
Chapter VIII: A out war

Wednesday October 15, 2016

CNN showed images of the safe house on fire and the Michael Suarez, the Washington Correspondent, said, "And as you are seen here this is where Donovan Reign spent his last moments on earth. The luscious billionaire was the son of Vice President Jordon Reign, who was also killed last night.

Reports coming in are that Donovan abused and tortured his wife and stepdaughters. At age he impregnated Marie Moore to give her Daemon Reign. His father's political power protected him.

A former neighbor has come forward and gave his accounts of what he witnessed. He also presented video evidence of cops threatening him to disappear. With that five cops in the NYPD and DEA was arrested.

A shocking scandal has hit the Washington Division of the FBI. It was reported that they offered immunity for his testimony against the International Drug Cartel organization, led by Abdul Corporation.

A massive manhunt is now on for Jordan Abdul. He fled the Abdul vineyards before he was appended. He is at the top of the global most wanted list. With that we go over to chuck in studio..."

Michael changed the channel to KLH TV, subsidiary of Moore Television Group. Business news was about to go on. Michael was drinking juice and sitting in bed as I slept in bed.

The business report then said, "Welcome back to American Business. Now we begin again with the Moore family. After 32 years of been apart Tabitha Richards-Moore has regained her son, Michael Moore.

She sold out Caracas International Holdings Limited to Sparta Corps yesterday for US$ 100 Billion. As part of the deal the Moore Coalition is merging with the Moore Clang to create House Moore.

She has moved to Cairo to restart Richards Group of Companies. The brand company belonged to Colombian businessman and her father Michael Richards. He was killed in a bomb attack in 1960, 7 days before the marriage of Tabitha and Joseph.

But 56 years later she is set to rebuild his vast empire in Africa. House Moore is to be headed by Michael and his twin brother Mikael Moore. Mikael is the CEO of Moore Music Group and his currently on a nationwide tour with Jasmine Francis.

In addition to this Michael has fully acquired Reign Industrial Group. Moore Corporations spoke man in press released stated that the company will be set aside for Daemon Reign and is to be headed by Marie Moore as Group CEO.

In a twitter post she tweeted that it is revert back to its former name of Reign Group of Companies. With that Reign Towers is projected to tower on.

Sparta Corps, subsidiary of Moore Holdings PLC, is projected to launch 5 new companies in: The Caribbean Green Gable International), Canada (Duplex Holdings Limited), East Indies (East Communications Group), Central America (GLF Industrial Group) and Europe (Moore International Limited); before Christmas

Caracas International Holdings limited represents Sparta Corps. In South America, This is part of a US$ 500 Billion Investment portfolio put together by a private investment group led by Michael Moore.

According to Micah Bryan, Group CEO, the money is an investment loan and will be repaid back in two years when Moore Corporations is projected to be a Trillion dollar empire. He is a shareholder owning 2.5% alongside long time CLO of the Corporation Richmond Smith this is the Moore's staking there claims..."

Michael turned off the TV and said, "We rule the world. Its time Caine learns that."

He then walked away. With that everything changed in the next five years. By Easter 2017 the Southern Cartels ruled South America, the Gulf Cartels ruled Central America, the Caribbean Mafia ruled the West Indies and the Northern Runners ruled East Indies.

The American Crime Syndicate ruled Texas, California, Arizona, Louisiana and Missouri. We pocketed 10% of his net income and he bought cocaine, heroin and weapons directly from us.

With that we looked the other way.

The rest of USA was ruled by the Spartan Family. Each state had a Spartan that was a governor. Then he controlled operations there. We made a deal with the bikers of America. They represented us and controlled distribution.

They sold our cocaine, heroin, Estacy, opium, Marijuana and Crack to the dealers. The Skull Warriors took control of all bikers in America. They had 45 divisions that we supply the drugs in bulks. Then they sold to dealers.

Michael didn't deal with anyone but Mendoza directly. If you didn't like the bikers or they didn't like you then you were out of business. They could only buy from Michael, Tabitha or Richmond. And you couldn't sell in the Americas/ East Indies/Russia/China/Japan without Michaels Approval, Africa without Tabitha's or Asia without Richmond.

Europe, Australia, New Zealand and UK were free territory. So they were always at war like the Middle East.

The biggest player there was Dwayne Mendoza and he bought directly from the Fedalis Cartels, Mexican division of the Gulf Cartels. So he wasn't going against us.

And to top it off he was laundering US$ 2 billion with Moore Financial Group, US$ 400 Million with Anderson Holdings PLC, 900 Million with Reign Investment Group and € 1 Billion with Richard Commercial Bank.

So screwing us would be futile.

The Russian Mafia, Chinese Triads and Japanese Yacuzas were the Racketeering, Fraud and sex industry side of the Spartacus Syndicate.

The Russians stuck to prostitution, sex trade, Oil and smuggling. In exchange for 10% and giving these girls better treatment we look the other way. They had 12 000 illegal brothels in America. From there they did: stripping, sex trade, promo films etc.

Now when a girl was beaten the Sicarios went and killed them. After a year of fucking these girls were released with $5 Million in cash. They didn't do it and them dead.

The Chinese Triads were into fraud, Counterfeit and Illegal gambling. They printed US$ 100 Million in US, Canadian dollars and British pounds each per week. Then the money was circulated through their: Casinos, bars, clubs and restaurants.

They also did Arts and sculptors. And most of all identity their and Cybercrimes. Plus they had 1000 underground casinos across America.

Japanese Yacuzas on the other hand were the Racketeering side. They controlled the Utilities, service and Construction industries. They sent contracts to who they wanted. They got government representatives to start working.

With that Education, Services and Economy went up. And unemployment and crimes went down. It appeared that gangsters should have been running countries instead of corrupt governments. Then with ties in DEA, FBI, CIA, ATF, NSA and every police station across America we ran the political system.

The Sparta Gang executed Judges, Lawyers and Reports coming after us. Then day by day the political power grew.

I on the other hand was all about the money. Anderson Holdings PLC Global bought up: 100 Loan banks, 150 Stock brokerage firms, 27 Commercial banks and 400 Bill payment locations. With that I became a money launder.

I started the Boss Syndicate. We were all women. I control the money of the Spartacus Syndicate. My girls picked up the cash, count it and delivered it to Michael. We also did pay rolls.

I started Nail Arts Limited. Then I franchise to 2000 locations and we moved money through it all.

Plus Red Garden Tours started with 200 buses and 400 Red taxes. We moved a lot of illegal shit through it. By January 2018 I was net worth at US$ 89 Billion and repaid all the investors if Celia Anderson Enterprise Limited.

Plus Anderson Medical Center open 7 new locations in Jamaica alone.

Mike and Jasmine got married on Valentine’s Day 2017. She quit her job as head of Moore Holdings PLC. To focus on her career and her brand. Rosheen Moore became the CEO of Moore International Limited.

She distributes 1 Ton of Cocaine in Europe per month for us.

Mike merged Fallout Entertainment Group, Alpha Music Group, Moore Music Group, Moore Management Limited, Moore Productions Inc. and Moore Events Limited to form Moore Music Enterprises Limited.

With that we had 500 Recording labels Global, Management division, 100 private venues, Electronics and Recording equipment. He was also the Spartacus Syndicate Minister of Defense. With that he was in charge of killing our enemies and keeping us safe.

Two months after landed in India the Prince died of natural causes. But considering that Richmond had Ph.Ds. in: chemical, Pharmaceutical, Agriculture and Mechanical Engineering having a heart attack at the wheel is not hard.

He married Princess Dina Minh of Delhi. He wasted no time in getting her pregnant to secure his freedom. She gave birth to Prince Nathaniel Moore and Prince Frederick Moore on September 7, 2017.

He represented the Global Cartels in Asia. They instituted the same laws as us. With that he is seen as a political king in India. His wife is the head of the country and he runs the Indian Trade Corporation.

And they brought crime and unemployment down. This is easy when you run the Criminal Underworld of the country. He has double the money of the Saudi Arabian Government. With the Global Cartels behind him he flooded Asia with his product.

Tabitha went to Egypt. To this day she maintains residence with Properties across Africa. She had the Global Cartels behind there. She had Colombia, Venezuela and Panama as part of her holdings in exchange for Michael having China, Japan and Thailand.

She started Richards Group of Companies as a front company. With the millions she had from the sale of Caracas International Holdings Limited she bought: 100 small banks, 100 Clubs, 2 casinos (Forever Casino & Resorts) and small airlines (Westside Airways).

But with the tons of Cocaine, heroin, Marijuana and Ecstasy she sold her company grew fast. The Nigerians and Egyptians controlled distribution of her cocaine. The Malians, Moroccans and Romans handled her money.

And every one below them in the African Criminal Underworld had to buying from the Nigerians or Egyptians. She didn't deal directly with anyone. Plus she controls the Construction Industry and the Governments of Africa.

Jane on the other hand got a piece of the action. She owned Richard Entertainment Group. The company was into Film production and distribution. She owned a production studio, 5 cinemas and 10 mobile trucks.

So Michael had an idea to invest in her films with drug money.

The films made box office and then the money would be doubled or tripled. But it would be clean and untraceable. So we created the Alliance Film Association. And her films had production budgets of $1 Billion each.

Her first film was Drive By. It made 2.5 Billion in its first week on American soil alone. After that with her 10% cut of the deal she expanded to have a portfolio of: Party Rental, Event Planning, Night Clubs, Bars, Pubs, Distilleries, Hotels and a Cruise Liner.

She became repeatable. Her husband put Moore Engineering Group on the map with his Architectural buildings global and his technological innovations. Sharon got her wish when Timeless hit 1 Billion subscribers on New Year’s Eve 2019.

Suzanne Moore studied hospitality at La Palmarie Institute in Paris. Meanwhile her sister got her Rhodes scholarship and studied Literature & Arts at Oxford University. They returned in January 2020

Suzanne then took Moore Entertainment, Moore Resorts Group, Moore Restaurant Group and Moore Cruises Limited then made them subsidiaries of Moore Hospitality Holdings, Llc.

And it was a subsidiary of Moore Communications Group. Then they started expanding global. They had 100 cruise ships in their fleets, 1000 Hotel franchises with 100 locations and 100 franchise restaurants with 10 000 locations. What set us apart was that we offer 5 star rates at prices far cheaper than our competition.

So they were always over booked. And when you made everything it was affordable.

Harriet took Moore Print, Moore Publications, Moore Newspaper Company, Moore Magazines Limited and Moore Advertising to create Moore Publishing Group under Moore Communications Group.

She acquired Watt pad in her first 10 days of the job. It became the social media for authors and publishers. And it sold/rented books online.

With that we brought 24/7 news and surpassed TMZ, CNN, Facebook News and Forbes with sales. Tyrece had his work cut out for him in keeping up with our fast moving pace and the massive demand for Cyber security we need.

On January 20, 2018 Michael established the Washington Chapter of the Order of Olympus with him as the Grand Master. We all joined the Seattle temple. 14 others were established across Washington and they recruited a total of 1400 Acolytes.

By October 20, 2021 we were on top of the world. But one think about the underworld is that you have a lot of enemies. And in this life you the sins of others and pay for others crimes.

Four days earlier Port of France

A SWAT team moved in on a private Warehouse. The men moved in and shot the two guards. Then they moved through the Warehouse and took out the mean guarding the Cocaine. Then they went to the office.

One ignited a blow torch then they started cutting through an armored door locks. Then the SWAT watched as he cut through the inches. Then he got up and the door dropped. The man took off his mask to reveal himself to be Jordan Abdul aka Caine.

He then walked around in the vault and then got a box.

He opened it and said, "Necronom!"

The contents glowed yellow.

He then closed it and said, "Russell!"

One of the SWAT team mates step forward and said, "Sir?"

"Move out with the guys. We got what we wanted. Let's go," replied Jordan as he walked away.

As he walked away Russell asked, "What about the drugs, cash and gems?"

"Leave it! We have what we wanted," replied Jordan as he walked away.

The SWAT team then followed him. An hour later Michael and Mikael arrived. They had Francisco Reynolds, leader of the Frenchman Crime Family, on his knees.

Michael pick up a blue brick and then said, "You have 500 Kilos of pure cocaine, £ 200 Million in cash, 100 Million in diamonds and 600 Gold Bricks valued at 400 Million each.

Now Caine broke in here murdered 26 armed guards and 200 workers. But he took nothing."

Francisco swallowed and said, "Yes sir."

"I find that hard to believe when we saw him leaving with a Jinx box," replied Mikael as he showed him the CCTV.

As Francisco swallowed Michael said, "All of my businesses have a backup CCTV network. So erasing it would raise red flags. So what did Caine steal? It had to be important."

Francisco swallowed and said, "I didn't know what it does until an hour ago. I won it in a card game."

"What is it," asked Michael to him.

Francisco then reached and the Sicarios held guns on him.

He quickly said, "I am getting something. I don't have a gun."

Michael nodded and he got it.

Michael took it and as it glowed yellow he said, "Fuck me sideways."

An hour later he was at Moore Resorts Paris with Tabitha and Richmond.

As we stared at the small glowing vile Micah asked, "Is that what I think it is?"

Michael nodded and he asked, "And Caine has it?"

"According Francisco he has 12 vials and the two scrolls. And from what he describes and showed us the symbols it’s written in Coptic," replied Michael to him.

"Yea! But we are dealing with a cursed immortal that has been around since the beginning of time. So he probably can read it.

He has billions in cash, manpower and probably all the ingredients in his grasp. So he could come for us in days," replied Richmond to him.

Michael then said, "Oh no! He has 12 files that are enough to armed 300 men. And he is gunning for us. They could start a war and he probably got witches so it is an even playing field."

"That's good Temple Magnus! Maybe your Acolytes could whip up a potion or two. That way we are secure," replied Mike to him.

Tabitha then screamed and said, "Ok! That's it you guys are talking in Spanish. Somewhere in all that I heard about the Order. Let's start with that. What is it?"

"Water," replied Michael and a lost Tabitha asked, "Water? Really?"

Mike nodded and I said, "Water doesn't glow. It is colorless or odorless. That is glowing!"

"It is holy water. It glows because it is near us. And us I mean members of the Order," replied Richmond to him.

Prince Richmond then said, "I don't follow that."

Michael exhaled and said, "It start about ten thousand years ago when members of the Order when rogue. They created separate orders that focused on taking souls for the underworld and giving wealth and power.

It was a dark time and The Order of Olympus was blamed for it. So five warriors were armed by a witch of the Order to fight dark magic. They were called the Saints.

They then created the Holy Sāmbhar waters. The water was used to anoint their blades and arrows before battle. Their blades and weapons glowed whenever a member of the order was near.

It takes one cut and the person dies. The Saints became cursed and charmed by one of the deflected Members. So the Order had enemies. Now they found out how the water was made.

As part of the ritual the Holy Grail, that Jesus drank from, was used to pour the water into Vilas. The order stole the grail in a joint deal with the Knights of Saint Christopher. Now they destroyed the saints and their supplies.

But one saint successful escaped with Unix Box containing instructions of how to create it without the grail and 13 vials. According to the order's past knowledge one of the scrolls can make a cup holy like the grail.

The second is to create the waters. He puts them in bullets and we are vulnerable. "

"Wait! Why didn't the Order hunt down the Saint," I quickly asked him.

Mike then said, "They did. But according to their Diary Scrolls when they found him he was dead but the box was missing. Over the centuries it was lost and unfounded. Now Caine has it."

"Ok. So what now," Tabitha quickly asked him.

Before he responded Michael said, "Well for now we double security and look twice when crossing the streets. Plus now wild parties and leave the planning to Me, Mike, Richmond and Micah."

With that we went and were also protected. I even wore body armor and traveled in armored carriers.

Present day Los Angeles Harbor Monday October 20, 2021 2: 02: AM

The crane lowered a green container onto the port. Michael and Dwayne Mendoza were there. As they did armed men moved in.

"Congratulations! You can become a great president," Mendoza told Michael as the container was loaded onto a red tractor head trailer.

Michael then asked, "And what would I base my campaign off of?"

"Well you can tell them that you are the head of an Americas Criminal Underworld and you are the reason for the massive crime drop and unemployment," replied Mendoza to him.

Michael chuckled and as he bent down the sniper missed talking out one of his men. A row of 12 heavily armed men walked forward firing M45 Assault Rifles. Mendoza and Michael nodded at each other.

Then they shot out the lights with that the Sicarios snipers took the men out with their .50 caliber sniper rifles. The emergency lights came on and Michael eased up with an M45 Assault rifle. He then opened fired on the remaining men.

Dwayne emerged with two Uzi submachine guns. With that in a matter of moments they killed all the men. One of the armed men phones rang and Michael picked it up.

As a drone zoomed in on him he answered it on speaker phone saying, "Caine. You missed. I knew you were coming and after your fiasco in France I knew you would try something."

"Small set back. I have a weapon that can kill you. So I guessed we are on a leveled playing field," replied Jordan to him as he looked at him.

Michael looked up at the drone and said, "There is a reason they called me The Terror. I am not going to walk away from my empire that I built."

"The Gold Circle is very powerful. And we own Ireland and Greenland don't let me have to come to America. An all-out war is not something you want. I could end your daughters, your son or grandson," replied Caine to him.

Michael then said, "Caine you have survived this long because of crazy people. But if you come after me I will burn Ireland and Greenland to the ground. I waged a 16 year war by myself do you have any idea what I can do with an army?"

"You have 24 hours to bend the knee to me and serve me. Or I go after your empire," replied Caine to him and he hang up the phone.

Michael ignited a fireball in his right hand and then he threw it to the drone. It then destroyed it. We secured all our ports and triple security. I on the other hand was in Italy on business.

Wednesday October 22, 2021

Jacques, President of the Skull Warriors Miami, was at hid Red Trench Lounge with his bikers with his biker crews partying. Then an RPG then blew up the club.

An hour later Michael watched Channel 21, subsidiary of Moore Television Group, showing the Red Trench Lounge. It was secured by Miami Police Department.

The reporter said, "As I speak to you Jacques Moses is dead. The 35 year old business man was a stunt biker and Mechanic. He was the founder of the Backstretch Biker Gang in 1990. Then he founded Moses Garage in 1991.

Then Moses Motors Group in 1995. And in 2000 he founded Moses Nights, Llc. The company owns a chain of Night Clubs, Bars, Strip Clubs and Restaurants across America. Five years ago he became one of 50 leaders of the Bikers Association of America.

He has been the President of the Florida division of the Association. Under his watch there has been order amongst the bikers and this caused growth. In the eyes of many he is seen as a mob boss..."

Michael's phone rang and he answered asking, "What! Do you want?"

"Jacques was the first one. How far do you want to take this," asked Caine as he walked out of his Scottish farm house.

Michael then said, "Don't worry I will respond. The media in Ireland is shit so it will take some time to get across. See you soon."

Michael hangs up and turned around in his chair. Michael's five Sicarios had: Matthew Samuels Governor General of Greenland, Serena Russell Irish Minister of Security and Oman Zurich British Director of Intelligence on their knees and their mouths taped up.

Michael then said, "That was your boss on the phone. He wanted to threaten me and because of you three a friend of mine is dead. And now I have to send 500 men to Miami to prevent a war.

And with Jacques dead I just lost a Billion. When he destroyed the Red Trench I lost the records because he didn't believe in technology. So people can owe me and get away with it.

So on my flight here I had an epiphany. You guys built the Golden Circle over a five year period secretly. You guys probably know everyone so you can clean the board.

So you guys have until sundown today to seize every property he owns and operated out of. Then you will sell directly to Spartan Properties Limited. Plus I want the names of the entire dealer he has and a detailed list of his operations.

Everyone else I need them disposed of. Killed or jailed I don't care. I want them gone. Plus I want to know where he is getting Cocaine as he doesn't grow. You have until sundown to do as I say or everyone that knows and loves you will die.

And I will start with your children."

He then walked away and the Sicarios cut them free. With that Michael went home. I was in my red Nightie in my Roman bed masturbating with my dildo when my phone vibrated. I ignored it at first but then the room phone started ringing so I stopped and got it.

I then said, "I am busy whoever is calling."

"I see you are masturbating in bed," replied Michael as he held his Scotch aboard his private Jet.

I dropped in bed and said, "I am sorry I was just horny. I have not had you in three months. I still remember my last night with you it was a marathon. I need you. Where are you?"

"Somewhere over Wisconsin. Why," asked a curious Michael to me.

I rolled over on my side and said, "Turn the plane around and come make love to me. I want you and you love me."

"I can't. My business requires full attention now," replied Michael to me as he drank some wine.

I then said, "Michael you own the world. There is nothing you can't do and I want you."

"I am a live and direct man. I don't do well with phone sex. I like to make girls scream as I sucked on their breasts and squeeze that tight ass. Then I hold them down and spanked their asses as I slide my cock in," replied Michael to me and I had an orgasm.

He chuckled as I breathe.

After a while he asked, "Are you OK?"

I sat up, exhaled and said, "I am fine. I am much better."

"You had an orgasm didn't you," Michael quickly asked me.

I mourned and said, "I have no idea why I didn't just call you."

"Of course," replied Michael to me as Bryan, Sicarios General, came in.

I smiled and asked, "What are you doing in Wisconsin?"

"Business. And now I have to go. I promised to be there tomorrow for you at the airport," replied Michael as he got up.

"Fine. So see you tomorrow at noon," replied Michael to me.

With that he hangs up as he stepped out of the plane. I got up and went to the bathroom.

As I looked at my stomach I said, "I know I need to tell him. But I will when I get back. It is not like I cheated on him."

One of my three baby boys started moving inside me and I said, "Don't worry boys. We will be home to day soon."

With this I headed back to the room. I then finished packing for my flight.