influence. She had taken a bold step by claiming her pregnancy as Emperor Liang Wei's, a move that aimed to strike at the very heart of Empress Xia's hold on the throne. It had been a gamble, a desperate bid to thwart Empress Xia's ambitions.

The palace had buzzed with intrigue as both women sparred with words and veiled accusations. Empress Xia, in her position of power, had sought concrete proof of Xin Yan's deception. She had dispatched spies, interrogated servants, and turned the palace upside down in search of any evidence that would expose Xin Yan's lie.

But Xin Yan was no ordinary adversary. She was a woman of cunning intellect and resourcefulness. When confronted, she had argued vehemently, claiming that Empress Xia's pregnancy was a result of an illicit affair. The palace walls had borne witness to their verbal duels, each exchange a carefully calculated move in the ongoing battle for supremacy.

As time passed, the rivalry had reached a stalemate. Empress Xia had managed to retain her empress status and secure her position as the de facto ruler of the palace, while Xin Yan, demoted but not defeated, had withdrawn to the shadows. It seemed that both sides had exhausted their resources, and neither cared to engage the other any longer.

That was until Zhang Wei's arrival, an unexpected twist in the intricate dance of palace politics. Xin Yan saw in him the potential for disruption, a force that could upset the careful balance of power that had settled over the palace. She knew that if Zhang Wei's true lineage were ever revealed, it could cast doubt upon Empress Xia's hold on the throne.

From her concealed vantage point, Xin Yan watched Zhang Wei closely, her keen eyes seeking any signs of loyalty or dissent. She was a master of reading the subtle nuances of palace life, of deciphering the unwritten code that governed the actions of those who navigated its treacherous waters.

As Xin Yan observed, she noted the young soldier's unwavering dedication to his service, his loyalty to the throne, and his growing influence within General Li Feng's troops. These were qualities she had not anticipated, and they piqued her interest. Was Zhang Wei a pawn in Empress Xia's grand design, or was he a force of change that could alter the course of palace politics?

In the depths of her chamber, hidden from prying eyes, Xin Yan pondered her next move. The palace was a battlefield of hidden agendas and whispered secrets, and she, too, would play her part in the intricate dance of power. Her ultimate goal remained clear—to disrupt the plans of those who sought to manipulate the throne and to safeguard the legacy of Emperor Liang Wei.

Zhang Wei, navigating the palace's labyrinthine corridors with growing familiarity, had become accustomed to the occasional interactions with palace staff and residents. One day, as he strolled through a sunlit courtyard, he encountered a young girl, her gaze fixed on a delicate butterfly that danced on the gentle breeze. Zhang Wei, with his innate kindness, couldn't help but smile at the sight.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" he remarked, his voice soft and warm.

The girl turned to him, her eyes widening in surprise as she realized she was not alone. She was a year younger than Zhang Wei, her features delicate and her demeanour poised.

"Yes," she replied, her voice equally gentle. "It's like a fleeting dream."

Zhang Wei and the girl continued to stroll through the palace gardens, the gentle rustling of leaves overhead providing a soothing backdrop to their conversation.

"You seem to have a deep appreciation for nature," Zhang Wei remarked, casting a sideways glance at his companion.

"Yes, there's so much beauty to be found here. The palace can be like a world unto itself, with its hidden pockets of tranquillity," she nodded, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm.

Zhang Wei couldn't agree more. He had discovered that the palace, while a place of intrigue and politics, also held pockets of serenity that allowed one to momentarily forget the weight of their duties.

"Have you always lived in the palace?" Zhang Wei inquired, curious about her background.

"No, I was born in the city. My mother and I came here after certain... circumstances changed our lives," she shook her head, a wistful smile playing on her lips.

Zhang Wei sensed that there was more to her story than she was revealing, but he didn't press further. Instead, he shared a bit about his journey from his village to the imperial palace, omitting some of the more sensitive details.

They paused by a tranquil pond, its surface adorned with blooming lotus flowers. Koi fish glided beneath the water, their vibrant colours a mesmerizing sight.

"They say the lotus represents purity and rebirth," the girl mused, her gaze fixed on the delicate petals. "Even in the murkiest of waters, it can bloom with grace."

"Yes, it's a symbol of resilience," Zhang Wei nodded in agreement, finding wisdom in her words.

Their conversation meandered through various topics, from the palace's history to the customs of the city outside its walls. Zhang Wei was struck by her depth of knowledge and her ability to view the world from a unique perspective.

As the sun dipped lower in the sky, casting a warm, golden hue across the garden, Zhang Wei realized how much time had passed in their conversation. He glanced at the girl and offered a warm smile.

"It's been a pleasure talking with you," he said sincerely. "I don't often get the chance to have such meaningful conversations here."

"The pleasure is mine. You're different from the others. Genuine," her eyes held a hint of gratitude.

Before they could linger any longer, Zhang Wei decided it was time to take his leave.

"I should return to my duties," he said regretfully. "But I hope we can speak again."

"I look forward to it. Farewell, kind guard," she nodded graciously, her demeanour unchanged.

With a final smile, Zhang Wei walked away, his heart touched by the unexpected connection he had made. Unbeknownst to him, their conversation had served a dual purpose—one of genuine human connection and the other of subtle information exchange.

The girl watched him go and she would continue to glean insights into the enigmatic guard who had captured her interest. Still watching Zhang Wei depart, she knew that their paths would cross again, and in those future encounters, she would continue to tread the delicate line between friendship and surveillance, all in service of her mother's ambitions.

As for the princess, she remained nameless for now, her true identity concealed in the shadows of the palace's whispered secrets.

Hong Yi couldn't contain his curiosity any longer as he and Zhang Wei walked back to their quarters. His eyes danced with excitement as he prodded his friend with questions.

"So, who was she, Zhang Wei? A mysterious lady in the palace gardens, huh?"

"Just a girl, Hong Yi, nothing more," Zhang Wei chuckled at Hong Yi's eagerness.

"Come on, give me the details. What did she look like?" Hong Yi's enthusiasm remained undiminished.

"Well, she had long, flowing hair and her eyes were like..." Zhang Wei paused, trying to recall the girl's appearance.

"Like what? Go on," Hong Yi leaned in, hanging on to every word.

"Like... the clear waters of a mountain stream on a sunny day," Zhang Wei struggled to find the right words.

"Mountain stream? Sunny day? Zhang Wei, you have a way with words, but I still can't picture her," Hong Yi blinked, clearly puzzled.

"Sorry, it's just that she was unlike anyone I've seen here. And she's new to the palace," Zhang Wei grinned, realizing that his description might have been a bit too poetic.

"New? That's interesting. Did you find out her name?" Hong Yi's eyes sparkled with intrigue.

"No, I didn't. We didn't get that far in our conversation," Zhang Wei's smile faltered slightly.

"Oh, Zhang Wei, you had one job! Now I'll never know who she is," Hong Yi's shoulders slumped in mock disappointment.

"I'll try to find out more next time, Hong Yi. But honestly, she was just a pleasant distraction in the gardens," Zhang Wei chuckled, feeling slightly guilty for teasing his friend.

"And here I was hoping for some juicy gossip to share over tea. This is the worst tea I've ever had!" Hong Yi sighed dramatically, clutching his heart as if wounded.

Zhang Wei laughed heartily, the playful banter between them lifting his spirits. Little did they know that this chance encounter in the palace gardens would set in motion events that would shape their futures in ways they couldn't yet imagine.



Alright, another follow-up with my leg. The swelling is still there, but I'm able to use it much better. I drove to uni for class, with a car this time as the bike is still in repair, and everything went fine. I am still walking peculiarly though.

Aki_Kurecreators' thoughts