
Chapter 5

Camila Saez

I looked at my cell phone every moment, alertly waiting for a message from Leonardo to arrive, that man had gotten into my head in an amazing way that I never imagined could happen, and that is that from a moment we became complete strangers to knowing each other more than our own families.

Don't worry, Camila, I'm sure it's nothing, he must have gotten to college, he'll talk to you when he can. She – she told me over and over again to see if I believed it and to put an end to that fear that she would suddenly stop talking to me.

Damn fear that doesn't let me think things through, I think there have been hundreds of times that Leonardo has told me how beautiful I am, but I still don't believe it, not to mention that he has never seen me in person and that makes me doubt of the sincerity with which he says it.

"Hello". She – she had written. – “I was a bit busy with college projects, but I am out of it. You have the rest of your vacation all to yourself.” – She added, I smiled at what she had said, I didn't want to take those last words too seriously, I didn't want to be the one who imagined things that weren't.

"Hello, I already missed you." – I mentioned her, but she was immediately sorry for the last words she had said, she didn't know how she would react to what she had said, but she hoped she would do it in a good way.

"I missed you too." – She replied by attaching a heart emoji. I smiled for not being stupid of the year. -“But now I can talk to you and you have me all to yourself, unless my father makes me work in his companies”. – She added.

“Um. But I don't think he always does." – I wrote, the truth was I thought about my days without talking to Leonardo and they would literally become very long.

"Don't worry, I would find a way to talk to you." – She answered. The idea of emotionally depending on that man scared me, but I couldn't deny that his words and the way he makes me feel has done me too much good.

“You are the best, Leonard”. – I replied smiling at the screen, how can I think of something different, if he always did that, he was looking for any possible way to see me smile, and a person like me, with all my insecurities, appreciates those gestures, which are often few, because nobody notices Realize what we really feel.

"And you the most beautiful." – She mentioned, she wasn't here, looking at me, but it was as if she had told me that looking me in the eye, my cheeks turned red like a tomato.

"If you say so". – I replied smiling, my cheeks burning with embarrassment.

Two months later.

I was going to see Leonardo, it turns out that the university that had accepted me was the same one he was attending, Coincidences of life? No? I couldn't help putting on that stupid smile every time I thought of him, it was as if my whole body revealed reality, I liked Leonardo... I really liked him.

I got off the bus, I looked around, I had never been to this place, all this was totally new to me, I knew Leonardo, many times I had seen him on video calls, but he was not here and my mind began to play with me, like he always did. What if he repented? What if it doesn't come? Could it be that it was the way he meant that he wanted our relationship to end? I did not know, I did not know it.

_ Hello. – I heard that voice behind me, I looked in the direction in which he was speaking to me, his tone was completely masculine, my body froze, I tried to answer, but my voice didn't come out of my mouth either, I smiled shyly thinking what he did would solve my situation .

_ H-hello. – I tried to say how best it would come out, which caused me embarrassment, which in turn caused my cheeks to redden. He smiled and got closer, I didn't know what he wanted to do, what if he wants to kiss me?

_ Let's go to my house, it's very hot here, the sun is burning. – He mentioned after kissing my cheek, an act that caused me to almost melt, I didn't know what was happening to me, I prepared myself mentally for this meeting many times since we planned it, but nothing compared to reality.

_ Okay, but won't your parents bother? – I asked afraid of the answer, she is the only person I know in this city, besides she couldn't return me yet, I told my parents that I was coming to a university call to meet her and things of that nature, although it wasn't all false, Well, if he would know the place where he would study.

_ Relax, I'll take care of that. – She mentioned, I didn't know what that meant, but well, I trusted him, if he didn't I would never have come to this place, I wanted to think about a lot of things, but I don't know if I wanted to get my hopes up, or if I was ready for another failure.

Adrián has been distant since I told him that I would come to this place, I guess the part that bothered him was when I told him that a boy would teach me the university, but we had made it clear that our relationship was just friends, almost like brothers and that I wasn't going to change.

_ What are you thinking about? – He asked. - You don't like the company? – He mentioned again, obviously it wasn't the last thing.

_ I like it very much. I was just thinking about how huge this city is, plus I don't even know where to find myself. – I commented, obviously lying.

_ You have me to guide you, I will be your compass, at least during this year. – He mentioned smiling and taking my hand, why does he do it! My heart began to beat strongly as a result of the nervousness I felt and my hands, as usual, began to sweat, ruining the moment.

_ Thanks. – I said trying to remove my hand so it wouldn't get too wet, but he didn't want to. You will be stubborn! Your hand will be worse than wet paper! – Leonardo, is there a long way to go? - I asked trying to avoid the subject, I wanted to find some way to remove my hand, my whole body was sweaty, apart from the fact that my cheeks were still red.

_ Just a few more minutes. – He mentioned. Some cars stopped and he had to remove his hand to pass the vehicle's gear and be able to stop without something happening to him, Thank God! I dried my hands, tried not to let him notice, but come on, obviously he did. - We arrived. – He added when he took a turn who knows what street, he hadn't even paid attention.

_ Um, I think I'm more nervous than before. – I revealed causing my body to become inert again, why did these things happen to me! He smiled and got out of the car, walked around to where I was and opened it, I thought these things only happen in movies, but I'm wrong.

_ Calm down, nothing will happen, my mother has been waiting for us, she knows about us. - He mentioned, for a moment the word "we" sounded in my head as if it were something much more than friends, but then reality hit my mind, he and I are just friends.

_ I understand. – I answered trying to control what I myself had provoked.

We entered the house, his mother welcomed us right away, she didn't know if they were going to like my presence, after all they had never seen me before, which can cause mistrust to anyone.

_ Hello dear. – Leonardo's mother mentioned. - My name is Martha. – She mentioned. I smiled and nodded.

_ Good afternoon, Mrs. Martha. – I answered, she smiled and then Leonardo took my hand again.

_ What manners. – He mentioned again. – No one had told me, ma'am, I suppose that around here everyone believes they have enough power that they have already lost the most important thing, respect. She - she added, she didn't know what that meant.

_ Yes, mother. Camila is a special woman. – Mentioned Leonardo, I guess they understood each other. The mother suddenly laughed out loud.

_ Of course it is, to get my son out of the miserable life he led, one must be more than special. By the way, thanks for that, dear, I owe you too much. – Mentioned the woman, she did not understand what she was referring to.

_ Thank you, ma'am, but I don't know what she means by that. - I said being as sincere as possible. I wanted to understand what was going on here, but I didn't want to make anyone uncomfortable.

_ Before he met you he used to go out every night, there were times when he wasn't home because he was with his friends from party to party, and the worst thing is that he went from bed to bed with different women, but you came along and that changed. – She mentioned, I was perplexed, I had no idea of that life of Leonardo.

_ He had never told me anything about that. – I said looking at Leo, many times I had thought of telling him that way, but I've never done it.

_ It was one of my secrets, but my mother has revealed it to you. – Mentioned the boy who didn't take his eyes off me.