
We Found Us

"Ha, ha, ha" ; the laughters of the kings rang across the room as they watched as their queens became in with two babies in their arms. "What should we name them my Lord's" The first queen asked as she smiled brightly. "He shall be Called Lannis" "She shall be called Melina" The kings laughed again, this time the queens joined along with them. "This is a union between two great kingdoms that can not be avoided" The first king started. "yes , you are right my good friend. it cannot be avoided" The second king relied. *~* It was match made in heaven, they were betrothed since birth but something went wrong and the little princess went missing from the surface of the earth with no trace. Is she dead? will she be found? What trial do our lover's have to face just to be together? were they meant to be?. But don't forget our little prince Lannis. What happened to him?. Find out in "Meant To Be" I know the summary sucks but the content is better.

FantasyWriter7 · Fantasy
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16 Chs

03; The Crazy Queen


She closed her blue eyes trying to adjust of the sun light coming from the window.

Her eyes fatter opened again but her vision was a complete blur, but she did not allow that to bring her down as she slowly sat up right on her old bed and when she tried to move her hand, she realized that she couldn't and slowly, she vision became clear and she realized that she was hand caffed to the bed.

She scanned the room which was dirty, everything was scattered with broken glasses, table and chairs, the curtains were blue and dirty and obviously not fitting for a queen her status but sadly she was not a queen anymore...or that was what she thought since she was locked up in a room.

"I need water!" She shouted out but soon coughed out because of how dry throat was. She couldn't remember the last time she drank water and at that moment, she needed it badly.

It was quite for a minute or two before she heard the sound of the door cracking open and she looked up to find a maid wearing a light green ankle gown made for servants only but, if she could remember correctly, it used to be blue, her favorite color but she guess, things had changed since she was no longer a queen... sadly for her.

The maid came in with a tray of jug and a glass and set it on the bed. She watched as the maid poured water in the glass and bought it up to her lips and she drank, the taste of the chill water was divine as it touched her lips and it went down her throat freely and when she had enough, the maid moved away and carry the tray and was about to leave when she suddenly dropped the tray and it went clanging to the floor and the water scattered all over the place as she bought her hands to her throat and started to choke on air.

The queen watched, as her eyes flash deep bright red and a smile appeared on her face as the maid choked and dropped on the floor.

"Mother!" She heard a deep voice called and her eyes turned back to their normal color and the maid dropped unconscious.

Her eyes turned sharply to the door and saw a young man whom she recognized as her son, who had long brown hair and grey eyes like his father. A scoff escaped her lips as she remembered how her son and husband locked her up because they thought she was crazy...well, she thought she was crazy too but they made her worse!.

"What do you want?" She asked, her voicing cracking from lack of speaking to anyone for years. "The last time I saw you, you were just a boy but look at you now, all grown up without a mother" she scoffed bitterly.

He walked deeper into the room. " It wasn't my fault mother. Not my fault that you turned out this way"

" No it wasn't" she relied sadly.

She remembered it all, the day she gave birth to the day the kingdom was attacked and she lost her little princess, to the day everyone thought she had gone crazy.

They only thought that way, because they did not understand her pain...well, she thought queen Erene understood but it was not her child that was lost.

She remembered the day she gave birth to her little angel and queen Erene gave birth to her son, it was the most happiest day for both kingdom as they blessed a happy reunion of two great kingdoms.

(Flash Back)

"Hahaha" the sound of King Ayaan's laughter filled his majestic throne room as he stood up from his throne as the door bursted opened and came in two queens dressed beautifully with golden crowns on their heads, each carrying a baby in hand wrapped in blankets and beside them was king Navin of Sansora, a great Kingdom with pride and gold.

Both kings came together and put each other in a heart warming hug while the queens watch their husbands interacted with smiles on their faces.

"Today is a great day for both our kingdoms" King Navin said as they pulled away from their hug.

"Indeed you are right my good friend" King Ayaan agreed. " A reunion that was blessed by the goddess herself" he added and the others agreed.

" What should we name them my Lords?" Queen Cynara asked.

Both kings nodded at each other as they turned to their wife's and stared down at the babies.

"My son shall be Prince Lannis of Sansora" King Navin announced loudly and he turned to king Ayaan.

" My daughter shall be Princess Melina of Fregon" He announced and both kings laughed out loudly.

"King Ayaan, you already have a son to succeed your throne, why don't your let your daughter be the queen of Sansora" Queen Erene suggested.

" Yes Ayaan, Erene is right. Your daughter will make a great queen for my son" King Navin supported.

" That way the bond and ally between the two kingdoms will never break" Queen Erene continued.

" Wise idea Erene" King Ayaan said and Erene smiled widely. "You are right, they make a great couple"

"A betrothal is in order"


She remembered it all like it was yesterday, it was a few day after the party, the kingdom was attacked by their neighboring kingdom and she lost her Princess in a catching fire that had spread across the little girl's room.

From that day, the queen lost her senses... or that was what everyone thought when her powers got out of control and she was locked up by her husband and son.

She couldn't help but wonder what they told the citizens on what had happened to their queen. She could imagine Ayaan saying that she had lost her mind because of her daughter's death. She couldn't help but scoff at the thought.

They didn't understand, no one did.

She was in pain, she had always heard her little girl's screams anytime she closed her eyes to sleep and she couldn't help but blame herself because if she had been with her that time, her Princess would have been saved and she wouldn't have been called 'The Crazy Queen'.

"Where is your father?" She finally asked.

"Father is busy with the kingdom affairs" he answered as he stared at the woman who gave birth to him and his little sister he had lost twenty years ago... It was a great lost that was remembered by all especially his mother.

"When are you going to let me out of here?" She asked him.

" Until you decide that it is time" he turned and carried the unconscious maid in a brigal style and left the room, leaving the pityful queen in her sorrow.

Queen Cyaran looked down at her hands that were bleeding and looked up at the dirty and dusty ceiling as a single tear drop fell from her left eye.

"Look at what had befallen your mother because she loved you too much. Happy birthday my Angel"


Next chapter coming up shortly because it keeps getting better, stay tone for it. Thanks for reading!