
We Will Be Magic Knights!

The story about a man wanting to become the best Magic Knight, but will face the most odd obstacle of his life. He gained a second body! What's more, it's a girl! But the real obstacles are the things happening behind his back! Will he ever figure out what they are before it's too late?

Amai_Dolce · Fantasy
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230 Chs

Lady of the House

It has been a month since the head of the Crimson Household had left the premises. Because there has been a lack of contact with the man of the house, the rest of the members have been in disarray.

Only the one that was left with the authority is keeping the family together.

And this person was none other than Carla.

"For the last time, stop fighting over stupid shit!"

Carla says as she held Ofelia and Elena up in the air with water tentacles using her magic.

Both girls were being restrained as they once again we're fighting and trying to hurt each other.

"You two are already mothers yet you act like bickering children! Do you have any idea how hard this will be to explain to Red?!"

"But it was Of-"

"I don't care who started it. I want you both to stop!"

Elena became dejected when Carla scolded her. Ofelia on the other hand, was pouting like a child.

"Ofelia, you're the eldest. You shouldn't have tried to taunt her."