
We Found Us

"Ha, ha, ha" ; the laughters of the kings rang across the room as they watched as their queens became in with two babies in their arms. "What should we name them my Lord's" The first queen asked as she smiled brightly. "He shall be Called Lannis" "She shall be called Melina" The kings laughed again, this time the queens joined along with them. "This is a union between two great kingdoms that can not be avoided" The first king started. "yes , you are right my good friend. it cannot be avoided" The second king relied. *~* It was match made in heaven, they were betrothed since birth but something went wrong and the little princess went missing from the surface of the earth with no trace. Is she dead? will she be found? What trial do our lover's have to face just to be together? were they meant to be?. But don't forget our little prince Lannis. What happened to him?. Find out in "Meant To Be" I know the summary sucks but the content is better.

FantasyWriter7 · Fantasy
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16 Chs

13; The letter

Seth sat at the empty table in the middle of the night, deep in thoughts. Both Valerie and Brina were fast asleep on the bed. He was going to leave as soon as he heard the day breaks. Turning his head to the side, he watched as Valerie slept peacefully, her chest rising and falling. Looking at her even more closely, he could clearly see the worried look. Even in her sleep, she was not at peace.

He sighed and looked away. He couldn't get too attached but, was he too attached already?. He shook his head, no. He couldn't be attached to her.

He stood up, he couldn't wait any longer. He was afraid that he won't be able to leave and even if he waited for her to wake up, he won't know what to say to her, he won't be able to stare at her face and lie to her again. He walked towards the door but stopped and turned back to the sleeping maidens, he stared at her face and a small smile appeared on his face.

"Untill we meet again, my lady" he bowed a little and with that he walked out of the house, climbed down the tree and started walking into the darkness of the night which shadowed him happily.


Valerie's eyes flattered opened as the sun lit them. Sitting up, she stretched closing her eyes in delight. A sighed left her mouth as she looked out the window.

'its another day' she thought as she stood up on her feet. She scanned the room with her eyes and they landed on Brina, who was still fast asleep on the bed, she looked around again looking for one person in particular to find him not there on his sleeping spot, it looked like untouched... What he even sleep there?.

"Emil" she called out slowly as she moved to the door, she was having a funny feeling in the pit of her stomach which she was not liking one bit. "Emil" she called again, she was about to leave when her eyes caught the little writing material on the table. Confused, she went and picked it to be met with an unfamiliar hand writing. It was obvious that they belonged to Emil. A smile spread across her face as  she stared down at the writing. They were neat, he was obviously more educated than her, she only learned how to read and write from Grandma Ola who was kind enough to teach her. Back to what was written on it, she slowly really out loud.

(Emil's Letter)

"I am sorry I had to tell it to you like this but, I couldn't face you to say it out loud. If you are reading this, them I have already left, I mean that I have decided to return back to my home."

Valerie bought her hand over her mouth to stop herself from sobbing out loud. He had left without saying goodbye to her, he was so cruel, how could he probably do that!!. She continued...

"The truth is Valerie, I never really lost my memories. I am sorry that I had lied to you all this while we were together. I hope you will find a place in your heart to forgive me, I meant no harm.

I was planning on leaving later but I noticed that my present was not wanted, I noticed that it was getting in the way of your friendship with Brina.

I want you to  know that the week's I spent with you were the most special part of my life, they shall  forever be buried in my heart because you have showed me another meaning of life.

You saved my life, I shall be forever grateful to you, I promise to repay you if we ever meet again in the future but, I hope we never meet again because I do not know how to face you, I am ashamed of what I had done. If you are wondering who I really am, my name is Sir Seth, a Knight of Dawnton, who was almost killed in a battle but was saved by an angel sent from the high heavens. Thank you my lady, for everything you have done for me and I wish you happiness, you deserve that. Goodbye, Emil"

She finished reading, the paper slipped out of her hold and fell perfectly on the wooden floor. Slowly, she took baby steps, soon she was out of the house in full speed, climbing down the tree in a rush. She ran into the dry Forrest calling out his name but, was only met with the crippling sound of the birds. Minutes later, she finally tripped, falling on her face, a sob escaped her mouth as she slowly sat up right.

Why was she even crying?. She has asked herself as tears freely fall from her face, soaking the dry ground. It wasn't like he had died, he had only gone back home, to the place he belonged. He was going to leave sooner or later but why did it hurt so much. Why did he leave without facing her?.

She get it, he was afraid of her reaction but, she wasn't really going to do anything to him, yes she was hurt by what he did but, she still cared for him. It was all Brina's fault, everything was her fault, she had successfully chased away the only man she had ever felt something for. Why was Brina so cruel, all her life, she had done everything in her power to make Brina happy and content but why Emil. Could it be that she wanted Emil too?. Shaking her head, she slowly stood up and wiped her tears with the back of her palm.

It was for the best, him leaving did more good than harm, Valerie only hoped that Brina would stop her childish behavior. She turned and walked back to the tree house. Meeting Emil was an experience she never wanted to forget.

She finally got back to the house to find Brina awake, paying no attention to her, Valerie started packing her stuffs.

"What is going on, where is Se..I mean Emil?" Brina asked.

Valerie stopped what she was doing as she turned to Brina. " How did you that his real name is Seth?" She asked her suspiciously.

Brina sighed. " He told me. Where is he?"

"He had left and now it's our turn. We return to the village and put all of these behind us" she continued packing.

Brina did not protest as she followed Valerie and packed their stuffs.

Without turning back, they left the tree house, leaving everything behind.