

Rio..... Let me cut to the chase, am here to bring you your phone. Dano gave it to me since i was coming this way, here you go.

Lana.... Thanks. 

As he was standing to leave, he saw the necklace Lana took from him the day he saved her. 

Rio.... So you are the one who took it? Thats better, you will be safe then, ot was yours to begin with anyway. 

Lana.... What are you talking about?

Rio.... I should get going, later. 

He left. 

Lana.... (Wow! How could he sit so close to me with that sweet classic scent? Am lost for words, now am going to spend another day thinking about his smile, his eyes, his everything.)

Lessons ended and she stood outside waiting for Dano to pick her up, a luxurious car parked infront of her, Rio came out from it. 

Lana.... Rio?

Rio.... Hop in, lets go. 

Lana.... I dont get it. 

Rio.... Dano sent me to pick you up because he got a part time job and he went to work, so, am here to pick you up.

Lana.... Oh, he mentioned that to me. 

Rio.... Lets go now. 

A group of girls was staring at them. 

Orga.... So this new bitch is his girlfriend?

Sara.... Am not sure. 

Orga.... Its obvious, yet he said that his not into younger girls. 

Sara.... Worry not, we will scare her away tomorrow. 

Rio drove and they arrived at a restaurant. 

Lana.... Why are we here?

Rio.... Arent you starving? Lets go and eat something, my treat.

Lana.... Ok... okay thanks. 

He moved close to her and untied her seatbelt, Lana looked away shyly because he was so close to her face. 

Rio.... Hahaha, dont be shy, i wasnt going to kiss you. Your so young and innocent. 

Lana.... Le... lets... go inside. 

They entered the restaurant and sat down but Lana was still shy and dared not look at his face.

Rio.... Lets order. 

Waitress.... If its not the handsome Rio. 

Rio.... You got it princess, serve us the best dish. 

Waitress..... On it, who is she?

Rio.... She is my little sister, Lana. 

Waitress.... Nice to meet you... 

Lana.... Excuse me, i need to use the washroom.

She went to the washroom but was jelous. 

Lana.... "If its not the handsome Rio.... you got it princess" They talk as if its a big deal, his so flirty! Am sure his a player, no hot guy like him wouldnt be. Am so dumb to even think about him, ugh!

She went back to eat, the food was already served. 

Rio.... Are you okay?

Lana.... Is that.... your girlfriend?

Rio.... Thats random. 

Lana.... (Why did i ask him that? I've completely lost it.) Forget it, lets just eat.

Rio.... She is just a friend, i have many friends and am a regular here, i dont do girlfriends. 

Lana.... So, your single?

Rio.... Yes iam, why? Do you like me or do you want to set me up with someone?

Lana.... What? No.. no... its. it's not anything as such, lets just eat.

They ate and he drove her home.

Rio....See you. 

Lana.... Wait... are you going to pick me up everyday?

Rio.... If you dont mind. 

Lana.... Ofcourse, i dont mind at all. 

Rio.... Anyway, call me if you need anything because i saved my number in your phone. 

Lana.... You did? Okay, i will call if necessary, thanks.

He drove away and Lana went inside in her room, she laid down on her bed. 

Lana.... His sweet and kind, his making me fall for him more. Let me check his instagram.

She looked up for him on instagram and got his account, she looked through his post and saved his photos in her phone, she kept looking at them. 

Dano....Lana, are you there?

Lana.... Come in please. 

Dano. ... Am working so i couldnt pick you up, am sorry. 

Lana.... Its okay, Rio was good to me. 

Dano.... Am glad, just please stick with him because am gonna be busy from now on.

Lana.... Its okay, i understand. So, how did school go?

Dano.... It went well, you?

Lana.... No comment. 

Dano.... If anything happens, just talk to me, i will always be here for you. 

Lana.... Thanks Dano, love you too. Lets prepare dinner before dad comes back. 

The next day, her dad drove her to school but a car was following them, Felixo dropped her off and left but she was followed, she noticed. 

Lana.... (Arent those people whose car was following us? So they are following me? But why? Its not like i have any money.)

Sara.... Lets have a word new girl. 

She was suddenly sorrounded by Sara and Orga, they grabbed her by the hand took her behind a classroom.

Lana.... Who are you and what do you want from me?

Orga.... Whats your relationship with Rio?

Lana.... Rio? Why do you ask?

Sara.... Oh geez! She is annoying as expected.

Orga rose her hand to hit her but was stopped by a man who was following Lana, they sorrounded them. 

Lana.... Yo... you.... 

Sara.... Who are you people?

Orga.... Let go of my hand. 

Man.... Dont you dare hurt her unless you dont want your arm anymore. 

Sara pulled Lana's hair and she screamed, the two women who were following Lana hit her until she bled.

Lana.... Oh my god, you... you killed her.

Without saying a word, they walked away. 

Orga.... You called them to hurt her.... you monster. 

Sara was rushed to the hospital and Lana was summoned by the principal with Orga. 

Orga.... It was her doing, she called her goons to hurt us. 

Lana.... Mrs, i swear i really dont know them and why they hit Sara, am really innocent. 

Orga.... She is lying. 

Lana.... You guys are the one who wanted to hurt me in the first place. 

Principal.... Enough