
Chapter VII: End of an Era

Michael in the meantime was at the ground breaking ceremony of Reign Towers. The location was secured by Moore Presidential Security Unit, Moore Security Group. With that the press was gathered.

Michael got in one of the Backhoe's and dug a hole. With that we all applauded and he parked it. Then he came out of the Backhoe with his red Helmet on. He went to the platform and everyone cheered.

With that he said, "Today marks the beginning of a new era for the Moore family. Today we built Reign Towers. The three intertwined towers are designed like a plotted cable with bombs and a lot of Glass.

These 4 bombs are where the buildings meet. In addition to it the building will have 3 massive Helix Wind Mills. It will generate the 340 MW the building will require."

With that the Screens showed a 3D final view of the luscious buildings made into one. With that we applauded. Marie and Daemon soon arrived with security. Jasmine and Mike arrived in their blue track suits with Jasmine's name on them.

Michael then said, "So everyone is saying that we should have waited. A tragedy happened less than 4 hours ago with a few of the shareholders.

But sometimes in life we profit for others misfortunes and no matter how great the person was the world keeps moving. So I am pleased to announce that the 40% voting power of Reign Industrial Group, formally under Joseph's control, was acquired by me.

These are passed to my grandson, Daemon Reign. And one day he will rise to take this building as his office. Our legacy is for our children. I am working hard to build Moore Corporations to a top conglomerate for my five children and two grandchildren.

Because this is for them in a few years. So no matter what happens we are building Reign Towers here. 50 000! Americans are going to be here to help raise this 300 floor structure. We will build it.

With that 5 000 Washington citizens will get a job working here on this 5 acres when it’s completed. So today marks the beginning of a new Renaissance Era!"

With that fireworks shot up and we applauded. Meanwhile at a Black site Donovan walked into Irene's office.

She saw his face and asked, "What?"

"45% of Reign Industrial Group is now under Michael's control. My father is been investigated and his 30% is currently frozen by Secret Service. And they are also investigating my 25%. So what Michael says is law!

You call that protected," asked an angry Donovan.

Irene then said, "Firstly the shares belonged to Daemon. Michael is only an Administrative trustee until Daemon turns 18 or he is deemed fit to lead.

Secondly Interpol got a massive amount of information on the International Cartels from one of banks you told us about. So in using that we went after the network. Along the way your father popped up as a political power.

Lastly our deal gives you immunity. Not your father."

"Yes! But how do you explain Michael acquiring 40% of my company," asked Donovan to her.

Irene then said, "Well from what I gathered independent brokers brokered a deal with Joseph. They guaranteed him safety from the Spartacus Syndicate & its partners. In exchanged for that Joseph assured them that his side would not shed blood on American soil.

As a show of agreement Joseph gave the 40% as collateral and Michael agreed to a trade deal in the event of any violation.

The Extermination Mercenaries work, for the International Cartels, violated the agreement when they murdered Jacqueline, Joseph and 5 others. In addition wounded Tabitha."

"But they went after them. And now Spartacus Syndicate," replied Donovan to her.

She then said, "Yes! But it occurred on their soil which is technically a violation on you guys part. Now Russian and his crew will be terminated. Then a drug war. So your fucked up company is the least of my worries."

With that Irene went. Meanwhile Michael and I were saying goodbye to Jasmine and Mike at Moore Music Plaza, HQ of Moore Music Group.

After hugging Harriet and Suzanne Jasmine said, "Michael takes care of my children."

"They are my blood. So I will never hurt them. Or let anything happened to them," replied Michael to her as he held Harriet on him.

Mike then said, "And I got Jasmine. The road is safe. But if you want me to stick around I will stay..."

"No! You go and make the Moore name great again. Then you and your cheerleading daughter can make us proud. Don't worry about it. I got this," Michael quickly told him.

With that Jasmine and Mike got on the Tour bus. Then the convoy of 10 businesses and two trailers drove off. Then as we stood there we saw three men in black Tuxedos walked to us.

Michael then said, "I wonder what they want now."

"You know them Michael," I quickly asked him.

He nodded and they came to us.

The middle one stepped forward and said, "Good afternoon Mr. Moore. Congratulations on your business deals. It is...

"Save the bullshit Darren! What do you guys want," Michael quickly asked him.

He took off his glasses and said, "Ok. I want a peace. The same think that existed for the last 10 years."

"I think it is a bit late for that. You see I kept my end if the bargain and my father sent an army after me. And now you guys have a rat that led Interpol to Joseph's secret bidding place.

With that the International Drug Cartels are going down. And your boss believes I am behind it. So he sent Russian to come cause problems on my soil," replied Michael to him.

The man to the right of Darren said, "You threatened us. And Russian was sent here to remind you that we are not to be threatened or messed with."

"Maybe I should send your head back to Caine and remind him that he is not playing with Amateurs. He is rumbling with big dogs. How about that," asked Michael as he flied his knife.

Darren then quickly said, "We are not here for that! I am not here for that. We are here for peace talks. We don't want the situation escalating more than what it has to be. So that is why I am here.

I know you had nothing to do with this. Had you? We would have had a lot of dead bodies. Now a peace reign with us for ten long years. So now I want us to go back to that."

Michael then asked, "What are you suggesting?"

"For starters we need Russian and any Extermination Mercenaries you have handed over to us. Plus you don't target," replied Darren to him.

Michael then said, "Russian and his three guys were here on Caine's orders to kill. After you guys brokered a deal to allow Joseph, Tabitha and Richmond to come here.

I allowed them here. And they get killed by your people. When I specifically said doesn’t bring your internal bullshit here. Actions have consequences."

"With all respect Michael. That's not your choice to make. He works for our side. Killing him is a declaration of war," replied Darren to him.

"Your little hit parade has made my mother Queen of the Carlow Cartels. She has control of the Mexican Cartel Syndicate.

Now she will out for blood and the Gulf Cartels are not behind Caine as once upon a time. Now when I give you guys Russian and stand down it looks like we have more than peace talks.

Last thing I need is the Los Zeros, Sicarios and the Scarlet Warriors armies to march up here and start a war. You pissed them off and I have a duty to maintain order in North America, West Indies, Thailand, Vietnam and the Philippines.

So Russian and Extermination Mercenaries dies. And that is not up for discussion."

Darren then said, "The International Drug Cartels has survived worst. And when we pull through this you want to be on our good side."

"I was on you guys good side. And then you murdered my wife because she wanted to tear down Joseph. Not you guys Joseph," replied Michael to him.

Darren then said, "This isn't the old days when you would come at us with an army. We have millions of assassins."

Michael stepped to him and said, "The reason you are here is because my mother is a force with nothing to live for. The onslaught of Interpol has left you open. So with her wanting blood you guys need reinforcements.

So you are hoping that I help you. Now should I join with her Caine is dead. I join with you guys and her dies. So I am the deciding factor."

"That's why I like you. You always see what we want. Now Caine is prepared to offer you a 50/50 deal. You and us could rule the world," replied Daren to him.

"The Spartacus Syndicate has always been an independent organization of any fight. The Peace treaty we brokered via the Hierarchy Council prevents me from targeting a dragon head. With Joseph and Jacqueline dead.

Plus Richmond going up the river Tabitha is automatically the head of the Moore Coalition. They represent South America," replied Michael to him.

"You and Caine are above the High Tables. You are both Elders and this occurred through 16 years of your onslaught," replied Daren to him.

"And currently they are been reinstated seen that the current 24 heads were arrested by Interpol," replied Michael to him.

"And the high Tables suffered a massive lost because of a rat instituted by the Moore Coalition," replied Daren to him.

"I am Moore Clang. And I would never forget the men you murdered in name of the High Tables aka Moore Coalition even when I was a member of the 24 and I gave you guys America," replied Michael to him.

Darren then said, "You know my reputation. I don't take no for answer. You can't manage an all-out war."

"Yow! How them a violate di general pon him place," asked Ras, one of the Sparta Gang Members with us, as he held his gun on his right leg.

Michael smiled and said, "No blood on Moore Business Center."

With that he turned around and then he quickly turned. Ras and I quickly pulled our guns and then took out the two bodyguards. With that red dots hit Darren.

Michael then turned around and Darren swallowed.

Then Michael threw his ringing phone to him and he answered asking, "Who is this?"

"I knew Caine would go to my son to come after me. But the thing is that I am one step ahead of you," replied Tabitha as she walked out to her pool.

Daren then said, "You made a deal with him?"

"Yes! I told him I would bring him the man that killed his wife. And there you are," replied Tabitha to him as she looked out at Caracas from the backyard.

She hangs up and Darren said, "You knew I had to put her down."

"My mother would never allow Richmond to kill me. So I find it hard that he would kill the only girl I loved. When he got me out Colombia.

So I wondered what if. The think is that Richmond is right-handed. And my wife was killed by a left-handed person. So after that it wasn't to put together," replied Michael to him as van drove up.

They then grabbed Darren and dragged him inside. Then they took up the two dead bodies on the ground. Then they left.

Michael and I then went a helicopter across the street at a helipad. We got in and the Helicopter took off. It then headed away. At sundown the men Richmond was been moved by the US Marshals.

As they brought him out Richmond saw the Skull tattoo on the neck of the guard at the door. The guard passed him a key and he walked away.

Richmond then got into the Black Armored carrier with two security guards. Then four vans drove in front and behind.

As they drove Richmond said, "Like is full of choices."

"Shut the fuck up! You are a monster," one of the guards quickly said and the next said, "Let him speak. That's all he can do."

Richmond then said, "Thank you. I want to tell you guys a story. It is about family.

Once upon a time there was a dark lord. He built an empire on the back of an old organization. He kills his boss and took out the old organization. Then he erected his own.

With that he became a powerful King. He wanted to rule and for no one to challenge him so he married the princess and she gave him three sons. Then his bastard daughter barked orders.

Then another problem erupted. The daughter of an old Allie to the former king fell in love with the second son. Push came to shove the Dark lord murdered the Allie and his army.

But the two young princes and the girl ran. Six years later they built their own empire and had a piece of the dark Lord's empire. So the dark lord sent his daughter into the world.

She infiltrated the little princes. Two years later she managed to drive the second son away from the daughter. She wanted blood. But when she learns of the traitor she went for the second son.

He however fell in love with a peasant. The peasant taught him that power and wealth was not all you needed. So he started to build an empire. Now his wife showed up and brought him back.

At the end of nine months his wife is killed by the Emperor's top lieutenant as part of a plan instituted by the king."

"Wait! A King and an Emperor in one story? That doesn't make sense," replied the Guard to him.

Richmond chuckled and said, "Of course you are lost. But the Queen plotted and got the second to plat a game. You see they wanted the world to believe she was killed by the older brother. He was tainted as the accident man.

Years later the Dark Lord and his princess was killed. Then an onslaught from Authorities saw the Emperor's empire in ruins. With that he wanted the Second son to unite with him to kill the Dark Lord's wife.

But the three sons were united. One was to become the Minister of Defense of a war torn nation and had to be rescued. Meanwhile the next was on the road regaining the convince of the family name."

With that the team was diverted to another road.

As they went up to a barricade the guard asked, "What happened to the third son?"

With that the convoy stopped as two trailers was in the road. The cops in the front got out.

One of the guards, in the armored carrier, touched his radio and asked, "What is going guys?"

Tera, lead agent upfront, touched his ear piece and said, "We have two trucks in road. Secure..."

An EMP pulse knocked out all communications. Then the trailers back opened up and teams of heavily armed SWAT members emerged. They opened fire on the US Marshals. Then they started walking forward and killing the solders.

Men got up from the grass and took out the Marshals at the back.

As the gun battle waged on Richmond said, "Prison is not on my radar. I am the Iran Minister of Defense."

One of the SWAT team members knocked the side of the van. The guard, with the skull by his neck, shot the other guard in the head.

Then he said, "Sorry sir. I had to let him disrespect you. My apologizes sir."

Richmond smiled and got outside to the men. Then he was transported to a private hanger. As he got out of the car Michael and I waited by the private jet.

He exhaled and said, "You are the last person I taught would save me."

"I made mom a promise not to kill you. As such you are here," replied Michael to him as he walked to him.

As Michael stared at him Richmond then said, "So. Where am I headed?"

"It is all arranged. The Prince of Mumbai, Mohammed Kamahi, now represents us in the Middle East. He has given you Political Asylum and made you the Chief Advisor. With that no government can arrest you.

You will represent the family there. Mom is going to Egypt. From there she will rule Africa. Mike and I will rule: the Americas, Australia and the East Indies. You will get Asia to do as you’re pleased.

Europe and UK will be shared equal among the Spartacus Syndicate and the Global Cartels 50/50," replied Michael to him.

Richmond exhaled and said, "The Global Cartels is my legacy. It was built by our grandfather that our dad murdered. I deal in cocaine, Heroin, Marijuana and Estacy. So now we will be in charge of distribution in Asia.

And I will need Thailand as a production plant."

"Fine. But your money will be laundered money though Anderson Holdings PLC, Moore Financial Group and Reign Investment & Holdings PLC. So you concentrated on sales and distribution. Plus you play by my rules," replied Michael to him.

Richmond nodded and said, "Ok. So mom and I will run the Global Cartels in Asia and Africa respectively. How about you?"

"The Southern Cartels are taking over South America; the Gulf Cartels are taking over Central America, the Caribbean Mafia taking over the West Indies and the Northern Runners taking over the East Indies.

So I will be in full strength in a year," replied Michael to him.

Richmond then asked, "You have fractions inside the Spartacus Syndicate?"

"Yes! Canada is ruled by the Quebec Mafia based in Toronto, The East Coast is run by Underground Cartels. The American South is run by the Fresh Money Gang. Then there is Mendoza in: Texas, Arizona, California and Missouri.

Louisiana is controlled by the Court of Owls. Everything else is run by The Sparta family. Now I will have more foot soldiers for Sparta Corps. And my conglomerate will be growing," replied Michael to him.

Richmond smiled and said, "We still have Caine to worry about. Once I get on that plane I can't help you."

"Don't worry. He has gone underground to plan. But in six months we are powerful people. Our protections and connections are far fetch. So don't worry," replied Michael to him.

Richmond hugged him and got on the plane. We then watched as the private jet left American soil.

Michael then said, "I am happy you are here."

"Yea! Now we are building an empire," I quickly told him as I looked at him.

He then said, "I want to run this side and bring peace to the world. And to make the lives of people better."

I smiled and we went to the limousine. Then headed home. Vice President Reign came out of his Washington DC house and a sniper shot him in the head. In the meantime Donovan was in a safe house, across town, with Irene and Candice.

As they started eating dinner and RPG fired into the building. With that it blew up.