
Web of Blood

Author: Melchisedec
Completed · 160.9K Views
  • 194 Chs
  • 4.9
    14 ratings
  • NO.200+

What is Web of Blood

Read ‘Web of Blood’ Online for Free, written by the author Melchisedec, This book is a Fantasy Novel, covering ACTION Fiction, ADVENTURE Light Novel, MAGIC Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: A tyrannical Emperor sends forth formidable enforcers to take down a free and powerful city to make it his new capital.....


A tyrannical Emperor sends forth formidable enforcers to take down a free and powerful city to make it his new capital...

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Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 0 :Auxiliary Volume
Volume 1 :First Invasion
Volume 2 :Political Conspiracy
Volume 3 :Future Invasion
Volume 4 :The Langford War
Volume 5 :Queen's Odyssey - From Langford To The Wild Seas
Volume 6 :Queen's Odyssey - Trials of Brittania


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it seemed normal at first. then I read a little bit further realized that this wasn't just any story. it gets intense right at the beginning and it just keeps going like that.


Good book with amazing storyline and awesome characters. It's very interesting at the beginning and although I haven't finished yet, I'm sure it'll be even more amazing and interesting as the story progresses.


The author has a picture to portray through their words. And they do that well enough for the reader to understand the theme of it. The world created is admirable with an enjoyable storyline.


The story involves a deep dive into the perspective of a lead protagonist trained from a hound age to be an assassin, and the several tough lessons he had to learn along the way. So I figured of the best first person to support this book by giving a review should be none other than the author himself.... Have fun!


Wow, I love how the author keeps the synopsis simple and gave us a blast while in the chapters. The story is intense and interesting in the chapters. I haven't gone much far but I will recommend this to everyone.


alright, let me say a few words: this book is awesome. the writing quality is full of wit, making the story very enjoyable. the character design is great with each persona clearly detailed. the story is easy to grab and the theme is relatable. last but definitely not least the story has nice pacing as everything comes naturally. keep writing, this is a great story.


Cannot wait to read more about the character. I want to find out what will happen next. Definitely a worth reading for. If you want some adventure, read this book.


Wonderful world building with a complex main character. This story got me thinking about my life and role in it. Recommend if you want both an exciting and thoughtful read.


i enjoyed the story very much. the plot is very interesting and each paragraph was easy for me to understand. highly recomendable and do update regularly, author. [img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]


A brilliant work of an author that knows how to create the perfect background to make you want to read more and more. Keep it going author, you will go far with this novel!!


I really like the intriguing idea of the whole story. It makes its readers wonder and look forward for more. Plus, the catchy title adds up to it.


Alright! This book, with the genre fantasy is great! Web blood... I stared at the book title and shook my head, I should read this and I wasn't at all disappointed! Thank you dear author for a great book . looking forward for the chapters ahead


Awesome work. The author has a way with their words. I thoroughly enjoyed the initial chapters. Hoping to read more. Keep up the good work author .


It's a great read, no doubt about it. The world-building is awesome, English is above par and the interactions are great. The update stability is also good by the time I am reading it. I hope the story develops into something great over time.


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