
Chapter V: The Price of Freedom

After our booty call I fixed my dressed and he held me.

As he was all over me I said, "Michael I have to get to work. Celia Anderson Limited is not going to run its self. I want to see my new office. And the Red Garden Limited has a new MD. And we will be moving more of Mendoza's money."

"I moved $800 million to keep you out of trouble. So how about some gratitude," replied Michael as he pulled up my gown.

I then said, "Michael I have a business to run. Tonight you can spank me and I will give you a hot blowjob."

"You don't have to work. You are Mrs. Michael Moore," he quickly told me and I kissed him.

Then I said, "I love my work. Now down boy. I have my own HQ to go open. I will see you later."

He dropped in the seat and I went. I went out to my own Limousine with two bodyguards with me.

An hour later Michael was on the 3 floor internal balcony looking over the lobby full of people when Jasmine asked, "You OK?"

"I should be asking you that," replied Michael to her.

Jasmine then asked, "Why so?"

"Your husband filed a class action law suit against me for 200 Million. He filed in on the grounds of those kids are not mine. I will be in country in two days unless he pulled the lawsuit. But when I found that picture I remembered that night in Las Vegas.

And three weeks later you were pregnant. I did the math and those three kids are mine," replied Michael to her.

Jasmine exhaled and said, "I didn't do the investor as he taught. When I went for test that was the only time he let me be alone. I told the doctor the truth and he took pity. Then I fell pregnant and he lied.

Donovan didn't pay the doctor. He killed everyone in the surgery after I was pregnant a week later. And I lived with it.

You had Richard and I was worried for our lives. He killed all of my family and my nosy friends. So don't judge me."

Michael then said, "Oh no! I am more worried about what happens when my father here's this. All this drama will come back to haunt me."

"Then go talk to your father," replied Jasmine to him.

Michael whistled and said, "No can do! The last time I saw my father face-to-face I was shooting at him and he was driving hard for the Mexican Border."

"Then talk to your mom," I quickly told him as I came to them.

Then he said, "She was driving the car. Meanwhile her husband and my brother fired assault rifles at me. But the escape via Mexican Federal Police Force. So I don't see it ending well and I have a needy FBI agent on my ass."

"Oh! Don't worry Micah is handling it. Now go talk to them," replied Richmond to him.

"Ok. I need to talk to my sister anyway," replied Michael as he walked off.

Michael then kissed Jasmine on the cheeks and went. I had an old boss to go get rid of. Meanwhile at Crust Bakery Seattle three police officers showed up.

Jacqueline then asked, "What is this?"

One of the officers came back with a bag and pulled it. It had 10 Kilos of Cocaine.

Jacqueline then quickly said, "That is not mine."

"Jacqueline Moore you are under arrest for cocaine trafficking. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. If you cannot afford a lawyer one will be provided for you," replied one of the officers as they put on the hand cuffs.

They then walked her out. They then left with her. Darrel and Andrew Chase were grabbed by armed men and put into vans.

I then pulled up at Coffee Bean. My Security pulled the limousine door.

Samuel then saw it and said, "I wonder who that is."

I then stepped out and Karan screamed as Samuel was shocked. I then walked in with two bodyguards and I hugged Karan.

Samuel then asked, "Which man rich man is fucking now?"

I smiled and said, "The Coffee Bean is a subsidiary of Moore Restaurant Group. It is one of 100 franchises they own right?"

"Yea! Mr. Moore started this location personally. But what does that have to do with anything," asked Samuel to me.

Richard then walked in, kissed me and said, "Hey! I am cooking tonight so you and Dad just relax."

I nodded and said, "Anything son."

With that he headed towards the kitchen and Samuel asked, "How do you know Richard?"

"Oh! I didn't tell you," I quickly asked him.

Samuel then asked, "Tell me what?"

"Sharon's father and my husband is Michael Moore. And I believed you called my daughter a crack pot a few times. So on behalf of my husband you are fired. You have 20 minutes to get off the premises or security will throw you off.

PS don't use me as a reference. After all I am a slut remember," I quickly told him.

He then went and Richard hugged me on his way out. Then Karan screamed as she held my had with my ring. She then pulled me away to tell her everything.

The cops however brought Jacqueline to the Garlands Marina, on the other side of Lake Savanna over looking the Moore Settlement. They took her and the drugs out of the car. Then they brought her to the end of the pier where Michael was feeding the seagulls and ducks.

As they took the cuffs off he said, "All criminals have an hobby. Mine is feed birds in public places and Gardening

I have fun and it keeps my mine clear."

"So I supposed it is about time you turn me into an enemy," replied Jacqueline as Michael gave the cops envelopes.

He then looked at the cops and said, "Thank for your assistance. Now guys go."

"Anytime boss! See you later," replied one of the officers as they walked away.

Jacqueline then said, "So you are mad I let dad and mom stay at my house. Great! But why not ask me?"

"How much did they pay you? How much," Michael then asked her.

Jacqueline chuckled and said, "I am a woman! Who wants a family."

Michael then took out his phone held it up and played a audio recording of Diana's last conversation to him.

In the recording Diana then said, "Michael! I am sorry I hurt you. I drove you away for four years due to your sisters teachings. She told me you were cheating on me. And, I couldn't bare it so I cheated on you.

Only to find out that you weren't. And I wanted to take her down. But my plan back fired as she told your brother that I am planning to go public with this. She is the only one that knows that I was going to KHZ FM to broadcast the information and not CNN as your family believes.

I would have upload it for there 200 Million global readers on their website to see. Don't trust her and bring all your children under one room. In my name destroy them. And marry Celia and maybe Jasmine they are good girls. Michael..."

Richmond then said, "I see you are talking to yourself."

"Richmond! Richmond Moore! I beg you in the name of your brother spare my life. I won't say anything else. I can pay you. My husband has a diamond mine in Africa and I could give you millions in uncut diamond. Just let me live," replied Diana to him.

Richmond then said, "Your husband thinks he is god. And you are a nothing. Do you really think Jacqueline would betray my father? She used you. She wanted my brother gone and then drove him away.

But you had to go to Cuba for him. So now you deal with the consequences."

Following that 5 gun shots was heard.

As tears fell from her eyes Jacqueline then said, "I can explain."

Michael put in his phone and said, "Look! I don't want to hear it. You are nothing to me. You are now in my cross arrows as some one that I have to kill.

The only reason you are still breathing since I had the courage to listen to that three nights ago is because you laundered 125 million in my sons name."

"Oh! Richard is faced with 25 years and you want a deal. Go to hell," replied Jacqueline to him.

Michael exhaled and said, "My son gets 25 years and I put your son Philip in prison. He likes to rape girls. I wonder how he would feel to get raped in prison. Or better yet send you a live link of your daughters been violated.

Or I shoot John. Burn down the building with Samantha in it. The this you have a lot of family to choose from."

"They are your family too," replied an angry Jacqueline to him.

Michael then angrily said, "They are nothing to me. My family is my wife, girlfriend, 5 kids and my boys. You murdered my wife and killed my unborn daughter. So don't tell me about family."

Jacqueline then swallowed and asked, "What do you want?"

"Well the big man keeps violating me. So I want a meeting. Him, Tabitha, me and my wife will enjoy the showcase of my artistes tonight.

My people will pick them up. They have my word they won't die. If they play by my rules everything will be easy," Michael quickly told her.

Jacqueline then said, "Mom and dad won't accept that."

"That's what I have you for. You have until the Limousine pops up at your house to convince them. You don't and ten of your restaurant blows up. Richmond threatens the staff Philip goes to prison.

Richmond follows your daughter gets kidnapped. He comes after me that is game over. Your son will die. So it all depends on you. Keep your family alive at all cost. My people will be there at seven. Do keep Pitbull Richmond under raps," replied Michael to him.

"Fine! I will destroy the Cayman Islands account in Richard's name. No one will know. Just don't do this," replied Jacqueline and Michael said, "I will know. And the Feds does. According to them if I don't help them take Joseph down my son gets 25 years maximum.

If my son goes to prison your life will become hell. So pray that never happens."

With that Michael walked away and a bodygaurd picked up the duffle bag of Cocaine.

As he got to the car he texted Candice saying : You are on. I have started the Submarine. Get ready for a torpedo to hit at the Reign residence

She replied: Excellent boss.

With that the Rolls Royce drove off with Michael. I on the other hand finished telling the Coffee Bean staff our story.

Karan then asked, "Do you love him?"

"Yea! But he is a bit on the wild side. In fact half way through last night he is riding me and he stops to lick it. And he went on to make me squirt. And he loves spontaneous sex. In fact last night I was peeing.

After I finished he bend me over on the sink. After I screamed he gave oral as punishment," I then told them.

"Wow! Sounds like you are enjoying married life," replied Karan as she sat down.

My phone then rang and it was Michael calling.

I answered saying, "Hey babe!"

"What's this I hear about you firing Samuel," he asked as he got out of the car.

I then swallowed and said, "He was mean to me. And he once disrespected our daughter. And he over works the staff."

"When I get home we will have a hard discussion. I will be yelling a lot so don't wear any panties. And replace my staff. See you tonight," replied Michael and I laughed.

I then said, "I will go home to change. See you at my office in an hour."

He then hang up and went inside of Moore Chemicals limited, subsidiary of Moore Agricultural Group.

I got up and said, "Karan effective immediately you are the Branch Manager of Coffee Bean. So put that Hospitality degree to work. I expect you to have higher profits from this location. And then we can go forward."

I left as she screamed. Michael in the meantime was walking though one of the 33 large warehouse. The warehouse was growing Lettuce, Carrots and Peppers in Saw dust and White sand.

The Greenhouse manager was playing Forever and Michael rocked.

He then turned it down and said, "Yow man! This is dope. Like extremely excellent. Where did you get it?"

"From my library of unreleased music. Come on Brody you know I have dozens of unreleased material at home in my home studio library. But this is new. Recorded it about two weeks back," replied Michael to him as they tended to the plants.

"Yow! I say ride the wave. This song is going to put Moore Music in the circle of Google Music, ITunes, Spotify, YouTube Music and Apple Music. You have two beautiful women, five kids and a conglomerate behind you.

This is a great time to push your music career off again," replied Brody to him.

Michael stopped and asked, "You feel so?"

"Yea! You ran with West Coast Records. And you are the only living member of the Syndicate Rolster. And the Spartans that built amazing solo careers is back with you.

All this is a great come back. As your boy and the man that is still trying to get an atom or periodical element named after him plus get a Guinness World Record. I say run with it and make the best of this world," replied Brody to him.

Michael then said, "Alright Albert Einstein. I hear you. But while I am here how is the accelerant project?"

"Well it is easy. It works on most vegetables and with that we can grow things faster. But in fruit trees it makes them age rapidly. They live a day at best. But as for vegetables and vine crops it can make them ready for harvest in three weeks regardless of rainfall or climate conditions.

Oh! And it grows marijuana and banana's really fast too," replied Brody to him.

"Ok! So progress. Work out the kinks and get it to work. We launch it as the first product. So get it working. Fast crops means more money for farmers and us. With more produced we can have a rich heritage.

Imagine reaping Sugar Cane ever 3 months instead of annually. That means more jobs as Machines would have to work twice as hard and that means more maintenance. You do this and you are one step closer to that record," replied Michael as he left the greenhouse.

"Say high to Celia's front for me," replied Brody as he went and Michael left after giving him the finger.

I in the meantime walked into the kitchen. I walked in on Star getting pussy licked by Marie. Upon seen me they quickly stopped and stood up.

Marie then said, "Don't blame her. It is my fault. I forced her into this."

"I have no objections. In fact I believed you should be happy. So go for it. But doing in a place where no one can disturbed you.

Come on. What if your mom or Michael walked in on you guys. Now go to the pool house or the garage but not here. And you should be back at the office in an hour," I quickly told her and they went.

I then went and got a shower. Then I put on my red Cocktail dress and then I went out the back. Marie on the otherhand had Star sucking on her juicy pussy from behind as she held her ass. I then went back to Moore Tower.

Then went to Michael's office on the 220th floor. He sat in his office looking out at Seattle. I walked in and locked the door. Then without asking anything I started making out with him and he laid me on the desk and I wrapped my legs around him.

We then had a nice three minutes of fun. Then I went to the Red Garden Complex. The two 30 floor buildings, joined by a bridge, across the road was acquired. To my surprise it was retrofitted to my liking over one weekend.

It was the HQ of Celia Anderson Limited. It was where I was going to run: Red Garden Limited, Anderson Medical Group, Celia Anderson Foundation and Anderson Holdings Limited from.

In addition there was the Red Building, painted red. It was HQ of Red Garden Limited. It had the subsidiaries: Red Garden Club, Red Garden Casino, Red Garden 3.0., Red Carpet Magazine, Red Garden Events, Red Garden Clinic, Red Garden Bar, Red Garden Café, Red Garden Resorts and Red Garden Trucking.

Connecting to it was the Black tower. It was the 20 floor HQ of Anderson Holdings PLC. Lastly there was the 20 floor twin Anderson Towers for the HQ of Anderson Medical Group and Celia Anderson Foundation. My five building gave me 124 floors of office space for my businesses.

I walked into the board of directors meeting with: Hank Davis, Bryant Silt, Samuel Richards, Claire now my COO of Celia Anderson Limited, Ameila Russel the CLO, Dika Raymond CFO, Sam Roach HR Manager and Francisco Reynard CCO was seat as with me we were the board of directors.

Standing was: Rachael Simmons, Amanda Rights CEO of Red Garden Limited, Raymond Price CEO of Anderson Medical Group, Maraha Andrews CEO Celia Anderson Foundation and Jackson Shaw CEO Anderson Holdings were all seated.

I sat in the head chair and exhaled. I looked at the NASDAQ stock price of Celia Anderson Limited on the wall computer. We had listed and sold 25 percent (2 Million stock units at $10 per unit) two hours earlier and it was at $2.56 per share.

I exhaled and said, "Ok. So Celia Anderson Limited is now on the NASDAQ and we are the board of directors. As the CEO of this new conglomerate I have elected 4 CEO's and they will run our four main subsidiaries."

"That's great. But as a conglomerate I am proposing a diversification. So with that the Red Garden Complex is not a must. We should have separate locations for all of the Subsidiaries. That way they function on their own.

We should get what we paid for," replied Hank to the board.

I then said, "Before we go forward I am putting forward that Rachael becomes the Location Manager of Red Garden Complex #025."

"While we are on that topic. How many complex do we have," asked Amelia to me.

I then said, "There is 200 complex across the globe. It is now becoming apart of Anderson Properties, subsidiary of Anderson Holdings PLC, via the subsidiary Anderson Complex Limited. With that way each one will have a location.

But outside of it we are looking into other locations. But we are less than a week old. So I would focus on been in the community. And getting some press. Right now America and Seattle on a hold is all about Moore Corporations."

Everyone nodded and Claire said, "I think it is safe to say Rachael is the new Manager of the Red Garden Complex branch #025. So with that CEO's and Rachael you are excused."

With that they went and Hank said, "Ok. So what are the plans going forward?"

"Well Anderson Medical Group owns: 3 pharmacies, a biotech lab and Medicine farm. In addition we are six months from a reopening of the first Anderson Medical Center. It is been retrofitted and renovated by Moore Construction Group.

They are putting in renewable energy technologies. So we should be saving millions in energy. As for Anderson Holdings Plc. we want to invest in: Real Estate, Stocks, Equities and Tourism on a hold. So it will be a year projected before you start seeing growth on your money."

"Ok. I can live with that. But Davis Financial Group is a money making operations. And I would hate to drop you. But I like your ideas," replied Hank.

I then said, "So that's it. This was a productive first meeting. And I suggest that the shareholders come together and elect some one to represent you in the event you guys can't come to our weekly board meetings.

Now without anything further. I say meeting adjourned."

With that we all left. My new secretary Anna Smith walked with me. Michael in the meantime arrived at The Warehouse, newest club in Moore Entertainment Group. It was also the place of the Showcase for Moore Music Group set for tonight.

As he got inside Jasmine was singing.

Michael then said, "Stop! I don't feel it."

Everyone stopped and Jasmine sat on the stage.

"Feel what? You can't do this," Jasmine quickly told him.

Michael then said, "I pulled a lot of strings to get the international brand community here tonight. The most powerful music Moguls, Brand sponsors, Radio stations and MTV executives are coming. I brought them here for you guys.

Because all of you represent the five Flagship records of Moore Music Group. These are: Mooredon Records Llc., Moore Records, Galactic Music, West Coast Music and H2O Music, Llc. The problem is that their glory days are behind them.

Now we want to rumble with Alpha Music Group. It owns: Syndicate Music, Synergy Music, Cartel Records, Nucleus Music and Southern Records. And behind them is MySpace, which Alpha rebuilt and it is rumbling with Facebook Inc.

We don't have that. We are building from the ground up."

"So what you want more ammunition for your father," asked Jasmine to him.

Deer, Pop singer and lead artistes of H2O Music Llc., then said, "Its like you don't believe in us."

"If you are at any of Alpha Music Group's 100 labels you are in the front doors of Nike, Puma, Sprint and Digicel. But you are here. And if I remember correctly Syndicate Music dropped you over a slow beat.

I singed you and the last five months you barely sold 100 000 copies of any song. But I haven't dropped you," replied Michael to him.

EZ, Afrobeet/Grime Artistes and lead artistes of Moore Records, then asked, "So what you saying?"

"What I am saying is that you are the best of five failing labels. Behind them are 10 other labels and song after song we are selling less. Now the board believes in coming out of the music industry but I say no.

Tonight is about proving the world wrong and showing them that the glory days are coming. I gave you guys a lead song. Now we are giving away an album to a winning artistes after tonight and that means you fight for your spot," replied Michael to them.

Fire, Rapper and lead Artistes of Galactic Music, then asked, "So tonight is the musical hungry games?"

"Yes! It is to show America that Moore Music Group has hungry artistes that performed their heart out. The public votes for you. Now at the end of night you can have one song on the radio or an album and a nation wide tour.

And then you will have everything. And if I didn't believe in you then you wouldn't be here. I take care of my own. Now I need that opening song to rock. I want it on all radio stations outside of Moore Radio stations come tomorrow," replied Michael as he walked away.

In the meantime Joseph was at his hotel room and Jacqueline finished telling him the pan.

Richmond then turned in his chair and said, "Michael is throwing a showcase at The Warehouse. And it is to get his flagship labels off. This is him clapping back hard."

"No he is not," replied Tabitha to him.

"First he steals Mendoza and his 42 Billion account from us. That will be a major investment. Secondly he attacks Donovan's reputation and now Reign Industrial Group stock price is dropping.

Thirdly his wife now has her own company ad is moving cash for drug dealers. Fourthly he has brought all of the Moore traitors to his own little village and they all work at Moore Corporations.

Lastly he is throwing a showcase for his five flagship artistes and the public votes for who gets an album and a Nationwide tour. That with the launch of Moore Business City and the ground breaking tomorrow.

He is generating waves of publicity. This makes him untouchable," replied Richmond to them.

Joseph then said, "Publicity is not money."

"Loads of it makes people notice you. And attention means orders and new friends. That means billions of dollars in your corner," replied Jacqueline to him.

"We can't be side tracked by him and his bullshit," replied Tabitha to them as she laid on her stomach.

"I say we roll up on that party. We kill that showcase and get noticed again," replied Richmond to him.

"You bring an army and he will kill my children. He has agents globally. Look you play his sick twisted game or go to war. He can't build a music empire in one night," replied Jacqueline to her.

Tabitha then said, "Yes! But this is my son we are talking about. He is one third of a deadly trio. He can build anything in a day. And I need him back at our table.

He has been making big moves the last 10 years. We don't want him to aim at us again. We suffered heavily for 16 years and it cost us US$ 100 Billion. We want him on our side. And let's not forget he can get to Abdul.

I want my children all together under one room. And most of all Michael to trust us."

"Oh yea! But Donovan is making that hard," replied Richmond to him.

Joseph then said, "I need that law suit lifted. Go have a word with Donovan. Be sure to remind him that it is in his best interest not to messed with this development project."

Donovan then walked away. Michael then pulled up at the Moore Online Server hub warehouse, downtown, with his security. I pulled up in my remodeled 1960's Mustang GT, with racing strips and a spolier. As I revved it Michael laughed.

Sharon took off her sunglasses and said, "Mom! This ride is pimping."

I got out and said, "It is courtesy of my son Richard."

Before Michael responded a Black racing Cobalt SS sped towards us. It had two follow cars. They then parked in the parking lot.

With that 5 men emerged from each follow car in black leather jackets and guns in their waists. Their handkerchief's on their heads told me that they were gang members.

I then asked, "Michael? These your people?"

"Sort of," replied Michael to me.

With that the Cobalt driver's door pulled and a man stepped out. He was the white version of Michael. We stood shocked with fear. He had on a sweat pants, white Merino, 7 white gold chains and two Rolex watches on each hands.

He had 9 mm on his side and he took out a bottle of T-Bubbles Champagne. A cheerleader got out of the passenger seat.

Richard then said, "Hey Uncle Mike!"

"What's up nephew? Brother," replied Mike to Michael.

Michael then knocked him out and Richard said, "I saw that coming."

Moments later we were inside and Sharon brought Mike an icepack.

Then I asked, "So you too are twin brothers."

"Yep! We shared a womb and the only think that came between us was Diana. I had his back all these years. Then I made a bad choice," replied Mike to him.

Michael then quickly said, "You stole US$ 20 Million of my money. I burned a lot of bridges and it cost me a Panamanian Casino. And you role up in here with gangsters and a bimbo slut."

The cheerleader then stepped to him and Michael put a Beretta on her head.

As she rose her hands he said, "Little girl! I don't have time for this. Who the hell are you?"

The cheerleader then said, "I am Sarah Moore. Mike is dad."

We all looked at him and he said, "She was the reason I braved the odds. And by the time I settle and bought Shares in: Time Warner, Marvel and Starlin Enterprise you weren't dealing with me. So I just stayed at my 500 acres Genevan Vineyard and live life.

To passed time I built a few beats in my basement and wrote 200 books. Look I am the Musical/Literature/Arts Genius and my life is boring in Switzerland. Please let me be the President of Moore Music Group.

I know people. And I can build an empire quickly. Plus I want the Job of rubbing it in Dad's face."

We all looked at him and he said, "Fine! But we performing tonight."

"Show me the stage. Give me a microphone and I am jumping on stage," replied Mike to him.

We then laughed and then we gathered in the SurTech Enterprises Limited, now subsidiary of Moore Communications Group.

Sharon then said, "SurTech is now the Software Engineering division of Moore Corporations. The 400 page Moore Corporations website is up for all our subsidiaries. But they are designed as individual pages.

So it some searches for a specific subsidiary they are taking straight to it. Now we have Moore Social. It has the branches: Moore TV, Moore Live, Moore Music, Moore News, Moore Messager and Moore Movies.

It is programed and the app is 10 MB. It already has 500 downloads from Google Play store and 300 from the Apple store. We are promising free viewing for our subscribers."

Michael nodded and said, "Ok. So we will be in the social media industry. Now how we on streaming?"

Tyrece then said, "Moore Streaming Service has 2000 customers and we are linked in with over 400 partners. So we have an online audience of 500 Million globally. Plus my 300 bloggers have opened accounts on Moore Social.

They have been Socializing a lot."

"What," asked a lost Michael to us.

"It is what we do on it. Twitter tweets we socialize. And the 25 server hubs across America is about to go up. Just give us the content," replied Tyrece to him.

Michael then said, "Ok. So I invited Tabitha and Joseph tonight. They are going to see how much our family can do."

"Why would invite mom and dad? Let their crazy asses stay in Colombia," replied Mike to him.

"First of all Jacqueline is with them. And I need them taken carried of. The fastest way to do that is tearing down Reign Industries.

Secondly we can't do that before Reign Towers Project goes off. Lastly if they are here they can't do anything stupid," replied Michael to him and Mike asked, "What did you do?"

"Oh! I took Dad off of us and aimed him after the Joint Taskforce," replied Michael to him.

I then asked, "How did you do that?"

"Dad is broke and the international Cartels are pushing him out. So he needs a force. He wants us in and to defend him.

Now Donovan is going to bring us closer. Mainly because Richmond is about to threatened him and Interpol has eyes on. In addition CIA is going to arrest Jacqueline. Put pressure on them and they start talking.

So he has more trouble than us," replied Michael to us.

Mike then said, "There will be fall out for this."

"We good! You heard," replied Michael as he got up.

With that Richmond kicked in Donovan's doors and killed his 5 guards. Then walked in Donovan licking Rachelle's pussy. Richmond put a bullet in her head and Donovan jumped up naked.

As Richmond saw his dick he said, "You don't have a lot going for you."

Before he could shoot him Two heavily armed FBI SWAT team members came in waving M45 Assault Rifles and said, "Lower your weapon."

Richmond dropped the gun and then one of them restrained him. As they did Interpol Agent Irene Days walked in wearing a grey suit.

Upon seeing her Richmond said, "Miss Days! Long time no see."

"Get him out of here. And take him too," replied Irene to the SWAT team.

As they grabbed Donovan he said, "I didn't do anything."

They then dragged him with out with Richmond. Jacqueline was walked on the street when a van drove up and they grabbed her. As she kicked and screamed they restrained her arms and bagged her head. Then they threw her in and the Van drove off.

Four hours later a white limousine pulled up at Jacqueline's home and as Joseph walked out he said, over the phone, "Jacqueline! It is 7 pm and the limousine is here. Where are you? I hope you and Richmond are not off doing the nasty. Now call me."

Tabitha then asked, "Anything?"

"No! Its like Richmond and Jacqueline disappeared," replied Joseph to her.

Tabitha looked at one of the guards and said, "Russell go over to Donovan's. Check out if my son is there."

Russell headed to the car with three of his boys. Then Tabitha and Joseph got in the car. They were then transported to the red carpet event. Michael and I were on the red carpet taking pictures.

Then we went to the reporters and one said, "Mr. Moore Dale Samson of Seattle Daily News. Your week of events, launched a few days ago, involves the groundbreaking of Reign Towers. Now what will you do to stay relevant?"

Joseph and Tabitha watched and Michael said, "Oh don't worry about that. We will be doing a lot in this week to generate waves. These wave will make us relevant long after today."

Mike then quickly said, "And the Moore twins is back. And Diana is looked down on us. Watch out tonight."

As we walked away Mike asked, "Did you see Joseph's face?"

"Priceless," replied Michael as we went in.

We walked into a stripped club with the serving staff in their lingerie.

As we got to the VIP section the voice over said, "Ladies and Gentleman welcome to the Warehouse. It is the world's first Social media club. Tonight the staff is modeling the Fantasy Lingerie line designed by Jasmine Francis.

Now here to open the showcase is Mrs. Jasmine Francis!"

We all applauded and she stepped out rapping, Recognition. As we enjoyed it Joseph and Tabitha made their ways to to the VIP section where we were.

Joseph then said, "Nice part son."

"I am not your son. In fact you are dead to me," replied Michael as he looked at him.

Tabitha then said, "I see you still hate us. But we are your parents. And you brought your brother home. We are rebuilding the family."

"Look I have no interest in your family. Or to help you fight Caine," replied Michael to me.

Joseph swallowed and Tabitha then said, "I wondering when you will know."

"My brother and I are done with you two. So enjoy the show," replied Michael as Jasmine finished her performance.

"So why are we here then," asked a curious Joseph as they sat down.

Michael then said, "You schemed against me. You embezzled funds in Richard's name so I would come ask for your help.

But I have other plans. Like your daughter."

Michael rose his phone. It had a live feed of men punching her. As Joseph got angry the security got their guns.

Tabitha then asked, "What do you want?"

"I don't like the FBI knocking on my doors threatening my son. So I am tired of you breathing so I am declaring war on your empire.

The International Cartels is the least of your worries now. When you have nothing you will die. Get them out of here," replied Michael to him.

The security dragged Joseph out kicking and screaming. Tabitha stared at him a while before following the security guard out. With that we went back to watching the showcase. Meanwhile Jacqueline signed the documents and the men left.

Erwin, Director of CIA Antiterrorism Unit, then walked in and said, "Congratulations Your Majesty. You signed the death warrants of the Moore family. And now you will never see the light of day again.

Take her away."

Two marines then pulled her away. Irene then dropped a file in front of Donovan.

"I want a lawyer," replied Donovan to her.

"Well lawyering up only makes you look guilty. Now Richmond ain't going to say anything. But you on the other hand are in deep shit," replied Irene to him.

"You have nothing on me. And I am highly protected. You can't prove I laundered money and the a shareholder of Reign Industrial Group is my father. I will be out in minutes," replied Donovan to her.

"I wish I could talk to your wife. But unfortunately her position in the Moore family gives her corporate lawyers and Billions to back her up. And Michael is not corporative with the cops. So that angle is gone.

But he did lead us to you guys. And I know you have been washing the Carlow Cartels cash in America. Now you that is 15 years money laundering, 10 years aiding & Abetting and 10 years for fraud.

You are looking at 35 years unless you help us. Tell us the names on the accounts of which cash is in or we take on your business," replied Irene to him.

Donovan then said, "I want a lawyer. You got nothing on me."

"Ok. I guess you leave me no choice. I will have to file an injunction that freezes your company accounts for 30 days. And from what I read in the Reign Towers contract. If the cheque bounces Moore Corporations owns the project.

And after your stunt and your law suit I doubt Michael will let you back into the project," replied Irene to him.

Donovan quickly said, "You can't do that!"

"Actually I can. It is in there with UN Security Council laws. And with the FBI as part of our taskforce getting it is easy. You see the Carlow Cartels have massive operations across the globe on four continents.

The deal: Cocaine, Marijuana, Heroine, Arms, Human Trafficking, Prostitution, Contract killing and Counterfeit goods. With that they make billions. But they are apart of a secret Shadow Government made up of 24 powerful people scattered across the globe.

I know you represent their North American Chapter. Help us take them down or die," replied Irene to him

"Is that a treat," asked Donovan to her.

"I know Joseph he tends to butcher people who stole from him or jeprodise projects. We know there is an internal war in the International Cartels. People don't see him as a leader especially with Michael gunning for him.

So he needs the Reigns Towers to get money or he sinks. The problem is that of he goes down he is taking his organization with him," replied Irene to him.

Donovan then said, "Joseph is the king. No one can touch him. Michael is barking up a tree and he can't chop it down."

"27 years ago Diana Rights had a fire in her heart to burn down the Carlow's. She supply the DEA hard core information. They built a taskforce with CIA, Interpol and MI-5

Joseph slaughtered the DEA taskforce, killed Diana and took out the 24 heads to cover up his International Cartels. The only reason Michael is breathing is became he bought his way out with a mountain of evidence that could end you guys.

Joseph has been eliminating people so Michael has less leverage on him. But Michael maintains a strong relationship with media houses globally. And now he has his own.

So he can easily put it out. Messing with him will end you people. But you already did that with this project and this morning he became immortal. And his showcase will push him globally. Now I can't arrest you.

But if you don't tell me anything I release you. And you are going to be in a bodybag by tomorrow morning. Help me and you keep your business," replied Irene to him as she pushed a piece of paper to him.

"I can't help you. I want a lawyer," replied Donovan as tears fell from his eyes.

"Ok. Let me enlighten you. If you survived the odds and live to see two days from now. I will go after your ex-wife. Of course she won't talk to me. But I just need one person to back up my allegations of you beating your wife.

We are talking to friends, former neighbors, coworkers etc. Now put pressure on them, one will crack. Then I will get a court order to run a DNA test on Daemon and you. When it comes back that you are is father.

He is two years old and his mother is 16. Now the lawyers of Michael Moore will argue that she was scared and you were beating her and your background would threaten her. Now given the fact that dad is the Vice President and owner of a top law firm.

And the last time the cops arrested you the evidence and the witness magically disappeared. So selling it to the jury is easy. At best she is looking at a year of community service. And Michael owns the top rehabilitation program.

So she will be under his thumbs. Now you on the other hand will go to prison," replied Irene to him.

"Marie would never testify against me. Without her you have nothing," replied Donovan to her.

"If Marie testifys you are looking at 15/25 years. If she doesn't rape charges will give you seven years. And you become a registered sex offender," replied Irene and Donovan said, "Bullshit! That will never work."

Irene then said, "Marie is 16 years old with a 2 year old son. Now 16-2=14. That is below the age of conscent.

So weather she testifies or not that is 7 years! And when you are the second most powerful man in America having a sex offender for a son is bad.

So at best daddy will disown you. Help me and we save you," replied Irene and he started writing.

Joseph and Tabitha then reached Jacqueline's home. As they did Mark Chang, their lawyer, was sitting on the house step.

He then said, "Joseph we have a problem. Interpol and the FBI is coming after you jointly."

"Yea! Michael is been talking to them. And I will shut him up," replied Joseph to him.

Mark then said, "On the contrary he was bait. They put pressure on him to talk but he didn't. But they got him to lead them to the money. And now they have a state witness against you,"

"Wow-wow! I don't follow anything you are saying," replied Tabitha to him.

"Ok! 27 years ago a few of the guys Santino got were CIA Mercenaries. Now our connections in NSA and the USA Government protects us. But they have been fishing. They got Santino's wife to disappeared.

My sources now found her. She is the FBI lead Agent on the Taskforce as of yesterday," replied Mark to him.

Joseph then said, "That don't explain my son and Jacqueline going dark."

"Apparently FBI agents and Interpol Agent Irene grabbed your son and Donovan. According to a neighbor. And Michael has additional security. But we got CCTV network showed men grabbing Jacqueline.

The way they moved they were spooks," replied Russel as he walked to them.

"Erwin and his boys are in town. Apparently they didn't die in Mexico three years ago thanks to Michael.

He has joined the NSA Anti terrorism branch. So he probably grabbed her. And I got work from my connect in the FBI. Apparently Donovan is chatting to them," replied Mark to him.

"He doesn't know anything," Tabitha quickly told him.

Mark then quickly said, "Might I remind you that the USA Chapter of the Carlow Cartels launder money through 400 banks, 8 per state. And Donovan knows all of them as the Second in command of the USA Chapter.

And those accounts pay off people. They get the accounts and they can map your organization via the people we bribe. They go after them and Caine will send the Exterminators after you."

"So lets see. We have Erwin as the Director of the NSA Anti terrorism branch. So he has an army. He has Jacqueline with 50 Billion and she will crack soon. Richmond been held by Interpol/FBI and Donovan as a snitch," replied Joseph to him.

"Michael is the least of your worries," replied Mark to him.

Michael however got a phone call from Erwin and he answered saying, "Hey boy! What up?"

"We solid now. Your boy is in the clear. My people dropped off documents at Moore & Associates Law. So Richard is safe," replied Erwin as he went outside.

Michael then said, "OK. But this is as far as we go. I can't help you anymore. The Warehouse complex has a lot of tools to aid you."

"Oh! I understand. You helped me enough and we are ready. So I guest this is where we say goodbye," replied Erwin to him.

"Watch you back partner," replied Michael to him and he hang up the phone.

He then flung it into the ocean. Michael then remote wiped all trace of Erwin from his phone.

As it was completed Mike said, "Everyone is gone and Moore Brands have 5 year endorsement contracts with: Coca Cola, Pepsi, Virgin Group, Sprint, Lucazade, Sprite and 25 other companies. We did good brother."

Michael nodded and said, "Sure. That sounds good."

Mike came and sat beside him. Then poured two glasses of Moore Grape Wine out.

Then he said, "Brother! We just uploaded 125 songs and 5 albums from your #1 artistes. Plus Jasmine is going on tour."

"That's excellent. And you are going with her," replied Michael to him.

"We just unveiled the new Jasmine Francis. You and I grew up competing with her. Now she is helping us rebuild a failing Music Group. We large brother. So why you worried," asked Mike to him.

Michael exhaled and said, "The FBI was going to put Richard in prison for 25 years."

"What did you do," Mike quickly asked him.

"One of the men on the DEA squad dad killed had a brother in MI-5. Four years ago he was going to Kill dad. It backfired and most of his team was killed. I managed to get him out. He joined the CIA a year ago.

I got him into the Director of the Antiterrorism Unit. In exchange for a immunity for Richard I had to give them Jacqueline. She informed on them and led Diana and the DEA to there deaths.

They had me put tracking software on her phone. They grabbed her," replied Michael and he brust into tears.

With that Mike held him and said, "Get a hold of yourself. She should die. Don't feel bad. Now go home and make love to your wife. I got the artists."

With that Michael dried his tears and went. Mike then went back in and the artists were all gathered.

He then said, "Guys! I have bad news."

Everyone exhaled and hung their heads in shame.

Mike then said, "The bad news his that we secured 200 brand sponsorship and a 100 million distribution contract with VP Music Group. So we celebrating."

As everyone cheered the strippers brought in liquor and the music started playing. With that they danced. This went up until Jasmine kissed Mike. Moments later they went to Moore Motel across the road. After locking the doors Jasmine jumped on him.

Then then dropped in bed. This saw red roses of Passion grew in her garden. Here blue roses bloomed and the Grand Master chuckled.

With that he came home to me and he climbed into bed. Then we made love to each other. Meanwhile at the ports a security guard saw an open container. He pulled it and saw a lot of fire arms.

He then said, "What that hell?"

A man then shot him in the head. Then as he dropped seven men went into the container. Russian's phone then rang.

He answered saying, "We landed safely Mr. Abdul."

"I want the scene cleansed. Eliminate Donovan and the Moore Coalition. If you encounter problems with Michael take care of him," replied Caine as he looked out his glass wall window and got his dick sucked.

Russian then said, "I will clean the scene and get back to you."

"You have 30 days. Or I eliminate you," replied Caine to him and then he hang up.

He mourned as he enjoyed the blowjob he was getting.