
Chapter 4

Months later

Leonard Alvarez

It's been a while since I've talked to Camila, and at this point I didn't know how to describe our relationship, I mean, we've never seen each other, but it's been, weeks? So that we can meet for the first time in college, and I really had no intention of sharing the details of that meeting with my friends.

I don't know what was happening to me, I couldn't go to bed with another woman because she is constantly in my thoughts, I don't know if it's because we talk almost all day, from dawn until late at night and I don't know if It's actually good, but I like to do it, she always finds a different way to make me laugh, she's a unique girl.

_ Leonard. – I heard my father's authoritative voice, who knows what he wants now, surely my brother refused to help him, and I wish I could do the same, but he didn't have the strength to do it.

_ Dad. - I answered by approaching his office, where he was. He looked at me with a smile on his face, I didn't know what that gesture meant, but I answered in the same way. - You needed me? – I asked while he checked the phone, it had vibrated and I hoped it was Camila.

_ Are you busy with something? – He asked, I looked at him and put the phone away. – I think you're hiding something, Leonardo. – He mentioned again. He raised an eyebrow, but he was hesitant to tell him about Camila, I think it was a bit hasty to mention her, after all we don't know each other, and I'm sure he'll want to know everything about her, her family, her studies, her account statement, everything it matters to him.

_ I was only aware of one of the university projects. - I answered doubtful of my answer, he looked at me doubting a little, but then he smiled, I think he had fallen for my answer.

_ Your brother is insolent, can you believe that he has told me that he will not work in my companies? How tired of my mistreatment! As if I were to blame for not giving him all. – He mentioned. He knew that everything my brother said was true, our father was a strict man and most of the time impotent, everything seems wrong to him if he does not do as he asks.

_ What will you do? - I asked for. She didn't know what else he could say or do.

_ Let him find his way, you will see that he will not achieve it and he will come back crying to me to admit it again, for now, only you will be in charge of working in my companies once I die. – He mentioned as if there was little time left for that. – Now, I want to know if you have already thought about what I told you last time. – He added.

What had he told me the last time? Well, he thinks that I need a "good woman" by my side, I know, it doesn't go with my lifestyle, but that would offer me more character and in the long run I would end up getting used to it and falling in love with her, as he said, but I wasn't sure that would be the case.

_ Yes, I've thought about it, but I'm still young to commit to that, I'll try, but I don't promise anything. - I replied.

_ Okay, I'll introduce you to a girl, she is the daughter of one of my partners, I hope they get along. - He said hitting me lightly with his elbow, I didn't understand why he liked to keep control of everything.

_ If she is Ana, you will waste your time, she does not want to see me even in photos. – I mentioned smiling, I didn't want to be forced into this, besides, if I thought about getting involved with someone it was with Camila, even if it was a simple agreement between the two of us, but that my father would surely never allow, since she was a class girl society inferior to ours.

_ I'll think something. - He mentioned smiling, he knew very well the scope of her and sure that very soon Ana would be here in the house ready to try something with me again.

I left the room and went to mine, I wanted to lock myself in and talk to Camila, surely she would have some words of encouragement for me, as she always did. I replied to the message I had left a few minutes ago.

"Hello, how did you wake up?" – she wrote, I smiled and remembered the night before, for the first time, although I no longer had hopes for it, we made a video call in which we kept talking for a long time, I heard murmurs from some people and then her cheeks turned red, I was using a shirt that showed a part of her breasts, detail every inch that she let me appreciate.

"Hello, fine and you, how did you wake up?" – I asked smiling at the screen, I even dreamed of that moment, touching that skin that seemed so soft to me, I would definitely have been dreaming of her.

"Alright too, thanks." – She mentioned. – “Will you have to go to college?” - He asked again, unfortunately I had to do it, I had some pending exams, so it would be much better if I finished it once and for all.

“Yes, I will finish some pending projects and I will return to the house. Don't worry, I'll keep talking to you and I'll let you know how things are going for me”. – I answered, I knew that maybe he would feel sad about it, but it is what it is. I wonder, what did she do to keep me like this? She had never worried me so much about someone, is it because she has suffered a lot during her life? She had no idea, but she scared me.

"OK, take care". – She mentioned attaching a smiley face. “Let me know if she interrupts at any point.” – She added.

"You will never be a problem for me, but I will let you know of anything." – I mentioned her. – “Remember one thing, do you want to?”. - She added.

"What thing?". – She asked.

"You are beautiful, too beautiful." – I replied by attaching a love face and a couple of hearts. She had never done this kind of thing and now she was, I felt a bit cheesy, if you could describe it that way.

"Enough! You'll make me believe it." – she mentioned. I couldn't believe that she actually told me that, it was as if she was doubting herself and obviously she wasn't going to allow it, because for me, she really was beautiful.

"I'm just saying what my eyes see, you are unique." – I wrote smiling at the screen as in the beginning. I couldn't even control what she provoked in me, being alone wouldn't be a problem, but if someone found out about this it would be the end of me, my ruin in front of my friends.

"You're a liar". – She mentioned, I left the conversation there, because Esteban came looking for me, I guess he would take advantage of the occasion to talk about how well he has done at the university, he does anything to get on my father's radar, although the latter, many times he has ignored it.

_ Hello. - I greeted going down the stairs, Esteban, as I imagined, was already in conversations with my father, I just hope he doesn't think of talking about his many conquests, and less about mine.

_ Friend! - She said raising her voice, she had never called me that, she supposed she had something in her hands. - Shall we go now? – She asked, I nodded and then we left the house together, I checked my phone. - Who are you talking to? – Esteban asked, I couldn't answer Camila's message.

_ With no one, why do you ask? – I asked leaving my phone in my pocket, you'll have to wait for me Camila, I thought.

_ You were smiling while looking at the mobile, besides, lately you're only looking at that device. – replied my friend smiling. – It will not be that things are going better than you thought with that conquest of yours. – He mentioned in a libidinous tone that he didn't sit well with me at all.