
We Found Us

"Ha, ha, ha" ; the laughters of the kings rang across the room as they watched as their queens became in with two babies in their arms. "What should we name them my Lord's" The first queen asked as she smiled brightly. "He shall be Called Lannis" "She shall be called Melina" The kings laughed again, this time the queens joined along with them. "This is a union between two great kingdoms that can not be avoided" The first king started. "yes , you are right my good friend. it cannot be avoided" The second king relied. *~* It was match made in heaven, they were betrothed since birth but something went wrong and the little princess went missing from the surface of the earth with no trace. Is she dead? will she be found? What trial do our lover's have to face just to be together? were they meant to be?. But don't forget our little prince Lannis. What happened to him?. Find out in "Meant To Be" I know the summary sucks but the content is better.

FantasyWriter7 · Fantasy
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16 Chs

12; How it All Started

He got back to the tree house to find Valerie making potions. He saw how determined she was, he sighed as he realized that she wanted to leave as well.

But, that got her attention as she turned to him and she smiled widely, he couldn't help but wonder how on Earth anyone could hate her, she was the true definition of perfection. Flawless.

"I think I have found the cure, Emil" she broke the news to him, something she had conceit.

Slowly, he legs carried him to her, he couldn't believe he was gonna leave her. He was going to leave anyway but, he just wasn't ready yet.

" Are you okay?" She asked, her eyeshadow raised in confusion and worry. How on Earth could he tell her how he lied to her for weeks. He couldn't!.

"Can I hug you?" He asked out of the blue, taking her off guard.

Confused, she slowly nodded her head. If hugging him would make him feel better, then she had no problem with it, she was a healer after all, making people feel better was her main priority.

She watched him wrapped his arms around her into a hug and she couldn't help but melt into his touch as she placed her head on his shoulder with her eyes closed, feeling content. For a moment, she wonder how she was going to live without him, but she pushed that thought to the back of her mind.

When he had enough, he slowly let go of her and he smiled sadly.

"Are you okay now?" She asked unsure.

"Yes, thank you" he nodded his head at her.

She stood on her tip toe and placed a wet kiss on his cheek, he stared at her surprised while, she looked down turning into a shape of red as she immediately turned back to what she doing before he entered.

He couldn't help the smile that took over his fine figure, he turned and walked away. Valerie sighed as soon as he was out of sight, she placed her hand over her pounding chest, two kisses in a day. What was wrong with her?. Was she sick?. If she was, then she had to find a cure to this illness before it destroy her.

She turned her attention back to the table and saw a little bottle that had a potion in it. It was for the disease which she had found a long time ago. She did not tell anyone because, she wanted more time with Emil but, that won't happen anymore, she was leaving, she couldn't stand Brina's attitude any longer, it was getting out of hand. She sighed as she remembered the first time this took place, how it all started.

(Flash Back)

Ten years old Valerie came to a stop in front of a hut, she slowly dropped the little bucket of water she had carried all the way from the river not far from their little village. She gave a little toothy smile, Grandma Ola was going to be proud of her. She had came back Successfully, with a full bucket of water.

She turned and went to the back of the hut but, she immediately stopped on her little tracks as she heard voices. She quickly hid herself at the corner of the house and peed her head out and there she saw a twelve years old Brina and Grandma Ola, they seemed to be having a serious discussion, little Valerie couldn't help but listen carefully.

"She is your friend, Brina" Valerie heard the old woman say.. She frowned as she wonder who they were talking about so seriously.

"She might be my friend but, why does she have to gain the attention of everyone. Is she pretty and kind while I am not. Why does she have to be the one with everything while I get nothing" Brina whined.

Grandma Ola sighed in frustration. "Listen here child, I will not have this behavior in my home. Valerie does not have anything that you do not have, you were both found and took in by me. I tried to raised you and every other child that came into my home. Where did your jealousy come from, Brina?. " The woman frowned as she stared down at a teary Brina. " Valerie gained the attention and love because she worked hard for it. If you are really jealous of her then, why do you not find ways to amend your attitude and not become some spoiled jealous child. If you not change your ways, you will give me no choice but to kick you out of my home"

Brina gasped loudly " Grandma..."

" I do not want to hear it Brina. Try to change your ways if you still want a roof over your head"

Valerie slowly looked away with tears falling down her face, she slowly turned on her heels. She couldn't believe that Brina had said all those things about her, she had thought they were friends. It wasn't Valerie  fault that the villagers liked her more than Brina. But, Grandma Ola was going to throw Brina out of the house and it would be her fault, Brina was going to be homeless because of her and she wouldn't allow it.

Later that day, Valerie found Brina washing the dishes as punishment for whatever crime she had committed.

"Do you want me to help you?" Valerie had offered as nicely as she could. But, when Brina lifted up her head, she couldn't help but take a step back. All she could see in Brina's eyes were pure hate and that hatred was directed at her.

"Go away!" Brina stood up and pushed her away. "I don't want to be scolded because of you again"

Valerie blinked a few times before she turned and walked away as a single tear drop fell from her eyes.

A few minutes later, Valerie went back to Brina with a little basket and handed it over to Brina.

"Here" Shs stretched out the basket over to Brina nicely. But, when she saw that Brina was not going to accept it non look at her, she dropped the basket on the ground and took a few steps back. Brina looked at the basket and her eyes caught the sight of food, she quickly left what she was doing and went to for the food instead. She happily grabbed the plate of food and digged in, Valerie smiled widely and handed some water.

"Grandma gave me that as dinner but, I was not hungry. You don't have to be jealous of me anymore, Brina. Because from now on, I will share with you everything that I own and everyone will love you more than me"

(End of Flashback)

From that day on, Valerie second aim was to make sure Brina was happy so that she wouldn't feel jealous again and Grandma Ola would not throw her out and they would remain best friends. But now, Brina was back to her old ways and this time, Valerie was tired  of it because, Brina had no reason to be jealous of her this time around. This time, she won't be the one making the sacrifice.