
We Will Be Magic Knights!

The story about a man wanting to become the best Magic Knight, but will face the most odd obstacle of his life. He gained a second body! What's more, it's a girl! But the real obstacles are the things happening behind his back! Will he ever figure out what they are before it's too late?

Amai_Dolce · Fantasy
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230 Chs

The Visma Alliance

"There are letters from Gardelia arrived and is apparently addressed to you sis."

Glen enters Hale's home with letters on hand.

"Who are they from?"

"I don't know, a mermaid came over to send it. She looked like a soldier too."

Hale, with Nina on hand, approaches Glen and grabs the letters and looked at the seal.

Seeing as to one of the letters having Red's name on them, she hands over Nina to Glen and proceeds to open it.

Upon reading the letter, her expression changes and her eyes turn from brown to multi-coloured iris indicating a higher level of intervention.

[We'll be borrowing your eyes, Hale. Please open the rest of the letters while I call upon the others.]

She heard Ofelia's voice and immediately lowered her head.

As she was pregnant, she was being careful moving a table and spreading out the letters that was sent to her.

Glen who was a common folk was made to wait outside the room with Nina.