

Principal.... Since thats the case, am afraid i have to suspend you for a week. 

Lana.... Fair enough. 

Principal.... I meant you mrs Lana, so please excuse me. 

Lana.... But ma'am, please, am not at fault here.

Principal.... Leave my office this instant.

Lana left and went outside. 

Lana.... What do i do? I havent even studied for a week, now am suspended. Dad will be angry so will Dano, i cant tell them. Should i call Rio? He seems understanding, let me call him.

She called him and he answered. 

Lana.... Sorry to bother you but areyou busy now?

Rio.... Why? Is everything okay?

Lana.... Well, its complicated and I cant explain on the phone.

Rio.... Okay, but am still busy so please wait for me atleast like for thirty minutes, i will be there. 

Lana.... Okay, let me wait for awhile. 

Lana waited for him but it was an hour already. 

Lana.... Am sure his busy, let me walk, i will get a taxi.

She started walking but the people who beat up Sara were following her, she noticed. 

Lana.... (Why are they following me again? In this broad daylight? Did i wrong them somehow? Am... scared.)

She pulled out her phone and called Felixo but he didnt answer. 

Lana..... (Come on dad, am so dead today. I should hurry and reach the public. Why did i even use this route where people dont walk at?)

That very moment, Rio called her, she answered immediately and started whispering. 

Lana.... Thank God Rio. 

Rio.... Why are you whispering? where are you now?

Lana.... There is this small route i took but some strange people are following me.... am scared. 

Rio.... Dont freak out, am no my way. 

Lana.... Please hurry, they are kinda fast. 

He hanged up, in not more than five minutes, his car arrived and the people who were following her took off on seeing him, Lana ran and hugged him while shaking.

Rio..... Its okay, dont be scared. I dont see anyone, maybe they took off when i came. 

Lana.... My heart is still in fear... they hurt Sara at school... and... and... i was scared that am their next target. 

Rio.... Enter the car, lets go and talk peacefully elsewhere. 

He drove the car and took her to his place. 

Rio.... Dont be shy, come inside. 

Lana.... Is this your place?

Rio.... Ofcourse it is, feel at home. 

His place was luxurious, he served Lana some juice and snacks and sat down with her. 

Rio.... Lana, i know that your scared, but look at me. 

Lana.... What if those people.... follow me again when am going home and harm me?

Rio.... Listen to me, they wont ever hurt you and they wont follow you again. 

Lana..... How sure are you? I should tell dad about this since his a cop.

Rio.... I give you my word so give me your trust, okay? No need to worry the poor old guy. So, what did you want to tell me earlier on the phone.

Lana..... Ummm... well, the thing is.... 

Rio.... Like i said, dont be shy with me. 

Lana.... Those people beat up Sara at school when she and Orga wanted to harm me, i dont how and why but everything happened so suddenly, now am suspended for a week. Am afraid to tell dad and Dano because its my first week at school.

Rio.... I see, let me make a call now, stay there.

Lana.... To Dano?

Rio.... No.

He made a call privately, in a few seconds, Lana recieved a call, she answered. 

Principal.... Mrs Lana, its me principal Dora. 

Lana.... Mrs principal?

Principal.... You can come to school tomorrow, i've cancelled the suspension and sorry for the misunderstanding.

Lana.... For real? Tha... thank you mrs.

The call ended, Rio was standing looking at her. 

Rio.... Happy now?

Lana.... So... your the one who talked to her?

Rio.... Seeing how scared and worried you were, i had to do something. If your ever in trouble, just call or come here.

Lana.... Are you...

Rio.... Iam, she is my relative so, worry not.

Lana.... I really dont know how to thank you Rio. 

Rio.... Its okay, just be good to yourself and to me too.

Lana.... Thanks again. 

Rio.... Let me cook for you something before i drop you home. 

Lana.... Thanks. (Now not falling for him harder has proved to be difficult than i thought. His hot yet he cares about me.)

He made for her something to eat and they ate together, after, he took her home and he left. Felixo was there.

Lana.... Hi dad, why are you back early today?

Felixo.... You called me ten times so i had to rush back to check on you, is something wrong?

Lana.... No dad, guess i missed you a little extra today since you spend most of your time at work. 

Felixo.... Look at you being a baby, come here dear. 

They hugged and later, they took a stroll around the city holding hands talking about different things happily. The next day, she went back to school and continued studying as she had to but she wasnt social at all so she had no friends, but she was highly respected by everyone.

Lana.... (Why do these people respect me this much? They even give me free stuffs as if am an executive. Maybe they think i belong to a wealthy family. I wonder what Rio is doing, we havent been in touch for days now and i miss him, i wanna see him so bad.)