
Chapter 13

leonardo alvarez

I could see his eyes full of tears pass by my side, he was sure that his soul was turned into a thousand pieces, he understood why and he also knew who had caused it, Luciano, my father. Although she could not attribute all the blame to him, I was the man she was looking for, it was Ana.

_ What are you doing here? – I asked angrily, without a doubt, the last time we saw each other, everything related to “ours” had become clear.

_ Your father told me that you needed me urgently, as soon as I arrived from the airport I came straight here. – He replied.

_ Well, he's played a trick on you, that wasn't true. - answer back. – As you can see I am in good company, that woman with whom you mopped the floor, she is my wife. – I mentioned.

_ No jokes, Leonard. You and I know that you can't stay alone with a girl, I understood it and that's why I came back, I don't care if you're with others as long as I'm the first in your life. - she said. I smiled reluctantly.