
Chapter 14

Camila Saez

I felt bad about what happened, but I can't deny that I would feel even worse if I was away from Leonardo, anyway, it's not like he cheated on me, they met before he met me, but well, the fact That woman denigrated me in that way was what hurt me.

_ What are you thinking, love? – Asked Leonardo as he ran his fingertips over my bare skin, which made my whole body stand on end.

_ Do not worry, love. - I replied. I think it was the first time we called each other that way and I liked that he had been the first.

_ I love you Camila. - He mentioned bringing his face closer to mine, I stared hypnotized at the corner of his lips, they were perfect, what's more, I envied them.

_ You know I love you too. - I mentioned smiling and bringing my lips closer to his, he smiled and began to avoid me, I was sure it was one of his tactics to make me desperate for his kisses, but I wouldn't succeed.