
Chapter IV: Prelude to war

We partied a few more hours and then as the staff cleaned up we saw everyone off.

As Mendoza left he said, "Great party boys. Next Sunday it’s my yacht."

Michael laughed and I held him.

Then Mendoza said, "So I guess I will be at Moore Towers to sign the contracts tomorrow. And then we go from there."

"Yea! And no driving as I want you there to sign and meet your lovely account Manager," replied Michael as he walked off

Serena then said, "Don't worry we have a driver and he has me. See you at nine."

We laughed as she helped him to his car.

Donovan then came out with Jasmine on his arm and said, "I didn't know you were friends with Mendoza."

"Courtesy of my first wife Diana. But after she died he built Mendoza International and I was all about cutting off with her friends. And I started Moore Foundation with her assets and forgot everything.

Then moved on. And now we are friends again. And he is throwing a contract my way. We are signing tomorrow after the launch party of Moore Business City and the prelaunch of the structured Moore Corporations," replied Michael to him.

Donovan chuckled and I said, "You guys should come. Tomorrow we launch Moore Business City."

"Would love to. But I am meeting with the Real Estate Agent for Reign Magazine's HQ and my grandson's state will see me running it. And there are the tutors.

So I am bit busy tomorrow. But will stop by at lunch," replied Donovan as he walked away.

As he did Micah said, "He is gone to get his dick wet between his daughter’s legs."

"Oh yea! I think we should work on surveillance in that house. Some CNN type footage on our corner can help us," replied Michael and Micah said, "I got this."

He and Ian then went. Donovan and his wife then reached home. As they walked through the door their two 10 year old daughters stood, in their thongs.

They all curtsey and said, "Welcome master."

Donovan smiled and said, "That's how proper Reign women behave instead of acting like a fool. Now go make yourself useful and make me dinner."

Jasmine nodded and went. With that Suzanna, one of their 10 year old daughters, got on her knees, zipped his pants down and took out his cock. Then she started sucking on it. As she did Reign sat in the sofa and mourned.

As Harriet, her twin sister, watched he said, "Don't feel bad. Your time is coming tonight. Her job is to get me horny."

Harriet nodded and said, "Yes master."

He then dropped back and mourned to his dick been sucked on. Terra Ruins then touchdown on top of Moore Plaza Apartment buildings and Samantha waited.

She got off and Samantha said, "Welcome to Seattle Miss Ruins. My name is Samantha Davis. I am the head of New Accounts & Acquisition. Our Job is to acquire and management of Accounts.

You will be in charge of the largest account Mr. Dwayne Mendoza. He is also your sponsor for the duration of the Second Chances program."

"Wow! Wow! I am a PR. person. Not some manager," replied Terra to him.

"You were hired though our Second Chances Program. And our largest account is Dwayne Mendoza. He insisted on having you. And you background in Advertising would be of great help considering Mendoza does a minimum of 400 campaigns a month with a budget of 40 million apiece.

You pocket 10% of the project. That is 4 million commissioned per month," replied Samantha to her as they walked.

She then said, "In the future begin with that."

"You could be designing campaigns. But as the Accounts Manager you will in charge of all PR. and business related to the account. Your job is to investment and keeps Mr. Mendoza calm and satisfied.

For your other question sleeping with him is not in the Job description. Now if you are interested in getting your career back sign on the dotted line," replied Samantha as she put down the folder with the contract.

Terra exhaled and then signed.

Samantha picked up the folder and said, "Welcome to Moore Corporations. Now as part of your Seconds Chance program experience you will have a caretaker. And I have been assigned to you."

"Wow! So I guessed you are my boss," replied Terra to Samantha as they went in.

As they went down the stairs Samantha said, "Ok here are the ground rules with me. If I say nine are there by 8:50. #2 you have a problem come to me. No fight unless attacked but never through the first punch.

#3 never yet your personal life interfere with your work. So no unnecessary phone calls or relationship drama

#4 you are a part of the program for a year or until I say so. I send in a report every fortnight. Your 26 reports and that of your sponsor to determine your future," replied Samantha as they emerged on the 30th floor.

As they walked in the halls Terra asked, "What if at the end of the program you don't have space at Moore Corporations?"

They then stopped at #756 and Samantha said, "As required by the program we are obligated to find a place for you. And you will have the Diana Rights Foundation and Michael Moore as references.

So it will make you highly marketable. Regardless of your background."

The door then opened and she stepped into a penthouse. The floor was covered with white fur carpet. Terra took off her side back. Samantha then put down the key.

Then she turned to her and said, "Welcome to your home for the next year of the program. It has 4 Master bedrooms, Kitchen, living Room and Dining room. Plus cable and Wi-Fi. The Wi-Fi password is on the modem.

Your badge is in the computer desk. It will give you access to Moore Corporations and your computer. You are not allowed to give the password out to anyone.

Plus no guest in the house. This building is owned by Moore foundation."

"What? Why," Terra quickly asked her.

Samantha then said, "When I say no guests I mean no boyfriends. Anyone not of Diana Rights Foundation or Moore Corporations doesn’t let them in. And Mendoza doesn’t know where you live. He can request you somewhere.

At said time your driver will take you."

"Wait! I get a driver," asked Terra to her.

"Yes! And also a housekeeper. She will tend to your every need. You will meet her in the morning. Now your salary will have monthly deductions of: Cable, Wi-Fi, Food, clothing, savings and staffs.

You can shot at Moore Mall on the first floor with the Express Card in your welcome package on your bed.

The building is run on renewable energy and has 400 cameras and a Laser sensory grid. And savings is 5% and you get the total amount at the end of the program or when we deemed you no longer capable.

Your staff is two, a driver and a maid. Given your position you will need them. You will tell your maid what to get you and your home will be stuck with it. Now after all the deductions you will get $600 000 a fortnight," replied Samantha to her.

"Wow! I am living like a baller with staff and I make 600 grand every two weeks," asked Terra and Samantha said, "Yes! Now tomorrow is your first day. The driver will be here at 8 for you. And they will show you to your office. Then your secretary will take it from there.

You and I have a one-on-one session daily. So get comfortable as your luggage gets here tomorrow. But there are three corporate suits in your closet. So get plenty of sleep and don't keep the driver waiting.

Now your email has all the intelligence on Mr. Mendoza and his account. Read up on him. Good night."

With that Samantha left. Terra then dropped in the sofa and screamed. Jane in the meantime was in the nursery trying to calm Ryan down.

Michael then said, "Let me try."

Jane gave him to him and Michael started humming as he rocked him. Ryan soon calmed down and fell asleep.

As Michael put him in the crib Jane asked, "How did you do that?"

"Easy. Your office is your home and you are stuck with a baby as his mother decided to go to work two days are giving birth. You learn ways to shut him up.

And integrate him into your daily hectic routine," replied Michael to her.

Jane exhaled heavily and said, "For what it is worth I am sorry I went to your father. But, Celia and I had it rough. I had a mother that was a respected business woman and she would come home, get drunk and beat me for her dead rapist husband.

In her words my pussy made him have a heart attack. While Celia had a High Court Judge for a father and he beat her badly. He trained her to suck his dick and cook for him butt naked.

And at age 10 he taught her how to ride a cock. We ran away at age 12. And I always had her back. She delivered the money but I had a guy on her 24/7. And once we killed a guy that forced her to suck his dick as a client. We look out for her and I tried to keep her away.

I offered to care for her. But she is too proud and her dad messed with her head. I guess 12 years with a rapist and a psychopath can do that to you. So I am sorry that I went this far and put Richard in danger.

And I would understand if you forced us to get a divorce and don't recognized Ryan as one of you."

"Nonsense! Ryan is my grandson and I love him. As for you. You are a daughter In-law in this house. So I would suggest you get on Celia's good side," replied Michael to her.

Jane then said, "She hates me. I wish she would beat me up once and for all."

Everything takes time. So don't worry. Give here her space," replied Michael to her as he walked away.

As he reached outside he felt something in his pocket and he took out. It was a letter with the Star of David sealing it.

He pulled it and it said:

Dear Mr. Moore.

The High priest requests an immediate audience with you. It is in regards to your future in the order. We expect you within the hour.

Yours sincerely

The Order of Olympus

Michael then said, "Shit! This can only be bad."

With that he headed out to the Green Lamborghini Gallardo. An hour later he reached the Ember Art Museum, 20 miles across state line and in Colorado.

He then went in. Then he went to a secret elevator, behind the Small Egyptian Sphinx and went down.

He emerged 5 floors down in a black robe and white mask. He then went through a door and he was in a garden. Various people in robes and Mask similar to his were tending to the plants. He walked to the center and 3 men stood in red robes.

One stepped forward and said, "Welcome Meiji!"

"I am honored to be here Grand Mega," replied Michael to him

He then walked off and Michael followed.

As they walked through a row of Purple Rose the Grand Mega said, "Your roses are beautiful and for a man the hardly visits that is saying a lot."

"Forgive me Grand Mega! But I was busy. I haven't forgotten my offerings and I have given 12 Acolytes. I check on my garden always," replied Michael to him as they walked through the rose garden and the men tend to it.

The Grand Mega then said, "On the contrary you are not in trouble. We are pleased with you."

"Then permit me to ask why I am here," replied Michael to him.

"When you came to us you were lost and your wife was dead. You were hell bent on powers to destroy your parents," replied the Grand Mega to him.

Michael then said, "Yes! And you told me that I was destined for greater things and Vengeance is not something we seek. You said I would be eternally happy."

The Grand Mega stopped and said, "Yes! And the order has brought you another wife and a daughter. And your son as returned with your first Grandson. And your wife will give you another son.

He will one day lead Moore Corporations and follow in your footsteps. The order has given you everything it promised.

You have more wealth, powers and now happiness."

"And I thank Grand Mega" replied Michael to him.

"Yes! You were one of our brightest stars. You are smart and vanity doesn’t appeal to you. You are not required to pay the loans that you get. But you do. Instead of coming back for more you investment and multiple on your own.

You have built an empire of your own and tomorrow you build a larger one. Then your business empire is globalized. My offer still stands. You have the potential of a Grand Master and head of your own chapter.

We have been looking at a domestic chapter in Seattle. And your Second Chances Program is a great way to recruit Acolytes. You would be even more of a great asset," replied the Grand Master to him.

Michael exhaled and said, "I would be honored but with my family here and together now. I feel my needs are heavily. I take the order as great importance and but with my parents there is a greater need for me to protect them.

And I sense darkness."

The Grand Mega then waved his hands and they went to a garden of dead plants.

As they walked the leaves fell and Michael asked, "Where are we?"

"This was once the garden of a young bright star such as you. She was on the rise as a powerful Graphics Designer, Artists, Singer and she had her own advertising agency. She was our youngest recruit and she joined at Oxford University at age 14.

She was already a graduate of UCLA with a Masters in Graphics Designing & Architecture. Then she studied Literature & Arts at Oxford University. She graduated with a PhD in 4 years, she was only 16.

Then the next eight years she had a daughter and built an empire under our New York Chapter. After that about 12 years ago today she married. The man controls her and she couldn't use her powers on him.

Ten years ago she had twins for this man amongst her pain. And then she was deemed lost. She abandoned us and we watched her flames out. Her singing career went first. Then her business and now her family is been destroyed," replied the Grand Master to him

"I don't follow you," replied Michael to her.

The Grand Mega then said, "Our bright star was Jasmine Francis. And her marriage with Donovan Reigns ousted her candle. But an interaction with you has given her hope. And a white rose grew."

With that they went down to the pot and Michael asked, "What does this mean?"

"Well this means she needs rescuing. And we can't spare anyone. But your Mother and brother popped up in town. And you want revenge and as we were suck we had this idea. Get the man that owes us to help.

So we made you the Grand Master of the Seattle Chapter of the Order of Olympus. You will have all the power of one. Jasmine is your first charge and you must recruit many more.

Reign is going to be here a year. You have the year that Reign is here to get her back to us or we kill Celia. It’s up to you and we already opened positions for Jasmine to reignite," replied the Grand Master to him.

Michael then said, "Jacqueline quitting is you."

"Yea! And your Architectural Engineer is about to get killed. And Jasmine is an Architectural Engineer and her step daughter, Marie Reign, is an amazing PR. person. They can help your project.

See you in a year," replied the Grand Master as he walked away.

Michael then said, "I am going to say no."

The Grand Mega chuckled as he walked away and then left. Moments later Michael walked outside.

He then called Tyrece Moore, his cousin/ former PI/hacker, and Tyree answered saying, "Yow! General long times no see."

"I am putting the team back together. And you were the baddest back in the day," replied Michael to him as he held the Golden Olympus ring.

Tyrece chuckled and said, "I give you eight years and we make billions. Then you decided to throw it all down the drain. I bounced around doing shit for 16 years and you decided to call now!"

"Look! I was in a bad space after Diana. But I gave you a good package deal," replied Michael to him.

Tyrece then said, "When you are used to living a High Society lifestyle. 50 Million Can only go so far. So why should I help you?"

"Because I am offering a lifetime contract as the CTO of Moore Corporations. It pays 10 million a month. And as an added bonus my new found daughter is a software wizard. You final got some one that understands you.

And as an added bonus you can bring your entire blog team. Now pack your dam bags and meet the jet at the Miami airport in an hour. I expect you at the Launch Party of Moore Business City by nine," replied Michael as he got in his car.

He then headed home. Donovan was however raping Jasmine while his three daughters watched. Michael then pulled up at the house. Micah and Dinette, Account Manager of Reign Towers project, was seated on the front steps.

He then said, "You guys don't look too good."

"Steven was hit by a truck. And Dahlia took a lot of Cocaine. That was her 3 strike she is back in prison. Her sponsor is looking into pulling strings but they say we are at a loss for 4 months," replied Dinette to him and Michael said, "This is bad. We lost the lead engineer and the PR. person.

Without both of them we can kiss this project goodbye. And then our globalization program is gone. The Reigns are the one piece my father needs to come after us. And we are not ready for an all-out war with the Cartels.

I am just putting the army together. I don't need this."

Micah then said, "I got a plan. And you are not going to like this."

With those moments later Micah told Donovan and Jasmine the plans.

Donovan chuckled and said, "Hell no! My wife and Daughter are not replacing them. And that's final."

"Donovan! I don't like this either. But your wife is talented Architectural Engineer and Marie on the project will tell the community that you are for them. I pulled strings to get you that slot. And the city had conditions.

The leader of the project has to have a background in Architecture and/or Landscaping. Your wife was a brilliant Architectural Engineer. The PR. person that relates with the people must have a background in Psychology.

That's your daughter. I could have built anywhere but you insist it has to be there. I jumped hoops and now you won't meet me half way," replied Michael to him.

Donovan then said, "You are a spineless nigga."

"What," asked a curious Michael and Donovan said, "You are a spineless nigga?"

Michael laughed and then he jumped across the table. Then he held Donovan up against the wall.

As Donovan choked Michael said, "I am going to murder your rapist ass."

Two of Reign's bodyguards arrived and before they reached for their guns Jane and I held guns on them.

I then said, "Hands up. There will be no unauthorized shooting."

Jane and I took their guns then gun butted them in the back of their heads.

As Donovan coughed Jasmine said, "Please don't kill him. He is a monster. But just go."

Before Michael responded someone shot the two armed guards coming towards us with Ak-47's. Then a man walked forward and two heavily armed men walked beside him. Michael dropped Donovan and stared at the man.

The man then stopped and said, "Hey bro!"

Micah and Michael then took out their glocks.

Richmond then said, "I am not here for war. We invested in this project and dad wants to talk to you.

He wants peace with you. In fact he is coming."

"Oh! Perfect I can end this tonight," replied Michael as he walked away.

Moments later he reached home and started grabbing a few weapons. He kept loading it in a bag. I stood at the door.

He held the duffle bag and said, "Move!"

"I am not going to let you do this. And you are only getting out of this house one way. Through me," I quickly told him.

Then as tears fell from his eyes I kissed him. He then made out with me. With that he put down the bag and I jumped up on him. Then he brought me to his bed. Then he started riding me and I wrapped my legs around his waist as he released his angry in me.

Meanwhile Micah, Richard and Richmond were gathered in the living room.

Richard then said, "We need to calm him down."

"Don't worry your Stepmother is calming him down alright," replied Sharon as she sat down.

"Look Joseph and Tabitha behind Donovan are like Hitler with a Ballistic Missile. And there is no way in hell Michael will do this project.

And we might stop him today but Donovan is dead tomorrow morning. This is hurricane Michael we are talking about," replied Micah to him.

Tyrece then said, "I see nothing as change in 16 years. Michael is still at war with his family."

"How is that we have this much security and people rolling in freely," Sharon quickly told him.

"Relax! He is family. He is the new CTO of Moore Corporations," replied Micah to him.

"And I got a way out of this mess and to put Moore Corporations on top," replied Tyrece to them.

Monday October 13, 2016

The next morning I left Michael butt naked in bed. Then went out.

Donovan was having his young daughter suck his dick on the back porch and Joseph said, "I see you are monster as everyone things."

Harlot Reign then quickly stop and went. With that four South African Mercenaries stood around the table. Donovan then closed his robe as Joseph sat down with Newspaper in hand.

Joseph put down the Newspaper of Michael on the front page. The Heading said "South African Billionaire Tech Wizard is about to become a global giant."

"Your Job was to secure and calm him. But you laundered money in Richard's name and I lost my yacht. And my son tells me that he may not be building the 300 Floors Reign Towers.

Now considering that I now own 10% of that building and it won't be building. We have a problem," replied Joseph to him as he pulls a switchblade knife.

Donovan swallowed and said, "I can get Michael. I just need to talk to him."

"How and you threatened him. You hurt his ego it is a big puzzle as why to why you are still breathing," replied Joseph to him.

Donovan then said, in a weak and cowardly voice, "You didn't have to come sir. I have the project under control."

Before Joseph said anything Micah said, "No you don't."

With that the Mercenaries pulled their guns on Micah.

He raised his hands with a bottle of Moore wines and said, "You guys don't want to shoot me. Especially when I can get you the building."

Donovan said, "You are not doing this..."

Joseph then quickly said, "Shut the fuck up! Put your guns down! Sit Micah."

The security lowered their guns and Micah sat down.

Joseph then said, "Alright. What does Michael want in exchange?"

"Well we got the gang back together, one’s alive anyway. Now Moore Music Group, subsidiary of Moore Communications Group, needs some cover artistes.

And in exchange for this project we want Jasmine exclusively signed to Mooretown Records Llc., Moore Records, Galactic Music or any label that we own," replied Micah and Donovan jumped up.

Before he could say anything Joseph grabbed him and hit his head in the table a few times.

As he held him down he said, "Jasmine go pack you and your girls bags. You and this piece of shit are divorced. Go!"

Jasmine then went with her daughters.

While holding a knife on him Joseph said, "You shut the fuck up! First you rob me $100 million and then you don't sign my son. I am trying to rebuild my family. But your rapist ass is messing with that!

So shut up. Don't test me."

Micah exhaled and took out Divorce papers.

He then said, "Our Lawyers draught an agreement. It gives her full custody of their two daughters and her grandson. You will stall 500 feet from them at all times. Plus she gets $500 000 alimony and $250 000 for child support.

And in exchange if you do this we keep our mouth shut about your rapist ass and we build the Cathedral in Colombia for Caracas International."

Joseph slapped Donovan and he signed it. He also signed the Reign Towers contract.

Micah picked them up and said, "We launch in two days. Now I and my boys have a launch party to play. We will be in touch Mr. Moore."

Moments later Michael poured out coffee in his mug as he was in his Robe. He the drank. As he exhaled Jasmine, Marie Walker, Harriet Reign, Suzan Reign and I stood in our white robes. Micah and Richmond sat in their Black Tuxedo suits.

Richmond said, "Say something Michael."

He exhaled and said, "You made a deal with the devil to get rid of Lucifer. And now I have to be in bed with Joseph.

And unless I help Candice put my parents and brother in prison Richard gets 25 years for money laundering thanks to Jacqueline. So what do you want?"

"We rescued four women from a rapist and psychopath. And they are family now. Let's look on the positive," I quickly told me.

"When I bought this 11 bedroom Mansion and 3 bedroom pool house for $85 Million and then spend US$ 50 Million to add 3 more bedrooms. I didn't put welcome to Moore shelter on the front door.

This deal is off," replied Michael as he walked away.

With tears in her eyes Jasmine said, "We will go. I will find somewhere to sleep."

"No! You are not going back to him. You are staying in the pool house. As far as I am concern you are family. Now Star will show you to your room," I quickly told her and walked off.

Star and two other maids then took Jasmine and her daughters away. I walked out to Michael on the front porch. He was seated in a swinging love seat.

He then said, "Look I love her. But I can't take any more on my plate."

I then got on him and pulled my robe.

"Do you like my breasts last night," I quickly asked him as he looked at my breasts in my pink bra.

Then he said, "You are not using sex against me."

"Yea! But if she doesn't stay here. You will never suck them again. So what do you want to do," I quickly asked him.

Moments later we entered the pool house and Jasmine stood.

Michael then said, "I am sorry. For what I said. I know you been through hell and I will cut you some slack. You and your family can stay here as long as you want. And your grandson is welcome in the house.

He belongs in the nursery with mine. But if you are going to stay here there are rules."

"What do you want," Jasmine quickly asked and Michael looked at me.

I then said, "Marie let's go. I will show you and your sister the house."

"I can't leave my mom. She has been hurt," replied Marie as she held her son.

"Don't worry I will not hurt her in anyway," replied Michael to him.

We then went and Jasmine asked, "What do you want?"

Michael then raised his right hand and Jasmine saw the Olympus Ring.

Jasmine bowed and said, "Grand Master. I apologized for everything."

"Yea! But fortunately there is hope for you," replied Michael to her and they sat down.

Jasmine then said, "I have prayed for this day all for the last 10 years. And, how?"

"Well you were deemed a lost cause. But an interaction with me has given your garden white roses of hope. And with that I have been charged to bring you back in the year that Reign is here.

You are my first charge and member of the Seattle Chapter. Now unless I rebuild your garden my wife dies. So you are going to help me rebuild Jasmine Francis," replied Michael to her.

"How? My husband destroyed my brand and I have 2 daughters. And a half grandson/stepson. And our two daughters have been his bitches for the last two years. And that bastard will find a way to control me.

He won't pay alimony/child support. So how," Jasmine quickly asked him.

Michael exhaled and said, "You are at rock bottom. I know this because I have a Cartel boss for a father. A woman that supported him in everything he does for a mother. My brother is the leader of the Scarlet Warriors.

They murdered anyone my father hates. And now my sister has joined them. And her actions have put me in a tough spot. Unless I help the Joint taskforce of the FBI, DEA and Interpol take down the Carlow Cartels my son gets 25 years for money laundering.

So you and I are at rock bottom."

"I guessed we are in the same boat," replied Jasmine to him

"Yea! When my wife was killed 26 years ago I was lost. I pushed away most of my friends. But Micah and Richmond was there. They taught me that rock bottom is the best place to be. This as you has nowhere else to go but up.

And with that I am going to meet you half way. But you need to put in the work," Michael quickly told me.

Jasmine exhaled and said, "I need a job. Someone to talk for my daughters."

"Ok. To hell with it. You have 3 wonderful daughters and they need a father. So I will adopt them as my own. They will be my daughters legally," replied Michael to her.

Jasmine chuckled and in her garden, at the order, one of her pods magical grew Sunflowers. It was the symbol of joy and happiness. The Grand Mega removed his mask and then smiled. Then he whistled as he watered it.

Jasmine then smiled and asked, "You would do that?"

"Yea! You are the perfect CEO for Moore Holdings PLC. It is into: Real Estate, Resorts, Restaurants, Attractions, Transportation and Energy. Plus your daughter would fight in as the CEO of Moore Foundation.

And you and your daughter would be good there. Plus I own a failing music group and I need a singer careering that was parked to rebuild it. Your rise could rebuild it. And I have this online school program that Suzanna and Harriet would fit into until they are safe.

Plus I would gain a second grandson," replied Michael to her.

Jasmine chuckled and asked, "Does my kids have to take your name?"

"No! I would prefer them to keep there's. But if they choose not to so be it. But the Reign name needs someone with a good heart so don't remove it from your grandson whatever happens.

Now you need to become a CEO so the team will be here to clean you up. And you need to go to therapy with your family. Fortunately I have a psychologist. I helped her out of prison and she built her practice. So she will help you guys," Michael told her.

"And if Donovan comes after us," asked Jasmine to her.

"Well I have dual citizenship. I was born in South Africa, raised in gangster side of Rio and adopted here by my aunt in-law. I built a life in Abuja and Legos just in case they revoke my US citizenship.

Now under South African law I can marry you. And the world will focus on that. Now say Donovan comes after me. I am powerful underworld criminal and best friend with the number one criminal Dwayne Mendoza.

And I have a mountain of lawyers that will destroy Reign. Plus your father in-law is best friends with my father. So don't worry. Now get ready my second wife," replied Michael to her and she laughed.

He then left. Marie smiled as I got Daemon to sleep in my arms.

She then said, "I see you are good."

"Well when you are a single mother at 16 and you have to go to school you learn how to keep the kid quiet. And it gets easier. And you have a son that's easy," I quickly told her and she asked, "Why?"

"Oh! You will have to threaten her. Plus you will be a hovering parent like my mother. She even has an app that tracks me," replied Sharon as she came in.

I put down Daemon beside Ryan and said, "Yea! He is safe. Now you and Sharon get ready. We are going to the launch party of Moore Corporations. And the nanny and the security will take care of them until we return."

"Yes mam! I would just love to get out of the house," replied Marie as she walked off.

She then went and got dressed. Michael went and got a shower. Then he put on his white Tuxedo suit.

Then he came down stairs I was in my red evening gown and my hair was styled to the left and he smiled as I went with him.

After kissing him he said, "You look beautiful Miss Moore."

"Yea! And what about Jasmine? She is not becoming my co-wife," I quickly asked him.

He then said, "You are the one that moved her in here."

"But there is nothing between us," replied Jasmine as she came in with a Gold cocktail dress.

We laughed and then Marie and Sharon came wearing matching Pink dresses.

Sharon then said, "Mom! I have a cute sister. And we are the same size. Please tell me I can keep her."

As me, Michael and Jasmine look at her we said, "She is not a pet that you can keep."

"Yea! But she has someone to dress up. And with that she can stay away from me and my wife," replied Richard as he walked in wearing a red suit.

Michael held him in her blue cocktail dress. And we then went out as the Limousines pulled in. Richard put Jane in his Mustang Gt. And Sharon dragged her new found sister to her car.

Michael then said, "I guess we are rolling together."

I nodded and we got in the limousine. We then went downtown in our convoy. The Washington Press community and that associated with Moore Publishing Group was all present. We then arrived at Moore Towers

It was a 220 Floor smart skyscraper located in the heart of the 120 Acres Moore Business City. It was home to all of Moore Corporations HQ and affiliated businesses it was constructed over the last 7 years as part of Michael's US$ 100 Billion Investment plan for Seattle.

And as we got out in our elegant gowns Michael took photos with me and Jasmine. As we did we say Donovan taking photos with a woman in a cute green dress? Jasmine stood and looked.

Michael then said, "Don't feel too bad. Her name is Rachelle Songs. She is a porn star actress at EJ Entertainment. She has slept with more than half of the American Business Community, both men and women. So don't let it get to you."

"I am not. I just can't wait to get the text that I am divorced from that punk," replied Jasmine and Michael said, "You should get it sometime today. My lawyer is working hard on it and I know a couple Judges in New York."

I then said, "I am still at the part where was Marsha put it forward that we beat him up."

Michael then said, "Yea! But we would be the prime suspect. Two days after coming to Seattle Jasmine files for a divorce, gets terms agreed upon, Donovan turns up dead and she is living with his rival.

That would be a heavy scandal. If we escape the cops the press would burry us."

"Yea! But when the press discovers she moved in with you, divorced her husband and you adopted her 3 daughters. That is another Scandal there," replied Richard to him.

Michael nodded and said, "Well that is easy to spin. Everyone knows there marriage was on the rocks. And I am her boss/Music Producer. So she is my Artiste and it is my job to take care of her after her hard divorce.

Now that as a statement couple with Donovan’s claps back. But don't worry whatever he does I have my adopted kids and you Jasmine. You are family."

Marie then said, "I am definitely changing my last name to Moore. And my sisters will also do the same."

"Anything you want. By 9 am tomorrow you will be my daughter. And we Moore’s take care of our own. So don't worry," replied Michael to her as we went in.

We went in and Dwayne came to us.

He then said, "Congratulations Mr. Moore. You married one with a daughter and moved in the next with your three others."

"What," I quickly asked him.

He got his phone and went on Facebook News. The headline was 'Michael is revealed to be the Father of American Superstars three children'.

Michael then said, "Well played Donovan."

"Outside of this he can't do any damage," Jasmine quickly told him.

"On the contrary I won't be paying any child support what so ever. And even if you prove those kids are mine I can prove that you guys were together in Michael's last wild years, 17 years ago. A picture tells a thousand words," replied Donovan as he held Rachelle's hand.

Jasmine then said, "Keep your money. I just want to get rid of you."

"You can have it but Daemon is my son," replied Donovan to her.

Before Marie responded Michael said, "That is not yours. And he will never be. And I will tell you to leave before I lose my temper again. You wouldn't like that."

Donovan then said, "See you love birds at the ground breaking ceremony tomorrow. Now I am waiting for that speech."

As he walked away Jasmine said, "I am behind Marsha to kill him. He has a US$ 10 Million life insurance policy in my name."

"First of all he can change that in an hour. And secondly your baby father owns a media empire. And I just need to get ahead of this," replied Michael to her.

She then asked, "How will you do that?"

"Seven years ago Times Magazine did an exposé story about Donovan's fertility. And a lap backed up that he was sterile. Was it through," asked Michael and Jasmine nodded.

Then she said, "He paid Hawthorne Clinic $40 million for my investor implants."

"Oh that's easy. If we cheated to get you the twins that is easy to spin. Now get ready for the introduction," replied Michael to her and we walked away.

He then texted Sara Inez, Editor-in-chief of News Espresso; Subsidiary of Moore News Group: Go forward with the Donovan and Jasmine Article."

She replied: On it boss.

With that they went backstage. Then the screens came on with the Moore Corporations logo, a Golden circle with the green Maple leaf in it.

The voice over then said, "Ladies and Gentleman after 34 years ago today Diana Rights and Michael Moore started Moore Holdings PLC. It was started with a portfolio of: 5 convenient stores, 3 Motor Garages, 5 motels and a bus company.

Four years later at age 16 they gained a son, young Richard Moore. His love for building construction & Engineering forced the formation of Moore Architecture. Then a year later Moore Corporations was born.

Diana then left Moore Corporations and set up the Diana Rights Foundation to aid the community. She did countless charities over the next two years. Partnering with her husband they acquired the 125 acres of land that the Moore Business City now stands.

Twenty Seven Years ago Michael and Diana separated. He then went on a year of adventure in the Caribbean. With the Moore Campus was scrapped. He however built the Moore Settlement in Cuba.

It has generated over $2 Billion a year in returns and hires 10 000 Cubans permanently and 2 000 temporary workers.

Also in that year many women had the time of their life. But the lovely Sharon Moore was born. But he elected to return to Diana. Following that she died in a tragically car accident on the New York streets.

After that Michael took up permanent residence in Seattle 26 years ago today. Following that he erected Moore Tower as America's tallest and smartest building.

Then 16 years ago Marie Moore was born, from his affair with Jasmine Francis. But what many of you didn't know was that she and Donovan were separated. They stayed together as a publicity stunt for Donovan to gain his Pepsi endorsement.

And 10 years ago Suzanna and Harriet was conceived during their relationship. Following that Michael Moore elected to bring his family back together. And he conceptualized the idea of building a central business city.

And having his family in their own little corner. Today you are standing in the Moore Business City and he has acquired half of Seattle Meadows to be renamed Moore Gardens and be the home of the Moore family."

With those pictures of him, ten years ago at a charity gala with Jasmine, popped up. Also wedding photos of me and him. Then a large group photo of all of us popped up.

As everyone cheered and applauded.

The voice over then said, "Today the Moore family is together and they form the Moore Clang. And they will stamp their mark on society."

With that the Moore family crest popped up and everyone applauded further.

The voice over continued by saying, "Jasmine and Donovan Reign has separated. And her three daughters are now known with their father. They joined there two older siblings in the Moore family business.

Now you all heard the rumors that Jasmine cheated on Donovan. But the truth is that the only relationship is that all three of her daughters belong to the Moore family. And now the truth is out.

Today the Moore family is completed. Moore Construction Group is building Reign Towers as its first contract under the brand name. The luscious towers were made possible through an investment loan of US$ 900 Million from Joseph & Tabitha Moore.

They are the parents of: Michael Moore the powerful Tech Wizard/Project leader, Richmond Moore COO of Caracas International/Investment Officer and Jacqueline Moore CEO of Crust Bakery & Grill/ Franchise manager of the project.

With that the entire Moore Family is together behind Donovan Reigns and Reign Industrial Group. With that it is only fitting that Jasmine Francis, CEO of Moore Holdings PLC, becomes Project Manager and Marie Moore, CEO of Moore Foundation, becomes the PR. Manager.

The luscious 500 Floor skyscraper was design by Richard Moore and will be the tallest building he designed and built. So now everyone is ready for the prelaunch of Moore Corporations?"

The crowd started cheering and applauding for us. Donovan was sad. And then a countdown sequence started on the screen. As it did the crowd counted down.

As they reached one the voice over said, "Here we go. Moore Corporations and Moore Business City is now opened!"

With that the sheet dropped from the logo in the lobby. It was a golden acrylic MC in a circle.

The voice over then said, "Lets welcome the new directors of Moore Corporations that will make up the 13 panel board.

Now Moore Engineering Inc. This subsidiary will be the: Construction, Science, Technology, Energy, Pharmaceutical and Manufacturing Arm of the company.

It has the subsidiaries: Moore Construction Group, Moore Haulage Llc., Moore Biotech Limited, Moore Manufacturing Inc., Moore Steel & Yards, Moore Shipping Inc., Moore Exports Limited, Moore Space & Defense Inc., Moore Agricultural Group, and Moore Pharmaceutical Group.

Leading it is a smart man. He has a 170 IQ. He has PhD's in: Computer, Electronics and Civil Engineering. And he had it before age 16 and he graduated MIT a top of his class. And by age 18 he gained a bachelor's in Chemical & Computing Engineering.

The last two years he has built buildings across the globe. Ladies and Gentleman the oldest and leader of the next generation of the Moore family. Help me welcome the MD of Moore Engineering Inc., Mr. Richard Moore!"

With that he walked out in his suit and everyone applauded. The music started playing and the logo of Moore Communications Group popped on the screen.

The voice over then said, "Next is Moore Communications Group. The company is in the fields of: Media, Television Broadcasting, Radio Broadcasting, Advertising, Publishing, Entertainment, Records Production, Talent Management, Technology and Energy

It has the subsidiaries: Moore Media Co. Limited, Moore Television Group, Moore Radio Group, Moore Advertising Group, Moore Publishing Group, Moore Entertainment Group, Moore Management Limited, Moore Mobile Group, Moore Productions, Llc. Moore Online Limited Moore Technologies Inc. and Moore Energy & Electric Company

The second child of the family is leading this. She holds Bachelor's degrees in: Media, Literature & Arts, Software Engineering, Graphics Designing and Information Communications Technology; all from the University of Washington before age 14.

She also has an MBA in Corporate Finance from UCLA by age 16. Now help me welcome the CEO, Mrs. Sharon Moore."

With that she walked out in her Dress and everyone cheered. Then the logo for Moore Foundation popped up.

The voice over then said, "According to the Bible we should have everything but most of all is charity. With that the next Primary subsidiary is the Moore Foundation. It is the subsidiary that is into: Outreach, Job placement, Education and Scholarships.

It begins with the Subsidiaries: Michael Moore Foundation, Diana Rights Foundation, Moore Recruitment Agency, Moore Scholars Program, Moore Retirement Home, Moore Funeral Directors & Crematorium Inc., Moore Security Group and Moore Children's Home.

Now taking up the Charge of CEO is the third child of the family Ms. Marie Moore!"

With that she walked out in a matching outfit to Sharon. And they made noise.

Then the logo of Moore Holdings PLC popped up on screen. It was there and Jasmine's old song, Victory started playing in the background.

Everyone cheered and the voice over said, "The luscious subsidiary of Moore Corporations is last. It is the founding subsidiary and a rearrangement of this subsidiary has built this conglomerate.

It will put it big in the fields of: Transportation, Financial, Food, Beverage, Tourism, Real Estate, Sports, Fashion and Retail.

It will have the Subsidiaries: Moore Bus Company, Moore Cab & Taxi Co. Limited, Moore Airlines Group, Moore Financial Group, Moore Restaurant Group, Moore Wines, Moore Vodka Limited, Moore Cruises Limited, Moore Apartments Limited, Moore Real Estate Limited, Moore Hotel Group, Moore Motel Limited, Moore Spa Limited, Moore Salon Limited, Moore Cosmetics Limited, Moore Sports Group, Moore Fashion Group, Moore Jeweler Limited, Moore Plaza Limited and Moore Malls.

Seven times rise and seven time fall. And 12 years ago she went into a marriage with Donovan Reigns. But after all her pains and sacrifices she has given up on her bad marriage. Now tonight has she comes before you she has signed an exclusive contract with American Records Limited. It is the newest subsidiary of Moore Music Group.

So put your hands together and welcome the CEO of Moore Holdings PLC, Jasmine Francis!"

With that she walked out and everyone cheered. She stood with us. Then we were joined by: Micah Bryan Group CEO of Moore Corporations, Richmond Smith CLO of Moore Corporations, Samantha Davis COO of Moore Corporations, Tyrece Erwin’s CTO of Moore Corporations, and Carmen Lucas CFO of Moore Corporations, Ernest Moore CCO of Moore Corporations and Gabrielle Richards HR Manager.

With that the voice over said, "Ladies and gentleman the 10 member board of directors!"

With that we all applauded and cheered. Then a musical beat started playing and it got the crowd rocking.

The voice over then said, "So you have met the powerful people behind the company now welcome the Executive President of the Conglomerate as he performs his brand new song, Forever, produced by Mooretown Records."

With that the room darkened and the trap beat turned up. Then Michael came in with his back up dancers and then he started rapping the song. As he did it everyone took out their phones and started videoing.

He went on and came on stage. As he rapped the song he had the officers and us dancing. His vibes and song got the crowd moving. Donovan and Rachelle then left. After he finished everyone was cheering and then the staff brought out Golden Moore champagne with fiery heads.

Then the security opened the gates for people to come to the Moore Business Center. Michael and I went to his office for a little booty call.

This signaled the beginning of Moore Corporations to the world. But in the eyes of Michael's eyes this was a prelude to war and their days were numbered.